Free Humans vs Propaganda Slaves

 Coexistence on this tightly knit earth should be viewed as an existence not only without wars… but also without [the government] telling us how to live, what to say, what to think, what to know, and what not to know.  —Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, from a speech given September 11, 1973

(Bond Robin writing in 12/20/2014)

What is the reality in America and Europe? The very opposite of this and even more, dictating what our children should eat, what medicines they should take, and not bothering with the trouble of reasoning with us, but instead operating a massive Psychological Warfare against us, "conditioning us" as to what we should think, what we should feel, how we should act, who we should be. THERE IS NO LIBERTY IN THIS except the liberty we create for ourselves, BREAKING THE BONDS of the hypnotic spell, rejecting the sorcerer's psychotropic drugs, turning off the T.V., refusing to watch the propaganda entertainment that is Hollywood and News, rejecting the immoral and hideously DE-HUMANIZING new morality, rejecting the FEAR/ANGER, GRIEF/EMPATHY emotional manipulations of the False Flags. Being AT LIBERTY is WORK. It is not handed to you on a plate like a snack. It is a lifetime dedication to guard the MIND, and not allow it to be sculpted like putty by our New World Order CONDITIONERS AND MINDERS. This survival of Humanity depends on YOU coming to understand this and accepting the DISCIPLINE to seek and settle for nothing less than TRUTH.


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