The Epstein Maxwell Case


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As you well know, since the Epstein operation, of which Ghislaine Maxwell was an integral part, was a joint CIA/Mossad Operation (just as Maxwell's father was a triple agent, (KGB, MI6, and Mossad), Ghislaine's Trial will not be atrocitized appropriately (and it deserves to be a spectacle). It will be kept very quiet, even secret, with CIA-approved sound bites from inside and outside the court. This is your Shadow Government in Action. 


In late 2020 during a bail hearing the Judge was intimidated by Maxwell's attorney, reminding the Judge of her son's murder who was summarily executed professional hit stile when he answered the front door.

May be a Twitter screenshot of 1 person and text that says 'Richard Grenell @RichardGrenell Where's the media outrage? Most of the powerful people caught up in the Jeffrey stein/Ghislaine Maxwell trafficking trial are Democrats. The udge is an Obama-Bider appointee. The media have been barred from the courtroom.'

The Epstein CIA/Mossad operation is just one of the many blackmail honeypot operations run by money laundering for terrorists, drug and sex trafficking. He lived in the largest private dwelling in Manhattan, sold to him by a wealthy Zionist Jewish Billionaire for ONE DOLLAR and other valuable considerations. These are all people that Epstein's operation controlled, google them.

Glenn Dubin, Jes Staley, Leon Black, Lesley Wexner, Joi Ito, Bill Gates, and possibly held blackmail information on Donald Trump and many others.

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I just listed people in control of J.P Morgan Chase, the largest investment firm in the world, Barclays, Apollo Global Management, and this is just the tip of the iceberg. Were the Epstein matter fully disclosed, it would destroy the Globalist's hypnosis over the ordinary people who believe the dumbed-down shite they read and believe that the Government is their trusted parent.

Jeffery Epstein's long-time business partner confessed and named the U.S. State Department (ie, CIA/Mossad) as Epstein's silent partner.

Steven Hoffenberg reveals how Epstein made his money. The real story of how he made his money. Not the boring media narrative. Laundering billions for terrorists to start, he was trafficking weapons and arms to foreign factions/governments. And the list goes on and on.

Hoffenberg points the finger at the duo’s unnamed co-conspirator, who allowed Epstein to operate for decades with a license to steal, traffic young girls, sell illegal arms, and blackmail the rich and famous — the Feds. They even set up Hoffenberg for a long stretch in federal jail, while Epstein walked away free in a play by the DOJ to keep the jet-setting asset in play.


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