The Biderman Report, MKUltra and Covid Mind Control

Biderman Report a Synopsis:


Dr. Alfred D. Biderman M.A. created the Biderman Report, or to give it the full citation: COMMUNIST COERCIVE METHODS FOR ELICITING INDIVIDUAL COMPLIANCE. It was presented at a combined meeting of the Section on Neurology and Psychiatry with the New York Neurology Society at The New York Academy of Medicine, November 13, 1956, as part of a Panel Discussion on Communist Methods of Interrogation and Indoctrination. This report is based on work done under ARDC (Air Research and Development Command) Project No. 7733, Task 77314, supporting the research and development program of the Air Force Personnel and Training Research Center, Lackland Air Force Base, Texas.




This is the primary report on communist brainwashing techniques used by the Chinese and North Koreans on captured American pilots and other military members to get false confessions and propaganda statements supporting the communists and against the UN forces fighting them. It was the core source for capture resistance training for the US Air Force and for the other services and has been since the late 1950’s. 



 Operant Conditioning is the foundation of this tool. However, this tool is much more aggressive. Included are two charts from the report to simplify understanding. 



The .pdf of the full report can be found here.

Biderman would later disavow the conclusions of this report, that it was the Communists that created this particular method of mind control, and that Korean Veterans cooperated with their captors. He concluded that they were simply the subject of inhuman physical torture and not mind control, in his book:
March to Calumny: The Story of American POW's in the Korean War (1963)

Ready for some ugly truth? This is ugly. 

This method of brainwashing was not originally Communist-created psyops enslavement, but the work of psychiatrist, Dr. Jolyon (Jolly) West. West headed the MKUltra program at Lackland Air Force Base, and he was the number two man in the CIA's MKUltra Program. Just a few years after creating this program, West taught Charles Manson the methods of enslavement, which gave Manson the power to create his sex slave/murder cult. West destroyed Jack Ruby's sanity just before he was to testify before the Warren Commission. This is all documented. The Koreans and Chinese mainly used torture and deprivation, not this sophisticated MKUltra method.


Here is the ugly part, this "discipline" of brainwashing to create slaves spread throughout the sex industry and is today used by pimps to control their stables. It is boilerplate mind control 101 for the Bondage masters of the Sado-Masochist sex cults. 

The CIA financed this program at Lackland Air Force Base, hiding it under the pretense of "deprogramming Korean Veterans," but in reality, they were taking young Air Force recruits with no combat experience and warping their psyches for life. The victims came out of this programming as masters or slaves, and the masters then created slaves for the rest of their lives. The give and take of normal human relations were removed from them, and they dominated all who were ultimately willing, for one reason of weakness or another. Someone close to me was a victim of this program, entered it when he was 17, stationed at Lackland Air Force Base in 1954. He and Jolly West became lifelong "friends."

The reason we are talking about this is that someone noticed the parallels of the so-called communist methods of enslavement, as contained in the Biderman Report, Dr. Jolly West's work, and the methods of brainwashing used by the twenty-first-century mind-control masters in the Judeo-Luciferian Cabal, as they convinced the world's population, they had to submit or die. I'm speaking of the Covid LIE. 

Was there a Covid Pandemic? 

No, there wasn't. But the Cabal, through the world's media, used psychogenesis, i.e., hypnosis, created in the mind, to create a false pandemic that people would swear was real.

Covid 19 did not exist, but sadly the for a large percentage of those who saddled up for the co-called vaccines, they have been infected with artificial nanotechnology mechanism that hold the power to create myriad diseases by suddenly robbing the body of it innate immune system.

The first plate is a comparison of the Binderman Report's summation of Communist enslavement compared to the Covid Propaganda methods.  The Second and Third Plate are from the Original Biderman Report, so you can see we are not making it up.

Born July 10, 1923, in Paterson, NJ; died of injuries resulting from a fall June 16, 2003, in McLean, VA. Social scientist and author. Biderman was a social-science researcher who was particularly noted for his contributions to the analysis of social indicators. After serving in the U.S. Army in Europe during World War II, and in a government post in Germany immediately after the war, he completed his undergraduate work in economics at New York University. This was followed by a master's degree in 1952 and a Ph.D. in 1964 in sociology at the University of Chicago. Biderman's first job was as a sociology instructor at the Illinois Institute of Technology from 1948 to 1952. For the next five years he worked as a research social psychologist for the U.S. Air Force. Most of his work social science research, however, was accomplished during his nearly thirty years—from 1957 to 1986—at the Bureau of Social Science Research in Washington, D.C.

Founded in 1950 as a non-profit research institution conducting basic and applied social science.

The overall purposes of the Bureau were the development of social theory and research methods and their application to contemporary social problems. Its principle areas of interest included mass communication, urban studies occupational and military sociology, higher and vocational education, social welfare, criminology and criminal justice administration, and the social research enterprise. The Bureau of Social Science Research closed in 1986, following deep cuts in social research funding. (CIA funded think tank). 

Biderman had the ability to open old issues to renewed examination with a fresh approach. For example, his March to Calumny: The Story of American POW's in the Korean War (1963) reveals that, contrary to opinion at the time, American POWs did not collaborate with the North Koreans. He was also one of the first researchers to use victim self-reporting in order to determine more accurate crime statistics. He wrote about crime in such books as An Inventory of Surveys of the Public on Crime, Justice, and Related Topics (1972) and Understanding Crime-Incidence Statistics: Why the UCR Diverge from the NCS (1991). He was also the author, coauthor, or editor of several other books, including The Manipulation of Human Behavior (1961) and Data Sources on White-Collar Law-Breaking (1980). After retiring from the Bureau of Social-Science Research, Biderman was a research professor of justice at American University.

Louis Jolyon "Jolly" West was an American psychiatrist whose work focused particularly on cases where subjects were "taken to the limits of human experience". In 1954, at the age of 29 and with no previous tenure-track appointment, he became a full professor and chair of psychiatry at the University of Oklahoma College of Medicine. (Career Path paved by the CIA - even though he was head of the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Oklahoma, he was forced by the Air Force to serve out his time at Lackland. He "jetted" between the two until the latter part of 1956.



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