Where did Cultural Marxism Come From? Oddly enough, not from Marx.

Where did Cultural Marxism Come From? Oddly enough, not from Marx.

The Brainwashing techniques practiced by the Cultural Marxists actually originated in the Northern European Protestant printing presses of the 16th and 17th centuries. They were able to INVENT the Spanish Inquisition - and subsequent centuries of Anti-Church - anti-Catholic propaganda - that today still rages. Even though the myth of the Spanish Inquisition has been thoroughly, objectively, historically debunked, it is still taught. It is this power of the press that Mind Control Masters first harnessed, and I can give you the history of it.

The deconstruction of a Society/Culture to conquer it is also derived from Protestant history and had its work in France before Marx's father was born.

Sadly Karl Marx's formation was as a Liberal Lutheran, which washed away any authentic Christian faith in him. He was hired to write, the Communist Manifesto by the same people who supported his rival. - the German Capitalist Professor Karl Ritter. This was a massive worldwide exercise in the Hegelian Dialectic. It set up the false dichotomy between Capitalism and Communism, both being systems of Globalist Conquest, and created conditions for wars between Christian Peoples. As we have seen in the last 18 months in America, its real targets are Christians of conscience and Free Enterprise. The Capitalists at the top are discovered to be the Marxist Masters, installing a Marxist Totalitarian System for the rest of us.

With the Corporate/State cooperation in this so-called pandemic and the damnable pressure on people to accept what they are calling "vaccinations," the Luciferian Masters are determine to leave us with no liberty, in total submission, as they take control of our very own bodies and invade them D.N.A. altering message-RNA biologics. This is a permanent "marking" of each individual with an electronic stamp and a control mechanism that can work as a kill switch.

What one discovers is that the Northern European Protestant movement and its lying Brainwashing Press and the so-called Illuminati are ONE. If you doubt my video about the forming of the Pilgrims Society, it total control of information in the English Speaking world and its creation of MI5, MI6, GCHQ, the CIA, FBI, and NSA, and all the other clandestine quasi-military institutions in New Zealand, Australia, Canada, England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland, collective known as THE FIVE EYES. And following World War Two, this apparatus through NATO, took over the control of information in Europe as well.  We see that even today, where the headquarters of the Illuminati's New World Order is Brussels.

The same Globalist Power structure now controls all the modern iterations of the "press," including this forum, Facebook, Google, and all the major platforms of the internet.

Beginning in the 1950s in the Five-Eye nations and NATO Europe, the Cultural Marxist methods of Antonio Gramsci's "Prison Notebooks" was adopted. One of the first iterations of this philosophy expressed in the real world was Operation Chaos in the U.S., where every institution of our Society came under attack, especially the Church, the Justice System, and Healthcare. In the field of Mental health, the Gramsci Marxists took control of the definitions of Mental Illness. They assaulted the American Justice System with their "expertise," subverting justice and filling up mental institutions and prisons. At the same time, they began their slow-motion plot to name everything natural and according to Christian morals, as a mental disorder, and every debauchery as healthy and fine, to the point now that they are mutilating children's genitals in the name of mental health. This is no small thing. And people who oppose this insanity are slandered by powerful and influential people in our society who say we are "just like the NAZIS." General Mark Milley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, was the last on the list of such people to suggest that sanity is "like the Nazis." So for people like the Marxist Brainwashed General Milley, Cultural Marxist deconstruction of all sanity is moral and right, even though any sane person can view the carnage in the Marxists' wake.

The left, not wanting anyone to realize there is an ideology of Luciferianism that is the controlling faction of the Globalist Power Structure, paints it in purely economic terms. But even this painting all thing as economic has instructive value, as we will see.

Consider the power of the present control structure.  In 2015 I wrote some words that the following six years have proved prophetic, though I wished to be wrong:

July 17th 2015
The talk of uniting to stop the New World Order is a foolish exercise until enough people can FACTUALLY answer the two following questions and can prove the truth of their answers via empirical evidence. (1) Where are we? This is in relationship to Politics, Liberty, and Morality? (2) How did we get here? Until one gains this knowledge, they will be destroyed in any "united effort" because the enemy of liberty and human dignity is in control of ALL public and visible movements at present, including the so-called "resistance movements." They are merely controlled opposition.
(The Trump MAGA movement became an exception to this. But has been conquered.)

IF you watched the great saga of the Tea Party movement, you see that it was subverted and controlled within weeks. Every voice you saw on the CIA Media (Fox, CNN, and the rest) claiming to be spokespersons for the Tea Party were CIA operatives. Some who came across with dignity were accepted as legitimate by millions, having never investigated their history. Others were put forward to push the Tea Party Idiot meme.  Many CIA Media articles about the Tea Party were accompanied by this man's often angry face and ridiculous costume. And the Tea Party United, by God in 2010 and took back the house. They united by God in 2014 and took back the Senate, and created a congress that has given Obama EVERYTHING he has asked for.

As I noted for a period of time I took hope that the Trump Movement might be able to break the backs of the Globalist Cabal.  This is the record of my thinking:

July 15th 2015
Do you realize NOW, at this point in time, when you promote the American Flag, you are promoting a symbol of world genocide, a society of Sodomy, the home of TERRORISM? I've had my fill of patriotic idolatry. I painted this painting in the 1980s of our family cemetery. My Great Great Grand Father founded the Church where this cemetery is located. Some of my relatives buried in this cemetery fought in the Revolutionary War, the War of 1812, the Civil War, WWI, and WWII. Korea and Vietnam (and now Desert Storm, Afghanistan, and Iraq) I am NOT anti-American to say that what this country has become no longer deserves our BLIND honor. Having shed all this blood, WE HAVE FAILED! No election or VOTE will change this sad reality.

August 3, 2015
Update: I could not have imagined on June 16th that Donald Trump might make the above sentence a lie. By the end of the month, I realized that the Good Lord is giving the American people one more bite at the Liberty apple. VOTE TRUMP! The only American FIRST Nationalist in my lifetime with the possibility of breaking the back of the Globalist Cabal that has destroyed our economy, destroyed our industries, destroy our privacy and liberty.

(Insert video about the growth of non-state actors, corporation so big no national government can control them.)
Now the CIA media is doing all in their power to make you think that the present situation is not a Luciferian Conspiracy to conquer all the peoples of all the world, but rather the misguided actions of a few Billionaires.

The new Lords and Ladies, is an interesting idea and more accurate than most conservatives would ever want to admit. What has happened with the consolidation of wealth at the very top and the destruction of the Middle Class, and the creation of the permanent "working poor." This is the definition of a feudal society. I have written many, many, times that the Scientistic Dictatorship Elites were leading us into a new feudalism which I called a Techno-Dark Ages, a thousand times more oppressive to humanity than the old feudal system, because it is empowered utilizing control systems and methods, still not understood, outside the perceptions of most of the population who have been hypnotized by it, and even while they crow about Constitution and Liberty are controlled by it.


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