Bond Writing Prophetically in 2014.

Seven years ago

Butch Robinson

December 20, 2014

Shared with Public

Big Brother Says you should not know anything but need ONLY the skills to process the data he feeds you.

"The human brain should be used for processing, not storage." —Thomas A. Kelly, Ph.D.

The Effective School Report

It sounds like the human being as a programmable earth-based carbon unit.

Are you willing to settle for that?

If you keep watching T.V. News and Hollywood entertainment and keep your mind continually connected to the cyber-pop-culture; young folks, if you believe the fantasies promoted as facts in your textbooks, you are willing to be programmed. You will NEVER learn to think, and you will process the data just as you are programmed to do. In a very real way, there will never be any REAL YOU in the mix, nothing of value in your SOUL (Psyche) so that you may "INDEPENDENTLY" judge what is true and what is false.

 (I wrote this seven years ago, and in 2020/2021 the people unable to reason, bowing to social distancing, wearing masks and face shields, lining up to take DNA altering Nanotechnology poisons they are calling vaccines, proves that this warning was too late. What else could explain the "mental processes" and actions, totally devoid of rational thinking, unable to read and accept the science, only able to process the data the "official sources" promoted in the most massive propaganda programming campaign in the history of the world, maybe in the history of being? )

You have to have TRUE Principles Stored in your HEART so that you can run a malware test on Philosophical Programming and virus checks on every piece of data that the "establishment" attempts to download to your brain. Without knowledge of those true principles, YOU HAVE NO FIREWALL; YOUR PROGRAMMING PROCESSES ARE HACKED, YOU BECOME A SLAVE, a programmable earth-bound carbon unit.

The ULTIMATE REBELLION is REAL INDEPENDENT THINKING that QUESTIONS EVERYTHING, yet without cynicism, accepts what works and is true and builds the Human Person and rejects what is enslaving and dehumanizing.



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