Inviting my Roman Catholic, Evangelical, Baptist and other Protestant Friends to Read this bit of history.

See if you can let this sink in.

For my many Evangelical/Baptist and the like, friends, understand that every Bible you own, including the vaunted "Authorized" King James Version, contains as its Old Testament Text, a translation of the Jewish Bible, which extant artifact dates only to the 4th century A.D. having been culled and edited by anti-Christ Rabbis a contemporary version gifted to Saint Jerome for translation into Latin, which became the Roman Catholic, Vulgate Latin Bible, upon which the King James and all protestant bibles are based; even the ones claiming to be translated "directly from the ancient greek" do not follow the ancient Hebrew/Greek Text, which is the Septuagint Bible, which extant artifact is four to five centuries OLDER than the so-called "Hebrew text." Without the CHRISTIAN Orthodox Scriptures, the Modern Jews who invented THE Feast of HANUKKAH would not have any knowledge of the event they celebrate.

(Hanukkah is being celebrated this week by Jews throughout the world)
Amazingly the Jewish Feast of HANUKKAH IS in our Orthodox Christian Septuagint Greek Canon of Scripture (Deuterocanonical/apocryphal 1st and 2nd Maccabee) but NOT in the Hebrew Bible!!!! Not in the Scripture that Judaism uses. Or in most Protestant Bibles. These Orthodox Christian books give a detailed account of the re-dedication of the Temple of Jerusalem 2 centuries before the birth of Christ. There is a parallel account of "The Mother and Her 7 Sons" who were martyred one by one on a single day before their mother (and their teacher Eleazar) because they would not deny the Mosaic Law. Orthodox Christians remember them in ICONS. They are called the Maccabee Martyrs. The Feast of Dedication is mentioned in the New Testament Gospel of John 10:22,23. Glory to God! (Above is an Orthodox Christian Icon, celebrating the Maccabee Martyrs.)
 - Arnold Bernstein - an Orthodox Christian Priest, born a Jew.


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