0010 The CCP Plan to Take Down America is Working

Bond Robin Video No. 0010 On RUMBLE

Bond Robin Video No. 0010 on YouTube

I watch more than a few video clips and articles from the Chinese alternative media in English. English is actually the first language for quite a few of the subjects of Hong Kong and there is still some underground information from there and lots of information from Taiwan. I watch more than a few video clips and articles from English Speaking Indian sources and of course Australian sources. 

 I had someone send me a clip from a well known Chinese source (well known in China). It was given me in answer to my trying to understand the clip that President Trump shared of tens of thousands of people in the streets of Hong Kong, over the weekend before Christmas, shouting in unison, “Fight for Trump! Fight for Trump!” I could not help but view the irony of it, those people so very sure that their future, literally if and how they get to live, is based on the outcome of this election that the Chinese Communist Party back politicians are saying is over, and saying that they have secured the White House for Xi Jingping and his criminal gang.

The video clip explains that the Chairman Xi faction is only one factor in the composition of the Chinese Communist Part and just like we are experiencing an asymmetric civil war here, so are the Chinese. It is not all light and life in the People's Republic and the survival of the Xi Jingping faction and retaining power, depends quite literally on whether or not they conquer America, and whether or not the control this election, because Biden is their man. 

The choreography of history (yes I mean what I'm saying) the choreography of History on the part of Chairman Xi, worldwide Kabuki theatre pandemic and all thing associated with it, like Chairman Xi's servants and lackeys in the U.S, Act One, Scene Two, Act Three, Scene Five and on and on, FAKE EVERYTHING, as they try to make the defeat of President Trump look plausible to the majority of the American people. It has been an amazing symphonic of stagecraft. Really unparalleled in history.  It is far beyond anything the CIA has ever tried to pull off, because this time the Elites, who control the CIA, in fact all but a tiny portion of the American Intelligence establishment and Deep State – and as we have seen in the past few week, also the shallow state, the CIA's controlled media in the West, having made partnership with the Chinese Communist Party and even the Vatican and the Greek Orthodox Ecumenical Patriarch and many, many other centers and powers of influence and raw political power,  all aligned against the American People who Support Trump, the ordinary, non-Marxist Americans. They are hoping to destroy us, and just like those people in the streets of Hong Kong, our Fate rides on a razor's edge, and we are experiencing the terrors of a high-wire act, without a net. One misstep and it is all over. Xi wins.

The ray of hope in it all is that the power struggle in China has exposed who Biden, Pelosi, Feinstein, Loeffler, McConnell, Kemp, Ducey, and the rest of the ChiCom Lackeys are. We didn't learn it, a faction in the Chinese People did and graciously shared that horrible and ugly information with us. And it is horrible and ugly. 

Where do you think the Hunter Biden sex tape videos came from? Do you really believe some enterprising CIA compromised multi-million dollar talking-head ferreted them out? NO, The Chairman Xi lackeys here are doing everything in their power to keep YOU from knowing what has become common knowledge in Hong Kong, and India, and Nigeria and Australia and other places where the fate of human life hangs in the balance. 

 It is beautiful that Americans are taking to the Streets, beautiful that they will deluge DC on January the 6th.  Why? Is it about an election and a popular President.  No it is about life and death.  We cannot succumb to the Godless Communist Chinese or their homegrown Marxist Partners here, and the host of compromised, corrupt, blackmailed and extorted, politicians, judges, media wonks and the rest.  We cannot endure their lackeys in power, we won't survive it.  FIGHT FOR TRUMP. 


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