0036 Time Magazine CIA Election Propaganda Analysis.

0036 Volume I 

Time Magazine CIA Election Propaganda Analysis

The Molly Ball, 7000 words article exposes the Deep State's desperation to create a governable population, and it has already failed. 


Check back here often as the video analyses are added.

0036 Volume I Time Magazine CIA Election Propaganda Analysis

The above volume is an introduction of the massive CIA propaganda piece written by Molly Ball,
which really is, in these "information war days", the equivalent of the Warren Commission's Whitewash of the John F. Kennedy assassination, but yet exceeds it in the scope of lies, criminal conspirators and brazenly clumsy lying propaganda. The video also contains the complete Documentary produced by Mike Lindell's "Absolute Proof - of election fraud."

0036 Volume II Time Magazine CIA Election Propaganda Analysis

 (Place Video Vol II Here)

0036 Volume II ON Bitchute

Between the work of Mike Lindell's team, (see Vol One) and Peter Navarro's team, (see The Immaculate Deception - by Navarro -https://populist.press/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/The-Immaculate-Deception-12.15.20-1.pdf)  the people that Sidney Powell gathered and their reports, the idea that there was MASSIVE voter fraud, fake ballots, fiction counts, interference by foreign countries, and the greatest cyber election attack ever, the purposeful altering of votes by software-malware programs, politicians and officials acting outside of the law, massive interference by Corporations and self-appointed Billionaires, in a grand conspiracy . . . without the Time Magazine CIA Election Propaganda Piece the full extent of the CABAL, (her words) and the FRAUD (my words) would have taken people like me much longer to hammer it together. Although were I to do a retrospective of some 100+ hours of video I have produced about the nature of the Cabal and it specific means of operations, you would see that I had all the components, though not the specific names.  I deduced what was happening and is happening by firstly understanding the nature of the Luciferian Cabal that is our domestic and foreign enemy, observing the result of their actions, the ripples and storms cause by their actions, and the accompanying psyops coverup and manipulation information-war that always gives them away.

Reading the nature and scope of the admitted Conspirators, as presented in Ms Ball's CIA approved article one sees that I am totally vindicated in my description of the Cabal being CIA/Corporatist/Luciferian/Marxist.  The parade of Cultural Marxist Groups, CIA/Mafia affiliated unionists, corrupt ChiCom compromised Politicians, both Democrat and Republican, and all the rest, I don't believe in previous work I missed a single group, including my exposure of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce as a tool of Luciferian Globalism having made pact and partnership with the Chinese Communist Party.  It is all in Ms Ball's article.  

 Having now read an analysis of the Ball article by J.E. Dyer, (former Naval Intelligence - wink wink) I see that her limited hangout admits all the things I just mentioned, the entities at least if not my characterization of them as Luciferian, but the whole thing circles back to Barrack Obama for her, and that is a misdirection.  The idea that Obama could be the "ring leader" of a Cabal this cunningly intelligent and powerful is a step too far for a showy, less than average intelligence, puppet of the Cabal.  People far more intelligent than Obama were at the helm and those people are not named in the article, though the active puppets are ALL exposed as the criminals they are. And by Criminal I mean conspiring to destroy existing election law to illegally roust a very successful President from office.  This "greatest voter fraud mechanism" to use Joe Biden's words, is still just that, the election mechanism. But all the things that lead up to the creation of that "Election Cabal" and the atmosphere and circumstances making it able to function and garner massive power came upon the heels of many previous assaults on President Trump and WE the American People. 

0036 Volume III Time Magazine CIA Election Propaganda Analysis.

If this video stood alone it would be entitled "The Democracy Protectors or Disambiguated: The Globalist Controllers."

The truly laughable part of Ms Molly Ball's Time Magazine article is when she tries to ascribe motive and the actions of the Grand and Heroic Cabal.  Her article is so filled with fanciful claims and anachronistic motivation, that for instance, she claims the concern for the integrity of the election was Covid driven, yet began in earnest (according to her) in October of 2019, over a year before the actual election, and nearly five months before the China Virus became hyped out of all proportions for the purpose of trapping Trump in a 25th Amendment trap, and distorting the election process out of all recognition, as an election in reality.  And that was on the heels of a year of impeachment threat, that finally ended in the show trial in the Senate, and following that came the riots and the attempted storming of the White House where more than 50 federal officers were wounded protecting the White House from a mob, controlled by Chinese irregular insurgent forces. And all the above was after four years of FAKE Russia Collusion, Obama-gate, Operation Crossfire Hurricane, IRS and New York State Attorney General persecution, Unmasking, false arrests, DoJ persecution of needed Trump helpers and allies, constant attack of Truth tellers in the media and alternative media, dishonest political negotiations, CIA repeatedly trying to sucker Trump into War, hot operations in Syria where our regular military ended up in shooting engagements with CIA and CIA Assets when they were taking down ISIS. Every story out of the media was a LIE. 

When the fake Osama Bin Laden assassination happened in Pakistan it took very little talent to deconstruct the LARP mostly because of the huge egos of the people who were supposedly in the "situation room" with Obama. Those who sat for that "photo op" to make Obama look "in control" all told different and conflicting stories.

A little more investigation and what did we discover but that the supposed assassin was an ACTOR, literally a member of the Screen Actors Guild (SAG)  - the organization that Trump remained a member until February 4th, 2021, resigning before the union could act upon the CIA commands they have been given to boot him.  Why would the CIA want Trump booted?  Again, as I said in the last video they are conducting a DIGITAL EXILING of Trump, shutting down every avenue he will have to communicate in the future, and through Impeachment hoping to exile him totally from future political life.  It is brutal, but it is also beautiful in that the actions are so obvious. They are acting in plain sight.

Molly Ball's article exposes so much about the criminal puppets and puppet organizations that operated to take down President Trump and rob the American People of their duly elected President, an operation that installed a Chinese Communist compromised puppet,  Joe Biden. But in the telling she only exposes the puppets and not the actual controlling mechanism. In Part Two we only exposed the "control of information" aspect of the mechanism but little about the control of the puppets mechanism.  In this story is a forgotten hero, Millie Weaver, whose excellent documentary literally stomped on former CIA Director John Brennan's balls, and several others of the Dark Actors of American Luciferian Intelligence Circles; exposing their multi-international organizations the CIA had set up and was/is using that hold the backdoor keys to the entire internet, who operate in secret for for the purpose of controlling anyone they target.  And quite of few of the people mentioned in Molly Ball's Time Magazine Article were TARGETS, not willing participants.   She wrote,

All of these people were employed simultaneously for the purpose of targeting particular state house members in Michigan in a massive intimidation operation.  The coordinated attack wasn't done by phone.

This supposed research is literally done in a matter of minutes accessing the entire digital footprint of anyone who needs to be nudged, shaken-down, extorted, persecuted, falsely arrested, or killed.  There are multiple Digital Platforms in place with this capability.

So, Who is Millie Weaver?

Her Arrest was August 14th of 2020, obviously a crucial time in the election.  Millie was featured often by Alex Jones, but upon the arrest, showing his usual loyalty he dropped her like a hot potato, hoping to sink competition.

The intelligence establishment destroyed the premier of her Documentary, which she had wisely setup to be both informative and a money maker.  Her warrior spirit was revealed when she released the video for public consumption without financial interest while being falsely prosecuted.  In other words she gave it away. She proved that for her the decimination of truth was more important than financial gain.

The Psyops Masters have been spinning us at faster and faster intervals, as I stated in my last video to make us forget how we got here, and thus not know where we are. ( Minute 23FF for cut) Amanda Milius who did the documentary "Plot Against the President - about Russiagate) stated also, "people have been forced by the Media to believe something that isn't true, and then to forget that they were told to believe that . . . the media is pretending that they didn't just engulf the country in a fake story for four years, which is amazing. We are a victim of our own intelligence community's disinformation tactics and I don't think people recognize that or talk about that,  (Bond note - I have in nearly every video) it is a very dark day for America, it is like we have been bombed by our own aircraft carriers. That's what's happened."  I followed saying, "She is not exaggerating in the slightest way."  So inside that barrage of propaganda, inside the ever increasing psyops spin cycle, frankly six months ago, and Millie Weavers intimidation arrest, days in jail and exoneration seem years and not months ago.  But considering this massive mechanism that was exercised to destroy the 2020 Election and rob We the People of our Duly Elected President, coming to understand the powerful tools used to "whip together" and I mean WHIP in the slave sense, this coalition, this election destroying mechanism, Ball herself calls diverse and conflicting interests, it is important that we have some idea what it is, so that we can protect ourselves and our loved ones from it. 
My friends Rex and Trog of Liberty's Thunder Radio like to talk at length about how disciplined the left is to stay on message and how they never criticize one another, how they never admit the crimes and hypocrisy of their own members and how they speak and act in lockstep.  Well, it isn't a matter of discipline, or intellect, or moral courage, or deeply held beliefs, since their divergent and conflicting philosophies cannot hold together anything more than visceral hatred of God and all things good.  Here is the secret, they hang together out of cowardice, intimidation and FEAR.  They know their servant status, just like Chuck Schumer admitted his "servant status" to the God called, "The Intelligence Community" and mocked Trump during the 2016  (December 2016) transition saying, "You cross the intelligence community and they have six ways to Sunday of getting back at you."  Schumer walks, talks, reasons, and acts, not in the Fear of God, but in the Fear of the Intelligence Community.  Trump is a warrior, presently wounded terribly, but he did not bow his knee to John Brennan and the anti-God Luciferian Intelligence establishment of this country. At the same time people say, "I can't see a single actual wound Trump was able to inflict upon the intelligence community" I finish their statement by saying:
except (1) expose their diabolical hatred of the American people,
(2) their UN-American goals,
(3) and make them attack the American People IN BROAD DAYLIGHT. 
The intelligence community has had to OUT, that is EXPOSE so very many assets and operations in the last four years I have not been able to keep count. A year ago I made this short video exposing a few of their ruined and sacrificed CIA Asset Puppets.  (Insert Video CIA Psyops Suicides)  Were I to make the video today, I would have to include all the people and organizations named in Molly Ball's article along with now hundreds of people who have been totally exposed as CIA-Luciferian Puppets.  I would include every priest and minister that in the last three months took their instructions from the "Crisis Managers" of the Department of Homeland Security, an apparatus that makes Heinrich Himmler's political influencers, the Schutzstaffel; 'Protective Echelon', the 'political soldiers' of the Nazi Party, look like kindergarten LARPers.


The tactical and operational roll the Shadow Government played behind the scenes carrying out the coup against President Trump.

Two whistleblowers, Tore and Patrick Bergy, who both worked extensively within the Shadow Government as contractors have come forward with revelations that may be part of the biggest whistleblowing event to date.

This documentary is about real players behind the scenes who’s names never come up but should. According to these two whistleblowers, a small group of government contractors were hired by government officials to frame the Trump campaign, set him up for the “Russia Collusion” investigation, provided witnesses for the impeachment hearings, and provide administrative support services to the Department of Justice during the Mueller Investigation.

They also allege that this same group of contractors are behind the fake news in mainstream media, influence operations on social media, and the civil unrest nation wide pushing the defund the police movement.

These contractors have used their connections, power and influence to create an unprecedented international criminal enterprise where blackmail is traded and people’s personal data is gold.

Since the release of this documentary, several of the government contracting companies mentioned have been removing pages from their websites.



Jones Group International:

(Insert Demons That Have Controlled You )

0036 Volume IV:

Time Magazine CIA Election Propaganda Analysis.

Having witnessed the reality of the DIGITAL CONTROL Mechanism as presented in video three, and understanding the driving fear that controls the Puppets and Operators, is it any mystery that Mike J. Rogers danced to the Subversives' tune when "tapped for an active roll?"   Each one of these people, republican and democrat DANCE when they are called to dance. And what did Mike Rogers do? On demand according to the Molly Ball Time article he wrote an op-ed suggesting betrayal of Trump and the Majority of Voters, who elected Trump in Michigan.  He advocated for the subversion of the election under the banner (counting every vote) meaning counting every real and FAKE ballot.

 If you think that turning our minds back just six months to the summer of 2020 felt like a stretch, because of the faster and faster cycles of CIA Psyop Spin, reaching back to the CIA created sickening and dangerous atmosphere of the Winter of 2019, pre-impeachment, pre-serious riots etc., will be a shock. What was the constant lying theme? Surprise! It was the same as the Second Impeachment Theme: Trump supporters are filled with hate and dangerous. In the first two years of Trump's administration they fed you a constant parade of "hate-crimes" all hinting and some actually saying that people were being attacked by "crazies" emboldened by Trump. In the course of creating this LARP, the CIA "triggered" some of their MKUltra victims. Do I have proof that these people were all MKUltra victims? No, but the behavior absolutely fits. From the very first day, from the night of Trump's election 2016 the demons were triggered, where at 5PM they were suggesting false peace and harmony in sickening sweet voices and cautioning Trump supporters that "we must all come together as one country" following Trump's victory they were filled with rage, curses and threats of violence and that rage, curses and threats of violence turned first to fake violence, and LARPS, then real violence and killing.

From the moment Trump was elected, the CIA turned their subversive attack on Trump SUPPORTERS painting us as bigoted, hate-filled and constantly bullying people who are "different." IT WAS ALL CIA Criminal Subversion and LIES.

What I'm suggesting is that the same "Command Structure" created to control Schumer, and Mike Rogers, the same structure that could call together the people Ms Ball characterized as "divergent with conflicting interests"; call them together to act in lockstep for the removal of Trump from office, is that same control mechanism that created ALL the "unrest" of the last four years.

This may seem a digression, but I really don't know where to place it here and it needs to be said:

This control mechanism rides atop the U.S. Military chain of command like the SS-Gestapo rode atop the military chain of command in NAZI Germany. In fact it rides above that command structure in EXACTLY the same way.  I wrote in the Spring of 2015: Speaking of Obama:
The military command has on multiple occasions challenged this president and he has assassinated many, and destroyed many via fake and trumped up charges, he has purge the command structure of more that 1100 of the top people who were there when he arrived, totally restructured nuclear command, and attacked the Naval Yard in D.C., trying to take out the commanders that mutinied on Labor day weekend 2013, refusing to bomb Christians in Syria and run air support for Al Qaeda.
Because of the Omni-surveillance NSA state (that has not changed and was not changed by fake legislation in the congress) the organization of anything but spontaneous resistance is impossible. Example, General Carter Ham, when issued a stand down order, (Benghazi rescue) hung up the phone with Obama and said to hell with that we are going anyway. - within 30 seconds was relieved of command with a 45 service revolver pointed at his head.

Every commander if he is not a "Cabal member) has a marxist/Globalists "minder" as his second in command.

Trump made a major mistake in his attempted "counter-revolution" the attempt to again establish the Republic, he seemed to have a romanticized view of Military Command, and not meaning to put him on the couch, I thoroughly believe it came from his "military school" training.  He constantly accepted the military brass suggestions for those close to him, and he appointed literally a parade of traitors.  For four years he could not gain the loyalty of the military command. Why, because Obama had purged the command structure of Patriots and filled their rank with every sort of Luciferian.

I don't know if you are aware of the huge increase of common crimes, rape, murder, blackmail, embezzlement, common theft, etc., in the military. And now, the command structure fearing ordinary enlisted men, fearing their patriotism, are "vetting" them to see if they are properly marxized.  They are actually calling this "vetting" for the purpose of "purging the military of Trump loyalists."

Now back to the CIA's subversive attack on the character and motivations of Trump Supporters:

Demons Screaming For Pity FAKE Hate Crimes

Here is an excellent article
By Ulysses S. Tennyson (who is a ghost on the internet) Published by: The site 100percentfedup which is run by Leisa Audette and Patty McMurray, who describe themselves as seekers of truth in the mold of Andrew Brietbart.

Here's The List: 250 Publishing Professionals Pen Letter To Ban Trump Admin, Staff From Ever Publishing Anything.
Recently, 250 publishing professionals of the (United States) penned a letter. In it, they urge all people in their industry not to aid in or allow the publication of any materials for any people related to the Trump administration, which they deem a “mitigating criterion.” The list is growing.

Because they are very smart people with (we assume) fancy humanities degrees and we are just the plebes, we hired a translator to interpret their erudite message. You can read both the letter and its translation, below:

“We all love book publishing, but we have to be honest — our country is where it is in part because publishing has chased the money and notoriety of some pretty sketchy people, and has granted those same people both the imprimatur of respectability and a lot of money through sweetheart book deals.”

Translation: We love free speech, but only when it is speech we like and speech that has been bullied into agreeing with us. We, a team of the most brilliant literary minds in the industry, use the junior-high word “sketchy” to condemn “sweetheart” book deals to people who may not be respectable in our opinion. However, we also give Barrack Obama, who knew about and helped illegally surveil President Trump using illegitimate FISA warrants while covering up details that contradicted his claims three biographical book deals. We do not care that he allowed the terrorist Antifa and BLM to thrive under his presidency. We also can’t wait to chase the money surrounding the upcoming memoir of drug-addict Hunter Bidenhttps://100percentfedup.com/breaking-biden-crime-family-received-5-million-loan-from-communist-china-covered-as-consulting-fees-to-hunter-biden/. Though he allegedly sold America out to countries like China (here is one example) and alleged (with evidence) to be heavily involved with his father Joe Biden in doing so, we do not find any of this “sketchy” as we sit and talk amongst our girlfriends at recess.

“As members of the writing and publishing community of the United States, we affirm that participation in the administration of Donald Trump must be considered a uniquely mitigating criterion for publishing houses when considering book deals.”

Translation: We only talk to other leftists who (have) humanities degrees and work in our field. We are (Elites) and despise any politicians who actually pose a threat to the implementation of our far-left ideologies.

“Consequently, we believe: No participant in an administration that caged children, performed involuntary surgeries on captive women, and scoffed at science as millions were infected with a deadly virus should be enriched by the almost rote largesse of a big book deal. And no one who incited, suborned, instigated, or otherwise supported the January 6, 2021 coup attempt should have their philosophies remunerated and disseminated through our beloved publishing houses.”

Translation: We do not care that the “cages” were created by Obama and that Biden will separate children from parents, too. We support experimental biological agents that we call “novel vaccines” developed under duress with absolutely no long-term studies and no liability. We also label ourselves scientific clergy, reserving the sole right to tell you what is science and which science (prophets) to follow–even as they change their minds or outright lie from week to week, like Dr. Fauci (has). We ignore the fact that Donald Trump specifically told people to be “peaceful” and “patriotic” and that his movement has always been one of peace. (We ignore the fact) that he (was) the least (interventionist) president (ever). .... Our publishing houses are beloved, sacred, hallowed grounds that should be recognized as national monuments and worshiped (with) holy reverence.

"'Son of Sam' laws exist to prevent criminals from benefiting financially from writing about their crimes. In that spirit, those who enabled, promulgated, and covered up crimes against the American people should not be enriched through the coffers of publishing.”

Translation: In our sincere and heartfelt crusade for free-speech, we seek to find or create laws to legitimize censoring anyone we disagree with. Our favorite laws are those that help us (label our Philosophycal adversaries as dangerous and diseased), especially if they have any power. It is truly criminal to not agree with us about everything. And, if it isn’t, it should be.

“We are writers, editors, journalists, agents, and professionals in multiple forms of publishing. We believe in the power of words and we are tired of the industry we love enriching the monsters among us, and we will do whatever is in our power to stop it.”

Translation: Did we mention how awesome we are? We mostly purchased expensive (Cultural Marxist Degrees) from elite leftist universities in subjects that (are designed to destroy morals and American Christian Culture). We each need a far-left government to use tax dollars to pay for our useless overpriced $200,000 student loans. An average intellect could do what we do without schooling, and that threatens us. We need to justify the insurmountable cost of our schooling and the indoctrinating (psychoses .. which .. have infected us, by using our media platforms to bully successful people who might want to write a book. We are small people. We are small minds.

Here is the list of the 250 small minds that signed this letter:

[Count as of 2/2/21: 591]


Barry Lyga (Author)

Chris Abouzeid (Co-owner, Belmont Books)

Alex Acks (Author)

Kaylan Adair (Executive Editor, Candlewick Press)

Vikas Adam (Audiobook Narrator (PRH, Macmillan, Audible, Simon & Schuster))

Alyssa Adamovich (Brilliance Publishing)

Mari Adkins (writer / editor)

Dahlia Adler (Author )

Wajahat Ali (Writer)

Jenny Allen (Author)

Adi Alsaid (Writer)

Suzie Althens (Audiobook narrator)

Elissa Alves (Literary and Operations Associate, Folio Literary Management)

Charlie Jane Anders (author, Victories Greater Than Death)


Sarah M. Anderson (Author)

Jill Anderson (Author Love Song Graphics)

Nicole Aronis (Author)

Holly Atkinson (Editor)

Tanya Avakian (Author)

Pauline avendano (Author)

J. Averre (Author)

Jessica Awad (Media Assistant Editor, W. W. Norton & Company)

Kim Baccellia-Rapier (Author)

Morgan Baden (Author)

Elizabeth Baldwin (ERB Publishing, w/a Elizabeth Essex)

Dr. Martha Baldwin (Scholar and Author)

Tracey Baptiste (Author)

Frank Bardessono (Author)

Kelly Barnhill (Author)

Rachel Kempster Barry (Author/Consultant)

Phoebe Barton (Writer)

Sophie Bartow (Author)

Hallie Bateman (Author)

Emi Battaglia (President Emi Battaglia Public Relations)

Jessica LeTourneur Bax (Freelance university press & trade copyeditor)

Melinda Beatty (Author, PRH)

Mark Richard Beaulieu (Author)

Rebecca Bednarz (Editor)

Hayley Behal (Production editor, The History Press)

Jolanta Benal (freelance copyeditor)

Karen E. Bender (Author)

Daphne Benedis-Grab (author, Scholastic)

Andrew Benge (Author)

Kat Bennett (Senior Cartographer, Hachette Book Group)

Kendall Berdinsky (Editorial Assistant)

Kathi Inman Berens (Associate Professor of Book Publishing, Portland State University)

Lauren Beukes (Author)

Bob Bianchini (Senior Designer – Penguin Random House, Author/Illustrator)

Diana Biller (Writer)

Jeanne Birdsall (Author)

Lauren Bittrich (Editorial Assistant, Flatiron Books)

Jason Black (Developmental Editor)

Holly Black (Author)

Stephen Blackmoore (Author)

Rachel Blaifeder (Editor, Cambridge University Press)

Alison Block (Marketing Coordinator, Oxford University Press)

Lesiie Bockol (Author and Editor)

Sheena Boekweg (Author)

Gwenda Bond (Author)

Karyn Bosnak (Author)

Joanna Bourne (Author)

Lisa Brackmann (Author)

Robin Brande (Author)

Gayle Brandeis (Author)

Loryn Brantz (Author)

Scott Brick (Audiobook narrator)

Daniel Brigman (Author)

Suzanne Brockmann (Author)

Megan Broderick (Assistant Editor, Harlequin)

Sam Brody (Editorial Assistant at Hachette Book Group)

Aimee Brown (Author)

Barron Brown (Author)

Joseph Bruchac (Professional writer and editor)

Polly Bruno (Author)

Geri Buckley (Writer)

Alafair Burke (Author)

Penelope Burns (Associate Literary Agent, Gelfman Schneider/ICM Partners)

Aimee Burpee (Associate Registrar, Special Projects)

Michelle Cacho-Negrete (Author)

Chelsea M. Cameron (Author)

Emma Mieko Candon (Editor, Seven Seas; Author)

Janet Cannon (Author)

Juliette Capra (Editorial Assistant, Chronicle Books)

Courtney Carbone (Author/Editor)

Dee Carney (Author)

Megan Carr (Senior Sales Support Associate, HarperCollins Publishers)

Natalie J Case (Author)

Sona Charaipotra (Author)

Maxine Charles (editorial assistant, Flatiron Books)

Mike Chen (Author)

Alison Cherry (Author, editor)

Amanda R Cherry (Author)

Preeti Chhibber (Author)

Danielle Chiotti (Agent, Upstart Crow Literary)

Henna Cho (Digital Sales Associate (SImon & Schuster))

Angelica Chong (Editorial Assistant, Macmillan)

Cassandra Clare (Writer)

William Clark (Wm Clark Associates)

Peter Clines (author)

Adriana Cloud (Editor)

Erin Clyburn (The Jennifer De Chiara Literary Agency)

Elizabeth Coale (Bookseller)

Matthew Cody (Author)

SueLynn Cole (Author)

Manda Collins (Author)

Melanie Conklin (author)

J Patrick Conlon (Oddity Prodigy Productions)

D. Robert Cooley (Associate Professor)

M Cooper (None)

David Cooper (Writer and book critic)

Melinda R. Cordell (Author, Rosefiend Publishing.)

Tom Corson-Knowles (CEO of TCK Publishing)

Tricia Crawford Coscia (Author)

David Hyde Costello (Author/illustrator )

Mia Council (Assistant editor, Penguin Random House)

Jessica Craig (Founder, Craig Literary LLC)

Sylvan Creekmore (Associate Editor, St. Martin’s Publishing Group)

David Crews Ph.D. (Author)

Lily Cronig (Editorial Assistant, St. Martin’s Press)

Jesse Vilinsky Crowley (CEO – Jesse Vilinsky VO)

Alison A Curtin (Baker & Taylor)

Melissa Cynova (Author)

Sara Danver (Associate National Account Manager, PRH)

Kelly Danver (HarperCollins )

Erica Davis Secor (Editor)

Anna Daviscourt (Illustrator)

Stephen Dedman (Author)

Anya Johanna DeNiro (Writer)

Shira Dentz (Author)

Navdeep Singh Dhillon (author)

Lucienne Diver (Agent, The Knight Agency)

Trish Doller (author)

Michella Domenici (Springer Nature)

K.A. Doore (Author)

Lauren S Dopkin (Sales mgr)

Wendy Dopkin (Copy editor )

Jen J. Danna/Sara Driscoll (Author)

Ann Vanderlaan writing as Sara Driscoll (Author)

Imogene Drummond (Artist and Filmmaker)

Denise J. Dubé (Journalist/writer/Member of ASJA, SPJ.)

Kaylee Duff (Writer, grad student, aspiring editor)

Turney Duff (Author)

Rachel Dugan (Publicity Assistant, Penguin Random House)

C.J. Dugas (Writer)

Claudia Dunn (DunnDeal VO)

Doranna Durgin (Author)

Geoffrey Dutton (author)

Peter Echevers (Author)

Jen Edwards (Author)

Kimberly Ehart (Editor, Hachette Book Group)

Daniel Ehrenhaft (Author, editor )

Patricia Eimer (Author)

Michael Elias (Author)

Robin Eller (Audiobook Narrator)

Courtney Ellis (Marketing Assistant)

Zabé Ellor (Associate Literary Agent, JDLA)

Patricia Elzie-Tuttle (Book Riot)

M. K. England (Author (HarperTeen & PRH))

Carl Engle-Laird (Editor, Macmillan)

Karina Evans (Author)

Micaiah Evans (Author and Editor)

Kimberly Farr (Audiobook narrator)

Mary Cronk Farrell (Author)

Brian Farrey-Latz (Editor)

Rachel Feinberg (Content Writer)

Kait Feldmann (Editor)

Jenny Ferguson (Writer)

Clay S. Fernald (VP content – LeaguePodcast)

Joan Fernandez (Writer)

Nettie Finn (Assistant Editor)

Tessa Fisher (Writer)

David Fitzgerald (Author)

AJ Fitzwater (Author)

Rose Fox (former senior reviews editor, Publishers Weekly)

Hester Fox (Author (Harlequin))

Graylin Fox (Author / Self Published)

Dana Fredsti (Author with Titan Books)

Deborah Freedman (Author & Illustrator)

Rebecca Friedman (Rebecca Friedman Literary)

Esther Friesner (Author)

Adriana Funke (Rights Manager, Scholastic Inc.)

Arthur G Insana (InsanaMedia.com)


Ed Gaffney (Author)

Jason T. Gaffney (Author)

Sarah Gailey (Author)

Tanya Gandolfo (Author / Ingram Spark)

Mary Ganster (Content developer and editor (freelance))

Zack Geoffroy (Author)

Allyn Gibson (Head Writer, Diamond Comic Distributors)

Erin Gibson (Book reviewer)

Tara Gilbert (The Jennifer De Chiara Literary Agency)

Lamar Giles (Author)

Thomas Gilmore (Sales Manager, Macmillan)

Amy Giuffrida (Associate Literary Agent at The Jennifer De Chiara Literary Agency)

Joy Givens (Author)

Sue Godbee (Book buyer)

Bryant Golden (Editor-in-Chief, The Cavern Press)

Emily Goldman (editorial assistant, Macmillan)

Nikki Goldstein (Author)

Leah Gordon (Senior editor, Avalon Travel, an imprint of Hachette Book Group)

Benjamin Gorman (Co-Publisher, Not a Pipe Publishing)

Rob Gorski (Author)

Jasmine Gower (Author)

Jimmy Gownley (Cartoonist )

James Graham (Author)

Gavin Grant (Publisher, Small Beer Press)

Libbie Grant (Author)

Scott Fitzgerald Gray (Insane Angel Studios)

John Patrick Green (Writer/Illustrator)

Bryn Greenwood (Writer)

Kayla Griffin (Production Edition, Brill Academic Publishing)

Sarah Grill (Associate Editor, Macmillan)

Michael A. Grimm (Retired Educator)

Andrew Grondin (Owner, S-15 Studios)

Stephanie Guerdan (Assistant Editor, HarperCollins)

Cassie Gutman (Production Editor)

Cassie Gutman (Production Editor)

Jane G Haigh (Searching for Fannie Quigley, author)

Shannon Hale (writer)

Michelle Halket (Central Avenue Publishing)

Karen Hall (Author)

Karen Lee Hallam (Author)

Sadie Haller (Author)

Alwyn Hamilton (Author)

Jordan Hanley (Marketing Manager, Tor Nightfire)

Jonette D. Hardy (Engineer)

Leigh Harlen (Author)

Leigh Harlen (Author)

Jess Harold (Assistant Editor (Scholastic))

Mark Harrison (Publisher, Argyll Productions)

Hilary Harwell (KT Literary, LLC)

Morgan Hawk (Editor)

Libbie Hawker (Author)

Patrick Nielsen Hayden (VP, Editor in Chief, Tor Books)

Tyler Hayes (Author)

Tyler Hayes (Author)

Lindsey Heale (Media Editorial Assistant, W.W. Norton & Co.)

Erica Heller (Author)

Joe Hempel (Narrator)

Chelsea Hensley (Associate Agent)

Ashley Herring Blake (Agent with Rees Literary Agency; author with Little Brown BYFR and Berkley Romance)

Mickey Hess (author)

Danuta Hinc (Author)

Sarah Hollowell (Author)

Tim Holm (Poet / Dialoguiste)

Kathryn Holmes (Author)

Sarah Homer (Assistant Editor, HarperCollins Publishers)

Amanda Hosch (Author)

Lauren Hough (Author)

Madeline Houpt (Editorial Assistant, Macmillan)

Katey Howes (Author (Sterling, Lerner, Chronicle, The Innovation Press))

Lisa Huang (Trade Sales Assistant, Macmillan Publishers)

Crystal M. Huff (Author/Editor)

Hope Hughes (Ethereal Visions Publishing, LLC)

S. A. Hunt (Author)

Daniele Hunter (Children’s Department Assistant, McIntosh & Otis Literary Agency)

Jennifer Iacopelli (Author)

Eric Jacobsen (creator, http://bookcoverarchive.com)

Zareen Jaffery (Executive Editor, Penguin Random House)

Angélique Jamail (author)

Zakiya Jamal (Scholastic)

Tania James (Writer and Professor, George Mason University)

Bettye Jensen (Individual)

Sydney Jeon (Editorial Assistant (Flatiron Books))

Maureen Johnson (author)

Lynn B. Johnson (Author)

Varian Johnson (Author)

Stephanie Jones (Marketing Assistant)

Judy Jones (Author)

Katina Z. Jones (Author)

Tanara L Jones (Author (Bantam, Samhain, micro and indi presses))

Siva Jonnada (Author)

James Journalist (Novelist)

Chet JSmith (Writer)

Richard Kadrey (writer)

Rachel Kambury (Assistant Editor, Twelve Books)

Rachel Kapelke-Dale (Writer)

Jonathan Karmel (Author)

Keffy Kehrli (Writer & Editor (GlitterShip magazine))

Kenneth D. Keith (Author)

Mikki Kendall (Writer)

Fiona Kenshole (Transatlantic Agency)

Erum Khan (Editor (Callisto Media, Inc.))

Cassandra Khaw (Senior Scriptwriter)

Megan Kiddoo (associate managing editor, Macmillan)

Andrew King (Tom Doherty Associates)

Tyler King (Author)

Robert Kingett (Author)

Benjamin Kissell (Author)

Cheryl Klein (Editorial director, Lee & Low Books)

Deidre Knight (President, The Knight Agency)

Katriena Knights (Writer/Freelance Editor)

Zoe Kopp-Weber (MIT Press)

Sarah Kozloff (author)

Jamie Krakover (Author)

Daniel Kraus (writer)

Maris Kreizman (Author)

Jordan Kurella (Author)

Karol Lagodzki (Author)

Vicki Lame (Senior Editor, St. Martin’s Press)

Jen Lancaster (Author)

Kara LaReau (Author)

Keith Law (Author)

Tricia Lawrence (Senior Agent, Erin Murphy Literary)

Whitney Leader-Picone (Art Director, HMH Books and Media)

Alexander Lee (Associate Media Editor)

Victoria Lee (Author)

Stina Leicht (Author)

Melissa Lenhardt (Writer)

Matthias Leue (Author)

Paul Levitz (Former President & Publisher, DC Comics)

Dan Levy (President, Levity Media, Inc.)

Mark Stephen Levy (Author)

Tonya Liburd (Author)

Aida Lilly (Associate Literary Agent at KT Literary)

Su-Yee Lin (Scholastic)

Amy Lin (freelance editor)

Nancy Linari (Audiobook Narrator)

Kim Lindman (Associate Agent, Stonesong)

Colleen Lindsay (Publicity & Marketing Freelancer)

Alvina Ling (VP, Editor-in-Chief)

Jaime Livingood (Photographer & Photo Editor)

Malinda Lo (Author)

Sarah E Loch (Author)

Katherine Locke (author)

Kimberly Lombardini (Agent, Philip G. Spitzer Literary Agency)

Priscilla Long (Author)

Heidi Love (Author; Ethos Marketing; VontWeb)

Alice Lowe (Author)

Stephanie V.W. Lucianovic (Author)

Christopher John Luna (Printed Matter Vancouver)

Jonathan Maberry (President, Jonathan Maberry Productions, Inc)

M Evan MacGriogair (Author)

Carolyn Mackler (author)

P. Rebecca Maines (Copy editor)

Lexi Malakhoff (Assistant Media Editor, W.W. Norton)

Lisa Manifold (Author)

Kate Manning (Author,)

Lisa Mantchev (Author, S&S)

Vanessa Estrada Marin (Author)

Maya Marlette (Associate Editor, Scholastic)

Melissa Marr (Writer of novels & picturebooks )

Linda E. Marshall (Author)

Domingo Martinez (Author)

Shari Maurer (The Stringer Literary Agency)

Marty Mayberry (Author)

Kathe Mazur (Publisher)

Tash McAdam (YA author )

Shelia McClendon (Author (The UnUnited State of America – Creating Equality at the Financial Wealth Table))

Matt McConnell (Freelance writer)

David B. McCoy (Spare Change Press®)

Jeanne McCulloch (Author)

Caitlin McDonald (Donald Maass Literary Agency)

Bryn A. McDonald (Managing Editor, Hachette Book Group )

Jon McGoran (Author)

Catherine McGuire (Author)

Amy McKenna (Author)

Lisa McMann (author)

Margaret McMullan (Author)

Lily Meade (Author)

Amanda Meadows (Senior Editor, Oni-Lion Forge Publishing Group)

Sara Megibow (KT Literary, literary agent)

Christie Megill (Writer )

Ishta Mercurio (Author)

Laura Merz (Author)

Gail Messmer (Author)

Michelle Milner (W. W. Norton )

Ashley Marie Mireles (Director of Sales & Marketing; Familius )

Saundra Mitchell (Author)

Michael Moccio (Editor, NBC Universal)

Tim Mohr (Author)

Rachel Molland (Associate Publicist, Penguin Random House)

Sarah Mollo-Christensen (Audiobook Narrator (freelance))

Andrea Monagle (Copy Editor)

Andrea Monagle (Copy Editor)

Devon Monk (Odd House Press)

Clayton Moore (Reviewer)

Fernando Morales (Simon & Schuster, Josh Hawley book)

Dan Moren (Author)

Rhea Morgan (Editor)

Christyne Morrell (Author)

Laurie Morrison (Author)

Elizabeth Morrow (Thornrose Publishing)

Norma M Mousseau (Educator)

Erin Murphy (President, Erin Murphy Literary Agency)

Nneka Myers (Illustrator)

Rebecca Naimon (Publishing Operations Assistant (Macmillan))

Celeste Ng (Author)

Lena Nowak-Laird (Assistant Editor)

Carrie O’Brien (Accounts Payable Coordinator, Hachette)

George W O’Connor (author, illustaror)

Hannah O’Grady (Associate Editor, St. Martin’s Press)

Susan Kramer O’Neill (Don’t Mean Nothing: Short stories of Viet Nam (current: Serving House Books))

Ellen Oh (Writer)

Shannon Okey (Publisher, Cooperative Press)

Dawn-Marie Oliver (Author)

Michael M. Jones (Author/ Reviewer (Publishers Weekly))

Cary G. Osborne (Author)

Margaret Owen (Author)

Kimi Owens (Consumer Marketing Director (Avalon Travel, Hachette Book Group))

Tom Paine (“Scar Vegas”, Harcourt, author)

Kirsten Palladino (Equally Wed)

Veronica Park (Agent, Fuse Literary )

Elana Roth Parker (Literary Agent, Laura Dail Literary Agency)

Madison M Parrotta (Senior Volunteer Editor, Includas Publishing)

Catherine Paul (Author)

Rebecca Pausley (Librarian in charge of purchasing)

John Pavlovitz (Author)

Amy Phillips Penn (Elaine’s. Skyhorse)

Dr. Gary Percesepe (Author)

Marlene Perez (Author)

Joseph Perry (President, Perry Literary, Inc. )

Jas Perry (Associate Agent, KT Literary, LLC.)

Vicki Pettersson (author)

Kiel Phegley (Author, Penguin Random House & Scholastic)

beth phelan (literary agent at gallt & zacker)

James Phelan (Author)

Matthew Phillion (Author)

Katelyn Phillips (Associate Marketing Manager, OUP)

Stuart Phillips (Editor in Chief, Causeway Lit.)

Sandra Phillips (Author)

Deesha Philyaw (Author)

Leslie Pietrzyk (Author)

Sarah Pinsker (Author)

James Piper (Author)

Jonas J. Ploeger (owner of Zagava Books)

Jessica Plummer (Penguin Random House)

William Plunkett (Sales Coordinator, Simon & Schuster)

Daniela Plunkett (Edelweiss Manager, Macmillan)

Chelsea Polk (Novelist)

Karen Polyak (Author)

Lorenzo Porricelli (President, Southern California Writers Association; Director, Orange County Screenwriters Association; Publisher, Gun Hill Road Productions)

Daniel Price (Author, Penguin Random House)

Margi Prideaux (Publisher, Stormbird Press)

Donna Prinzmetal (Author)

Nathan Pyritz (Senior Designer, Typesetting Manager, Candlewick Press)

Sabrina Pyun (Editorial Assistant, Simon and Schuster)

Mariam Quraishi (Designer, illustrator)

Molly Rabbitt (Translator (Seven Seas, Denpa, Kodansha))

Cat Rambo (Author)

Catherine Ramos (Author)

Abby Ranger (Abby Ranger Editorial, LLC)

Deanna Raybourn (Author)

Thomas C Raymond (Author)

Amy Rechner (Author)

S.G. Redling (Author)

MK Reed (writer)

Ruthanne Reid (Author)

Alex Richards (author )

Julie A. Richman (Author)

Jace Ridley (Writer)

Ronnie Riley (Writer, Creator of #LGBTNPit)

Julia Rios (Editor, Mermaids Monthly)

Olivia Ritchie (Managing Editorial Assistant – Simon & Schuster)

Susan H Robbins (Author- Poet)

Andrea Robertson (Author)

Janet R. Robinson (Receiving Inventory Specialist)

Paula Robinson (Author)

Marsheila Rockwell (author)

Matt Roeser (Associate Art Director, Candlewick Press)

Stephanie Rojas (Publicist, Georgetown University Press)

Nathalie M.L. Römer (Emerentsia Publications)

Shelly Romero (Assistant Editor)

R.M. Romero (Writer)

April Rondeau (Owner, Ipsum Editorial)

Christina Rooney (Audiobook Director)

Lev Rosen (author)

Bev Katz Rosenbaum (Author)

Charlotte Roth (Sales Associate, Candlewick Press)

Pratiti Roy (Writer)

Lauren M. Roy (author and former Hachette Book Group sales rep)

Elizabeth Rubio (writer and editor)

Adi Rule (Author)

Ravina S (Production Designer, Hachette Book Group)

Stephen Salhany (Serials and Cataloging Librarian)

Victoria M. Sanchez (Writer )

Melanie Sanders (Production Editor, Macmillan)

Shawn Aveningo Sanders (Publisher, The Poetry Box)

Karen R. Sanderson (Author, “No Boundaries,” Shark Bite Publishing)

Kathy Sandler (Senior Manager, Penguin Random House)

Jason Sanford (Author)

Jerry Sawyer (Author)

Derek Sayer (Author for Princeton University Press)

Katie Schenkel (Author)

Melissa Schirmer (Production Editor)

Mary Schlesinger (Principal/Owner, Schlesinger Design)

Tiffany Schmidt (Author)

Ella Schwartz (Author)

Richard Schweitzer (Author, tindog music & stuff)

Allison Winn Scotch (Author)

Brian Scott (Publisher, ExtraCurricular Press)

Lila Selle (Graphic Designer at Hachette)

Edward Sellner (Author and university professor)

Stephanie Sendaula (Library Journal)

Anna Sequoia (Author)

Andrea Shane (President-Books on Call NYC)

Jenny Shank (writer, editor, book critic, Mile High MFA faculty)

Rob Shapiro (President, Chez Piro Productions; Narrator)

Katrina Shawver (Author)

Viveca Shearin (Not a Pipe Publishing )

Jackie Shepherd (Candlewick Press)

Michael Sherer (Author)

Fiona Sherlock (Author)

Amy Sherman (Managing Editor, University of Pittsburgh Press)

Monica Shields (Author)

Marshall Scott Shields (Author)

Anna Sikorska (Senior Designer, HarperCollins)

Mick Silva (Sr. Acquisitions Editor, Zondervan/HarperCollins)

Annie Silvestro (Author)

Sasha Simic (Central Books Ltd – London UK)

Mira Singer (Senior Editor of Miniver Press)

Amy Siskind (Author)

Jon Skovron (Author)

Katie Slivensky (Children’s Author)

Jane Sloven (Author)

Carly Smith (Freelance Editor)

Patricia A Smith (THE YEAR OF NEEDY GIRLS (Kaylie Jones Books))

David Solomon (Ph.D.)

Mary Sprouse (Author)

Lindsey Stangl (Marketing Assistant at Oxford University Press)

Brina Starler (Author)

Michael Stearns (Founder, Upstart Crow Literary)

Mato J. Steger (Author)

Anna Stein (literary agent)

Josephine Stewart (Freelancer, 15 years)

Angela Stockman (Creating Inclusive Writing Cultures in the K-12 Classroom)

Rene Stofflett (Author and editor)

Laura Stolk (Author)

Julie M. Stone (Author)

Cassie Stossel (Publicity Manager )

Jared Stossel (Publicist)

Lisa Stringfellow (Author and Educator)

Linda Sue Park (Author )

Rachel Sussman (agent and co-founder, Chalberg & Sussman)

James Sutter (Author)

Karah Sutton (Author, Penguin Random House)

Claudia Suzanne (Founder, Wambtac Ghostwriters)

Bryan Tann (Random Evolved Media)

August Tarrier (Director)

Kate Schafer Testerman (Literary Agent and Founder, KT Literary, LLC)

R J Theodore (Author)

Andrea Todd (Author)

Mark Turetsky (Audiobook narrator (S&S, PRH, Harper, Scholastic))

Jill Twiss (Author)

John Underwood (Author)

Diana Urban (Author)

Nicole Valentine (Author )

Michele van allen (Michele Van Allen assemblies)

Greg van Eekhout (Author)

Heather Van Syckle (Author)

K.B. Wagers (Author)

Robert Wakefield (Author The Year Zero Bellissima Publishing)

Suzanne Walker (Writer/Editor)

Jonathan Walker (Author)

Judy Walters (Author)

Jane Ward (Author)

Janine G. Webb (Director, Specialty & Gift Sales at Highlights for Children)

Elizabeth Crowley Webber (Editorial, Design, and Production Manager)

Christy Webster (Children’s Book Writer and Editor)

Catherine Weening (Production Editor, Scholastic)

Amy Weingartner (AMDA College of Performing Arts)

Sarah Weinman (writer)

Samantha Wekstein (Literary Agent)

Martha Wells (Author)

Rebecca Kim Wells (Author)

Katherine Welsh (Royalties Data Manager, KT Literary, LLC.)

Chuck Wendig (Author with PRH, S&S, etc)

Chloe Wertz (University of Pittsburgh Press)

Jacqueline West (Author)

Casey Whalen (Director of Sales & Marketing, Anthology Editions)

Alana Whitman (Author Marketing Manager, Book Highlight)

Flannery Wiest (Freelance Editor)

Kimberly Willardson (Vincent Brothers Publishing)

Lily Williams (Author, Illustrator, books with Macmillan and Bloomsbury)

Kerigan Williams (writer)

Daniel Williamson

Cat Winters (Author)

John Wiswell (Author)

Lori Witt (Author)

Merc Fenn Wolfmoor (Author)

Jack Womack (Writer)

Leah Wood (Marketing)

Katie Wurtzel (Publishing Assistant)

Stan Yan (Graphic Novelist )

Lisa Yee (Author)

Andi Zeisler (Cofounder, Bitch Media)

Michael Zierler (Editor and Owner, RedOx Scientific Editing)

Eva Zimmerman ((Publicist, Chronicle Books))

Samantha Zukergood (Assistant Marketing Manager, Flatiron Books)

Mary Kay Zuravleff (Author)


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