0007 Trump Trumpeted the De Gaulle Call Will YOU Respond

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Five Minutes that SAVED FRANCE -
one Tweet that will SAVE AMERICA.

Here is President Trump's Charles de Gaulle Call.  This is very serious folks.

When the CIA tried to overthrow the President of France during the presidency of John F. Kennedy (who did not know of the CIA operation) Charles de Gaulle called the people of France to come and defend him.  President Donald Trump is making the same request.

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He began: "As the sole legitimate repository of republican power, I have in the last 24 hours, considered every means, I repeat every means, for the conservation of that power." He would fulfill his mandate, had already dissolved the National Assembly, and would not dismiss the prime minister, "who has earned the homage of all."

Elections would take place on the constitutional timetable, "unless there is an attempt to gag the French people and prevent the voters from voting, by the same means that the workers have been prevented from working, the teachers from teaching, and the students from studying: by intimidation, intoxication, and tyranny."

(The CIA/CCP has accomplished the same state in places in the U.S., and would have accomplished it nationwide except for the genius of President Donald Trump who Constitutionally delegated to the Governors their responsibility for their own states.  The Marxist Governors came down with COVID FISTS of IRON, the non-Marxist Governors acted with more reason.)

Charles De Gaulle effectively declared martial law and implicitly threatened the direct intervention of the army. He imputed the disorders to "totalitarian communism," with the complicity of "discredited politicians who would not ultimately have more influence than the little they deserve ... France is threatened by dictatorship. The nation will not abdicate. Freedom will triumph. Vive la France!"

That morning, 500,000 people had marched down the Champs Elysees demanding that de Gaulle resign. In the late afternoon, 750,000 marched back up the same avenue, many doubtless veterans of the earlier promenade, demanding that he remain. All the workers, students, teachers, and professors went quietly back to their occupations, without violence or extensive vandalism. Two months later the Gaullists won the greatest electoral victory in 175 years of sporadic Republican French history.

President Trump has called us to Washington, D.C. on January 6th,  Will YOU be there?


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