True Health Impacts of Covid Vaccines

True Health Impacts of Covid Vaccines - Multiple Resources - Orthodox Reflections


  1. Therapeutic Nihilism And Untested Novel Therapies
  2. COVID-19 Vaccines and Autopsy
  3. Covid ‘Vaccines’ Do Permanent Damage to 62% of Recipients, Proof on a Cellular Level
  4. Massive Over Diagnosis of COVID
  5. What is Really Happening in Hospitals with COVID Patients?
  6. Should Children Receive the COVID Vaccines?
  7. COVID is Endemic, Preventable and Treatable
  8. Outpatient Treatment for COVID and Vaccine Failure
  9. Nurse Whistleblower: “I’m Watching Them Commit Murder”
  10. Exemptions

There are many resources that provide details on the impact of the COVID “vaccines” on the human health. Vaccine mandates are gathering steam. Vaccination of children is looming on the horizon. The COVID “vaccines” are not safe and they are not effective. In this post, we are providing a few essential resources that document those two facts. Please explore these resources, and share with others. It is imperative that potential recipients of these medical interventions are fully aware of the substantial risks. In addition, as we can see from exploding severe cases in highly vaccinated areas, there are no real benefits to the patients.

But there is plenty of harm:

Using the CDC WONDER tool to search VAERS, as of Aug. 10, there have been 3,728 cases of myocarditis or pericarditis.

Furthermore, there are reports of 12,366 deaths, 5,236 heart attacks, 46,036 hospitalizations, 4,759 cases of anaphylaxis, and 4,044 cases of Bell’s Palsy that the CDC has yet to address as possible adverse events due to COVID-19 vaccines.

The number of reported VAERS deaths in the U.S. in 2021 alone, after COVID-19 vaccines were authorized for emergency use, is greater than the number of deaths after inoculation from all vaccines given from 1990 to 2020 combined.

Continue on for more resources.

Therapeutic Nihilism And Untested Novel Therapies

From a talk given by Dr. Peter McCullough at the 78th Annual Meeting of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons on October 2, 2021. Dr. McCullough has been instrumental in pioneering treatment of COVID-19 since the beginning of the pandemic. His papers on treatment are still the most used resources for doctors treating actual COVID patients.

Key Points – If you watch only one resource on this page, or perhaps even just one resource on the truth behind COVID, our government response, and the vaccines, then make it this video. Some key points that you will hear:

    • A former president of the American Medical Association said this vaccine program is the biggest biological catastrophe in human history with a medicinal product and no one knows how to stop it.
    • What is going on in the world is not really about COVID. COVID and the vaccines are a platform that was planned to effect some type of very large change occurring worldwide. The same types of coercion and reprisal are going on worldwide. How is that level of coordination even possible?
    • In previous product roll outs, a safety board would shut down the program after just a few unexplained deaths. The cavalier attitude towards safety in this vaccine program is unprecedented. We need a full, independent safety analysis that is not happening now.
    • For the first time in medical history, we are injecting the body with a vaccine hoping that it will manufacture a deadly protein. This is a complete gamble. The current structure of the vaccine program actually violates federal law. If safety protocols had been followed, the vaccine program would have been shut down in February 2021. Americans are dying after vaccination – at least 16,000 with 20,000 permanently disabled. 50% of deaths occur with 48 of injection, 80% within a week. 86% of reported deaths have no other explanation but the vaccines. Vaccines are most lethal to seniors.
    • You are more likely to die or be hospitalized after the vaccine than you are from COVID at any age.
    • Chances of children being hospitalized for a cardiac event following vaccination are greater than chances of hospitalization for COVID-19. It is not safe to vaccinate children under any circumstances.
    • We do not have safety programs in place for these vaccines.
    • There are serious concerns over human fertility. Pregnant women and previously infected with COVID were purposefully excluded from the RCTs. These two groups SHOULD NEVER take one of these vaccines.
    • Multiple experts agree that this generation of vaccines is generally unsafe.
    • The Pfizer, Moderna, and J&J are very different, yet are treated as interchangeable. If you are gong to mandate a shot, then mandate the best one. Which one is the best? The safest?
    • Vaccines can’t stop transmission.
    • Vaccines that fall below 50% protection and can’t last a year are not viable products, yet here we are with boosters to try and get back above a baseline of efficacy. Pfizer especially has failed as a commercial product.
    • CDC is intentionally hiding and distorting data to cover the failure of the vaccines.
    • The ubiquitous talking point over the summer that 99% of hospitalizations were unvaccinated was a complete lie.
    • Absolute Risk Reduction from vaccines is less than 1%. Vaccines will not end the pandemic. Mortality has been kept low because heroic doctors and nurses have treated sick people. Maybe 500 doctors around the country have embraced early treatment and have saved lives while others sat on their hands and watched people die.
    • Mass vaccination is causing mutations. We were warned not to do this by experts.
    • Vaccines produce very limited immunity so new variants escape the vaccines.
    • The medical literature has become corrupt and unreliable.
    • There is a guide to homebased treatment of COVID that you can download. Early treatment crushes the curve. There has been a suppression of treatment in order to promote the vaccines.
    • Leave alone the naturally immune, vaccination can only hurt them. There is no benefit for anyone who has had COVID and recovered.
    • Our medical is at stake in this fight. Our medical freedom is inextricably linked to our social and economic freedoms. If we can’t control what is put into our bodies, then we will have no freedom left.
    • In every conversation we need to be clear about the COVID-19 vaccines – they are dangerous and don’t work.
    • There is censorship of science that exceeds anything in history.
    • COVID-19 is crushing the lifeblood of medical science.
    • Doctors have a right to voice their opinions, but they are being hunted for going against the official narrative.

COVID-19 Vaccines and Autopsy

Dr. Ryan Cole is a board-certified dermatopathologist (AP & CP) and the CEO/Medical Director of Cole Diagnostics. He has worked as an independent pathologist since 2004. In this video, Dr. Cole walks through the impacts of the COVID-19 vaccines on human health, and explores the data learned from a post-vaccine death autopsy. This video is essential for understanding how damaging the spread of spike protein is throughout the body.

Key Points – The spike protein they are injecting into your body, and which your body is intended to manufacture, is itself a cause of disease. This process is not safe or effective if the goal is to protect human health.

Click here for Dr. Cole’s video

Covid ‘Vaccines’ Do Permanent Damage to 62% of Recipients, Proof on a Cellular Level

Dr. Charles Hoffe is a family physician from Lytton, British Columbia. One of his patients died after the shot, and six others had adverse effects. While their small town had no cases of COVID-19, Hoffe said the vaccine was causing serious damage and he believed “this vaccine is quite clearly more dangerous than COVID-19.”

When he told health officials that his patients were suffering adverse effects from the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines. Dr. Hoffe was quickly accused of causing “vaccine hesitancy” and local health authorities threatened to report him to the licensing body.

Key Points – The spike protein in the vaccine can lead to the development of multiple, tiny blood clots because it becomes part of the cell wall of your vascular endothelium; these cells are supposed to be smooth so that your blood flows smoothly, but the spike protein means there are “spikey bits sticking out”. Hoffe has been conducting the D-dimer test on his patients to detect the potential presence of blood clots within four to seven days of receiving a COVID-19 vaccine; 62% have evidence of clotting. The long-term outlook is very grim, Hoffe said, because with each successive shot, it will add more damage as you’re getting more damaged capillaries.

This video is especially helpful because it includes visual illustrations of the effects of the mRNA on the human body. It is very short, but essential in understanding how dangerous these shots are.

Click here for Dr. Hoffe’s video (embedded in an article)

Massive Over Diagnosis of COVID

Dr Clare Craig has been a diagnostic pathologist since 2001 working in the NHS and reaching consultant level in 2009. She specialized in cancer diagnostics including diagnostic testing for cancer within mass screening programs and was the day to day pathology lead for the cancer arm of the 100,000 Genomes Project.

Since the early part of the pandemic, Dr Craig has been vocal about her concerns over the over diagnosis of COVID using the current testing protocols, as well as the science behind asymptomatic transmission. She has written and presented extensively in journals, press and media.

Key Points – The “pandemic” and the hysteria around it has been driven by PCR testing. Dr. Craig explains how unreliable testing strategies have led to massive over diagnosis of COVID. As she explains, you could not have designed a better system for maximizing the count of cases and deaths. If COVID is actually much less of an issue than we have been led to believe, then why are experimental “vaccines”, masks, and lockdowns necessary? The implication is that this was all done deliberately. Click here for an article exploring some of the many interest groups that have benefitted, and continue to benefit, from COVID.

What is Really Happening in Hospitals with COVID Patients?

Americans focus on doctors, but the entire patient care system is dependent on RNs. They are the closest to the patients. RN’s are also frequently threatened for questioning the COVID narrative. That is why this RN has chosen to speak out anonymously. Her license is on-the-line for just telling the truth as she has witnessed it as a medical professional. Her testimony will shock anyone not familiar with how hospitals have worked since “COVID.” Particularly as she explains how she has lost faith in the doctors with whom she works.

Key Points -A single test result was enough to route a patient from general care to the COVID isolation unit. Same symptoms, but on the strength of a test, patients got a vastly different level of care and outcome. Patients labeled as COVID are getting substandard, ineffective care. In her medical opinion, the “Delta variant” is really composed of vaccine-injured patients. The “vaccines” are causing the “surge” in cases. Doctors and hospitals are following “treatment” protocols that really amount to murder for money. Effective treatments are being withheld and ineffective protocols being pursued that harm patients in order to preserve the pro-vaccine narrative. For more information on the corruption behind the vaccine narrative, please read this article about Pfizer’s FDA approval. According to this RN, and many others as well, 50% or more of the nursing staff at her hospital will continue to refuse the vaccines. Attempting to force them will result in mass resignations that will cripple patient care in the United States.

Click here for this stunning interview with an RN 

Should Children Receive the COVID Vaccines?

In this video sponsored by the Irish Council For Human Rights, courageous and dedicated physicians express their reasons for their consensus that injecting children with experimental products is immoral and must stop immediately.

Key Points – Doctors have a conflict of interest in the UK and other places, as they are being offered material incentives for vaccinating children. Children are neither at risk of getting seriously ill nor actively spreading COVID. The debate over the science is being actively suppressed. The vaccines are failing and we need to focus on early treatment. Vaccines do not stop you from getting sick, and do not stop you spreading the virus. The risk of death from the vaccines is 4 times that of COVID. These “vaccines” are not traditional vaccines, and opposition to them does not make you an “anti-vaxxer.” This is a novel gene therapy.

Click here for the Irish Physician video

COVID is Endemic, Preventable and Treatable

Dr. Ryan Cole is a board-certified dermatopathologist (AP & CP) and the CEO/Medical Director of Cole Diagnostics. He has worked as an independent pathologist since 2004. In this video, Dr. Cole addresses the inexcusable lack of treatment and prevention for COVID.

Key Points – Corona viruses are seasonal, and there is nothing that can be done to get rid of them. They simply run their course. Masks. lockdowns and social distancing are just so much theater. We can absolutely reduce the risk of COVID-19 by improving human immune systems by supplementing Vitamin D and reducing obesity. In the video Dr. Cole says, “The three-letter government agencies have practiced therapeutic nihilism. Apathy, complete apathy. If you get sick, go home. If your lips turn blue, then go to the hospital. If you can’t breathe, go to the hospital. When in the history of medicine have we said to someone, “Gosh, you have pneumonia, but once you’re sick enough to be hospitalized in the ICU, we’ll give you an antibiotic for your pneumonia”? It’s insanity. We as physicians have collectively lost our medical minds… The earlier you treat, the more complications you can reduce down the road… There is a treatment. Unfortunately, if there is a treatment for a disease, the federal government cannot approve a vaccine. By law, by rule.“

Click here for Dr. Cole’s video

Outpatient Treatment for COVID and Vaccine Failure

Dr. Peter McCullough is an internist, cardiologist, and epidemiologist in academic and medical practice in Dallas, Texas. Dr. McCullough was key in publishing Pathophysiological Basis and Rationale for Early Outpatient Treatment of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Infection, the first synthesis of sequenced multidrug treatment of ambulatory patients infected with SARS-CoV-2 in the American Journal of Medicine and subsequently updated in Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine. Dr. McCullough has published 45 papers on COVID-19. He has a very extensive list of accomplishments with which he introduces the video. He has testified before the U.S. Senate and the Texas Senate.

Key Points –  Much information given to the public is done by TV doctors or bureaucrats that have never treated a COVID patient. Dr. McCullough has treated hundreds successfully. In the video, Dr. McCullough makes five major points about COVID and the vaccines followed by a lively Q&A session. The five major points are:

1. The virus does not spread asymptomatically.

2. We should never test asymptomatic people.

3. Natural immunity is robust, complete, and durable.

4. COVID-19 is easily treatable at home.

5. The current vaccines are obsolete, unsafe, and unfit for human use. They are also failing.

Click here for Dr. McCullough’s video

We also recommend the video below of Dr. McCullough testifying to the Texas Senate about suppression of treatment for COVID-19 in favor of vaccine development.

Nurse Whistleblower: “I’m Watching Them Commit Murder”

Megan is a nurse in Minnesota. She has 15 years of experience, and she says the hospital she works in is falling apart. COVID patients are being treated with Remdesivir and stuck on ventilators, and it’s killing them.

Key Points – Monoclonal antibody treatment is working on patients, but hospitals won’t prescribe it because they can’t bill people for it. ICUs are not packed full of unvaxxed patients. In many cases, the unvaxxed patients are sick after getting the disease from vaccinated family members. ICUs have lots of empty beds, but can’t take more patients because the real shortage is in nurses. The whole crisis appears engineered to intentionally collapse the health care system.

Click Here for the Video


The COVID narrative is extremely powerful, because COVID benefits so many powerful people with many different underlying agendas. But the narrative is breaking down. The resistance of RN’s and first responders to vaccine mandates is going to have an effect. In addition, multiple law suits are going to be filed against the OSHA mandates. Governors have also announced their opposition. Plus, the evidence is simply becoming overwhelming that these “vaccines” do not work. Israel is already administering second booster shots, as severe cases and deaths are exploding.

Here is the latest out of Israel as of 9/15:

Despite over 61 percent of its population being fully vaccinated and having implemented a vaccine passport system, the Israeli Health Ministry has expressed concern about the fact that a recent downtrend in COVID-19 infections is reversing, potentially surpassing any levels previously seen.

“A week ago we were in a clear downward trend; in recent days we’ve been seeing that decline stop, and the virus reproduction number is [again] above 1,” Ash said.

The number of patients on ventilators has also climbed in recent days, as has the number of those in critical care.

Cases continue to rise despite the fact that all schoolchildren in Israel are mandated to wear masks in class.

As we highlighted on Monday, Israeli health minister Nitzan Horowitz was caught on a hot mic admitting that vaccine passports were primarily about coercing skeptical people to get the vaccine and not for medical reasons.

The danger and failure of these vaccines cannot be covered up forever. The fact that you are reading this article proves the information is getting out there. The boosters themselves are already doing great damage to the official pro-vaccine narrative. Individuals all over the world who are “fully vaxxed” today won’t be in a few months’ time. How many boosters and how much damage will they do? That depends on how much resistance we can mount.

If you are threatened by a vaccine, look at religious and medical exemption options. We have templates for religious exemptions here. We urge you to apply for an exemption, as you cannot be forced to take the shots while your case is being decided.

Additional Resources

If you have additional videos and links that you think people would benefit from, please include them in the comments section. We will continue to update this article with new resources as they are brought to our attention.

-Orthodox Reflections Editorial Staff 



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