0005 Globalism as the struggle of Mafia type "famlies."


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(Que the movie imagination.)

the sound of violins as the film fades in to a scene in an italian restaurant.
A large friendly-looking man is sitting at a table and with every bite of his favorite, pollo al fungi.. we are shown flashbacks of a brutal killing or beating or extortion done in his name.
He is a mafia boss, but to the local people, he is the man who makes things happen. A job for someone's son, help with legal troubles.
He's got the sheriff in his back pocket thanks to some unfortunate pictures of him with a woman not exactly his wife. Same or worse with the local politicians.
But now a new man of justice is rattling his cage. To avoid outright war, the mafia boss sends interference his way. First it's false claims of the very crimes the boss exceeds in. Then it's racism, sexism, etc. etc.
The man keeps coming nonetheless. He is a master at his game. He knows the how and the why of these attacks as well as anyone.
He doesn't need anyone else's money.. he's made a way for himself.
More than this.. he's had a good life and he's not afraid of death. He knows where he is going. This makes him extremely dangerous.
So the war begins.
First the soldiers committing and faking crimes which the media and people will believe are the direct result of said racist statements etc. etc. Political munchausen syndrome for sympathy and immunity. The gays will be taken away.. we must wear pins to show that we will hide them in our attic from brand new Nazis under every rock.
Then, after all that gets exposed.. comes a plague from very suspicious sector. A place most often involved with the money flow for our mafia Don. A sworn enemy of the land and it's people. Then come the riots. A man of color is harmed by police and immediately.. Staged rallies and very angry young folk decide the best way to end violence.. is through violence to people and property alike. Tons of bystanders in their cars doing nothing more than honking as three men beat a woman with a two by four.
The man of law loses his re-elec-tion in the middle of the night, after leading by a large margin all the previous day. Fraud is obvious the reason for this season. The desperation has reached a zenith and the mafia boss seems to want to go out with a fight. But ultimately, despite the possibility of active agents of another corrupt nation coming into play for this boss and his minions.. many of whom are entrenched into our various agencies.. he is still a small time mafia outfit. They thought those stolen FBI files and other kompromat would ensure power forever. Then an upshot in their ranks found a new way to collect dirt via the internet, phone etc. Now he has taken power. It is he who wishes to play the puppet master next.
So the war will ensue. If history is our guide, the white hats will win. Unless enough of them have been turned inside out, hiding the darkness.
In other nations, we have seen thugs steal the highest seats of power. Stalin, Mao, Pot, etc etc.
I don't see the Americans allowing the same here. Sure, it won't be easy.. but ease is not the object of life. Too much ease.. leads to dis-ease in fact.  - written by John Parziale

You don't want to miss the video below, a conversation between Jay Dyer of Jay's Analysis and Richard Grove of Tragedy and Hope Channel.

This best overview of the Elite's control mechanisms, patterns of control and goals over the last 120 years and a very interesting assessment of the present WAR, part of the latter of which I disagree. 

I didn't hear a single lie in the entire two plus hours of the conversation until the last three minutes where they acknowledge President Donald Trump's defeat.

Great Reset, Inclusive Capitalism, The Vatican & Klaus Schwab

In my analysis, there assessment of the Elite's present state lacked proper credit to the Chinese Communist Party's present power and what I see as a power struggle between the NEW New World Economic Forum of Beijing and the Old or Original World Economic Forum of Davos.  Some may and do argue as do Richard and Jay that they are basically two lungs of the same organism. 

Both Richard and Jay believe that the Chinese Communist Party is just a weapon of the Old Money Powers, the Anglo-American Globalist AXIS (or Empire - the Ghost of the Old British Empire), as it were.  I am not convinced that the Chinese Communists see themselves that way or if they are willing to play that roll of the New World Police replacing the U.S., subservient to Westerners. In this I think the OLD New World Order Oligarchs grossly miscalculated.

They were not specific but seemed to indicate that because the Anglo-American OLD New World Order System created the Chinese Communist Regime, financed it and grew it, literally creating the CCP and modern China, that the OLD New world Order System can pull their kill switch. No one can pull the Chinese kill switch, and only a Strong Trump-America can reverse their new found domination.

We just discovered that after kicking out over 2000 Chinese military connected agents in the U.S. in 2020, most since last Summer, that, according to the leaked list of Communist Party Members/Agents functioning in the world (released Saturday December 12th 2020)  that over 52,000 of them, literal 52,000 Spy Cell Operations are present and functioning inside our borders, so-called "influence operations" that can go tactical with sabotage in an insurgence, embedded in State and Local Governments, Corporations, Colleges and Universities and that major institutions including vital research institutes had been for decades hiding their financial ties to the CCP front groups, receiving from them billions of dollars all toll and that further on a scale of population size the infiltration is worse in Great Britain and Australia. 

By comparison at the height of the Soviet Era, the Soviets were running a few thousand American Communist Traitors and hundreds of foreign born KGB agents passing as Americans.  The visible American Communist Party was mostly theatre, vis a vis the Cold War power struggle with the Communist Russians-Soviets. There real success was an ideological shifts created by infiltration and propaganda, infiltrating the Roman Catholic Church and Colleges and Universities, which they were not able to exploit, which operations were taken over by the Chinese Communist in 1991.  The huge difference between the Chinese and the Soviets, is that the Soviet Union from its first day to its last was a Welfare State of the New World Order, totally dependent on Western Banks.  They never had a prayer of competing financially with the West.  It is very different with the Chinese Communist Party. 

The Chinese Communist Party and the Present Election Crisis.

Who funneled Billions of Dollars to the Biden Crime Family.

Understand, only tens of millions were directly to the Biden Crime Family members but Billions of dollars were made available for the start-up of investment entities with the Biden Crime Family owning a substantial stake, 17% in the largest one.  I played in a recent video where Hunter Biden was bragging about his partnership with "the richest man in the world, the former head of Chinese State Security" (or intelligence apparatus); a partnership "to build the largest Liquid Natural Gas port on the planet."  He reported that Mr. Ho had disappeared!

Is he still missing?
Is he in hiding?
Has he been killed by Special Operations loyal to Trump?
The story was, last I paid any attention that he was in the hands of the Chinese Communist Party, after serving hard time in the U.S, having fallen out of favor with Chairman Xi Jinping. 

Now let us reason together:
When you have the
(1) Vice-President's son and the Vice-President himself - when he was serving under Obama, taking Billions of Dollars in investment funds, plus direct payments in the many millions to the Biden Crime Family directly,
(2) 2000 Chinese Military Operatives working undercover in the U.S. under the Command and Control of the CCP Spy-Nest Center in Houston, Texas,
(3) a virus released by Beijing as a biological weapon with the cooperation of the World Health Organization and the CDC and the National Institute of Health that through the Gates of Hell Foundation who controls the head of the Infectious Di seas division of the NIH, creating the chaos for our recent election process,
(4) the Houston Chinese Communist Party Command and Control Nest create with the cooperation of domestic Marxists, violence in the streets and an attempted takeover of the White House itself - nothing about this has any kinship with the situation with the Old Soviet Union and the Cold War.

The Amistad Project Report, reported just yesterday, showing that just one Deep State operative, Mark Zuckerberg funneled more than half a billion dollars to state and local governments to subvert the election process, under the guise of "Covid Relief."  Not to mention that he provided more that 100 million dollars more than did the Federal Government, which Federal Funds would have been sufficient. In this we are supposed to believe that Zuckerberg acted out of "civic-charity"; you can't call it "civic-responsibility" since he held no responsibility for the Election Process, and has only tampered with it through his social media platforms and direct action setting the stage for the election chaos.

Mark Zuckerberg's Dark Money destruction of the 2020 Presidential Election process:

Using just good ole, redneck common sense, we have a Presidential Candidate (Beijing Biden) totally in the control of the Communist Chinese Party,
(1) benefiting from an Oligarch (Zuckerberg) who spend over HALF A BILLIONS DOLLARS to control the voting processes all over the country and intensely in key states. 
(2) We have the Governor of Georgia pow-wowing with the Chinese Communist Party Consul at the CCP Consulate (the command and control center in Houston) who twelve days later spends 100 million dollars of state money for a DOWN-PAYMENT on the Dominion Voting system, the system Zuckerberg's contracts DEMAND,
(3) and Sixteen Days after the FAKE Election on November the 3rd, you have Mike Bloomberg host the NEW World Economic Forum with his Chinese Communist buddies in Beijing and all the old Globalists are there, including Henry Kissinger, Hank Paulson, Janet Yellen, the head of the World Health Organization etc., etc., etc.

Unless you have lost all common sense, this exposes what the Chinese have styled "Unrestricted Warfare."  It is a War, and not a mere mob operation.  As insightful as John Parziale's opening movie scene was, it missed the point by a mile.

What I am seeing rather than coordination between the old world Globalists and the Chinese Communist Party is a split in the Global Structure, with some backing away from China and some rushing to China.  It can't even be delineated as a struggle between the OLD New World Order/Globalists of Devos vs the NEW New World Order in Beijing, though Angela Merkel did state upon Trump's election that "now Beijing is the new headquarters of Globalism and Chairman Xi Jinping is the new leader of Globalism." 

The dividing line literally rips through American Politics with the people voting for NEITHER; it literally rips through British Politics with the people voting for NEITHER as evidenced in the Brexit vote;  it literally rips through Australia with the State of Victory becoming New China-Down Under, New Zealand is conquered.
Who is the grand beneficiary of all this division? It better be the people, but at the moment it is China.  If the Election Result remain as the CIA/Deep State Propaganda Media states, America, Britain, and Australia are toast.  In this context whatever the Great Reset actually is, is a fog to me.  Would a presumptive Biden take his billions and turn on China?  Can't picture it.  Lots of question and what the future will be I think Richard Grove stated it best, when he said, "I don't have the slightest idea what's going to happen."


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