Two Paths of Resistance hold one common key, Become Ungovernable.

This is the story of two kinds of Resistance, and both are legitimate in the face of destruction of the innocent.

Rex Christi outlines the first, Abbot Tryphon outlines the second. 

Rex rightly states: (Italics denotes Bond adding connecting statements)

The future is a heavy-handed dictatorship...the only thing you can determine is its orientation.

In this reality:

Inaction is a volition.
Silence is consent.
Resistance is a duty.

(What is the duty in the face of lies)

Everyone knows the 2020 election was stolen. The evidence is irrefutable. Audits confirm the evidence.

The only thing that matters is: WHAT WILL BE DONE ABOUT IT?

If elections are decertified, Big IF, then new elections would have to be conducted, but FIRST, the vote counting process has to be corrected to reflect the real vote.
(The Cabal has tools outside the political process and above the legal process, so therefore:)

Expect a big terrorist attack and a new lethal variant relatively soon.

There is no political solution to a civil war on a global scale.

Bond Notes:
We are running against the wind. H L Mencken said in 19 24.
The erroneous assumption is to the effect that the aim of public education is to fill the young of the species with knowledge and awaken their intelligence, and so make them fit to discharge the duties of citizenship in an enlightened and independent manner. Nothing could be further from the truth. The aim of public education is not to spread enlightenment at all; it is simply to reduce as many individuals as possible to the same safe level, to breed and train a standardized citizenry, to put down dissent and originality.”

We were born into a dumbed down system. We have to out perform our secular foundations.

Rex Continues:
It is time for patriotic soldiers, airmen, marines, sailors and police to take off their official uniforms and put on God First uniforms; otherwise, fuck 'em. Do not comply.

The pacification game a frustrating endless cycle of Groundhog day.

Elections are rigged

Vote harder


Complain that elections are rigged


This is not a winning strategy; this is a hypnotic way of placating the people of good will, so they don't revolt and kill those who rig the elections.

Voting is not going to solve this.

Some of us have done our research.

The rest of you are the research.

Poem by Rex Christi

Build my fear of what's out there,

Cannot breathe the open air.

Whisper things into my brain,

Assuring me that I'm insane.

They think our heads are in their hands,

But violent use brings violent plans.

Keep him tied, it makes him well,

He's getting better, can't you tell?

No more can they keep us in,

Listen, damn it, we will win.

They see it right, they see it well,

But they think this saves us from our hell.

Fear of living on,

Natives getting restless now.

Mutiny in the air,

Got some death to do.

Mirror stares back hard,

Kill, it's such a friendly word.

Seems the only way,

For reaching out again.

If you stand for Truth and Liberty you are a rebel.

You may not like it, you may not want to be a rebel, but you are a rebel and you have to be revolutionary.

The die has been cast.




Become ungovernable.

Abbot Tryphon Wrote the following:

The Forerunners of Antichrist Manufacture the Image of 'Political Criminals'

For anyone with eyes to see, the parallels between pre revolutionary Russia, and that which is happening in America, are clear. If we have any chance of reversing this sad decline in our (Republic and I corrected him because he said American democracy and we have never had an American democracy, but rather a Republic with democratic processes - I would not correct him if this point were not very important. So)
if we have any chance of reversing the sad decline of our Republic, American democracy, we need, as Christians, to step up to the plate, and vigorously work for a return to our Christian roots. We need to repent, and we need, as the Church, to call all others to repentance, as well.

In an age when free speech in high schools and university campuses is being crushed, and "politically correct" ideas  (Culture Marxist Critical Theory) are the only ones allowed to be voiced, it is particularly sad to witness free speech being crushed in some Orthodox circles. The message of Orthodoxy has NEVER been about pleasing secular powers, and for the Church to flourish into the 21 Century, she must speak the truth, ever calling all into the Ark of Salvation. In an age when so many great and holy elders of the Church are calling out this fallen culture, every bishop and priest must, as I have tried in my feeble way, to speak the truth as "one crying in the wilderness".

Although our political leaders pretend to have a sort of universality regarding the place of religion in our nation's life, they at the very same time are trying to demonize those within the Church who call them out on decisions that impact our nation's morality. (Of course the reason for this is that the Secular leaders, including many religious leaders, like the Primate of the Greek Orthodox Church in America, and the Ecumenical Patriarch and the Roman Pope, have chosen the pagan doctrine of Pax Deorum - the Worship of all the pagan gods)   This means that the Church cannot remain silent in the name of separation from things political.

 (Do you know why? Because the greatest political Icon, is the Cross of Christ and all of politics is only slavery without honoring Christ.)

The government's political actions can never be allowed to silence the Church, especially when our members are in grave danger of going against the Biblical foundations of our faith. For the Church to remain silent when politicians declare their support of abortion, same sex marriage, transgenderism, and racial guilt, is unacceptible. (Untenable and an act inside the present asymmetric war.)

It is good that we Christians remember that Antichrist will have power on the earth, and he will naturally be a political figure. (I don't by this absolutist picture of the anti-christ, since nations will rise against him.)  Therefore, the Church must stand firm in her opposition to his political persecution, which I believe has already started.

In their attempt to weaken the opposition of faithful Christians, the forerunners of the Antichrist tell us that any opposition to their collective rewriting of our Western culture and history, should be above politics, so that their warfare against God remains hidden under a political cloak. This means the forerunners of Antichrist will manufacture the image of 'political criminals'.  (This is an anachronism, remove the future tense and it would be true, and not anachronistic.)

Although the Church can never become part of some sort of political intrigue, (this is why I say that both Rex Christi's take on becoming ungovernable and Abbot Tryphon's are linked - the fact is great portion of the visible worldly church are neck deep in political intrigue, and any means to counter this abuse and delusion is justified.)   she must speak out when the political powers that be, touch on questions related to the spiritual life, to which the Church cannot close her eyes.

With love and blessings,

Abbot Tryphon

(These fellows always seem to forget, that Jesus command to protect the innocent IS part of the spiritual life. To deny that is to turn Christianity in to Secular/Philosophical Pacifism and deny the record of but Church History and Scripture.)

Rex, Steve, and I had an interesting exchange basically on this same theme, the present power of the Cabal and how to deal with it.

Rex noted

At least the President didn't sell his warp speed vakseens last night.

Butch Robinson

Nothing he says will have any meaning to me, until he confesses to cooperating with genocidal monsters. Admits that they psychologically got to his weakness, germaphobia, and triggered paranoid fear, that blinded him.

Winston Smith

the power the cabal has is on display it is real even Trump is not able to speak plainly about it

Butch Robinson
That situation is not new. That's the reason Trump used so many silly-sounding euphemisms. He could say, "Fake News" but he would have been assassinated had he said, "CIA Propaganda Operation, you think is the Free Press." He could say, as he has, "There is no free press in America" leaving it to everyone's imagination or knowledge to fill in the blanks. And while he was saying, "We believe in Free Speech in America" he couldn't say, "I don't have it, you don't have it." He had to expose it by enduring the censorship, we had to learn it by being censored, defamed, villanized, and cancelled.

(Can you imagine how weak Abbot Tryphon's words ring to the people who loved one have died from the Vaccine lies, or their businesses ruined, their accounts cancelled, or the people who have lost their jobs rather than bow to Baal? )

Winston Smith

That rings true , I'm afraid he'll be the one locked up as the crowd chants lock them up

Rex Christi

They won't lock him up. They won't kill him. They need him to placate us. They need to humiliate him to humiliate and demoralize us. They want to push this to the point where we turn on him, tear him apart and submit to them.

(At present I find the focus on Trump an evil distraction.  We have to be real, Trump knowingly or unknowingly aided in a genocide and that not an exaggeration. )

Butch Robinson

That's a false dichotomy. Trump is not the object, TRUTH is.

(I'm pointing out that Trump cannot be the focus.)

Rex Christi


yet, he is the political symbol.

(now if he had said A political symbol, I would have agree with him.)

Butch Robinson


Rex Christi


Rex Christi


Butch Robinson

Rex Christi

I know that dude. I struggle with Him often.

Rex Christi

he told me to render Caesar.

Butch Robinson

Any time that we accept a lie from the lips of Trump, for political expediency, like his Vaccine sins, we deny this person, because he is TRUTH that walked among us. NO Compromises, No Surrender.

Rex Christi

+ + +

So the bottom line here, No Compromises, No Surrender, is dedication to TRUTH and any person of good will, willing to stand in truth and speak what is true.

That sad mother in Illinois, I featured in my last video, her arms covered in tattoos, exposing the lies and coverup of the country school board, she was dedicated to TRUTH and everything she said was true, and like a prophet of hold she exposed the sins and nakedness of the authorities.  This is what No Compromises, No Surrender means.

That is the message Abbot Tryphon is getting at, and that is the message Rex is getting at.  We have to focus uncompromisingly on the Truth, no matter who we anger or who we alienate.  Jesus alienated the corrupt Jewish authorities of his day, ultimately he alienated the Jews, to whom he had been offering healing/salvation for three years, openly inviting them to accept the truth.  But they screamed, for Barabbas and said, "Let his blood be upon us and our children."  Now their children head the most powerful Cabal to have ever existed on earth, a Cabal I call, Judeo-Luciferian and it is that.  And with that Cabal there is no compromising and no surrender.

Prayers for all who are choosing human dignity and sanctity of the body over the indignity and slavery of a lab rat, submitting to coerced medical treatment which is a War Crime, clearly stated in the Nuremberg protocols which is part of the Geneva Convention. This coercion is also condemned in the international declaration of human rights, the US constitution, and US Federal law.

There is no compromise which will not destroy the soul with this murderous evil that has been for some time on a genocidal rampage across the globe. We face techno-enhanced, primordial evil; the evil has not changed but his tools have grown exponentially more sophisticated. I fear the fate of those who have bowed.


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