0024 How Blinding is Your Worldview Vol Twenty One to Thirty

0024 Volume Twenty-One XXI Scientistic Terrorism Continued This operation of this Covid Fear Campaign is without excuse. It is a direct assault on our Families, on our Children, on the young generations and the generations next. If you did not see the segment in video number 0024 Volume XX (Twenty) where I explained that the push to make people wear masks had nothing to do with Health or in reality the prevention of passing on a virus, but rather is a campaign of "compliance" an exercise of the Globalist Oligarchs to regain control of not just the dialectic but the autonomic control of the emotions of the masses; I want to point out that via nearly free speech on Social Media (for a time) and the Trump phenomenon they had lost control for the first time ever, at least since the mechanism of Mind Control had taken hold fully by the time of WWII. I stated that the ubiquitous masks are the exact equivalent to the Heil Hitler protocol in Nazi Germany. Hundreds of times a ...