Foreknowledge vs. Hindsight

If you have seen "Second Opinion," the conference of world-renown medical experts, hosted and moderated by Senator Ron Johnson and Dr. Peter McCullough, a panel discussion of the events of the last two-year pandemic (five hours long), you might have realized that every subject they exposed comported EXACTLY with what I have been telling you on my Bond Robin Channel since February of 2020.

I have that history of videos telling the story, and by June of 2020, I knew and explained the ENTIRE demonic delusion: a tale that NONE of the experts sitting at that table could have recognized as valid at that time. Nearly every person at that round table would have dismissed me as a kook, June 2020, YET, now they are explaining in detail NOW how everything I was saying way back then was TRUE.

I am saying this not to say, "Hey, look at the genius, Bond. But instead, to point out that my understanding was SANE; my knowledge was removed from the illusions of Secular Fundamentalism and Extreme Materialism and grounded in a level of Truth few people I know can witness in themselves. How many of your cherished beliefs are actually lies, grounded in Secular Humanist Fundamentalism and delusions of Extreme Materialism.

Sadly, many who have died and who are presently suffering or have suffered, even now, cannot understand the question I just asked. Religion is sentimental nostalgia and end-time delusion for so many, and you remain blind to TRUTH. Truth, who is a person who walked among us, shares his perceptions with us.

I'm reminded of the monk Anatolius who lived in a monastery near Saint Martin of Tour. He was bewitched by demons and thought he saw the truth . . . the demons literally hypnotized him to believe he saw the truth. What do you think the so-called Mass Formation Psychosis is? And even that name is a delusion because they didn't want to use the word, hypnosis. It has been the most extensive and most damnable demonic delusion ever in the history of humankind. And you BELIEVED IT, and many of you still do. Anatolius brought from his cell, proof of his delusion. For him, it was a shining royal coat; for you, it has been Covid in the mouth of friend and stranger, and the consequent suffering and death. Anatolius's cloak disappeared when he was forcibly taken to Saint Martin, who, like Saint Anthony the Great, could not be fooled by demonic delusion. I'm no saint, and I'm anything but great, but I was not fooled by this massive demonic delusion that had taken control of at least eighty percent of the population of this earth.

Not everything this panel of doctors and medical experts say is true, but that's just details. Senator Johnson starts his statement with a lie saying that the first "clinically confirmed case of Covid" happened in January of 2020. That's a demonic lie. Covid-19 was not isolated, and a "confirmed case" would be impossible. A year later, they had not isolated Covid-19 in a single body of the deceased. Doctor Corey confirms the massive increase in sudden onset and very fast-acting cancers that occur in the "vaccinated." I reported that early summer of 2021.

How much more will you suffer before you realize you have been and are being played by hypnosis masters, the dark and mighty fallen angels whose sole goal is to drive humankind into extinction. That powerful spiritual force is real. Your dancing upon the earth with abandon like it is the paradise of pre-fallen Eden is the act of fools who have been hypnotized to cooperate with their suicide. Your dance of abandon has not worked; have you suffered enough to enter the battle? Can you recognize that the enemy is real, and complacency is the death of body AND soul?

I'm not leaving the link, just directions, go to RUMBLE, search for Senator Ron Johnson's channel, click on the video entitled: COVID-19: A Second Opinion, and if the Hypno-psyops-masters still control your attention span, at least look at the excerpt version, "COVID-19: A Second Opinion (Shorter Highlight Video)".

Wake up, loved ones; politics is not going to solve this. Submission to TRUTH, a person who walked among us, is the only hope because even your rebellion and resistance are a tool of the evil ones until YOU become UNMOVEABLE, unphased by demonic machinations.

I said in February of 2020 that the plan was to stampede people into fear and then herd the fearful into accepting a genocidal poison they would call a vaccine. This is the record, but that meant that I was only consistent because I have said about many dystopian events, "it is all about the Genocide." The first time I wrote that phrase was in 1993, when I was writing about the misuse of technology, the hoarding of life-saving technology by the Globalist Elite. Technological advances by 1993 meant that many diseases could be cured, especially many forms of cancer, and many other types of chronic illness could be more easily managed and in some cases, ameliorated and made less debilitating and painful; I also wrote that free energy and the advances in water desalinization and agricultural technology meant that the earth could sustain easily 20 to 30 billion people. I documented that world manufacturing was operating at about fifteen percent of capacity, and predicted that in a very short time with robotics that about ten percent of the world's population could produce all the goods and services needed for the entire population. This was the window to a better technological world, which was destroyed by the Judeo-Luciferians, who do not want to share the planet with free men and women, but want to cull ninety percent of the present world population and make the rest techno-altered transhuman slaves.


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