The New Demarcation Line, Life or Artificial Life and Death.

You picture the founding of America as some gathering of philosophers, all united in principles articulated by Thomas Payne and others. Nothing is further from the truth. Benjamin Franklin's own son was the British Loyalist Governor of New Jersey and fought against his father. Many families were divided like they are now. 
 No photo description available.

H. Tristram Engelhardt, Jr, in his book "After God, describing the present divide between the American people and indeed all the people of all the West, New Zealand, and Australia as well, (former Christendom) said, "In our broken culture, persons are often married to moral strangers. They often have children who are moral strangers to them. Some are even moral strangers to themselves, holding deeply incompatible moral visions. (if you are Christian and got the Vaccine, he just described you) The gulf separating the parties cannot be set aside through an appeal to secular moral rationality, secular, rational game theory, . . . "

The gulf has become exceedingly greater with the introduction of Genetic Altering Vaccines. As the Luciferian/NAZI Klaus Schwab has stated so articulately, "In the 4th Industrial Revolution it is not what you do that is changed, it is who you are; when you get a genetic editing, for instance, it is YOU who are changed, and this affects your identity." That Identity is NOT, in the image of God, but a neophyte transhuman chimera. Are you still human?
The divided loyalty of families and friends, over the American Revolution, "Patriot or Loyalist," the Civil War, Confederate or Unionist, for or against slavery, for or against women's suffrage, for or against, empire wars in Cuba and the Philippines, for or against intervention in the foreign wars of WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, The Dominican Civil War, Grenada, Lybia, Panama, Somalia (twice), Haiti, Bosnia, Serbia/Kosovo, Iraq (twice), Afghanistan, Somalia and North-East Kenya, Pirot wars in the Indian and other oceans, Syria, and on and on. . . the divide over these events in history PALE in comparison to the present divide between those surrendered to the Tyranny of Scientism, (Secular Fundamentalists) and those retaining their natural DNA. I've described the new demarcation line. Like all wars for liberty and against slavery, it has a civil war domestic aspect, brother against brother, then an international aspect, human beings against Globalist Malthusian Monsters. Not choosing sides is to have already lost because it was chosen for you when you surrendered your bodily autonomy.The previous wars were playtime.

Do you realize that the Battle of Bunkerhill, which killed over a thousand British troops and over four hundred colonists, (the bloodiest battle in all the War for independence), happened before any governmental entity was created in the U.S?
Bunkerhill happened thirteen months BEFORE the drafting and signing of the Declaration of Independence and two and a half years before the first American Government was formed, with the signing of the Articles of Confederation? The war of Independence was NOT an act of the American Government; it was an action of armed men who decided not to bow. STAND UP, Americans!



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