0024 How Blinding is Your Worldview Vol Twenty One to Thirty
0024 Volume Twenty-One XXI Scientistic Terrorism Continued
This operation of this Covid Fear Campaign is without excuse. It is a direct assault on our Families, on our Children, on the young generations and the generations next.
If you did not see the segment in video number 0024 Volume XX (Twenty) where I explained that the push to make people wear masks had nothing to do with Health or in reality the prevention of passing on a virus, but rather is a campaign of "compliance" an exercise of the Globalist Oligarchs to regain control of not just the dialectic but the autonomic control of the emotions of the masses; I want to point out that via nearly free speech on Social Media (for a time) and the Trump phenomenon they had lost control for the first time ever, at least since the mechanism of Mind Control had taken hold fully by the time of WWII. I stated that the ubiquitous masks are the exact equivalent to the Heil Hitler protocol in Nazi Germany. Hundreds of times a day, the "fear of Death" is reinforced with each person you pass, the force to conform to insanity is reinforced in the people that know the mask is useless, each person you see putting on, taking off, wearing and adjusting a face mask; It is reinforced even from the distance of hundreds of feet, across stores, plazas, parking lots, etc. Now me stating that the mask mandates and lock-downs were not about health but about reestablishing dialectic and autonomic control, is not new. I stated this first in March of 2020, when I researched the Corona Viruses and realized that they could not be filtered out even using an N-95 Mask, the most restrictive and expensive of face masks, since the N-95 mask filters to only 300 nanometers and the Corona viruses are all 65 to 125 nanometers in size. I explained at the time that if an N-95 mask were capable of blocking inhalation of a deadly virus there would be no reason for level four bio-labs and bio-hazard suits worn in those labs, where the breathable air comes not from the room but is piped in from an outside source. A human, if protocols are not broken never breathes an atom of air from inside the laboratory. Of course, a mere rag on your face is thousands of times less protective than an N-95 mask, and has health hazards attached as well, like the buildup of bacteria on the cloth, the growth of bacteria in the cloth which has proved true with the increased cases of bacterial bronchial and lung ailments in the last year.
It is a simple equation: Masks do not work in preventing the transmission of a virus, yet governments and corporations and other institutions are mandating mask wearing. Since by logic we know the answer cannot be for "health" the actual reason for this exercise is obvious, it is for submission, it is the Cabal's version of Heil Hitler.
Marxist Mind Control and Covid 19 - this is the event in Great Britain but it was reflected here, duplicated here with the months of Daily Covid press conferences. It is my belief that President Trump participated in this Mind Control Theatre for two purposes, (1) to send the message that it wasn't that serious and that there were adequate therapeutics, which he stated many times, and even after he was infected the message was the same and (2) to try to save his presidency that was in Amendment 25 Lockdown. (3) I know he failed in pressing for the vaccine and what I think of him hinges upon: a. the degree of threat against his family b. the amount of ignorance he may hold on the subject c. what he would do to save his presidency. I don't see his dancing the Covid Dance to save his presidency as anything but a brave act of huge humility. I believe it was a Zero-Sum game (is a Zero-Sum game) and he hoped to overwhelm them with a huge vote, which he did and still through digital magic and many other crimes the Scientistic Dictatorship overpowered us.
The service of these experts in the creation of Terror is no different than the S.S. Medical and Psychiatric Core of Germany, except these people are A LOT MORE POWERFUL.
From Church Militant:
WESTMINSTER, England (ChurchMilitant.com) - Britain's government intentionally deployed tactics of psychological warfare used in wartime and by totalitarian regimes to turn its citizens into "compliant subjects of lockdown," an Oxford academic is revealing.

The Scientific Pandemic Insights Group on Behaviors (SPI-B), provided the government with psychological techniques on how best to compel obedience to its draconian lockdown measures, according to historian Dr. James Moreton Wakeley.
The SPI-B, a sub-group of the government's Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE), in its paper of March 22, 2020, marked a transition from public information campaigns supplying facts to the use of subliminal manipulation, writes Wakeley.
In an essay titled "The Government's Shameful Use of Psychological Techniques to Terrify People," published Tuesday, Wakeley, a former parliamentary researcher, explains how SPI-B's March meeting "wrote the manifesto of a campaign of fear, a campaign that has been consistently shaped by the methodology of behavioral science ever since."
The psyops campaign, with its "unprecedented reach," calls for "nothing short of a twisting of the truth, for conscious exaggeration and for a rejection of fact-based argument," Wakeley remarks.
"The daily Downing Street briefings have also served to expose the British people to a daily threnody of doom in which uncontextualized statistics and the recitation of messages of threat have served to amplify the effort to make the public feel afraid," the historian observes, adding that this has been compounded by the "wholly unusual degree of press subservience."
I was among 47 mental health experts who wrote to the British Psychological Society recently, expressing concern at the abuse of behavioral psychology.
In comments to Church Militant, mental health ethicist Niall McCrae confirmed that "the government's behavioral change unit has shifted from carrot to stick, from nudge to bludgeoning" and that the state-sponsored "campaign of psychological warfare has been terrifyingly effective, as many citizens are even scared to leave their homes."
"I was among 47 mental health experts who wrote to the British Psychological Society recently, expressing concern at the State's abuse of behavioral psychology," Dr. McCrae said. "It is designed to provoke fear and loathing, with 'anti-vaxxers' and other dissidents outcasted."
Slamming the "divide-and-rule strategy" as "profoundly unethical,"
McCrae called for the perpetrators to eventually face justice as "the
scare tactics are killing people by deterring them from seeking medical
attention, causing thousands of unnecessary deaths from cancer and
cardiac disease, and mental health problems are escalating, leading to
many suicides."
Britain's prime minister, Boris Johnson, gives alarmist address to the nation on the new variant of the COVID-19 virus
Church Militant examined the SPI-B paper, which lists nine ways of achieving behavior change, including persuasion, incentivization and coercion and which offers 25 options from behavioral science for the government to act on.
"A substantial number of people still do not feel sufficiently personally threatened," the paper reports, recommending the government to heighten "the perceived level of personal threat" among "those who are complacent, using hard-hitting emotional messaging."
The daily Downing Street briefings have also served to expose the British people to a daily threnody of doom.
The paper urges the government to "use media to increase [the] sense of personal threat" and to "consider use of social disapproval for failure to comply."
"A large majority of the United Kingdom's population appear to be supportive of more coercive measures," the paper notes, calling for the use of techniques of "social disapproval from one's community," which "can play an important role in preventing antisocial behavior or discouraging failure to enact pro-social behavior."
"For example, instead of the phrase 'try to,' it should just say 'do,'" the paper suggests, calling for guidance "to be reformulated to be behaviorally specific," stating clearly "who needs to do what (precisely) and why (explain the rationale)."

"There seems to be insufficient understanding of — or feelings of responsibility about — people's role in transmitting the infection to others," the SPI-B opines. Hence, the group urges that "messaging about actions needs to be framed positively, in terms of protecting oneself and the community" and that it must "emphasize and explain the duty to protect others."
Church Militant has learned that the SPI-B subcommittee — which consists of 48 academics from various disciplines in the humanities — is dominated by left-wing activists, lockdown fanatics and vaccine zealots, including Marxist campaigner Professor Susan Michie, who has been a member of the Communist Party of Britain (CPB) for over 40 years.
Michie, a political activist who is a professor of health psychology at University College, London, donated funds to the Labor Party in 2017 when it was led by Marxist Jeremy Corbyn.
In a paper jointly authored by Michie and published Thursday in the British Medical Journal, the Marxist psychology professor makes a declaration of interest as a participant in Britain's SAGE group, but does not mention her membership in Britain's Communist Party.
The State-sponsored campaign of psychological warfare has been terrifyingly effective, as many citizens are even scared to leave their homes.Tweet
The government has refused to disclose details of Michie's membership in the CPB, despite a request filed under Britain's Freedom of Information Act 2000 ("FOIA").
The FOIA request also inquired if other SAGE members also held membership in the CPB, the Socialist Workers Party or the radical grassroots group "Momentum."
The Government Office for Science said it did not hold the information requested and explained that "SAGE is attended by participants, not members."
Four members of the SPI-B have asked the government not to identify them in the list.

The SPI-B paper offers a bibliography with literature on manipulative behavioral psychology, including a paper titled "Threatening Communication: A Critical Re-analysis and a Revised Meta-analytic Test of Fear Appeal Theory," published in Health Psychology Review, which discusses "strong, scary graphic warnings widely used in mass media interventions."
Another resource recommended by the SPI-B paper is titled "Using Behavioral Science to Help Fight the Coronavirus," which explores the "ongoing scientific debate about whether 'fear appeals' generate long-term behavior change."
"However, the consensus is that they are more effective when perceptions of self-efficacy (belief that one's own actions make a difference) are high," the article concludes, urging practitioners to highlight single cases or use emotive language and communicate risk through numbers.
Dr. Wakeley concurs that "the media's magnification of the government's messaging, together with dramatically morbid footage and the selective use of exceptional cases of COVID among the young — not to mention death data presented with misleading historical comparisons — has amounted to an additional offensive in the campaign of fear."
Since its first lockdown, the government has become the largest advertiser in Britain, spending £184 million of taxpayers' money in 2020 alone on "visually-shocking poster campaigns alongside radio and television advertisements."
Gaslighting is so complete that they are purposely producing easily
identifiable CGI imagery. When you see these images of Biden, ask
yourself why?
Even Biden walking up to reporters is green screen computer generated magic.
Did you see it?
Dr Fauci is a member of the American side of the Globalist Elite. Some call these Carnegie awards given on the evening of September the 10th 2001, a celebration of the next morning, 9.11.2001. Just because something follows in time does not mean they are associated, but concidering Vannevar Bush's ties to the Carneige Institution, and its goals of population reduction, the fact that this happened the evening before "Event 101" and then we see the same people and their relatives, corporation, companies and foundations all over "Event 201" it is impossible for me to believe the events are not connected.
Do you remember Vannevar Bush's speaking of a "natural aristocracy"? That is what these people think they are. But it is not a "natural aristocracy" it is a Godless, Luciferian Aristocracy. If you doubt it, here is just two examples. Ted Turner in a speech in the 1990s in Beijing China stated that the single obstacle to world peace was Jesus Christ. He said that Christians stood in the way of world peace, (the uniting of all religions - the perennial paganism of the old Roman Empire) because they insist that Jesus is the only way. In a certain way Teddy was right, Christ and True Christians stand in opposition to peace formed in a Luciferian Lie. We know that such "peace" is not real and that its only purpose is for the destruction of all that is True, Good and Beautiful. We have seen again and again the opposite substituted by the Cabal. Lucifer is so prideful that what started as "invisible power" is now extremely exposed to any person who is not hypnotized NOT to see. They are operating in the open. The Second example I will give you is the Huge Edifice of Riverside Church in New York built by the Rockefeller Family, that is an omage to one of the Founders of Scientific Dictatorship, Francis Bacon and his "hall of Scientific Masters" as depicted in his book, "The New Atlantis." At Riverside are Icons of Ralph Waldo Emerson, Immanuel Kant, Pythagoras, Albert Einstein, Charles Darwin, Hippocrates, Johann Sebastian Bach, Abraham Lincoln, Michelangelo, Florence Nightingale, Booker T. Washington, and many other "scientists, inventors, physicians, teachers, prophets, humanitarians, missionaries, reformers, and lovers of beauty." These "natural Aristocrats" see themselves as the descendents of these people.
So when Russell said the following, his statement was a little dated:
This process of invisible power is further enabled by the annual secret gatherings of the Bilderberg Group – founded in 1954 – which consist of international bankers, CEO’s of major tech corporations, editors of major news outlets, and other power brokers, heads of Think Tanks, etc., and the Bilderberg Group is just one of many such gatherings where the Globalist Oligarchs come to a consensus as to their next evolving strategy for their oft stated goal, One World Government, a technocracy controlled by the wealthiest people on the planet.
An historical example of this process in action is the formation of the European Union’s common market, which was developed behind closed doors at a 1955 Bilderberg conference in Germany, which without input from the public except fake polls and rigged referendums that "common market" morphed into the powerful Marxist European Union politburo. You have witnessed the fake exit of Britain from the E.U. I doubt that any country in that new Soviet system can extricate themselves at this point in time.
Now shifting gears to overt propaganda called "Publicity."
You may remember in a previous video where Rich Higgins was describing the propaganda machine of the Cabal and one of the categories he mentioned was "• The overt line of effort is PUBLICITY. Publicity is the straightforward projection of a case that builds a picture in the audience's mind designed to garner support. (Molly Ball's article praising the actions of "the Cabal" to "save the 2020 election" was this grade of propaganda, straightforward trying to make you love your "saviors." ) It is facts without context and information the adversary wants the audience to possess that creates an impression and sets conditions. It seeks to establish good will and receptiveness to additional inputs." This is where Ivy Lee and Edward Bernays fit. First there is the public presentation, then upon that frame comes the propaganda, the nudging and finally coercion.
Ivy Lee and Edward Bernays: Modern public relations and perception management
Lee is considered to be the first public relations man. Lee was hired
by John D. Rockefeller Jr. to recast the family’s image after the
infamous Ludlow massacre. A more widely recognized figure in PR is
Edward L. Bernays, the nephew of Sigmund Freud, who helped to
significantly advance the study of propaganda into the 20th Century.

(The Ludlow Massacre was a massacre perpetrated by anti-striker militia during the Colorado Coalfield War. The Colorado National Guard and Colorado Fuel and Iron Company guards attacked a tent colony of 1,200 striking coal miners and their families in Ludlow, Colorado, on April 20, 1914, with the National Guard using machine guns to fire into the colony. Approximately 21 people, including miners' wives and children, were killed. The chief owner of the mine, John D. Rockefeller, Jr., was widely excoriated for having orchestrated the massacre.[5][6])
“For more than a century ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents such as my encounter with Castro to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure--one world, if you will. If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”
― Memoirs
How Blinding is Your World View
Hypnotic Propaganda
The morality of so many Americans has become spiritual and moral Nihilism, the anchor and power of truth has been removed and not only is it impossible for people to distinguish between what is Life Engendering from what is Death Engendering, it is also impossible for them to distinguish between what is Truly Liberating and what is Truly Enslaving, or what is health producing and what is sickness producing. Without the anchor and light of Jesus Christ the population has become atomized, and sentimentalized to the point that what is good or bad is based solely on how a particular thing makes them feel. This is Spiritual and Moral Nihilism. Quoting Ivan Alexandrovich ILyin from his work, "On Resistance to Evil BY FORCE" a samizdat publication in Russia in 1925 when Stalin was having his first genocidal impact and the Russian Army the so-called White Russians, those loyal to the Russian Imperial Family of the Czars, were still battling the Judaeo-Bolshevik army of the Communist. He took the time being exiled by force, to explain how Tolstoy's New Age-ism had weakened Russia to the point of communist take over. He lamented the lack of fight in his fellow countrymen and lack of understanding of the great death and evil they faced. They foolishly said, It won't be that bad, Ilyin wrote, "In fact, the spiritual principle in man is the cource and instrument of divine revelation; it gives a person something that makes life worth living, makes it worth educating oneself and others, to suffer and lift burdens; here there is a jewel worth living and dying for. Through it we can comprehend life, suffering and death. This sacred thing is not only more personal than mere morality or pleasure: it is more than any set of people who reject it and oppose themselves to it. For by this sacred thing, what is primary, real and holy in man, is people, in humanity is determined. And it is in service to this that a person finds the final and most important reason for compulsion and suppression. With the fall of this sacred thing everything comes down to a mass of individual people. . ." We can call this the atomizing of the population, and the Luciferians have done this with mastery in the U.S. and Canada.
This pastor is not a spiritual or moral Nihilist, he is connected to the sacred and properly shows his offense at the physical assault of armed police interrupting a sacred service, in a Church on Holy Week.

He is absolutely right calling on his fellow Canadian Subjects to STAND UP. Not one in ten thousand pastors and priests in the U.S. have stood up to the present police state of Totalitarian Violence. They, those police officers, committed violence, violating the sanctity of Christian Worship, and he was right to used FORCE to repel them. And if his forceful rebuffing of the police offended you, and if you are tempted to say, "he should have tried to dialog with them" or "he was rude and that is not Christ-like, please understand when I tell you you are a Spiritual and Moral Nihilist and have substituted your own sentimentality for both morals and truth.
How did we get to this police state? In America it happened this way.
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Tyranny in America - For Dummies:
![]() |
Dedicated to the truth-teller Congressman Dr. Larry McDonald who was assassinated by a joint operation of the CIA/KGB |
Then there was the Kansas v Hendricks SCOTUS precedent in June of 1997 allowing for the indefinite detention of a person ruled SANE, but a danger to society, who had served out his prison sentence. SCOTUS ruled that for the "public good" Kansas could hold him. (There went the Bill of Rights) That is the precedent upon which all the so called prophylactic laws are based - I screamed - nobody listened. Then following 9/11, on the 25th anniversary of the passage of the 1976 bill, George W. Bush declared a state of national emergency 9/14/2001 which effectively suspended the constitution, and a category of people who could be held prophylactically to include "Islamic Terrorists" - things appeared normal, but Bush kept renewing the state of emergency and handed it to Obama; April 7th 2009 Homeland Security expanded the category of potential terrorist to include anyone holding conservative views, vis a vis gun-control, abortion, christian morals, nationalism, even veterans, etc. (Is it any wonder then that the Globalist Anne Applebaum in March of 2021 would compare Trump supporters to the FARC, the terror group in Columbia that ran death squads. Then she said that we were not exactly the same but we represented a "social challenge" to society and that we needed to be reeducated.) In June of 2012 Obama changed the definition of those who could be arrested without charge, held indefinitely without right of habeas corpus to any deemed "a threat to national security" Which is the exact same power Joseph Stalin held in the old USSR where he murdered upwards of 80 million people. (Dr. Stephen Kotkin of Princeton University put the number closer to 120 million people. He testified to 100 million peasants alone.) The NDAA this spring (2012) cancelled the Posse Comitatus Act - allowing for U.S. troops to be deploy for police action INSIDE the U.S., it authorized armed drones, wiretap without warrant, and gave Obama the power to kill any citizen deem "a threat to national security" etc., etc., etc. (How is it that they came against Trump so powerfully from the start? They named him a threat to national security - they could not kill him without revolt, so when all lesser measures failed they concocted the great Wuhan challenge and the Scientistic Dictatorship took control of governance.) June 28th 2012 the Roberts court removed ALL constraints from Federal coercion - allowing for coercion via taxation. (Able to tax a person mere existence; that is what the mandate was). IT IS OVER - the media has been reporting fake news for a decade, this season's political campaign has been a kabuki play guaranteeing the election a NWO candidate - Romney or Obama etc.
That is what I knew nine years ago. Most everyone I knew was still sleeping.
This video, also produced nine years ago, explains the operation of the Republican and Democrat Parties now in America. (Trump broke this pattern, by getting elected, but he never established a "Trump Administration" - it is a complicated subject but the famous Historian Dr Kotkin agrees with me that Trump was never able to create a Trump Administration. Such an administration would have produced improved relations with Russia and a serious challenge to China. )
Aldous Huxley told us that we would love our servitude and that would be brought about by a combination of drugs, (like Fluoride in our drinking water, and for the inner cities also lead) and "thought manufacturers." They control not just what most people think, but more importantly how they feel. That is the entire science of autonomic triggers.
0024 Volume Twenty-Three
In his 1928 book Propaganda, Bernays informs readers about the true ruling class in our society.
“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country.
We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of.”
In 1953 Bernays aided the United States government in its overthrow of Guatemala. As Mark Crispin Miller notes in the introduction of Propaganda, “Bernays was… employed by the United Fruit Company, at whose behest the Eisenhower administration used the CIA to overthrow the democratically elected government of Jacobo Arbenz.” (We will get to the Mind Control Programs continually operated by the CIA, and their subservience to the Multi-National Corporation, the Oligarchy, and not to the American People) This was 70 years ago, and the power of the Science of Mind Control has increased in knowledge and use, exponentially. We spend our wake and sleeping hours in a sea of informational silence. Whether you can believe it or not, the Simon and Garfunkel song, "The Sound of Silence" is an omage to our present state:
Hello darkness, my old friend
I've come to talk with you again
Because a vision softly creeping
Left its seeds while I was sleeping
And the vision that was planted in my brain
Still remains within the sound of silence
In restless dreams, I walked alone
Narrow streets of cobblestone
'Neath the halo of a street lamp
I turned my collar to the cold and damp
When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon light
That split the night, and touched the sound of silence
And in the naked light I saw
Ten thousand people, maybe more
People talking without speaking
People hearing without listening
People writing songs that voices never shared
And no one dared disturb the sound of silence
"Fools," said I, "You do not know
Silence like a cancer grows
Hear my words that I might teach you
Take my arms that I might reach you"
But my words, like silent raindrops, fell
And echoed in the wells of silence
40 Plus Years ago the most sophisticated mind science was used to form Ronald Reagan into the candidate that would be elected. For two decades before Reagan, the sixties and the seventies, the Mind Control Masters had been creating a population of "radical individuals" and these individuals were programmed, literally created by Mind Sciences, the "self actualization" psyop, they crossed all demographic and social strata lines, including Christians with the Power of Positive Thinking, Norman Vincent Peale, How to Stop Worrying and Start Living, Dale Carnegie, Your Inner Child of the Past, Hugh Missildine, How to Live With Yourself, Robert Hastings, Psycho-Cybernetics - A New Way to Get More Living Out of Life, Maxwell Maltz, all these actualized, individualize, atomized, hypnotized people were ready to elect Reagan. This came from Stanford University's "Mind and Body Lab."
The Century of the Self - is a four hour documentary about Mind Control, if YouTube ever takes it down I will upload in a different venue.
This study of the Mindset, what we Orthodox Christians call the Phronema, which is a Greek term that is used in Orthodox theology to refer to mindset or outlook; we could also call it our "worldview" and our proper worldview is the Orthodox mindset. The attaining of phronema is a matter of practicing the correct faith (orthodoxia) in the correct manner (orthopraxia). Attaining phronema is regarded as the first step toward theosis, the state of glorification. One can't help but wonder what sort of "mindset" the CIA's Stanford University Mind Science Laboratory is trying to whip up.
Water Fluoridation was also sold to America with the help of Bernays. As detailed in The Fluoride Deception, Christopher Bryson explains Bernays’ connection with the National Institute of Dental Research.
What Rich Higgins simply called "Publicity" in his book entitled "The Memo: 20 Years inside the Deep State Fighting for America First" can have a most sinister purpose. The promotion of the dumbing down deadly chemical Fluoride is a case in point. So Bernays promoted revolution in foreign countries for the CIA, and Fluoride for the Military Industrial Complex. The Donora smog that killed 22 people and sickened and shortened the lives of thousands in Pennsylvania in the late 1940s was Fluoride poisoning.

One constant theme in mass Fluoride use, fluoride in your water, fluoride in your toothpaste, etc., is that it makes people pliable, actually removes from people part of the animal instinct for survival, and makes them hate confrontation of any kind. I'm tempted to believe it just helps dumb people down. As the Covid Mask-hysteria has proved, stupidity and rage seem to accompany one another.
0024 Vol XXIV How Blinding is Your Worldview.
The Brain has no Firewall. That's what the Luciferians teach you, but is it true? The fact is that against the sea of lies we are NOT without weapons.

study of the mind of man has enabled advanced forms of subtle
influence, of “manufacturing consent.” The U.S. Army War College noted
in 1998 that the “Mind has no firewall,”
and that “We are on the threshold of an era in which these data
processors of the human body may be manipulated or debilitated.”
(and there are many data processors in the body, not just the brain)
Now I want to remind you that you are not helpless against the array of Mind Control Weaponry, like Psychotronic Weapons, Chemical Weaponry, and even Biological Weapons. I'm going to play Alan Watt reading the U.S. Army War College assessment of Psychotronic Weaponry from 1998, but before I do that, I want to read the words of Andrew Torba, who has and is creating the GAB platforms - and there will be multiple Gab Platforms in competition with the platforms that are owned and controlled by Globalist Luciferians. It is a lesson to learn that Gab Social and Gab T.V. platforms owned by a dedicated Christian (newly baptized) are truly Free Speech platforms, blocking only what is pornographic, proving G.K.Chesterton's words, "Only Christianity can create a Society where both the Christian and the Pagan may safely play." Can a Christian exercise free speech on the Luciferian Platforms? No. So with the understanding of coming to be able to Guard the NOUS, that is guard your mind, guard you soul (your psyche) from all evil influence, I want to share Andrew Torba's testimony and remind you that he is building the only Free Speech Platform in the English Speaking World, to my knowledge.
Andrew Torba:
Brothers and Sisters,
For many Americans Christianity has become a rapidly deconstructed
fragment of their actual identity. People refer to themselves as a
“Christian” when asked about matters of faith, but you won’t find them
openly proclaiming Christ as their central identity. (And I will add that when they do, evil corporations, institutions and governmental entities push back. But one can't be Christian and NOT proclaim Christ who is TRUTH that walked among us. TRUTH governs every endeavor, every relationship, every accurate perception. Without TRUTH there is only CHAOS.)
Andrew continues:
How many of us are living according to God’s Word and how many are living according to the ways of the world?
In my early twenties I was calling myself a Christian, but I was living a very worldly life. God came secondary to my career and worldly desires. I wasn’t attending church. I wasn’t reading my Bible. I wasn’t praying. What part of me was living a Christian life that could justify calling myself a Christian?
That all changed a few years ago when the Holy Spirit moved my heart closer to God. Starting and scaling Gab has been one of the most challenging and rewarding things I have ever done in my life. I can say with great confidence that without my faith Gab would not exist today. It would have failed many times over.
The more The Enemy attacked and persecuted me, the closer God drew me into His loving embrace. I started attending church, got married, became a father, and humbled myself as the worst of sinners before an Almighty God.
This is a trustworthy saying, worthy of full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the worst. 1 Timothy 1:15
This Palm Sunday I was baptized as we are commanded by Christ in Matthew 28:19. I invite you to watch my baptism and testimony here. I pray that it inspires even one soul to return to Christ and commit their lives to Him.
Andrew Continues:
Unfortunately many American Christians have adopted a secular human
worldview and are living lives similar to the way I was in my early
twenties. They are embracing demonic critical theory and the “woke” gospel instead of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Instead of worshiping God, they worship idols in the form of celebrities, sports players, and politicians. (I would add to this list, heretical teachers, preachers and priest, many who have apostatized and many who never held the faith in the first place, but substituted secularist motivational mind science, papered over with some sentimental understanding of a powerless God.) They value material “stuff” over the fruits of the Spirit. They seek comfort and fleeting pleasure over the suffering and courage it takes to live an unapologetic and authentic Christian life. They are lukewarm Christians.
The time for lukewarm Christianity is over.
Christians need to rise up and proclaim the name of Jesus Christ the
King of Kings to the world. We are the supermajority in The West and despite the fear mongering that isn’t going to change anytime soon. (The link is to a Pew Research article documenting the fall of Christianity in America)
Andrew Continues:
We are the ones establishing nuclear families. We are the ones
bringing up our children to know and love the Lord. We are the ones
building sovereign businesses and infrastructure. We are the ones with a
future worth fighting for. We are reformers, builders, and pioneers.
The entire coalition of the demonic critical theory ideology is filled with self-centered atomized individuals who need Christ. (And of course the atomizing of individuals is not relegated to the left alone, the social planners, using mind control have spent decades creating the "radical individual" unconnected to family, church and community. IBM setup their entire employment practice for decades with this goal in mind, as has the U.S. Military.) They chose lust over love, greed over grace, and pride over humility. This never ends well and it will not survive the hourglass of history.
The Enemy’s current strongholds are in the education systems and in the culture. Their top objective is the indoctrination and conversion of your children to their demonic religion. The single most important thing we can do as Christian parents is to prevent that from happening.
The way we do that is by going all in, taking a leap of faith, and living fully for Christ. There’s no room or time for lukewarm. The Enemy is expecting and conditioning you to be lukewarm. When you are lukewarm you are vulnerable. Your children are vulnerable. Our country and indeed The West itself is vulnerable.
Cut the cable cord. Cancel Netflix. Delete your Big Tech accounts. If at all possible find a way to homeschool your children. If that is not possible make sure you are spending time in God’s Word daily. If your children are not raised to have a Biblical worldview the Enemy will most certainly see to it that they are raised with their demonic secular humanism worldview. What is the best way to raise up your children with a Biblical worldview? Live it yourself. Be the example.
It’s so important to not sink into despair right now. We serve the Creator of the Universe. Trust His Plan. Christians need to play the long game and we need to start being strategic about our plan to recapture the control of our countries. That begins with the end of lukewarm Christianity.
The tolerance of the generations before us has led to the subversive takeover of every facet of society and even the faith by the global elite. That does not mean that they cannot be defeated. I believe that God has a plan to do so, but it will take the organized, peaceful, and longterm commitment and effort of His people to accomplish this. We must never again tolerate evil and the spirit of the antichrist in our culture, governments, education systems, homes, and our own hearts.
Today on this Easter Sunday we remember the hope, grace, forgiveness, and salvation of our risen Savior. We will forge ahead into the darkness and be not afraid, for our God will always be victorious and our faith rests in the eternal life that awaits us in His Kingdom.
God bless you all and Happy Easter, He is risen!
Andrew TorbaCEO, Gab.com
Jesus is King
Now not expressing any cynicism, just acknowledging a possibility, if Andrew Torba actually wrote the words in his letter, he has proved himself a talented writer and teacher as well as an Internet Geek and Guru.
New we are going to examine the U.S. Army War College Document entitled:
The Mind has no Firewall PDF
And we are going to let Alan Watt read it to us.
Alan Watt who came as close to defining the MATRIX of the Scientistic Dictatorship as anyone I've met, the "information masters" at RationalWiki enjoyed defaming him one more time upon his repose in early March of this year (2021); intending to mock him, they laid out his "beliefs" as if he was a "believer" and not a researcher and chronicler, someone like so many of us, just trying to sort out the Truth from a sea of lies. Here is the list of his beliefs they listed, intending to mock, but to one degree or another each so-called belief is TRUE:
From RationalWiki:
So, what does he believe in?
Alan Watt professed belief in the following:
- The world as we know it
has been for decadesis on the brink of collapse, and a New World Order is imminent.
(The New World Order is FACT, though the goal of one unified world control is still struggling to be born, but at lease three limbs of the beast has escaped the womb.) - Governments are using the conflict in the Middle East to distract us from the real problem... chemtrails![4]
(The Conflicts in the Middle East created Christian Genocide)
- Professional sports are being used to distract the populace from the elite's secret plans and to "take away your manhood".[5]
(Professional Sport has been used as a hypnotic distraction and now being used as an instrument of Marxist Influence.) - Anthropogenic climate change is a hoax and is being used as an "excuse to bring about some agenda" involving depopulation in accordance to the Club Of Rome and the United Nations.[6]
- "Prison cities" akin to the FEMA concentration camps were to be established across the world in 2011.[7] to kill off the useless eaters. As of 2021 we're still waiting for them. (They exist in Xinjian Provence of Red China & I have to add that some cities seem to be covid lockdown camps. What was it that Pastor in Alberta Canada was battling against in the last video. What was the topic of Senator Rand Paul's newsletter today? What did a CNN talking head suggest today? Vaccine Passports, and for those who refuse the poison, Viola, lockdown cities and provinces much like FEMA Camps)>
- Microchips, Nanotechnology, and Implanted Biosensors are becoming the "new normal".
(I wonder what the idiot who is mocking Watt believes is the research done by Google and Raymond Kurzweil, or the Mind and Body Institute at Sanford (CIA) University, or the many other "cutting edge" mind/body science institutes?) - TV is evil and only exists to brainwash the masses[8]
- Coronavirus has been a gold mine on Watt's website. Major plot twist, he believed it's a hoax to force mandated vaccines[9]. (The Wuhan Virus had several goals, getting rid of Trump was at the top of the list, but the forced mandated vaccines are a threat, as are the vaccine passports.)
0024 Vol XXV How Blinding is Your Worldview
Autonomic Triggers Explained:
(Just a personal note: My Brother Dr. David Roland Robinson reposed in the Lord, this AM, 4/8/2021. Prayers for his children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and all of us who loved him.) I'm marking this hear to remind myself what I was doing as he peacefully reposed.)
GOP is using Autonomic Trigger on Trump supporters who are abandoning the GOP. From the New York Times:
" The political arm of House Republicans is deploying a prechecked box to enroll donors into repeating monthly donations — and using ominous language to warn them of the consequences if they opt out: 'If you UNCHECK this box, we will have to tell Trump you're a DEFECTOR."' That's an autonomic trigger, not wanting to be seen to be disloyal to Trump who fought so very hard for American's middle and working class people, who kept us from a new war, who destroyed the Mossad/CIA's Arab Legion operation in Syria and Iraq called ISIS, which was perpetrating Genocide against Arab Christians. The man who expose the Climate Hoax, withdrew the U.S. from the Globalist and Genocidal World Health Organization, Destroyed 40 years of the Trilateral Commissions work by killing the Trans-Pacific Partnership, the man who brought back Twelve-Thousand New Factories, when Obama said that was impossible, and it would have been Sixty Thousand by the end of his second term if he had not been literally overthrown by the CIA/DeepState and Globalist Cabal. And this list would be very long were I to tell the stories of all the things he did and tried to do that were to the benefit of the American people and indeed to the people of the world. Do you think that the half-million people who turned out to greet Trump in India were fools, were duped? No, they knew his calling out Chinese Trade abuses HELPED THEM. The GOP establishment understands the natural human loyalty that people feel towards Trump so they are trading on it, even though Trump sent them a cease and dissent letter ordering them not to use his name to collect money for the GOP or RNC.
The name of Reagan is another autonomic trigger, and the GOP that hated Reagan, have been bathing themselves in his name for decades, just as the Dems bathed in the name of Franklin D Roosevelt for two generations. It is just now that one can approach the name of Reagan with anything but reverence and not get hateful blowback. Trust me, I know. Reagan's presidency, except in cracking the myth of Soviet invincibility and helping to free two-hundred and fifty million people (and that is huge) .. .everything else was worse than a failure, it was an assault on the American people via the laws passed by Carter, like the Senior Executive Services that never should have been, because it created the shadow government that actually runs things, and exponentially expanding the Department of Education that immediately turned to Marxist themes and Behaviorist models of conditioning instead of education. And like Trump's list of good things, Reagan's list of bad things is as long. Why? Because the Criminal Cabalist George Herbert Walker Bush, the former head of the CIA was Vice President and actually running things. It was a friend of the Bush family who shot Reagan. And as we have seen in previous videos, Reagan was willing to be molded into the public model that the Mind Science people said would get him elected. His actual history and life belies that image because he was a member of the club, he attended Bohemian Grove. This was posted on Gab this morning and hardly anyone objected.
Now after all these years the truth of Reagan's utter failure on the domestic and much of foreign policy can be exposed and people who you need on your side do not go ballistic. Why, because Reagan became an autonomic trigger, the very mention of the name evoked in people pride of country and the goodness of our country. Even the devil Bill Clinton lavished praise on the name of Reagan.
When I started featuring the work of Charlotte Iserbyt, who expose the Marxist Department of Education and its assault on Reason, people would be shocked when I shared the fact that she was exposing what happened in the Reagan and Bush administrations. It was their first hint that maybe the Reagan years were not all Mom, Uncle Sam and Apple Pie. You can't assault an event or figure that has become an autonomic trigger without alienating those who you need on your side. You have to deconstruct with FACTS, and finally say, "this is what your hero allowed."
Douglas Gabriel of aim4truth and I had a little row over this concept that I want to share with you. The fact is that I agree with most of the facts he had shared, but detest the ham-handed language, in fact the damaging language he has use to share his facts. It is more than a digression into politics, since the subject of this is maiming and killing of millions of people; the conversation is about stealth genocide and sadly Donald Trump's cheering for it.
I opened the last video with the story of the young high school biology teacher that took the RNA altering Covid Vaccine and two days later posted a tweet that she was suffering and a few days later died. I reacted in anger saying, “May God hold in his Mercy the victims of the Luciferian Con o Virus Vaccines and Medical malpractice! May these Malthusian Monsters perish from the face of the earth via their own schemes.” Someone called me a fake Christian for wishing the demise of enemies of God and humanity. I refrained from even responding to them, since I know that demonic Pacifism has control of their thinking, and they lack the ability to distinguish when anger and imprecatory prayers and yes even curses are appropriate. I opened the book I was reading and was confronted with the words of Saint John of Kronstadt addressing Tolstoy for his harm of the Russian people through his false pacifist teaching. Saint John said, “you ought to have a stone hung 'round your neck and be lowered with it into the depths of the sea; you ought not to have any place on earth.” I think I'm in good company. But we have a caution.
Thinking with emotions and not with reason: I have respect for "aim4truth" and the Gabriels, Tyla and Douglas, because of their work with Michael McKibben and their support of Trump when Trump was in the heat of battle and their belated denunciation of the Deep State Live Action Roll Play psyop called Q. Better late than never. We agree that the Vaccination Push is about Control and Genocide. I'm having difficulty with their present attacks on Trump, smearing him with present events, without context. For Instance:
Right afterward they posted this, and it shows a certain cognitive dissonance.
I know that the Gabriels' concern for the Vaccine massacre that is happening at this moment is very real. And any word that Trump has to say positively about it is capitulation to evil. That is a fact, but that does not negate the sacrifice he made and the valiant warrior he was. We supported Trump, the Gabriels, yours truly and tens of millions more. What he tried to do was REAL and part of our history and when you demean it you take the part of the Cabal, seeking to dispirit American Nationalist, Conservatives and those who voted for Trump with their money, with their travel and feet, voted for him in the voting booth, canvassed neighborhoods, like the group "women for Trump". The ham handed approach of the Gabriels, demeans us all, and demeans them.

Bill Gates explaining the glories of RNA, DNA altering vaccines. I'm thinking about investing in a crematorium.

Why did I confront the fact that the Gabriels inferred that Trump was "compromised" to the Rothschilds? Number one, because how it demeans his character and makes those who supported him look stupid. Trump is anything but, compromised to the Rothschilds, he is most likely a prisoner of the Deep State, at this moment in history sequestered to some degree, after all we know he is in digital exile, the modern equivalent of being physically exiled and completely censored in country. His present weakness acknowledged, Trump was a TRUE WARRIOR while he was able to battle. The one perception over the other is VERY important. One says, "you were a fool for engaging in the battle and believing Trump was a real warrior i.e., you supported a Rothschild puppet" and the other says, "We fought hard along with Trump, and nobly and have taken a major defeat, but we continue to fight." Perceptions matter.
"This is not a game, this is a ZERO SUM WAR, and so far it has been a Mind Control War, using shock and fear against God's people, and a Biological War, not so much by the Wuhan Virus itself, that supposedly escaped the laboratory there, but the answer to it, the political carnage of the Cabal controlled FAKE election, the destruction to small businesses, the lock-downs, traumatizing a generation of children, the mask-mandates, the suicides, the people who postponed needed medical attention to avoid the medical institutions and died, or are dying of cancer and other neglected conditions; the destruction of the real medical establishment, and now vaccine sickness and genocide. Bill Cooper's words are proved prophetic." He said in 1993, "The New World Order will sail in on a sea of blood." I'm thinking the carnage is just beginning.

Alex Jones and a thousand others can spout BS all day long and I'm not listening. I've been listening to aim4truth or I would not be responding to them. AND as fate would have it, General Michael Flynn stepped up and said, "This time listen to Alex Jones." It seems that the "Event 201 Gathering" we featured with clips from Amazing Polly's video, was a smoke screen, a CIA/Globalist Limited hang out to cover for the real planning session. You just saw the real planning mechanism, SPARS-Pandemic. Event 201 happened in October 2019, the real planning to remove Trump and drive people to mandated Vaccines happened in 2017, four years ago. Fauci said there would be a surprise outbreak Trump would have to deal with. Now, tell me how that makes Trump responsible. Trump, who gave up a stellar career and a golden life to take years of abuse and be sandbagged by the Scientistic Dictatorship which already had the weapon constructed, cocked and ready to fire, before he was elected. Trump was sandbagged by powers more powerful than he had gauged. The one good thing about it, he forced them to expose themselves.
Perceptions vs Emotions. There is an interplay between the two that is real, but we have to seek objective reality via reason, and we cannot allow emotions to overcome our perceptions. Neither can we be "Spock" of Star Trek fame, where we refuse to recognize emotions when they are true and proper emotions. For instance as I have said many times and it is absolutely true, "There are times that if you are not angry, you sin." Yet, ill-placed and inappropriate anger is a deadly sin. Our emotions can betray us, our emotions can even blind our reasoning power and natural perceptions.
0024 Vol XXVI How Blinding is Your Worldview
Autonomic Triggers that Blind Our Present Perceptions.
In Canada Pastors have been imprisoned for daring to hold church services. Canada, not China. If you think that this FAKE Corona Virus pandemic is about a virus, you are sadly brainwashed. The State with its corporate media has run a fear appeal scam on you. Humans hold latent fear, and of course the fear of death is the strongest, the fear of not being acceptable, not fitting in, is probably the second strongest, which is all tied onto "mating anxiety" and so on, and the Mind Science experts know how to trigger those fears. False fears can be installed by the Mind Science masters and they can trigger those at will. In fact this is the method of terrorism.
Purposeful and accidental autonomic triggers:
When I was a prison chaplain a black female guard always treated me with dismissal, she was curt, almost mocking, always on the edge of anger that covered-over a fear she held. I recognized that she was frightened of me and did the usual assessment of our encounters to see if some action, attitude, or word of mine was the source of her fear. I was stumped, and every encounter for about eighteen months was uncomfortable. I was never alone with her, so I did not want to embarrass her in front of others by questioning her with witnesses. So finally, it occasioned that we were alone, walking across the Gym, where she was to unlock a door for me. I said to her, "Forgive me, I've been meaning to ask. You seem to dislike me terribly and I can't think of why, can you tell me what I've done to offend you." She turned with eyes on fire and almost yelled at me, "You are not fooling me, you are a White Supremacist!" I paused trying to place her statement in a context I could understand. I said, "Honest, you have me wrong, I'm not a White Supremacist. What have I ever done to you or anyone in your sight that would make you think I hate black people." She brushed the cross on my chest and said, "If you ain't a white supremacist, why are you wearing that symbol."
"This, Celtic Cross?" I was shocked. I loved my Celtic Cross and still do because it is a symbol of my family's Celtic Heritage. There is still on Robinson property in Ireland the remains of a Monastery named Dun Desert, founded by Egyptian Monks in the 4th century, literally 1700 years ago. So I asked her, "What do you think this cross means?" Short story she was taught by the prison system's "tattoo interpretation booklet" that the Celtic Cross was a racist symbol. And she had been attacked by a White Supremacist inmate that had a Celtic Cross tattooed on his chest. He had compromised her and molested her before other guards could arrive. Every time she saw me, it evoked in her gut all the anger and fear of that moment. That is called an autonomic trigger. My Celtic Cross for her was an autonomic trigger. I asked her, "When you see a Celtic Cross in a cemetery do you think it means a White Supremacist is buried there?" She said, "Yes." I was able to explain to her that she was seeing too much fear and that if the White Supremacists had adopted the symbol, it was both sad and anger engendering for me, because they were shitting on MY heritage.
Let us examine autonomic triggers:
As Dr. Theuless explains in this video, calling Trump "compromised to, i.e., a puppet of the Rothschilds is the equivalent to calling a dog of mixed-breed, a mongrel. Language creates perception upon which all sorts of conclusions are rightly or wrongly drawn. WORDS MATTER.
I want to share a personal story so that you can begin to understand what an autonomic trigger is, and how easy it is to install an autonomic trigger, (a post suggestion) in a mind that has no firewall. The ancient fathers called it “Protecting The NOUS” that is guarding what we allow our mind to accept as true. But there is a deeper level than just guarding against specific thoughts or patterns of thoughts, psychotronic weapons and hypnotic suggestion has the power to bypass the conscious mind and imprint an emotion associated with an autonomic trigger, unless we are prayerfully vigilant guarding our thought and questioning our emotional reactions. Our subconscious mind has power in its ability to paint emotions all over our conscious experience, and many times the emotions are wholly misplaced and inappropriate. In the 1970s I was a young Locomotive Engineer on the old Southern Railway System. This was the Nixon years, and we were hit with the OPEC Oil embargo. To save fuel, we were ordered to shut our engines down, if following our run the engines would be sitting idling for more that 4 hours. It was a federal mandate to save fuel. Ordinarily, in standard railroad operations the engines were never shut down, since diesel engines can idle for days without over heating, using very little fuel. But, Uncle Sam demanded it, so during the Oil Embargoes we had to shut the engines down. In my few years on the railroad I had never shut an engine down, except during training, when we were taught the protocols to shut engines down and to start cold engines. I remember that day of training and it was miserable, for some reason I hated the task. For some reason it made me feel very uncomfortable. It was more than an uncomfortable feeling, it was a feeling of impending doom, as if the engine was about to blow up. There was something about the engine whining down and the last whooshing of the massive pistons in the cylinders that made my skin crawl and put me in fight or flight shock. It literally felt like impending death. Of course as a man, I pushed my actions past my feelings, no one watching me would know my inner struggle, this irrational fear, but the feelings were strong, even powerful. No one was more please than me when the directive came down killing the shutdown order. Some months later I was half napping on the floor in my living room and the kids all 1 to 5 were climbing all over me and messing with my hair. Suddenly instead of the warm feeling of my kids teasing me, I had that feeling of death. I awoke and looked at the T.V. And it had an old movie playing, it was about WWII submarines. Suddenly it all made sense, here was the sound of that massive diesel engine whining to a stop and the whooshing sound of the huge pistons making their last strokes in the cylinders. It was a scene from the movie “The Enemy Below” I had watched in a dark theatre when I was 9 or 10. Fifteen years later that impression was haunting me, controlling my feelings and I didn't have a clue why my emotions did not match my rational perceptions those days in the 70s. That was the sound, shutting down the diesel engines on that WWII sub, the exact engine used in the locomotives of my day, and all the tension of the battleships on the surface dropping depth charges, and me feeling like I was about to be blown up and die. In that dark theatre my subconscious mind recorded that sound and 15 years later it was controlling my emotions, casting its shadow over my present experience. That is the power of hypnotic suggestion. My mind was programmed by that movie. Many of you older women will identify with having your mind programmed by the movie Psycho. Suddenly the shower became a haunted and/or dangerous place. These things may seem silly to young people who are exposed to so much, I dare say they have to be unnaturally removed from their emotions to survive. But the young generation would be foolish to believe they are not responding to autonomic triggers, a sound, a hook line in a song, the thought of a clever movie line and it all comes with accompanying emotions.
Our Friend Russell Taylor opines:
Much of the Scientific Dictatorship’s agenda would stop dead in its tracks in response to the simple act of the people becoming aware that there are attempts to manipulate our minds.
I think that last paragraph is extreme naiveté. For one, as Alan Watt read in that paper from the Army War College, it isn't just about controlling our minds, but also making changes to our bodies. What was Gates talking about but RNA and DNA manipulation via Vaccines! And the information from the SPARS Pandemic planning, it is obvious that the changes they are making are not for our health, to put it mildly. However, more people are aware today, with the result of the "Luciferian Technocracy" (just another way of saying) Scientistic Dictatorship becoming more violent in their suppression. We saw it in the Obama years when mass shootings increased exponentially to cow the population in fear and create the atmosphere for ignorant people to be sympathetic to the Dictatorship's attempts to disarm us. We are seeing it again in the Spring of 2021 as the Luciferian Deep State is again trying to Cow us. No, whether you can understand it or not, the answer to the Luciferian Mind Control establishment is dedication to Christ, who is Truth, and coming to understand how to detect and block the lies. They don't want you to know how to protect your own NOUS, they want you frightened and awaiting the next VIOLENT news.
More Knowledge for the Battle, a survey of the development of the Science of MAD MEN.
Having watch the "SPARS PANDEMIC" planning scheme as suggested by General Michael Flynn and reading the complete playbook linked here. https://www.centerforhealthsecurity.org/our-work/pubs_archive/pubs-pdfs/2017/spars-pandemic-scenario.pdf (I've down loaded it in the case that Johns Hopkins takes it down.) Remember that these Scientists didn't one day stand up and say, "Hey, let's banned together and create hell on earth." From my article CIA History 101:
By 1953, the dirty tricks department of the CIA, had grown to 7,200 personnel and commanded 74 percent of the CIA’s total budget. The following quotes describe the culture of lawlessness that pervaded the CIA: Stanley Lovell, a CIA recruiter for "Wild Bill" Donovan: "What I have to do is to stimulate the Peck's Bad Boy beneath the surface of every American scientist and say to him, 'Throw all your normal law-abiding concepts out the window. Here's a chance to raise merry hell. Come help me raise it.'"
How does the Scientific Dictatorship operate?
Eisenhower’s warning is especially prescient here. “The prospect of domination of the nation’s scholars by Federal employment, project allocations, and the power of money is ever present and is gravely to be regarded,” he warned. Tax-exempt foundations have played a critical role in directing society and technological development. For example, as president of the Carnegie Institution, Vannevar Bush “…was able to influence research in the U.S. towards military objectives and could informally advise the government on scientific matters.”
As Dr. Lily E. Kay has documented in her book The Molecular Vision of Life: Caltech, the Rockefeller Foundation, and the Rise of the New Biology, large
foundations effectively set in motion the entire scientific
technological agenda for the 20th Century. Under the “Science of Man”
agenda, the physical makeup of human beings was studied, and methods to
alter various biological processes were devised. This inertia rippled
throughout society and impacted the minds of the intelligentsia that
were totally unconnected to the core group responsible for organizing
the central project. (I think that the "rippling" through the scientific and social culture was contrived and controlled. It would be hard to come to another conclusion when one understand the "future planning" that has included the sciences of Mind Control.)
The Scientific Dictatorship often operates under the cover of darkness, under national security, private contractors, and deep levels of government secrecy.
One area of operations for this group is in bio weapons laboratories across the globe. As revealed by "The Age," Nobel prize winning Australian microbiologist Sir Macfarlane Burnet secretly urged the Australian government in 1947 to develop bio weapons
for use against the “overpopulated countries of South-East Asia.” In a
1947 meeting with the New Weapons and Equipment Development Committee,
the group recommended that “the possibilities of an attack on the food
supplies of S-E Asia and Indonesia using B.W. agents should be
considered by a small study group.”
Burnet's solution: The plan to poison S-E Asia
World-famous microbiologist Sir Macfarlane Burnet, the Nobel prize winner revered as Australia's greatest medical research scientist, secretly urged the government to develop biological weapons for use against Indonesia and other "overpopulated" countries of South-East Asia.
The revelation is contained in top-secret files declassified by the National Archives of Australia, despite resistance from the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.
Sir Macfarlane recommended in a secret report in 1947 that biological and chemical weapons should be developed to target food crops and spread infectious diseases.
His key advisory role on biological warfare was uncovered by Canberra historian Philip Dorling in the National Archives in 1998.
department initially blocked release of the material on the basis it
would damage Australia's international relations. Dr Dorling sought a
review and the material was finally released to him late last year.
The files include a comprehensive memo Sir Macfarlane wrote for the Defence Department in 1947 in which he said Australia should develop biological weapons that would work in tropical Asia without spreading to Australia's more temperate population centres.
"Specifically to the Australian situation, the most effective counter-offensive to threatened invasion by overpopulated Asiatic countries would be directed towards the destruction by biological or chemical means of tropical food crops and the dissemination of infectious disease capable of spreading in tropical but not under Australian conditions," Sir Macfarlane said.
The Victorian-born immunologist, who headed the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research, won the Nobel prize for medicine in 1960. He died in 1985 but his theories on immunity and "clonal selection" provided the basis for modern biotechnology and genetic engineering.
On December 24, 1946, the secretary of the Department of Defence, F.G. Shedden, wrote to Macfarlane Burnet saying Australia could not ignore the fact that many countries were conducting intense research on biological warfare and inviting him to a meeting of top military officers to discuss the question.
The minutes of a meeting in January, 1947, reveal that Sir Macfarlane argued that Australia's temperate climate could give it a significant military advantage.
"The main contribution of local research so far as Australia is concerned might be to study intensively the possibilities of biological warfare in the tropics against troops and civil populations at a relatively low level of hygiene and with correspondingly high resistance to the common infectious diseases," he told the meeting.
In September, 1947, Sir Macfarlane was invited to join a chemical and biological warfare subcommittee of the New Weapons and Equipment Development Committee.
He prepared a secret report titled Note on War from a Biological Angle suggesting that biological warfare could be a powerful weapon to help defend a thinly populated Australia.
Sir Macfarlane also urged the government to encourage universities to research those branches of biological science that had a special bearing on biological warfare.
A clinically scientific approach is evident in a note he wrote in June, 1948.
He said a successful attack with a microbiological agent on a large population would have such a devastating impact that its use was extremely unlikely while both sides were capable of retaliation.
"The main strategic use of biological warfare may well be to administer the coup de grace to a virtually defeated enemy and compel surrender in the same way that the atomic bomb served in 1945.
"Its use has the tremendous advantage of not destroying the enemy's industrial potential which can then be taken over intact.
"Overt biological warfare might be used to enforce surrender by psychological rather than direct destructive measures."
The minutes of a meeting at Melbourne's Victoria Barracks in 1948 noted that Sir Macfarlane "was of the opinion that if Australia undertakes work in this field it should be on the tropical offensive side rather than the defensive. There was very little known about biological attack on tropical crops."
After visiting the UK in 1950 and examining the British chemical and biological warfare research effort, Sir Macfarlane told the committee that the initiation of epidemics among enemy populations had usually been discarded as a means of waging war because it was likely to rebound on the user.
"In a country of low sanitation the introduction of an exotic intestinal pathogen, e.g. by water contamination, might initiate widespread dissemination," he said.
"Introduction of yellow fever into a country with appropriate mosquito vectors might build up into a disabling epidemic before control measures were established."
The subcommittee recommended that "the possibilities of an attack on the food supplies of S-E Asia and Indonesia using B.W. agents should be considered by a small study group".
It 1951 it recommended that "a panel reporting to the chemical and biological warfare subcommittee should be authorised to report on the offensive potentiality of biological agents likely to be effective against the local food supplies of South-East Asia and Indonesia".
Dr Dorling said that while Sir Macfarlane was a great Australian he was also a product of times when many Australians held deep fears about more populous Asian countries.
He said the Menzies government was more interested in trying to acquire nuclear weapons. "Fortunately this also proved impracticable and Australia never acquired a weapon of mass destruction."
The secretary of the Federation of Australian Scientific and Technological Societies, Peter French, said he had not yet seen the files but the whole notion of biological warfare was something that Australian scientists would not be comfortable with today. "Viewed through today's eyes it is clearly an abhorrent suggestion," Dr French said.
The anthrax attacks that occurred shortly after 9/11 have exposed the underbelly of this system, along with the murder of Dr. David Kelly in 2003. Investigative journalist and film maker Bob Coen examined the anthrax case and concluded that an “international biological weapons mafia” is operating in total secrecy.
0024 Vol XXVII Facing Evil Boldly with Physical as well as Moral, Spiritual, Psychological resistance.
Someone commented on the last video saying, "How can you be so outraged at an Australian biological weapons program from seventy plus years ago?" To which I say, why does Hitler and Stalin offend you?

These Trotskyites are no better than the Stalinist Communists or Hitler's Brain Trust. What has been the result of then Luciferian Philosophy but the slaughter of the innocent and multiple Christian Genocides?
What is good is good and what is evil is evil and decades nor even centuries change that.
I listened to an interview of Dr. Kotkin by a Jewish broadcaster about Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn and truly Kotkin got a lot of details right but bowing to secular humanist and possibly Jewish sensibilities he missed Solzhenitsyn's major message stated again and again in his work. (1) Without Jesus Christ, the Ground and Pillar of Truth, all becomes killing and insane, and (2) Resistance to Evil is a necessity and the responsibility of EVERY individual.
Solzhenitsyn chided himself and called himself "weak and even deluded" for not truly resisting his arrest and incarceration, he repeated the charge about his countrymen who just laid down and waited for the Judeo-Luciferian Communist Secret Police to arrive and haul them away. They did nothing to resist when their neighbors were the target, so then could little expect any help when they were the target. That statement of Solzhenitsyn reminded me of the wise words of Ivan Alexandrovich ILyin who said:
"This is the spiritual law: the non-resistor to evil is absorbed by it (by evil) and becomes possessed. For evil is not an empty word, not an abstract concept, not a mere logical possibility and not a result of subjective evaluation. Evil is first and foremost the spiritual inclination of man, inherent in each of us, as if for some, living within us there is a passionate desire to unbridle the beast inside, a gravitation that always strives to expand its field and to overtake us completely. Encountering refusals and prohibition, encountering persistent restrains that support the spiritual and moral facets of personal and social life, it seeks to seep through these obstacles, lull vigilance of conscience and sense of justice, weaken the power of shame and disgust, to adopt an acceptable appearance, and if possible, to then shatter and disintegrate these living facets, these nascent forms of the individual spirit, and as it were, to topple and rend asunder the strong-willed walls of the individual's (moral fortress). The spiritual education of a person consists in constructing these walls and, more importantly, in communicating the need and ability to build, maintain and defend these walls. The sense of shame, the sense of duty, the living impulses of conscience and the sense of justice, the need for beauty and spiritual protection for the living, the love of God and the motherland - all these sources of living spiritually in individual and cooperative work create in man those spiritual necessities and impossibilities that consciousness gives the form of beliefs, and with which the unconscious forms a noble character. And these spiritual drives to act, "just so" and the impossibility of acting "differently", give unity and certainty to personal being; they form a kind of spiritual order, as if they were a living backbone of the personal spirit, supporting its structure, its formalized being, informing it of its might and power. The softening of this spiritual backbone, the disintegration of this spiritual way of life, would mean the spiritual end of the personality, its transformation into a sacrifice of bad passions and external influences, its return to that chaotically-permissive state where there are no spiritual necessities, and spiritual possibilities are incalculable.
"It is clear that the more spineless and unprincipled the man is, the closer he is to this state and the more natural it is for him not to resist evil. And conversely, the less a person resists evil, the more he approaches this state, flouting his "beliefs" and shaking his own "character". The non-resistor himself breaks the walls of his spiritual (fortress), he himself takes the poison from which the bones of his body soften."
Ivan continues with a description of a man grown demonic, unable to distinguish between what is life engendering and what is death engendering, and surrendering his sanity to death. "The evil obsession becomes total and draws the soul on its own paths, according to its own laws. Obsessed with an evil passion, the non-resistor runs rampant because he himself has rejected all that resists, directs and formulates: all his non-resisting force becomes the power of the most thunderous evil, and the breath of death feeds upon the cruelty of the most helpless demise. This is why the end of his frenzy is the end of his psychic and bodily existence: insanity and death."
We never have to look far to find the examples that proves the truth of Ivan Alexandrovich ILyin's words. The late actor, Isaac Kappy who by example and words gave testimony to what Ivan Ilyin said. Isaac Kappy lived a self absorbed Hollywood life, and having no defenses fell prey to the Q LARP, and the Q-LARP shocked him with the evil it exposed and he became an almost violent voice spreading the PizzaGate mythology. (Now - Elite Pedophile crimes are ubiquitous, so don't get me wrong - but the PizzaGate LARP was a misdirection that made many Q head and Trump Supporters look like idiots). Having lost all discernment Kappy pronounced anyone who dare question the reality and truthfulness of Q as themselves "evil" and "evil Mossad agents." I trolls working for Q and deluded by Q often attacked me with the same accusation. And like all myths, there were elements of truth in some of the things that Kappy discovered, e.g. Harvey Weinstein DID employ a private espionage agency, whose agents were all (x)Mossad to track down, discredit and/or intimidate his accusers. But worse than that, it appears they did a mind-fuck on Issac Kappy; they woke him up to his own sinfulness and gave him no out except insanity and death.

Shortly before his "suicide" he wrote:
“Beware the man that has nothing to lose, for he has nothing to protect.”
“Over the course of the last week, through introspection that should have happened MANY years ago, I have come to some stark revelations about my character. It is a testament to my utter arrogance that these revelations had not come sooner.”
“You see, I believed myself to be a good guy,” he continued. “I HAVE NOT been a good guy. In fact, I have been a pretty bad guy throughout my life. I have sold drugs. I have tax delinquencies. I have debts. I have abused my body with cigarettes, drugs and alcohol. I have been abusive to people WHO LOVED ME, including my FAMILY.”
Kappy added he “committed an act so flippantly, without thought, that will become synonymous with short-sightedness and petty, vile greed” although he did not provide further details.
The actor apologized to his friends as well, one of whom was Paris Jackson, who accused Kappy of choking her at a party they were both at in 2018.
“To the MANY people I have acted abusively towards, I am very, very sorry,” Kappy wrote. “To my former friends I have used and betrayed, I am sorry. To those I have deceived, I am sorry, although I must say, in my SHEER ARROGANCE, I did not even realize that I had been a bad actor all along.”
He continued, “I have been lacking in gratitude, humility, honor, service, and proper care for others. I have not honored the light of God within. This lesson has come too late for me, but perhaps it can inspire you.”
“I will be using the remainder of my time on earth to atone for my transgressions, and to seek the light within, in others and myself,” he concluded.
Kappy managed the first step:
Seeking the light within is an act of suicide for a person who has darkened his soul to the point that he believes his degenerate lifestyle is harmless, maybe even a net-good. What a shock it must have been to awaken enough to view ones on evil, without the merciful means of healing available.
Can you imagine having become so spiritually blind that you could give your good intentions to a LARP like Q, and have fanatical God-like faith in it? What a strange story! But isn't all insanity strange? Like in Doctor Strangelove, where some set of principles foreign to LIFE and Sanity take charge, and the mind and the emotions cooperate in darkness to create the answers that are just deeper and darker layers of insanity?
Are we going to resist evil, or play too spiritual for the battle. Evil is not too spiritual to act, both spiritually and in the flesh and as Ivan ILyn said, "This is the spiritual law: the non-resistor to evil is absorbed by it (by evil) and becomes possessed. For evil is not an empty word, not an abstract concept, not a mere logical possibility and not a result of subjective evaluation."
Look at the Luciferian's attack on Andrew Torba, for daring to create a platform of free speech outside of their CONTROL:
Here is Andrew's story:
Over the course of five years Gab has been attacked and smeared by many different Jewish groups including the ADL for simply defending free speech online. Now today the ADL is trying to cancel Tucker Carlson for daring to speak the truth about the reality of demographic replacement that is absolutely and unequivocally going on in The West. These are not “hateful” statements, they objective facts that can no longer be ignored.
The ADL wants the government to throw me in jail and shut down Gab for allowing free speech to exist online. Texas Governor Greg Abbott sat in front of an Israeli flag with a Jewish State Representative and called Gab an “anti-semitic platform.”
This week the American Jewish Congress is attacking Gab and Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene with a smear campaign. When I countered their smear campaign with the facts, they played the victim and claimed that I was “attacking” them.
You can’t be hostile and attack Gab while at the same time playing the “victim” when we respond. If you’re going to attack the Gab community you can expect a firm response with the Truth from us, which is what I seek to do in this post.
These attacks seek to silence millions of community members on Gab, to shut Gab down as a whole, to stifle free speech, and to throw me in prison for operating a free speech platform. Not only do these attacks undermine the freedom of speech, but they also fuel hatred against Jewish people by feeding into narratives about Jewish power, control, and victimhood.
In Acts Chapter 4 Peter and John were threatened by the Sadducees not to speak or teach at all in the name of Jesus. The ADL, the Jewish American Congress, and others are acting no differently than the Sadducees of 2,000 years ago by seeking to silence those of us who proclaim the name of Jesus Christ online and defend the freedom of speech for others to do so.
How did Peter and John respond?
They prayed for boldness and received it, which is exactly what I am doing. “Lord, look upon their threats and grant to your servants to continue to speak your word with all boldness.” Acts 4:29 “And when they had prayed, the place in which they were gathered together was shaken, and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and continued to speak the word of God with boldness.” Acts 4:31
Jesus Christ himself was very critical of powerful Jewish people and
groups of His time. Many of the things He said would have the ADL, the
American Jewish Congress, and others deplatforming Him from the internet
and trying to have Him jailed too.
(Do you realize the the Christian Church in Canada is moving underground to survive the Judeo-Luciferian persecution presently leveled against it?)
In Luke Chapter 4 Jesus was driven out of the synagogue in his hometown of Nazareth to the point of Him almost being thrown off a cliff by His own people. Eventually Jesus Christ was sent to die on the cross, but praise God that He is Risen so that we may have eternal life by grace through faith in Him.
How would Jesus respond to the attacks of the ADL and other Jewish groups? “Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbor, and hate thine enemy. But I say until you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you.” Matthew 5:43-44
During the time of Jesus Israel had faced centuries of aggression from enemies and so while “hate your enemy” may not have been commanded directly the audience would have known what Jesus was talking about in regards to the rabbinic teaching of their day.
It’s very easy to hate our enemies, but that’s not what I am going to
do. Not hating your enemies does not also mean pacifism and weakness.
You can defend yourself against an enemy’s attacks while still loving
him, as I seek to do with this post.
(We must never confuse "hate" with the resistance of evil. When one resists another's evil actions and intent, it may feel to them hatred, cold heartedness and harshness, especially if they have taken on that false set of passions as our Russian friend so articulately outlined above. What happens when what is good is experience as hatred and what is evil is experienced as good. This reversal of reality it the very situation EVIL creates. We cannot worry about the "feelings" of the deluded, we must resist evil and stand anchored to the Ground and Pillar of Truth.)
The Bible tells us that all who want to live a Godly life in Jesus Christ will be persecuted in 2 Timothy 3:12, so my life is no different than any other Christian facing persecution around the world for boldly speaking the Truth and fighting for my faith.
After five years of attacks from Jewish groups like the ADL, I’ve become used to the lies, hate, and persecution, but I have never once caved to their pressure and demands of censorship nor have I lashed out in hatred.
What these groups want me to do is project their hatred back at them.I refuse to do this because it’s not the Christian thing to do. There’s nothing hateful about anything I am saying. I’m stating objective and verifiable facts while quoting Bible verses.
I am praying for these people and writing this blog post as a way to show them the love of the Lord Jesus Christ. I am encouraging you all to do the same. I care about and am praying for the souls of our enemies even as they attack my family, community, and business.
I am not Mark Zuckerberg or Jack Dorsey. Gab is not Facebook or Twitter. We are not going to bend over backwards to appease the interests of the ADL, the American Jewish Congress, or any other interest groups.
We are going to bend over backwards to defend free speech online for all people, even those we disagree with. Groups like the ADL and American Jewish Congress have zero power or control over Gab, which is why they continue to attack us and lobby for our destruction.
There are many ethnically Jewish Christians who are on Gab and support our cause. There are also Jewish conservatives like Laura Loomer and others who have supported Gab for many years. There are also Jews on Gab who use Gab to criticize me and Gab itself and I will fight for their right to do so. I harbor no hatred for Jewish people, even those who relentlessly attack my business, my faith, and my family.
On the contrary I seek to show these Jewish groups who attack me the love, grace, and forgiveness of Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior in hopes of saving their souls from eternal damnation.
I shouldn’t have to say these things to justify an objective critical analysis of the attacks Gab is receiving from Jewish groups, but I want you the reader to know where my heart is. There’s nothing “anti-semitic” about stating the truth. The simple fact in the matter is that these coordinated attacks on Gab are perpetuating the very hatred that these Jewish groups are allegedly trying to stop.
Do you think that the millions of people on Gab aren’t connecting the dots together about the same group of people attacking Gab over and over again? People are smart. Pattern recognition is a gift from God.
Jewish groups are attacking Gab because people criticize Jews on Gab and because people say things that Jewish groups do not like on Gab. Tough luck. If “anti-semitism” is nothing more than speech the ADL doesn’t like, they are going to find “anti-semitism” under every rock. Their business model depends on it.
Criticism, mockery, and taboo discussions are legally protected by the First Amendment of the United States and thus are also protected on Gab and always will be.Threats of violence are obviously not free speech and we have always had zero tolerance for it. Criticism, mockery, and uncomfortable discussions are all welcome about any races, religions, ethnicities, and creeds.
I will never bend the knee to any special interests. The only one I bend my knee for is my King Jesus Christ.
Groups like the ADL and the Jewish American Congress are perpetuating Jewish stereotypes and generating more hatred of Jewish people by attacking free speech. They should be ashamed of themselves.
If the ADL and others want to counter speech they disagree with on
Gab the best thing they can do is create an account and start posting,
as we have invited them to do for years. Gab isn’t going to remove legal
first amendment-protected speech just because they don’t like it.
Deal with it.
CEO, Gab.com
Jesus is King
I don't think it is a Jewish stereotype, it is the history that Marxist Jews have sought to silence free speech for a hundred years and greatly aided Stalin in his imprisoning, torturing and executing many in the Soviet Union who refused to bow in silence. That is the history. The attack on free speech in America also has a disproportionate number of advocates who are Jews. We cannot ignore the slander of Anne Applebaum who named people like me, people like Andrew Torba, and all MAGA-Trump supporters "equal to the FARC" the Colombian Rebel Group that RAN DEATH SQUADS. That is the extremes of Hate Speech, naming concerned and peaceful citizens as predator-psychopaths, and the Atlantic Published it.
Lord Jesus, Deliver us from evil as we resist evil in Your name!
I have no idea of the politics of this young lady, but I admire her principled stand and willingness to sacrifice financially for those principles.
A friend is responsible for the newsletter at a major university. The university installed a "diversity team" and he was informed that the "diversity team" would use his email list to publish their "Cultural Marxist Critical Race Theory" propaganda. He said, "I never read it, it is hateful racism, disguised as tolerance." Most people just delete it unopened (he has the software that tells him if a correspondence is read or ignored.) He said that over 70 percent of the recipients delete it without reading it each week, but a small percentage fire back nasty notes that say something like, "Take me off this list and don't send me this racist newsletter again." He said, "I admire those people who stand up so very much." It would "crash his life" were he to refuse to send it. So many are treading water in the newly Marxist system and the level of coercion is EVIL. It won't be long and "do you believe in Jesus Christ" will be a question on job and academic applications.
Evil is expressed in so many killing ways. Biological Weapons and Biological Terrorism is surely a tool of evil. We are in the middle of a Biological Attack upon our country and it is not the Wuhan Virus, it is rather the Corporations and Governments, shutting down our churches and coercing us to submit to poisons in silence. Here is some more history.
Dr. David Kelly's bravery and assassination:
you watch this video pay attention to the censored sound track. To
stand against the Warmongers and their supposed intelligence and say,
"This is Hogwash" is a very dangerous thing to do, if your profile is
big enough that people are listening, they will destroy you, even if
they have to kill you.
What was it that Senator Chuck Schumer said about "crossing the intelligence community?" "They have six ways to Sunday of getting back at you." Dr David Kelly was assassinated because he blew the whistle on the lack of weapons of mass destruction upon which invasion was justified and then he was about to blow the whistle on the Biological Weapons program jointly run by the CIA, MI6, in South Africa with the cooperation of the South African secret government. Nothing is more common than the CIA taking down their enemies.
The revelations made in "Anthrax War" about the death of David Kelly and his relationship with the South Africa's secret apartheid era germ war program are addressed in Sky News Review of the Sunday Papers on 7/11/09
0024 Vol XXVIII How Blinding is Your Worldview
The Psychology of Denial
Did the intelligence community take down President Trump? No, they failed, they failed so badly that their bosses in the Globalist Oligarchy had to step forward into the public and take down Trump via a Coup using the power of the Scientistic Totalitarian Globalist State, for everyone to see, and for Molly Ball in Time Magazine to praise. We must not underplay the significance of the Cabal resorting to "publicity" and the part that Molly Ball played and the part that Globalist Wonks like Anne Applebaum have played in praising the Coup. When they have to resort to "publicity" to retain control, when they have to advertise and sell like used car salesmen, they (the Oligarchs, the Luciferian Cabal) are at their weakest. No single man in my lifetime wielded that much power before Trump. Prior to Trump, the CIA was killing Presidents and disabling presidents and anyone who got in their way. Read the original self-published book blowing the Warren Commission apart. "The Report on the Warren Report: Whitewash by Harold Weisberg."
Weisberg will ever be a hero to me, and please understand he was OSS during WWII and a State Department Intelligence Analyst (CIA) for many years. What makes him a hero to me is not just the books he self-published, when no publisher would touch the deep analysis of government lies and coverup. More important are the 35 unpublished books he wrote that the CIA sat on and refused to allow to be disseminated by any means. Here was a man with the training to tell the stories, and they would only let him tell a few. He was eclipsed by the acceptable “conspiracy theorist” Mark Lane, who became the darl’n of the media. But even Mark Lane’s books are enlightening. One of the funniest interviews I ever watch was William Buckley, Jr, interviewing Mark Lane, about 18 months after Harold Weisberg had blown the lid off the Warren Commission’s conspiracy to cover up the CIA/Mafia reality of the JFK assassination. I think Mark Lane was called in to write the books as the CIA tried to “manage” the damage to both the CIA and FBI that was obvious in the Kennedy assassination. That interview was two actors conducting a limited hangout for the Deep State, the FBI/CIA, and both were poor actors.
Read Mark Lane’s books “Rush to Judgment - that destroyed the Warren Commissions Report, “Plausible Denial: Was the CIA Involved in the Assassination of JFK?” and finally, “Last Word: My Indictment of the CIA in the murder of JFK, which includes a chapter written by Oliver Stone.” Now I mentioned the assassination of JFK for a reason, and I should add the multiple assassination attempts, False Flags pulled on Gerald Ford to keep him in line, and Reagan being shot by a friend of the Bush family. You couldn’t write this as fiction, and anyone believe it. For the CIA to fail in taking down Trump proved there is a more significant layer of evil, an overarching layer that is being exposed.
Now, I tend to focus on the CIA because the CIA has been the central-thug-force, part of the FIVE EYES Globalist thug-force implementing the Globalist structure and stricture, INSIDE America, together with FBI counter-intelligence aided by the ATF and the DEA. It has functioned to tear down the existing order and replace it with the chaos we are now witnessing. However, the CIA is a servant organization. People on social media talking about overthrowing government tyranny, isolating that tyranny to FBI abuses, Supreme Court abuses, Congressional overreach, Executive Emergency Powers, the CIA, the NSA, the SES, and on and on, don’t have the knowledge where the enemy resides much less the nature of the inhuman enemy we face. It is not just a tyrannical government but a Marxist - Fascist Totalitarian System where powerful corporations with their own private armies are wealthier and more powerful than most nations on earth. They are called non-State actors. They showed their power by taking Trump down and nullifying the vote of the vast majority of Americans. Time Magazine CROWED about it, even identifying the Corporate Globalist actors (servants) used for the purpose. Some banana republic-type insurrection is not going to make a dent in that. And we have the added problem that most people are clueless how to even resist, much less rebel. I would suggest reading Rod Dreher’s book “Live Not By Lies” to see if you have the information and personal character to resist the Cabal effectively. I can and will show you the short-comings of Rod’s call to “non-action.” But he got a huge portion of it right.
For the Georgia Secretary of State, the amount from Zuckerberg was eleven million dollars, discovered so far in two grants, one for five million and another for six million. No trace or accounting for the funds.
We are now at the stage of Election Fraud revelations in the method of Endless Groundhog Day, where the Conservative Press breathlessly tells us the “new revelation” of what we knew months earlier. After all, Molly Ball confirmed the reports by others that Mark Zuckerberg put over 400 million dollars into election subversion in 2020. Now they are trotting out the stories of individual grants to local officials as “new revelations.” The actual amount that Zuckerberg spent was over half-a-billion dollars. That buys a lot of phony “vote protection” and creates a huge cesspool of political corruption. What was it that Jimmy Carter said, “An Oligarchy with unlimited powers of bribery.” This time they targeted both the vote production (creation) and controlled the vote count, all supported by Corporate Fascists like Zuckerberg. Previously the control of the vote creation and vote counting was placed solely in the power of the media and Democrat Party, by agreement with the Republican Party. It was previous to 2016 a FAKE system. It failed in 2016, with the election of Donald Trump, and was removed from the hands of the DNC and the RNC, taken control by the next layer of Fascists in the Corporate State.
Speaking of direct action - in the streets action:
The fact remains that a million and a half Trump Supporters in DC on January the 6th, 2021, were used as extras for a Marxist false flag psyop. That is the extent of the power of blustering on social media, at least as far as direct action is concerned. And what’s the result? They used the false flag as an excuse to lower the “Hammer and Sickle” on us, oust Trump from power, (maybe sequestering him - and I’m pretty sure he is sequestered operating under the conditions of a “National Security Letter” to keep from being executed ) leaving him making milquetoast statements occasionally (I call them wack-o-mole appearances) but always blathering like the top salesman for Pfizer and AstraZeneca. You have to be a lot smarter than this. We have to be a lot smarter than Trump is at present, as he is pushing deadly experimental mRNA vaccines that have the capability of permanently altering the cell structure of the victim.
Trump pushing the Vaccine narrative in September of 2020
Next in April of 2021 Trump is still pushing the deadly Vaccines.
Pushing the Vaccines for Big Pharma is a deal-breaker for me where post-president Trump is concerned. At this point, he has become an unworthy leader who is obviously misguiding people. It is sad, hard to write, hard to say because he was such a valiant warrior there for a while. But this is a capitulation to the Scientistic Dictatorship Elite and NOT the man I supported. Here is an example of the man I supported, a man with common sense not dominated by the Scientistic Dictatorship.

Truly you are looking at two of the most evil men on the planet. They don't control single nations, but banks and corporations that control tens of countries, that is the power structure. These guys are just two cogs in the wheel of that Judeo/Luciferian Globalist Structure that controls the FIVE EYES, and the CIA, and the FBI and the U.S. Supreme Court, and the FAKE government in D.C. and the Royal Shite Show in London.

How can such a vast project go seemingly unnoticed? Why don’t I know about this? If you don't know about it, it is because you are a mental and emotional baby. As the Protestant theologian and scholar, Dr. Francis Schaeffer stated, "The State has become your God." But I would put it a little differently and say that the psyops arm of the State has stunted your emotional development and left you looking at the Government like a trusted parent. "Bond, your Government just wouldn't do that." I knew a young man (teenager) whose mother constantly gaslighted him. She would carp at him and complain to him and anyone who appeared sympathetic that he was always underfoot and that he needed to get up and find a job, be helpful, etc." And when he did, she screamed about him abandoning her, leaving her alone most of the time, that he cared more for money than her, etc." When he would try to explain to other adults who were concerned that he was abusive to his mother (because she claimed it), they would say, "Johnny, your mother just wouldn't do that to you. You need to examine your heart to see what you are doing wrong." These helpful people are reflected in our society as "Conspiracy Deniers," always on a righteous high horse, always knowing better, continuously mocking and smirking at those with greater understanding and information.
So much of what I write and put in my videos is "outside the wheelhouse" of those who have been dubbed "normies," those Tim Foyle described as psychological children, believing that behind the locked doors of every germ warfare laboratory and futuristic science lab, are benevolent people who have our best interest at heart.
On The Psychology of Conspiracy Deniers
0024 Vol 29 = XXIX How Blinding is Your Worldview
It must be a shock to the British people who have been locked down for a year that "oh yes, the government really will gaslight us, terrorist us, and lock us down." It is hard to get factual information out nowadays. Here are two short videos shot by Katie Hopkins in the streets of London this week.

The British people are in the streets rejecting the Mask and Lockdown Hysteria. America's experience has been according to the level of Marxism of each State Governor. But identical (apparent) Marxist control structures are being exposed, like the mask and lockdown mandates, the closing of churches and small businesses. The oppressive blanket of Communism is falling to one degree or another all over our Country.
Michael Voris perfectly outlines the shock we are experiencing.
Now we know from the foundation of this series that Michael Voris saying that the Covid Pandemic "gave the Marxist the opportunity to come in and steal the election" is "Normie Speak." They created the Pandemic for the specific purpose of ousting Trump and dropping the hammer and sickle on us.
Michael is absolutely right to point out the long history of the enslavement of people in the West in the great apostasy. And yes, it is as he says that the pillar of the Catholic Church was chipped away. As an Orthodox Christian, I could give a much longer history of the Mindset that created the modernist apostasy. What happened here in the last decades happened in Russia a hundred years ago, and there are so many parallels that it strains credulity to believe that mass killings are not already in the works.
How bad is it?
Three decades ago, I started writing and speaking out about the arrival of the Great Apostasy, the great falling away, the deception so strong that "except for the Grace of God," it would fool the very elect. I did not have a clear vision of the degree of degradation and atheism that had taken hold.
The Secularization of the Church and therefore the Christian life is not a mild thing, it is apostasy, and it is an apostasy that happened not out of thin air, but a planned assault on all things True, Good and Beautiful; it is a scheme of Luciferians operating at the highest echelons of world power, and as Michael Voris succinctly states, none of this is new.
There is a huge difficulty in relating to people caught up in the Secularist, Individual Spiritualist Apostasy that many things they think are Christian are not, and many things with which they cannot relate are necessary for healing salvation and sanity. There has been a terrible assault on the meaning of words and terms, and this is purposeful.
A fellow (my latest radical individual spiritualist, best buddy) private messaged me, giving me a link to one of my least favorite heretics, teaching a modernist "self-help" dogma about marriage. How is that for a personal introduction? Challenged by my statement that I don't take marriage advice from heretics, the senseless conversation was on.
How can such a one understand that they cannot understand what I am saying because they have learned a false definition of every concept of truth I can suggest. Even the terms, Christ, Faith, Scripture, Love, Christian, Meekness, etc., all distorted out of all Christian recognition. The Ancient Christians and some Orthodox Christians today understand the term "Christian mindset," i.e., a state of mind where these and other concepts of truth have context and true meaning. Outside that context, outside that mindset, those same words and phrases hold only distorted concepts, partial and many times completely false meanings.
Let me give you an example: I shared this quote of Saint John Chrysostom on my Facebook profile.

Sadly today, much that people take as "Church Tradition" is not really Church Tradition, and much that should be understood and accepted is rejected. Further, some traditions are distorted out of all Christian context.
When we speak of Worldviews, we started with John Wesley's more than skepticism, but literal derision of Orthodox Christianity, calling the Orthodox "the dregs of humanity" and "savages." And as I pointed out, he and other Protestants share that assessment with Adolph Hitler (taken from Mein Kampf). It represents a Western Worldview of blinding pride that cannot be ignored.
When you understand Wesley's prejudice, and it is demonstrated in the West in so many ways that it is understandable that a fellow would remark on the above meme, saying, "Traditions are dangerous. For me, I'll stick with the written word." In the abysmal ignorance of his narrow Worldview, Bob has no clue what is really dangerous. In fact, and more sadly, Bob doesn't realize the cognitive dissonance in his sentence and judgment; after all, the "written word" he believes in is part of the Church's Tradition. The Church WROTE the New Testament books and compiled the Old Testament books; this is a historical fact. The tradition of the Gospel held by the Church predates the New Testament text (as a list of books) by a few centuries. I intend to publish on Orthodox Pascha, which is this coming Sunday (May 1st & 2nd), a video reading the oldest extant Pascha (Easter) sermon. It was given by Bishop Melito of Sardis sometime between 100 and 130 years after the actual Pascha (the Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ), and it tells the Pascha story without reference to a single New Testament verse. Our friend, Bob, would call the sermon by Bishop Melito "replacement theology" since Melito calls Christ "the Israel of God," and indeed, this theme is Orthodox and oft-repeated by the early church fathers. Saint John Chrysostom preaching his Pascha Sermon, 200 years later, the complete text surviving, punched all the same themes in almost the same order as Bishop Melito. It will come as a great shock that the early fathers were so clear in refuting Bob's heresy. In the 21st century, heresies are a real challenge to the Christian Mindset; they warp the heretics Worldview. I gave Bod my shock treatment, since he was expecting me to respond like an Evangelical Cliche' Salesman, making sure to respond in no way he would find familiar. He responded with "one-ups-man ship" exposing the typical Zionist/Chiliasm heresies. These people have no clue that their heresy has created Christian Genocide in the Middle East; or that they have the Blood of Christ on their murderous hands, not in a memorialized way, but in actual deaths over the last 70 years. Yet, they feel so comfortable in their heresy and superior to the constant teaching of the Church from the beginning.
Who can deny that people serve many false christs and suffer distortions of faith(s) plural, to the point that some faiths become death cults. Scripture in the hands of some becomes weaponized and thus, fundamentalized, or secularized, or modernized, or paganized, even Islamicized, and Marxized? Christian loses its meaning; meekness becomes a religious act of hypocrisy, and love is seductive and false instead of sacrificing and real.
What would it look like if I sent you to match the colors on my house if you were colorblind? Presenting our bodies (our whole persons) in Liturgical Communal Worship is the process whereby the mind may be renewed, and the comprehension of truth may arrive. Those who reject the Church and her "in common worship" reject THE FAITH once and for all delivered unto the Saints. They are not Christians, though they may utter the name of Jesus Christ in every other sentence. They are rather "radical individual religionists" working on their personal salvation (spiritual actualization) and know only the Christ of their imaginations, most times merely an idealized image of their own ego. Oh, but in their delusion, they FEEL so spiritual, and in their ignorance so wise, and in their rebellion, saintly.
Yet even in this sea of confusion, others who do not presume to teach say in their hearts, "Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner." That prayer can become the mindset, and when it does, God will not be merciless.
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on this sinner, Butch Robinson.
A Christian Mindset is not accomplished by reading the Bible, nor is it gained from the "culture." A Christian Worldview is sought after, and in humility, the mind is trained to accept truth and reject lies. There is no other weapon that can stand against the Scientistic Dictatorship and all of its tools of deception. We have to get real with our Christianity, and as the Psychologist said in the last video, "give up immature and childish things."
The professional classes of society have been schooled and specialized in ways that limit their perspective. They don't see the overview of society until they are "brought into the fold." This is not by accident or happenstance. Just as Vannevar Bush desired rule by the "…well-to-do and highly educated," Bertrand Russel, in his 1954 book "The Scientific Outlook," writes,
"…the scientific rulers will provide one kind of education for ordinary men and women, and another for those who are to become holders of scientific power. Ordinary men and women will be expected to be docile, industrious, punctual, thoughtless, and contented."
This operation of Scientistic Totalitarianism was also acknowledged very early in the book "Propaganda" by Edward Bernays, which was published in 1928. We have quoted this paragraph already in this series a couple of times. A friend shared this graphic so let's read it again off the page from Bernay's book.
And let us use the words used by the CIA and others, "Action Intellectuals," i.e., the sociopaths who rule.
To a great extent, we face an open conspiracy, as H. G. Wells aptly named one of his many books. Herein lies one of our most significant challenges. We are not facing a clear and present danger that would typically trigger the natural human instinct to fight back. (I think Russell Taylor would write that sentence differently in 2021 because of the in-our-faces-terrorism being perpetrated upon us and the open operation of Coup d'etat that took out Trump.) It is a creeping death that is subtly eroding the human species. (Have you read about the sudden collapse of Male Fertility?) What we are facing is the threat of Evil Insanity, and most of the warriors battling against it are already to one degree or another "not thinking straight." We are primed for what the Collins brothers expose in their book "Invoking the Beyond," and unless we can rally enough people to sanity, the Dr. Kahns - Dr. Strangeloves,
Klaus Schwab and the Great Reset, total control over everything. The madmen of the Project for the New American Century. The madmen of Operation Northwoods and so many more human sacrificing monsters, like the Gates of Hell Foundation, The British NHS, the American Federal Health establishment, Fauci, Brix, and the rest, the madmen controlling the media - the madmen will win.
Speaking of "Invoking the Beyond" look at the scary video the Navy released of supposed UFOs. When Michael Voris asks, "What is next?" I would not at all be surprised to see the Scientistic Dictatorship launch their Alien Invasion False Flag, borrowing from the playbook of several strategists, as Dr. Thueless described in a previous video, stating it in his book decades before Hermann Goering claimed the statement as his own, "To unite the masses all you have to do is tell them they are under attack from a common enemy."

Now, I sound like a wild "conspiracy theorist," right. A friend who was still sleeping looked me in the eye from her "baby perspective" and said, "You sound paranoid." I said, "Paranoid? People are DYING." Here is another wild-eyed conspiracy theorist, one of the top biophysicists in the world, saying that he can find no other reason for the present actions of governments around the world other than massive genocide.
Link for complete article on LifeSiteNews
April 7, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) — Dr. Michael Yeadon, Pfizer's former Vice President and Chief Scientist for Allergy & Respiratory who spent 32 years in the industry, leading new medicines research, and retired from the pharmaceutical giant with "the most senior research position" in his field, spoke with LifeSiteNews in a telephone interview.
He addressed the "demonstrably false" propaganda from governments in response to COVID-19, including the "lie" of dangerous variants, the totalitarian potential for "vaccine passports," and the strong possibility we are dealing with a "conspiracy" which could lead to something far beyond the carnage experienced in the wars and massacres of the 20th century.
Dr. Yeadon began identifying himself as merely a "boring guy" who went "to work for a big drug company … listening to the main national broadcast and reading the broadsheet newspapers."
Continuing, he said: "But in the last year, I have realized that my government and its advisers are lying in the faces of the British people about everything to do with this coronavirus. Absolutely everything. It's a fallacy this idea of asymptomatic transmission and that you don't have symptoms, but you are a source of a virus. That lockdowns work, that masks have a protective value obviously for you or someone else and that variants are scary things, and we even need to close international borders in case some of these nasty foreign variants get in.
His main points included:
(1) There is "no possibility" current variants of COVID-19 will escape immunity. It is "just a lie."
(2) Yet, governments around the world are repeating this lie, indicating that we are witnessing not just "convergent opportunism" but a "conspiracy." Meanwhile, media outlets and Big Tech platforms are committed to the same propaganda and the censorship of the truth.
(3) Pharmaceutical companies have already begun to develop unneeded "top-up" ("booster") vaccines for the "variants." The companies are planning to manufacture billions of vials, in addition to the current experimental COVID-19 "vaccine" campaign.
(4) Regulatory agencies like the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the European Medicines Agency have announced that since these "top-up" vaccines will be so similar to the prior injections which were approved for emergency use authorization, drug companies will not be required to "perform any clinical safety studies."
(5) Thus, this virtually means that design and implementation of repeated and coerced mRNA vaccines "go from the computer screen of a pharmaceutical company into the arms of hundreds of millions of people, [injecting] some superfluous genetic sequence for which there is absolutely no need or justification."
(6) Why are they doing this? Since no benign reason is apparent, the use of vaccine passports along with a "banking reset" could issue in a totalitarianism unlike the world has ever seen. Recalling the evil of Stalin, Mao, and Hitler, "mass depopulation" remains a logical outcome.
(7) The fact that this at least could be true means everyone must "fight like crazy to make sure that system never forms."
0024 Vol 30 = XXX How Blinding is Your World View
Personal Tools for Survival.
A friend who I think doubted my decades-long cautioning that a new form of Marxism was emerging in the U.S., that the democratic processes were being destroyed, and that the two-party system was fake sent me this meme.
Seeing him come to understand the reality is a good thing, but the timing for so many people has been so very late. For us old people, we will die, but the young will face every bitter moment of the coming dystopia.
The One Party has a long history in the U.S. People could not grasp the meaning when I would tell them that one Consent Degree, agreed to by one federal judge, upheld by the appeals court and refuse hearing by the supreme court, legally created one Party in the U.S. That was 1983; it was in place till 2016; following lawsuits in 2018, it was repealed, so the Oligarch had to step in and take direct control, in 2020, as Molly Ball outlined in her 7000 word Time magazine essay. From 1983 till now, only one glitch in the fake two-party system. CIA controlled the media, telling you the margins were very small so that you would be prepared for either outcome and accept it; the Democrat Party counted the vote any way they were told. Gore V Bush was theatre to destroy the old vote and count system that had an actual forensic record and to go to easily manipulated digits.
Control and Gaslighting:
They have been preparing us for the Unnatural for a very long time.

Jonna Mendez head of the CIA Department of Disguises.
"War of the Worlds," Published in the 1880s, opened a whole new "terror front" in 1938 with Orson Wells, Radio Mars Invasion. Jonna Mendez, an agent of the CIA, former head of a department inside the CIA, openly stated that the Roswell Alien invasion of 1947 that terrorized and gaslighted two generations of Americans was an act of Russian Psychological Warfare. I don't believe her. She said, "at a time when the U.S. had the A-bomb, and the Soviets didn't and that the bodies discovered in the wreckage were the mere cadavers from Russian human experiments gone horribly wrong." She also stated that the technology was NAZI technology captured by the Soviets. So her explanation leaves us with the ridiculous idea that the Soviets had the power to fly a saucer-shaped object into the U.S. undetected, and by remote piloting, unless we decide to believe that one of the cadavers on board was trained to fly the thing, and as for psyop-BS, we are to believe that the desert Southwest would be the obvious place for the Soviets to have the greater psychological impact. It makes far greater sense that the whole thing was homegrown. That it was a crash of an experimental aircraft from one of the desert's secret bases, and if actual humanoid cadavers were discovered, it was midget pilots or American human experiments that had gone horribly wrong.
Now, why would I again suggest that you listen to Alan Watt talking twenty years ago about psychotronic weapons and psychotropic drugs, and CIA programs of mind control? I am merely reminding you that our very own government has operated hellish experiments on its own people and has been gaslighting us for decades.
Alan Watt passed away on March 4th, 2021. He spoke the truth he understood, and he understood more than most. Here in 2011, Watt reads the document from the Army War College we have linked about psychotronic brainwashing warfare. Remember when you read this or listen to Watt read it, YOU are the target, YOU are the adversary mentioned in the article, this is the government (the elite Globalists above the governments of nations) targeting you. The "Alien Invasion" is next.
Claus Schwab the Great Reset
Alan Watt the unnatural burden of diseases.
Duplicate Video - Swab and Watt
At this link, you can read along with him.
Rex Christi posted the following: "In order to know what science reveals, first you have to be with science, con science, conscience and that means you need a properly informed and unencumbered nous. Otherwise you are unconscious and cannot have a properly oriented conscience and there you cannot know science. You certainly can't believe what you do not know; therefore you are relegated to blind faith in scientism, which is to say you believe in lies."
The idea that murderous technicians manipulating matter for the detriment of humankind are "scientists" would be laughable if it were not so evil and dangerous. We have to understand this difference between Science and Scientism, expose and teach the difference to have any chance of survival. What was it that Dr. Wolfgang Smith said, which I have already quoted at least twice in this series of videos? "The greatest power of Scientism is its pretense of being science." The technologies that are coming to enslave us, the sea of digital information spying and recording everything, nudges and shoves us toward the Luciferian goals, which never relents, even when we are sleeping, is not science. Just as the brain-damaging therapies of Psychiatry, with its brain and intellect destroying psychotronic weaponry and drugs, is not the Science of Medicine, no more than the Modernist Scientific investigation of Sacred Scripture is truly science or theology. That which is technical power, i.e., technology is NOT science per se; it is a neutral tool that can be used for science or scientism.
Yesterday, 4/15/2021, while the plumbers were making a lot of noise, I devoured a book written by a Roman Catholic writer who recently turned Orthodox. Rod Dreher is accepted by the Judaeo-Publishing establishment - published by Sentinel Press - a division of Penguin Books. I don't yet agree with one message of the book where he says that the struggle in the public square is useless. I'm sure people said the same thing to many nameless Russian Dissidents. It never made it true. He says that it is time to withdraw from the public forum and create what he calls "a parallel way," a private, even hidden resistance. I think he is partly right since in this WAR, there are several, if not many, ways to resist, and any particular path is not suitable for all. We have different strengths and weaknesses and different talents. I don't mean to minimize his in-depth analysis presented in his book: "LIVE NOT BY LIES: A Manual for Christian Dissidents." I started this book about a month ago and could not get through the introduction, in fact, past the first page of the introduction. Why? Because it exposed a worldview and perception of the world, I have NEVER shared. That perception was well illustrated in the article "A Psychological Profile of the Conspiracy Denier." You see, when we watched the Berlin Wall come down, as the Soviet Union disbanded and supposedly communism failed, it sorely frightened me. I said to my wife; You know what this means? It means that all that malevolent power that was focused on the Soviet Union will now be focused on us. The surveillance will be worse because they will be using next-generation technology. The oppression and persecution will be deadly to any who crosses them. You see, the Soviet Union has fallen, the Luciferians no longer need the American Public on their side. All they have to do is keep people hypnotized as they wreak havoc on the world and on us. This is the count down to kill Christians in the Omni-surveillance totalitarian police state. It is their time to increase the speed of their Marxist march and brainwashing. Now there is nothing to stop them."
On the other hand, Rod Dreher could say, "In 1989, the Berlin Wall fell, and with it Soviet totalitarianism. Gone was the communist police state that had enslaved Russia and half of Europe. The Cold War that had dominated the second half of the twentieth century came to a close. Democracy and capitalism bloomed in the formerly captive nations. The age of totalitarianism passed into oblivion, never again to menace humanity. Or so the story goes. I, along with most Americans, believed that the menace of totalitarianism had passed. Then in the spring of 2015 " . . . 1989 to 2015 it was Shangri-La, Baby! Then he relates receiving a disturbing phone call from the son of a Soviet immigrant that shook him. I didn't display that level of "innocence" when I was a child. I was conscious of the brutality of the Red Chinese, the botching of the end of War War II, the communist infiltration of the Roosevelt administration, the blood bath that was the Korean War. This and a lot more were understood by yours truly by the age of ten; I was already a political wonk. Okay, I'm not normal in this respect. But that level of naivety from a fortyish author was hard to swallow; it made it hard for me to take him seriously enough to continue to read.
When I read that introduction, it blew me away. I thought, this fellow apparently missed the slaughter at Ruby Ridge where the FBI sharpshooters killed a 13 year old boy for no reason and blew away his mother while she was holding her 8 month old child; and that was just a warm up to Waco where they attacked a Christian retreat center and staged a heavily armed ATF assault over a one-hundred and fifty dollar back tax (not actually owed) on an automatic weapon the retreat director and pastor no longer owned, the result was the slaughter of nearly 80 mostly women and children; and then they persecuted Richard Jewell knowing he was innocent, for P.R. reasons painting him as the Olympic Park Atlanta Bomber, then there was the Hendrick V Kansas SCOTUS precedent that destroyed Habeas Corpus, allowing the state to hold a man convicted of no crime and ruled SANE, but a threat to Society, that was just a warm up for Kosovo where they fought alongside Al Qaeda's branch there call the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) and ethnically cleansed Kosovo of Christians by Genocide and Terror, and as that was happening the Malthusian Monsters of the Project of the New American Century were planning their "New Pearl Harbor" (I believe to be 911) and the constant and perpetual wars and Christian Genocides of the last twenty years, creating the Patriot Act and NSA/CIA Omni-surveillance and false flag after false flag, oppressive NDAA's and the cancellation of the Posse Comitatus Act, naming American Territory as a WarZone. All this before 2015. My reaction was, "I guess the Spikey-Headed Dude was partying hardy for those 26 years from 1989 to 2015 when he got that faithful call. Now, I'm having a little fun with Rod Dreher, but in all seriousness, if it happened as it happened, then we are lucky that he began to come to realize the context of the flow of history and current events that ultimately lead him to recognize the Totalitarian Noose that has slipped around the American's throats while he was sleeping. The result is that he has written a very important book, ideal for introducing "normies" to the reality of the moment, but far more than that, far more than mere analysis, he has painted a lucid picture of what it will take to resist the totalitarian reality and literally a playbook of methods to do just that, to resist the totalitarian state and Globalist/Corporate reality. But like the first message to the Alcoholic that is so harsh, a step impossible to avoid, "but first you have to stop drinking." Ron's message is, "but first you have to stop compromising to the lying culture and the lying demands of the totalitarian system." It is brilliant.
(Book Analysis underconstruction)
Totalitarianism: How Christians Can Resist the New Cultural Religion, with Rod Dreher)
I want you to watch the video above, and if YouTube ever takes it down, I will upload it by other means. What I want you to grasp from it is what is absolutely the fact, we ARE living in a Totalitarian System; to buck it always costs. Like I'm hanging by one strike from having my YouTube Channel deleted by the Cultural Marxist masters. Beyond this description of Totalitarianism, I want you to realize how milquetoast and banal this "academic" assessment of the present insanity is. (He does a better job in his book). Rod is an Orthodox Christian who has some videos on YouTube teaching aspects of Orthodoxy; maybe it is my age, but I have a hard time taking some spikey-headed fellow seriously. Absent mousse would he collapse in a heap? I had a hard enough time ignoring Trump's bouffant. I want you to listen to his academic-speak and next watch the video below (recorded 2.25.21) of Rand Paul asking a simple question of the soon to be Under Secretary of Health and Human Services, who is a Transgender freak who answered like a robot, exposing his Satanic heart where he will not commit to protecting the innocent from breast and genital mutilation. We are speaking of children from 3years old to 10 years old. This monster operates with the Malthusian Monsters on the part of Trans-Human Eugenics, robbing the young generation of fertility, family, and sanity. Any fool who honestly believes that the American People actually voted for this are beyond fools; they are thoroughly insane.My favorite hymn begins, "I was born a weak, defenseless child, but Thine angel spread his wings over my cradle to defend me." If it were not for the fact that the author of that line was suffering privation in a Soviet Gulag when he wrote it, I would think it "fluff," some nice sounding poetic words.
America has sunk so far lower than the Soviet Union, where our young are born with demons and monsters surrounding, ready to shoot them up with poison and mutilate their genitals. Do you think we deserve "prosperity"? Jesus said, "what you do to the least of these you do also to me." None of us are innocent in this. What a HELLISH SHAME!
"We cannot give what we do not ourselves possess. We cannot bear the unbearable unless our hearts are filled with grace. We cannot weep tears with the sorrowing and comfort them in their pain unless we have suffered brokenness ourselves and have turned to God in our darkness and asked Him for help like a small child full of trust.+++ - Archpriest Symeon Elias.
Rod Dreher's book positively struck me after being negatively inclined to his interview above. Then there was the introduction for "normies," which almost made me dismiss the book out of hand and not read it. The weakness of the interview above may be the constraints he felt in the particular venue. In a section entitled See, Judge, Act, he writes: "The dictatorship of thought and world under construction by progressives is a regime based on lies and propaganda. (Editor Note: I have documented in this series that it goes far beyond mere political correctness but has become killing and psychological warfare, with the pandemic fear protocols and publicity. ) Most conservatives, Christian and not, recognize that to some degree, but too few see the deeper ramifications of accepting these lies. "Political correctness" is an annoyance; these lies corrupt one's ability to think clearly about reality." (And as we have seen in this series, this assessment is valid but shallow. Political Correctness is undoubtedly "an annoyance" as a rattlesnake is an annoyance at a distance, but deadly when its effect has its work. Political Correctness is DEADLY, not merely annoying.) Once you perceive how the system runs on lies, stand as firmly as you can on what you know to be accurate and real when confronted by those lies. Refuse to let the media and institutions propagandize your children. Teach them how to identify lies and to refuse them. Do your best not to be party to the lie - not for the sake of professional advantage, personal status or any other reason. Sometimes you will have to act openly to confront the lie directly. Other times you will fight it by remaining silent and withholding the approval authorities request. You might have to raise your voice to defend someone who is being slandered by propagandists."
Rod is on the right track, but I want to add a caution in the words of Ivan Alexandrovich Ilyin, from his work printed in the underground press of the Soviet Union in 1925, "On Resistance to Evil BY FORCE." He cautioned about religion having become contaminated with moral nihilism. I often see this in religious people today, in Orthodox Christians and "Spiritual People," and people caught in End Time Prophecies and the like. "One of the most significant consequences of this morally nihilistic attitude is that it is a kind of practical worldview that serves as the last and most reliable refuge and shelter for the 'non-resistor.' This rejection of the external world is apparently based on moral grounds, but in reality, it is rooted in a vague and inconsistent religious conception of the external world.
"The moralist, as we have already established, leads a life wrapped up in himself, and as a result, he turns away from everything that is not his own soul, with its sinful and virtuous delights. It is clear then that the whole 'external world' recedes into the background and fades in its reality. Investing his inner world with the supreme and only value (virtuous pity and pitying pleasure), the moralist's soul does not appreciate and does not cultivate the centrifugal gradient of life; it is difficult for him to escape this attitude and turn to "the outside world," and if he is forced to 'consider' something 'external,' he agrees to this only insofar as this material has a touching, sentimental, idyllic character; everything else is denounced, rejected and condemned to an exception as 'immoral.' (Editor note: I call this the heresy of non-engagement. True asceticism, even the life of the hermit, can never be non-engagement and be real.)
"This is the reason behind the fact that Tolstoy has two opposite views on 'nature' and on 'human society' - these two great parts of the external world.
"According to the first view, nature is divine and blessed. It was created by God (On Life and essays on Religion pg 170); it is connected with Him to such an extent that its law is HIS law, so that religion establishes man's connection not only with God (the first cause) but also with the 'endless and infinite universe' that came from Him. . . . This idyllic view of the outside world, according to which everything rests on love, and in which "violence" (force) is simply not necessary, is opposed by a second contradictory understanding. According to Tolstoy again, "the external world is a world of sin, sadness, strife," it "abides in evil and is full of offense," it reigns "irresistibly" the "law of struggle of existence and the experience of the most capable"; this has "control over the life of the entire organic world, and hence over that of man, regarded as an animal"; it is "the law of evolution eternal for all living things" which is at the same time "contrary to the law of morality." The moralist does not accept this world of discord, contest, and competition; this world lives outside of morality and against morality, driven by natural, greedy, ruthless, shameless instincts that see pleasure in sin and are cursed to enjoy sin. No matter how a man may paint this discord and this sin, "that struggle will always remain a struggle - that is, an activity absolutely excluding the possibility of Christian morality as professed by us." Therefore all forms and varieties of this struggle of people with each other are reprehensible and forbidden: economic competition, which develops technology and material culture, and the struggle that ignites because of sexual love and the social and political struggle for authority and for power.
"It is this view of the external world as a deeply immoral environment which leads to the proclamation of asceticism, the simple life, and non-resistance." Such a simple life is in direct contradiction of Jesus Christ's own words. "What you do (or fail to do) to the least of these, you do also to me." Christianity from its very early days is a religion of "engagement" and failure to engage the sinful person, and the sinful culture is simply a failure of the Christian ethos. If we hold correct ontology, we know that Tolstoy's idyllic view of the world and nature is correct, that God called his creation good, and also that because of the fall of man, corruption and death entered into the equation, so that nature is struggling as man is struggling. To cleave to the image of the idyllic and fail to engage in the struggle, both the enter and outer struggle, is a failure to understand the nature of the "spiritual struggle." The spiritual struggle is NOT separate from the physical struggle. We must ENGAGE.
I opened my Sunday paper decades ago to discover my brother's picture on the front page of the Atlanta Journal/Constitution, the big picture above the fold. The emblazoned headline was, "Black and White Congregations Merge: First Time in Georgia!" It explained that the truly remarkable detail was that the black pastor would be Senior Pastor and the white pastor (my brother) was going to be Co-Pastor. While my brother was out of state conducting revival services, the KKK arrived at his house late at night in their white robes (this was in the 1980s) and set a cross ablaze in the front yard. My sister-in-law, Nancy, was home alone with the five children, and the children were terrified at the sound of the catcalls of "race traitor" and "nigger-lover." Nancy, who looked a little like Sarah Palin, burst out the doors and shouted, "I rebuke you in the name of Jesus! And in his name, I command you to stop this evil, to stop shouting and terrorizing my children; they are frightened of you, I AM NOT. Come here now and get the water hose and put out that cross." There was mumbling, then two young men stepped forward and got the garden hose and turned the water on. They doused the fire and dropped the hose on the ground. Then Klansmen started skulking away towards their trucks. She said, "Oh no, you don't! You come here and turn this water off and wind the hose just like you found it. Then you take that piece of trash and throw it in the back of your truck; you are not going to leave it on my lawn." The KKK members complied.
Like I told you when we ran that video of the Pastor in Alberta, Canada, kicking out the Covid Nazis during Pascha, where he repeatedly said, "Get Out! you demons, you sick Nazis, Get Out!" I said that I loved the courage and his actions but wished only that he had invoked the name of the Holy Army that surrounds us. "In the Name of Jesus, Get OUT! In the Name of the Blessed and Holy Trinity, Get OUT! By the power of God in the Holy Spirit, I command you, Get Out! By the power of the Blessed Theotokos, Get OUT. Invoking the Sword of Saint Michael and all the Holy Angels, in the Name of ever Holy Saint, the Army of Warriors that surround us, Get OUT!" THIS is engagement, THIS is resistance, and our spikey-headed author never mentions it.
Eph 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Eph 6:13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
Eph 6:14 Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness;
Eph 6:15 And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;
Eph 6:16 Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.
Eph 6:17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:
Eph 6:18 Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints.
A mother was being terrorized recently; her toddler son was having fits of hysterical laughter, unnatural laughter. When she looked at the baby cam the first time, all she noticed was her child's hysterical laughter, his head moving slowly back and forth as if seeing something invisible. But, the second time she viewed the video, she realized that there was a shadow moving back and forth in front of the crib; a specter was seducing the boy. She had the wisdom to call a real priest for prayers of protection and asked if he would come and exorcise the baby's room and the whole house and bless it. And he did, using the western exorcism prayer written by Leo the Thirteenth. The specter fled. This is not fiction folks, this is the nature of the battle, and it requires Engagement in the FLESH, with the righteous powers of heaven on your side.
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