Bond Robin Digest Channel
Bookmark this page and come back often for new videos. This page will be used exclusively to post my "condensed" videos for those with limited time. Each one of these videos is a version of a previous video, edited for time. They tend to be about 2/3rds the size of the original. 001 Wesley, Marx and Mohammed A condensed version of 0024 How Blinding is Your Worldview Volume One. It is quite amazing the examples that have arrived showing the handicap of a faulty or narrow worldview. Ignorance of history, ignorance of the places in the world, the geographical barriers, the cultural barriers makes one a blank slate for the "programmers," i.e., the Behaviorist Conditioners to write any story they choose upon the very tables of your heart, make you love and hate at will and cause you to accept the most ridiculous but coordinated lies one would imagine. I recently quoted Saint John Chrysostom in one of my videos, about people who don't have a clue of the nature of b...