When we dare speak of Jews

Max A., is concern that I actually named Jews as a source of the unconscionable censorship of Alexsandr Solzhenitsyn's last book, where he specifically writes about the history of Jews in Russia before and during the Soviet Era. (200 Years Together - 1700s to 1990) If Germans with the power of their state and international financial influence were suppressing a book critical of their history or were suppressing a book about the history of Germans in America, there would not be a moment of hesitation to talk about it. One would naturally question the motives for the GERMAN'S censorship, suppression of information, and the misuse of their political and financial influence in the world. No one would call us "anti-Germanic."  Now substitute the word Jew for German, and we can because Israel is specifically by its own law "A Jewish State", and suddenly none of the previous rules, or common sense applies.  Why? Because the Judeo-Luciferian Press and their Propaganda Mechanisms, which are multiple, have brainwashed the vast majority of Americans.  Whether Max A. can realize it or not, this is the source of his anxious reaction, it is automatic and illogical, as this comparison of Germany and its influence and Israel and its much, much greater power of influence proves. Now, let me prove that last statement. Germany does not have the power to truly ban a book in English. Mein Kampf (Hitler's Tome) has been banned in Germany for more than half a century and it has always been readily available in English. But Solzhenitsyn's two volume history of the Jews in Russia is totally banned in English, was published and retracted, it does not exist in English.  That is power the German's do not have that the Jews do.

Max A.,
I know what you are saying in this video is true but there is a question that occurs to me whenever this topic is broached. Is the problem one of Jewishness or is it one of Marxist Luciferianism held by some Jews? Certainly there are now Christians (or those who claim to be Christian) who have been seduced into this same ideology and work towards the destruction of the Church yet we don’t point to “Christians” as being an enemy, we set them apart as infiltrators within the Church...wolves in sheep’s clothing. If there is something within the Jewish race or Judaism as a whole that is at the root of this Marxist Luciferiansim, more so than in any other people that hold to these beliefs, then I have yet to find it, and if such a factor is there I sincerely would like to understand it.

Bond Robin
You flabbergast me! I do a video about the TOTAL CONTROL over the flow of information by the primarily Jewish Cabal that owns the publishing houses, broadcast, cable and digital mediums, and you are worried I may be "over stating it." If the American Indians who are about 10 million in the U.S., compared to the Jews 7 million; if the Indians were censoring and controlling the flow of information, don't you figure we would be talking about the Indian's stranglehold on the media? Don't you think we would assume that the impetus to control the media and to suppress Christian, non-Marxized voices might have something to do with their "Indianness?"

Max A.
I don’t think you are overstating anything and I didn’t say you were. In fact I agree with what you said concerning the disproportionate number of Jews within all levels of media. Since all forms of media are censorious and propagandized that also means that those Jews are responsible for it disproportionately. My question is why is it of importance, beyond facts for the historical record, to pay attention to these peoples Jewishness when the real issue...or so it seems to me...is their Marxism and Luciferianism...Beliefs and practices held by many from many diverse cultures. If the same were being said about American Indians if a portion of their population was committing the same acts due to the same beliefs I would be asking the very same question for the same reason. I have watched enough of your videos to know that you do not see all Jews as being culpable for the behavior of some. But if I were to say to someone else that “Jews” run the media and that is why it cannot be trusted...and if that person asked me what it was about Jews that causes them to behave that way..then I would have no answer aside of saying that like other peoples some of them are Marxist. I just don’t see the point in making an issue of what seems to be an unimportant factor that is also shared by many other people who are not part of the problem. Obviously I’m missing something.

Bond Robin
I didn't limit it to media, but banking and the top ranks of the world controlling Oligarchs. Your mistake, and in fact erroneous belief is that Judaism is not specifically and hatefully Anti-Christ. A little more than twenty years ago my bishop was very concerned about a story that was being told unfairly in the Michigan and National News, it was false and most of the outlets would not correct it, because it made Christians look bad. (The Bishop was friends with the Governor of Michigan and solicited him to help him make the media correct their story.  The Governor made promises to exert pressure, but nothing happened)   The Bishop was dismayed and ask me what I thought, (how it could be that such lies were offered and tolerated) and all I could say was "it is the spirit of the anti-christ." (Who owned the media that fostered the lying story? Why did they push the lie?)  Same remains true today. You think the problem is Marxism, but Marxism was created by a Jew for an anti-christ agenda that devastated Russia and is now devastating the West. Do I need to find and quote the anti-God anti-Christ statements of Marx and Engles. (also Trotsky - a notorious Christian hater) Do you believe that "Jewishness" is based in Truth? For the record and as scripture says clearly it is based in the denial of the truth. I've met some people who were innocently Marxists, not realizing the reality of the evil base of their philosophy and beliefs, I can say the same of many Jews I've met, more secularist, do no harm types. But that doesn't change the fact that Marxism is a product not the problem, the problem is the spirit of anti-christ. This is what you are missing. That explanation must seem strange to you. Why the auto-reflex on your part to defend Jews, this is our second round in as many years? When a person claims their Jewishness they have to accept ALL of the history that involves, all of it, just as it is with claiming to be Christian. I don't defend the failings in the history of the Church, I have been for a long time very vocal and consistent in this, so when Jews are choking the flow of information for the purpose of covering up part of their history they are not exempt from like exposure and criticism.

(I think that when discussing the Jewish control of the flow of information and even the hateful things about Christians and Jesus Christ in the Babylonian [the oldest] Talmud, one has to make the distinction like Dr. Bill Warner makes between Muslims and Political Islam.  I've never heard the phrase "Political Judaism" but it is a real thing and sadly like in the world of Muslims, as the very comprehensive Pew Research study proved, a huge majority of Muslims believe strongly in some of the harshest and most diabolical aspects of Political Islam, vis a vis an offending Kafir  = Infidel).  Because of the pressure of the Jewish World Image creators and protectors, such a study would be impossible to make concerning Jews. Were the Jewish Political establishment to conduct such a study, it could only be to further their political agenda, and the result would not be trustworthy.

    BTW, Mike - (you said) "Since all forms of media are censorious and propagandized" censorious means prone to censure, and that is partly true, except the media only censures according to Saul Alinsky Rules for Radical "Targets" - it is incessantly censorious of anything truly good, and revels when anyone good fails. It is also the opposite, it praises all non-christian vice, atrocitizes all Christian vice, (mocks Christian Moral Principles) ignores all Jewish vice and Jewish evil doers, (I could make a list - in fact I just included in a recent video where Newt Gingrich was not allow to talk about George Soros' at all, much less his financing of Antifa and BLM - And I have two strikes on my YouTube Channel for talking about Mark Zuckerberg's half a billion dollars spent to subvert the last election - according to the Judeo-Luciferian media, that discussion is verboten. ) it either praises or ignores all evil, unless it can atrocitize the evil for political purpose. And the media is not "propagandized" its victims are, those who trust and believe the media; others suffer from their lying propaganda, censorship, Alinsky Rules for Radicals Targeting and vilifying. This did not begin with Marx. The very early N. European Press, vilified Roman Catholicism, atrocitized the non-existent Spanish Inquisition, ignored the Jewish takeover of the British Crown, totally ignored the recent history of Muslim aggression, 17th, 18th, 19th, century Europeans never heard the term Jihad, which was HUGE and nearly conquered Europe, but they knew all about the evil Crusades and Russian Pogroms. It wasn't until the last half of the twentieth century that Islam was given a thought, the true atrocities of the Soviet Union ignored for half a century, and according to the media Christian persecution was a myth, the millions slaughtered by the communist, all but ignored, but we all knew about the Holocaust.


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