0009 The Decerptive Neurolinguistics of Steve Bannon


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In one of my latest videos I outlined the two ways of looking at the present struggle that are accurate and true.  The idea that (A) we have experienced an election on the one hand, and have a presumptive nominee, or
(B) we have experienced a great election theatre, one of the greatest hoaxes of all times, A and B TOGETHER is only one understanding of what has happened and what is happening and it is incomplete to the point of being a psyop. Yet, this is the language that Steve Bannon is using and cautioning that you don't look further, and "stay inside the lines" though he admits that the election has ramification for the whole world. He called it "a world election" and even admitted that it is happening in the context of the Chinese Communist Party waging an Unrestricted War on us. The latter being the demarcation line of the actual struggle.  Rex Christi rightly stated in the last Liberty's Thunder Video (Bond Robin Video 0008) "This is a global war masquerading as civil war, masquerading as pretending to be an election."  That is the 64,000 foot view and it is absolutely correct backed up by the history of the last 18 months, biological attack-worldwide pandemic, a fake trade agreement with China, an impeachment, coup attempt after coup attempt and on and on.

Hint: This is not about an election.  Steve Bannon seems to think it is; in that case we have lost and he is preparing you to accept the loss.

I watched 40 plus minutes of a Steve Bannon soliloquy on the Eric Metaxis Radio Show YouTube Channel that was so laced with neurolinguistic dog whistles it made me dizzy.  Sorting through the jungle of supposed reasonable and cautious words was the fact that he (1) Claimed that the Dominion Cheat is not forensically proved, (2) that "it would take months or even years to prove anything about that" and there was the first Neurolinguistic gem that made my ears perk up.  He said, "That is a very deep vein to mine but I'm not sure how much we can get out of it."   THINK! If there is nothing to get out of it, it isn't a deep vein, it is merely a misdirection.  But we know that it is neither an empty vein nor a misdirection. We KNOW that Zuckerberg demanded specific voting machines, a
condition to get the money, conditions attached to his half-BILLION dollars that he doled out to state and local governments.  We KNOW from the early report of the CPA from Ware County, Georgia that when the same ballots were processed, they got a very different outcome - I covered in detail in a previous video.  We also know that in Antrum County, Michigan, when the machines were tested, using the same ballots as the election ballots, that when multiple test were run, none of the post-election totals came close to the landslide for Biden on Election night, in fact the results were almost totally reversed on multiple reruns.  This is all forensic evidence about the Dominion system that ALREADY exists and unless Sidney Powell is an inveterate liar, there is a mountain of evidence against Dominion-SmartMatic. And without her word there is a mountain of sworn testimony from former employees and software people and again the Antrum exposure.  Yet, Bannon never mentioned the findings of the Amistad Project, covered in detail here in video "0004 Feit and Counterfeit Presidents - December 15th 2020).  He mentioned three of the categories of fraud, but never Peter Navaro's Report or the Amistad Projects Report or indeed any of the testimony from the, now, many hearings on the state and federal level or the evidence attached to the more than 50 present law suits.

As Bannon spun tales about the details of the "political" intrigue with the Double Crossing Republicans, he ultimately stated that they were in rebellion, yet in magical speak he thought there would be a special session of the state legislatures in Georgia, Arizona, Wisconsin, to decertify those elections bringing the Electoral College count for Biden under the 270 throwing the election to the Congress. 

We know that in peace time what he is saying about "process" would make perfect sense.  Yet, in Bannon's monologue he managed to admit that China was waging an "unrestricted War against us" and that the election chaos "might well be their work," but there wasn't enough proof to make that statement definitively. I find that incredulous, since he is willing to admit that the XI Communist Chinese Party purposely spread the Covid 19 virus to us and to Europe, but insinuated that the virus arrived via serendipity, just in time to coincide with China signing a Fake Trade agreement (not in their favor which they had no intention to keep) just in time hoping to catch Trump distracted by the Impeachment, just in time to shut down Trump Rallies, just in time to create "voting system questions in the Covid Crisis" the which the CIA/DeepState with the Democrat Party and Some Republicans answered in SPADES in the person and half a BILLION DOLLARS of money from Mark Zuckerberg, which was laundered through several innocent sounding organizations, demanding that the Cheat mechanism be put in place; un-minded drop boxes - impossible to maintain chain of custody, the opening of thousands of ghost polling places called Voting Offices, with no monitoring, vast stadiums and halls for the counting and as we have seen creating of votes, the production of standard ballots by private organizations creating massive counterfeit ballots, impossible to distinguish from the real thing, and in Georgia a Consent Decree, all together destroying the possibility of a transparent and True election.  I say to Steve Bannon, his premise is fantasy, unless you believe the Chinese have some especial tie to the Almighty and He has been working through FATE on their behalf.  Bannon called it, the Virus, a coincidence upon which the Democrats seized and used. I find that extremely fanciful to the point of being deception.

Ultimately Bannon's 40 Plus minutes of neurolinguistics had only a few messages:

(1) The Republicans have to act quickly to protect Trump and there was little hope of them acting, if only some of them would.
(2) The election will not be settled in the courts (and this is a whole-nuther rabbit hole, as to why the Judiciary is taking a pass, when they certainly need not. Could it be Chinese Communist Blackmail and Intimidation? There are reports coming out of Hong Kong and Taiwan that is the case.
(3) He pictured the election going to the Congress, which he called a Contingent Election, where ultimately Nancy Pelosi would be appointed as the "Acting President" and that was OKAY, because we would fight on, "because we are never going to give up this fight."
(4) He quoted fake polls, like a typical brainwashing political wonk, none that I accept as true, since the picture in the media and in social media that shows a "narrowly divided country" is a FARCE created by Dominion and previously by the Republican Consent decree that put the Democrats in charge of vote counting in every election from 1982 to 2018.  The narrow divide has been a MARXIST MYTH.
(5) Bannon engages in anachronistic confusion - to the point of deception stating that Biden being sworn in would create an existential constitutional crises in the Republic where less than half the population (46 - 48 percent) would not view him as legitimate. But wait, isn't that what they told us in the FAKE narrowly divided electorate in 2016? It is exactly the same thing and these circumstances are TOTALLY DIFFERENT and totally unique, which somewhere in the speech he admitted was fact.

(6) The purpose of the talk seemed to be to paint invocation of the Insurrection Act as "CRAZY TALK", he became animated each time he punched the linguistic key, and that (red meat to his audience of Evangelical Church Leaders) that we will never let stand a Biden Presidency.  What he said was, "We can never let Biden hold the reins of power."  And when you are willing to accept Nancy Pelosi as "Acting President" holding all the reins of power that any duly elected president would hold, that is not an honest position.

THINK!  The level of compromise of the American Institutions, private and public and Corporations has been exposed as enormous.  Ignoring Biden's total compromise to the Communist Chinese Party, the level of their infiltration is frightening. Do you honestly think it was coincidence that Governor Brian Kemp of Georgia made many trips to the Chinese Communist Party Spy Nest in Houston, became busom buddies with the Chinese Communist Party Boss there, made T.V. commercials with them, and 16 days after his visit in 2018 he made a 100million dollar down payment to Dominion/Smartmatic for thousands of their machines, altering the way Georgians voted.  Just a serendipitous event, I'm sure, using Bannon's reasoning.

We are AT WAR and despite Bannon's show titled "WarRoom" he is not a general and his stating that he would be willing to accept an acting President Nancy Pelosi is to say the least troubling.  The fact that he furthers the CIA mythology that the attack on us is China, Russia, Pakistan, Iran, and Turkey strains credulity.  The only reason that Russia is isolated from the U.S. is because the Chinese Communist Party together with the Deep State Media (which is all of it) and the ChiCom compromised politicians used Russia to cover up their own crimes.  Even now, with this FAKE Russia Cyber attack, what did Trump say? "It was that bad" and he knows that the CIA/NSA can create fake hacks and real ones and leave a forensic trail back to any server on earth - it is all a big psyop to blame Russia for China's actions.

Just got an Email from Trump (actually and cynically from the RNC, as if it is from Trump) with one question.  "Should I appoint a special prosecutor to investigate election fraud?"
The answer is "Yes, if you have lost your nerve and plan to capitulate to the Chinese Communist take down of our country and want to leave a bit of theatre behind that will produce NOTHING.  Name a single successful Special Prosecutor, every single one has ended up a servant of the CIA."  It wasn't a special prosecutor that got Spiro Agnew, it was a State investigation and criminal charges.  Special Prosecutors were appointed for the Teapot Dome Scheme, who was prosecuted?
Archibald Cox - crickets
Leon Jaworski - crickets

Lawrence Walsh - Iran-Contra wrist-slapping
Robert Fiske - Whitewater Coverup
Kenneth Starr - spending millions to prove nothing but that Clinton lied under oath about sex.
Mueller - a total CIA operation.

And Bannon is on a campaign for a special prosecutor - this is CIA speak.  Bannon pressed the idea that we have to "keep it inside the lines" and again stated that use of the Insurrection Act was Crazy Talk.  He didn't say crazy talk at this stage, or at this time, but seemed to indicate that the use of the Insurrection Act had no place in our War with the Chinese Communist Party's American traitors inside our own borders.

Here is the fact, upon this colossal Election Fraud Theatre acceptance of ANY member of the ChiCom Compromised Death Cult taking control of presidential powers means that they will exercise the powers Bannon is advising Trump not to exercise. If you can believe that Nancy Pelosi taking control would not mean the end, literally the end, and to pretend her Acting Presidency could be a "stage on the road to recovering the Republic" is simply INSANITY.  And Bannon CLEARLY suggested this. 

NOW is demarcation line, we will not get another.


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