The Natural Right of Self Defense

(A repost of an article I wrote in 2014.)

 What meaning can gun rights have framed inside the "paper rights" of a voided Constitution? 

Conservatives keep writing articles with the underlying premise that the Constitution is just fine, and the Republic REAL and is just fine. Still, at present, it is just not functioning because of corrupt men. That is the constant mantra of the Republicans when Democrats hold power and the Democrats when Republicans have power. 

Is this true? Does the Republic still exist? Is it really just about corruption?

FACT: The Constitution is not fine, it is LEGALLY VOIDED, and as Supreme Court Chief Justice Roberts wrote in his 2012 ObamaCare travesty - acknowledging the fact that he was ordered or coerced to rule Obamacare constitutional, he said: "it is not the Judiciary's responsibility to protect citizens from bad laws passed by the people they elected."

Wait, that is precisely the responsibility of the Judiciary as framed by the Constitution! He was not talking about ObamaCare, which anyone with an inkling of common sense knows violates EVERY "constitutional principle." Instead, he was talking about the body of law commonly called the National Emergencies Act, under which he has NO POWER to disobey a direct order from the White House. That is the bad law he is powerless to reject. 

The Conservative class writes BARNACLE articles, holds BARNACLE hearings, participates in BARNACLE discussions. It is ALL a TOTAL WASTE OF TIME. Please, before you start screaming, with spittle frothing at the edges of your lips, LET ME EXPLAIN.

Dr. Ben Carson described it, as best he could, being under a National Security Letter, forbidding him to speak about our National State of Emergency or the collection of emergency powers laws that killed the Constitution and gave the president acting with the deep state dictatorial power. He said, "We are in a sailing ship teetering on the edge of a massive waterfall from which we as a people can never recover, and people are saying, 'this ship has barnacles, look at this barnacle, we have to do whatever it takes to remove it, and look at that barnacle, we have to do something about it, and look at that other barnacle . . . all the while we are on the edge of oblivion, going over the falls into the abyss BARNACLES AND ALL." 

At this point, how many Barnacle articles have we ALL written and blogged about, debated on social media? It is a massive chaos of BARNACLE discussion while we "teeter on the edge of oblivion from which we the people will NEVER recover." THINK! We keep debating laws that were they passed would only have the force the President DICTATES. 

For instance, the debate on the second amendment: Do you know why they have not yet confiscated your weapons? 

Trust me, it is NOT because of the second amendment. They know that confiscating weapons would create ARMED RESISTANCE, which is the last thing they want. To succeed, they have to keep the majority of people oblivious to the fact that their LEGAL rights have been LEGALLY rescinded. The appearance of massive armed resistance with people claiming their Declaration of Independence RIGHTS to resist tyranny would expose too much. 

Do you know why the first gun confiscation law was passed in one of the small and most liberal states? Answer: To condition you into the IDEA that government may confiscate weapons. They are hoping for a story to unfold in Connecticut that will COW other resisters in the country. It is chip by chip, chipping your confidence away. They KNOW the same law passed in Texas and several other states would put armed militia on the streets demanding that local police join them or RUN. 


We are not holding our guns because of ink on a page of a defunct and outlawed document; I reference the U.S. Constitution and the Second Amendment to that Constitution. Rather we are holding our guns as a natural, common-sense measure (as is the NATURAL RIGHT of MAN) against a totalitarian state. We don't keep them because we have a constitutional right to (which is mere ink on paper); we keep them because we have a natural GOD-GIVEN right of self-defense, including defense against the Tyrants who have control of our country.

  • Now let us talk about the Rittenhouse self-defense case.
  •  Rittenhouse, isolated self-defense case.

    Butch Robinson Wrote five days ago:

    I am so removed from the psyops media, that I had never heard the name Rittenhouse until the second week in November 2021. How ever did I survive?  (From August 2020, to November 2021).  I looked it up.  I did see the name, and told people they were focusing on the wrong thing and called it Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman 2.0.


    Rex Christi
    It was on my timeline when it happened and it was an integral part of the Summer of Love and COVID psyop because it gave them a face for White Supremacy and Big Black Guns.
    If I were a psyops master wishing to dispirit Gun Rights/self-defense advocates, I'd push a meme of the Judge in the Rittenhouse Trial berating the prosecutor, I would have people exposing the prosecutors tampering with video evidence and I would have every Q level thinker in the country convinced Kyle's acquittal was inevitable. Then I would have him found guilty and sentenced to a very long prison term. He may be acquitted, I'm not a gambler, but show trials are show trials and a lot of you have been suckered back into the left/right matrix with this theatrical production. Maybe they will throw you a bone, a Rittenhouse acquittal? Stranger things have happened. But I've also seen actor judges whipping up self-promotion, and even sympathy for the defendant before a guilty verdict and harsh sentences.
    • Reply
    • 6d
    Elaine Frye Jones
    I still don't know who he is. I saw a clip of him crying but I'm clueless.
    • Reply
    • 1d

    Mary Thrasher Yeargin Lowery
    Elaine Frye Jones he shot a rioter in self defense during the love fest … I hope he gets all charges dropped and sues the city and the media!!
    Archpriest Symeon Elias
    He is the latest isolated self defense case the enemy is using to distract and paralyze those who will not surrender Liberty. They have idiots focused on this when the world powers with the cooperation of national governments are committing genocide. Focus People.

    The Rittenhouse case has been "atrocitized" for Psyop use, as Rex Christi suggested.  How do we know?  Well, for days it has dominated so-called conservative media, and people are sucked into the right/left dialectic and frothing at the mouth, "hang him" or "he is innocent, let him go."  This psyops ploy has a deep history.

    From the Washington Post in 2012 during the Trayvon Martin George Zimmerman-self defense case.

    If you don't understand the principle of psyops atrocitization, you cannot realize to what degree the Rittenhouse trial was a show trial for political purposes.  The particular players, the particular defendant are not very important in a show trial.   Hundred of justifiable homicide cases (self-defense) happen every year, the number has steadily increased as the culture has become more violent.  The vast majority of justifiable homicide cases the person doing the killing does not know the attacker. The Natural Right of Self Defense is GOD GIVEN and cannot be removed from the human person.

    What so few of you understand, at the core of your soul, making it your mindset and worldview, is that you continue to think, speak and respond in a false paradigm.  It is a paradigm that is produced by a psychological operation decades in the making, and to converse IN that dialectic, and not constantly challenge that dialectic, is to surrender to the lies and further the lies.

    Most of you Christians are still locked in the Luciferian Worldview, think and act from that point of view, and think that because you hold some moral ideas that are being challenged and mocked, that makes you a real Christian with a Christian Worldview. Truthfully, most of the Christian I encounter hold a less accurate and truthful worldview than the speed freak Jordon Peterson or the fellow pictured and speaking in my last video entitled, "Approximations of Truth, Truer than YOUR Truth."

    Note that in the paragraph above I am speaking of perception of Truth, not about the state of ones healing salvation.  I am talking about a worldview without any delusions or illusion or distortions of truth.

    H. Tristram Engelhardt, Jr, in his book "After God: Morality & Bioethics in a Secular Age" talked of the present Guerrilla Wars in the ruins of Christendom saying:

    Orthodox Christians . . . know that there is a God Who commands. They have moral norms and a bioethics rooted in the living God.  Such Christians (and others) will remain.   They know that relations to other humans are always misdirected in the absence of a rightly directed relation with the living God.  They will increasingly be joined by (those of other traditionalist movements). Their normative commitments will contrast, indeed conflict with the established secular culture, along with its morality and bioethics.  (These words were prophetic).   The tensions will be profound. The very existence of such believers will be provocative within the secular culture of the fundamentalist secular state.  Their moral norms and bioethics will collide with the secular professional demands of an increasingly secular fundamentalist state.  Among other things, by their difference traditional believers underscore the poverty of a moral discourse that is demoralized, deflated, "weakened," and radically secularized. Authentic Orthodox Christians will also be intransigent impediments to much secular public policy, particularly health care policy bearing on sexuality, reproduction, abortion and end-of-life decision-making, because it will not be possible for these believers to be reconciled to the secular moral vision as well as to what its law and public policy requires.  Tradition Christians with their highly politically incorrect rejection of abortion, reproduction outside of the marriage of a man and a woman, homosexual acts, and the impossibility of homosexual marriage know that their moral vision is anchored in a reality beyond the horizon of the finite and the immanent. Moreover, they understand that the transcendently grounded morality and bio-ethics can be worth dying for.

    All things are not permissible, lines have to be drawn and defended or only chaos and death will remain.



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