Population Rising
Population Rising
and some more examples.
Stand and deliver
You let them put the fear on you
Stand and deliver
But not a word you heard was true
But if there's nothing you can say
There may be nothing you can do
Do you wanna be a free man
Or do you wanna be a slave?
Do you wanna be a free man
Or do you wanna be a slave?
Do you wanna wear these chains
Until you're lying in the grave?
I don't wanna be a pauper
And I don't wanna be a prince
I don't wanna be a pauper
And I don't wanna be a prince
I just wanna do my job
Playing the blues for friends
Magna Carta, Bill of Rights
The constitution, what's it worth?
You know they're gonna grind us down, ah
Until it really hurts
Is this a sovereign nation
Or just a police state?
You better look out, people
Before it gets too late
You wanna be your own driver
Or keep on flogging a dead horse?
You wanna be your own driver
Or keep on flogging a dead horse?
Do you wanna make it better
Or do you wanna make it worse?
Stand and deliver
You let them put the fear on you
Slow down the river
But not a word of it was true
If there's nothing you can say
There may be nothing you can do
I'm going to use an archaic word you need to reintroduce to your vocabulary; that word is "countenance." The Judeo-Luciferians, CIA and all the mind controllers have tried to dumb-down this word, with modern definitions that leave its source out of it. And now, it is a word you would never hear on T.V., or in movies as they try to make the word archaic.
From Webster's 1828 Dictionary.
COUNTENANCE, n. [L., to hold.]
1. Literally, the contents of a body; the outline and extent which constitutes the whole figure or external appearance. Appropriately, the human face; the whole form of the face, or system of features; visage.
A merry heart maketh a cheerful countenance. Prov 15.
Be not, as the hypocrites, of a sad countenance. Mat 6.
2. Air; look; aspect; appearance of the face; as in the phrase, to change or alter the countenance.
3. The face or look of a beast; as a horse of a good countenance.
4. Favor; good will; kindness.
Thou hast made him glad with thy countenance. Psa 21.
Hence in scriptural language, the light of Gods countenance is his smiles or favorable regards, his favor and grace; and to hide his face or countenance is to manifest his displeasure, and withdraw his gracious aids. So the rebuke of his countenance indicates his anger and frowns. Psa 80.
This application of face or countenance, which seems to be of high antiquity, proceeded probably from the practice of turning away the face to express anger, displeasure and refusal; a practice still common, but probably universal among rude nations. The opposite conduct would of course express favor. The grant of a petition is accompanied with a look directed to the petitioner; the refusal or denial, with an averted face. Hence,
5. Support; aid; patronage; encouragement; favor in promoting and maintaining a person or cause.
It is the province of the magistrate, to give countenance to piety and virtue.
Let religion enjoy the countenance of the laws.
Give no countenance to violations of moral duty.
6. Show; resemblance; superficial appearance.
The election being done, he made countenance of great discontent thereat.
7. In law, credit or estimation.
To keep the countenance, is to preserve a calm, composed or natural look, unruffled by passion; to refrain from expressing laughter, joy, anger or other passion, by an unchanged countenance.
In countenance, in favor; in estimation.
If the profession of religion were in countenance among men of distinction, it would have a happy effect on society.
To keep in countenance, to give assurance or courage to; to support; to aid by favor; to prevent from shame or dismay.
To put in countenance, to give assurance; to encourage; or to bring into favor; to support.
Out of countenance, confounded; abashed; with the countenance cast down; not bold or assured.
To put out of countenance, to cause the countenance to fall; to abash; to intimidate; to disconcert.
1. To favor; to encourage by opinion or words.
The design was made known to the minister, but he said nothing to countenance it.
2. To aid; to support; to encourage; to abet; to vindicate; by any means.
Neither shalt thou countenance a poor man in his cause. Exo 23.
3. To encourage; to appear in defense.
He countenanced the landing in his long boat.
4. To make a show of.
Each to these ladies love did countenance.
5. To keep an appearance.
Do you see the difference between the Covid-Cowed Eric and the Brave Warrior Eric? Same person different countenance. Dead-eyed, eyes filled with life.
I do accept the meaning of miracle from the Latin word miraculum, meaning an "object of wonder." The New Testament Greek only has the words "signs and wonders." And what are they signs of? Of God's care, Of God's love, Of the wonder of his power against the dark forces of evil. Of his intervention in our lives to "enliven" us and "protect" us. I recently witnessed a wonder of God's protection in a situation that without his intervention I would have surely been maimed or killed. These signs and wonders are real, and because of this, we must not bow to evil, but put on the Whole Armor of God, and tear down and nullify the ruling dark forces in high places, seeking our destruction.
We sometime hear visage in modern literature, but Countenance has fallen by the wayside and it should not. For instance, if I were to ask, can you tell the difference between Eric Clapton's appearance in the last video where he was telling about his Vaccine injury, and his appearance in this video, you might think I was talking about his more closely shaved face, or the less ragged clothes. But if I ask, "Did you notice the difference in Clapton's countenance in this video vs the last video, you would immediately see that everything was different, the spirit of his entire appearance and the confident manner projected; whereas before he looked beleaguered and confused, mumbling silliness trying to justify his actions, and in this one he is sure, positive. In the former he reeked of suffering, defeat and death, and in this video there was LIFE in his eyes and an easy non-strained smile on his face, and a fire in his belly to tell the story of his former brainwashing and the enslavement of his fellow countrymen and how he was going to "use his skills" to battle back. That is ALL any of us can do, we have to use our skills, our creativity to battle back.
Today we will talk about the sin of fear, and yes, irrational, unreasonable, or deluded fear is sin. Irrational and unreasonable fear is baseless fear, fear without a cause, so to speak. Deluded fear is Psychosis, either an illusion or delusion that is self-induced or induced by lies and hypnosis.
As to irrational and unreasonable fear, one cannot draw a line between it and simple worry. Irrational, emotional worry turns into deeper and deeper layers of phobia. Of course, phobia, although it means simply fear in Greek, in the hands of the Psycho-Luciferians of the DSM, the psychological and psychiatric professionals in America and Europe, it is a Marxist manipulative term as in the word, "homophobia." The literal meaning of the word homophobia is "fear of the single." And of course, what the Marxist Mind manipulators want to convey is not fear of homosexuals. If they said to you, you suffer fear of homosexuals, one would naturally envision the homosexuals one has known and realize that you don't fear them. That would defeat their brainwashing purpose because the point is not fear of them, but fear of the destruction of societal moral order the Gay Agenda has wrought upon our culture. Yes, I fear that, and for a good reason, it has been a significant part of the Dumbing-Down of the culture. This dumbing-down is what some are now calling "Mass Formation Psychosis." That's as good a term as any. But they are making a big mistake naming the belief that a nearly harmless, or maybe nonexistent virus, is actually deadly because all the psyops mechanism tells you it is deadly. They are calling that "Mass Formation Psychosis." It is not; Covid Pandemic was merely pulling the FEAR trigger on a population already in deep Psychosis, believing a list of total lies that forms the basis of their Consciousness, a false paradigm upon which they reason. Thirty-plus years ago, I called it "a resin impervious to Grace, a resin impervious to Truth, a resin impervious to actual data, and a resin impervious to facts. That is, in fact, what we saw exercised in March of 2020. They pulled the fear trigger. They did NOT create a new Mass Formation Psychosis. They merely pulled a hypnotic trigger, possible only because of the "resin" previously installed.
They did the same thing with the False Flag Operation that is 9/11, and if you don't believe me, I dare you to read this book, "Where did the Towers Go," by a teacher of structural engineering, Dr. Judy Wood. She placed a sticker in some books, sent to those who were investigating 9/11, that said:
"If you listen to the evidence carefully enough, it will speak to you, and will tell you exactly what happened. If you don't know what happened, keep listening until you do. The evidence always tells the truth. The key is not to allow yourself to be distracted away from seeing what the evidence is telling you. 'Empirical evidence is the truth that that theory must mimic.' Thank you for having the courage to look at the evidence."
Hundreds of investigators, hundreds of books on 911, and they all missed the most critical clue because they were all distracted to one degree or another or didn't have the knowledge to understand the things they were seeing. It is the same with the fear trigger of this Covid pandemic, except the fear was exponentially worse. As Rex Christi observed on Liberty's Thunder, "It became intensely personal."
The fake threat of Jihadi rag-heads killing you was out there somewhere, but the danger of Covid was a very personal fear trigger, almost impossible to avoid. And like there are hundreds, maybe thousands, maybe tens of thousands of investigators gathering information about the Covid Fake-demic, no one does a better job of explaining the totalitarian fake science and the purpose of it, and the dangers of actual bioweapons than does Robert Kennedy in this book, "The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health." But before we get to Kennedy's book, I want to play a few minutes of a recent Jimmy Dore podcast so we can demonstrate just how personal the fear was, and for some still is. In the last video, I showed you the fears-frozen Eric Clapton and the Eric liberated from that fear. And this is very important to learn; although he had taken the Jab and a booster, the righteous anger he experienced upon learning just how deeply he had been lied to, that anger along with the deliverance from that haunting personal terror, had a dramatic effect upon his health. I've gone into this deeply before, how the hypothalamus that controls all bodily sensations and functions can become fooled when the mind is hypnotized. Being tricked, the hypothalamus can create any symptom and impede healing and create actual sickness, with real pain and suffering.
Unreasonable and Irrational Fear is a terrible enemy, and more it is sin.
I wrote the following in 2014.
many of you know that this prayer of the Roman Catholic Church is for
the purpose of the following statement of Jesus Christ, "Blessed are the
meek: for they shall inherit the earth." What earth did you expect to
inherit but the earth that is YOU? Instead of accepting your
inheritance, and having dominion over the "earth, you possess" you have
rented it and leased it to a thousand passions, and have lost control of
"Saint Michael and the Celestial Choir of Dominations, may
it please God, to grant us the Grace, to have dominion over our senses
and to correct our depraved passions."
How many of you know that
this prayer of the Roman Catholic Church is for the purpose of the
following statement of Jesus Christ, "Blessed are the meek: for they
shall inherit the earth."
What earth did you expect to inherit but
the earth that is YOU? Instead of accepting your inheritance, and
having dominion over the "earth, that you possess" you have rented it
and leased it to a thousand passions, and many have completely lost
control of it.
"The above paragraphs describe the slavery of the
Gay Agenda, and the slavery of a thousand other depraved passions. The
fact is, IF you are making your arguments from the basis of enslaved
passions, you are INSANE and do not control even the 100 plus pounds of
earth that is YOU."
2022 I can add to the list of sinful
passions, The FEAR of Covid, The FEAR of the VAXXED, The FEAR of the
UNVAXXED, the FEAR of the Pandemic, the FEAR of the End Times, the FEAR
of what is next. That is the fear of the Eschaton (another word you need to learn - that culmination of all things) which is clearly in God's hands. In God's mercy we should not fear it.
More than a decade ago I tried to explain to a
friend who lived in perpetual fear, that the exercise of that fear was
sinful, that fear itself, except the fear of God, is SIN. I told her
that even fear of evil was simply a sinful lack of faith in God. She
could not understand it. I'm hoping that now, after the worldwide
demonstration of the psychosis of unwarranted fear, the evil power of
sinful fear is exposed. I'm hoping. Putting on a mask, fearing the air
is SIN. Being stampeded to a deadly nano-technology they call a vaccine
is SIN. It is an action, driven by irrational and evil fear, fearful
psychosis, and not reason; fearful psychosis and not sanity.
fear psychosis that you allowed the psyops-Judeo-Luciferian-Media to create
in your soul (psyche) in your heart-mind (NOUS) was demonic and sinful,
sanity destroyed by "Satan's spells and wiles."
Some of you could not hear Saint Patrick's words, even as you prayed them:
"We bind unto ourselves today the power of God to hold and lead, His eye
to watch, his might to stay, his ear to hearken to our need. The wisdom
of our God to teach, His hand to guide, His shield to ward; the Word of
God to give us speech, His heavenly host to be our guard.
the demon snares of sin, the vice that gives temptation force, The
natural lusts that war within, the hostile ones that mar our course; or
few or many, far or nigh, in every place, and in all hours, Against
their fierce hostility, We bind to ourselves these holy powers.
all Satan's spells and wiles, Against false words of heresy, Against
the knowledge that defiles, Against the heart's idolatry, Against the
wizard's evil craft, Against the death wound and the burning, The
choking wave, and poisoned shaft, protect us, Christ, till your
Christ be with me, Christ within me, Christ behind
me, Christ before me, Christ beside me, Christ to win me, Christ to
comfort and restore me, Christ beneath me, Christ above me, Christ in
quiet, Christ in danger, Christ in hearts of all that love me, Christ in
mouth of friend and stranger."
No instead you fell for disease and death in the mouths of friends and strangers. Are you beginning to see how FEAR is SIN
Now, admittedly, the psychological war that was waged against you, against us all was huge and strong.
A Warrior vs A Quisling
In the last video "Awakening From Mass Hypnosis" Jimmy Dore said, "There are no permanent allies, there are no permanent enemies, only permanent interests." There was a time than I viewed Michael Lebron, better known as Lionel as an ally. I watched him use some connection and influence for a very good and humane purpose. That was 25 years ago, when Lionel was sometimes heard on WFLA in Tampa, Florida before he moved to New York and hosted Snap Judgement, on Court T.V. I haven't followed him since past Trump's first year. I knew when he started LARPing for Q, we really were not allies any more. The famous Lionel has proved who he is.
Here is the Warrior:
Here is a quisling:
This neurolinguistic hatchet job of Robert Kennedy by Lionel is really expertly done, he chips away at his name, his person, his family, his image in the world, his image within the Kennedy family all the time being very careful not to commit liable. He holds Fauci up as some sort of hero, or at leas an "easy mark" and claims that Kennedy is using Fauci as a foil to soothe his own sick ego, poor little Junior trying to make his mark. Robert Kennedy, and I leave off the Junior, because he has most certainly made his mark and in his battle to save Children from the slow genocide of vaccine poisoning and his documenting the tie between the explosion of autism and the explosion of mandatory vaccines, used to dumb down and cull American Children, his mark over shadows the career of his father by many fold.
Robert Kennedy's book is so very well documented as to say it is a scholarly work of difficult history. Lionel's trashing of RFK is sadly not a mystery to me. Think about how reason has been removed, if a standard in this Pagan Society is blind faith in something called Science? or Government? That is idolatry and mental slavery and people are too dumbed-down to get it. This is the real Mass Formation Psychosis. BTW, let's not skip the fact that this psychological herder, Lionel, called ME part of the "Choreographed Lunacy" - What better example of Marxist Mirror speak could exist.
I want to thank Ginger Paris for pointing out this shameful video by Lionel (Michael Lebron). Had she not pointed it out to me I would never have seen it, because, like I say, I turned Lionel off in January of 2018, when it was obvious he was LARPing for Q-Anon which is an lying government propaganda operation.

I dare you to read this book that contains vast documentation and come away from that experience and say, "I trust the Science" or "I Trust the Medicine" or "I Trust the Government" or "I Trust the Pharmaceutical Manufactures" or "I Trust the Vaccines" or "I Trust the Politics" or "I Trust the FDA" or "I Trust the CDC" or "I Trust the NIH," or "I Trust the NIAID" or "I Trust the World Health Organization" or "I Trust the Rockefeller Foundation" or "I Trust the Carnage Foundation" or "I Trust the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation" or any of a hundred Globalist fronts whose single goal is massive population reduction, so drastic as to be called GENOCIDE. And this book exposes only one part of the evil, people with arrested development have trusted, like small children full of trust. It is time to put your adult clothes on, idiots, you are helping to perpetuate a GENOCIDE
Recent preparation to turn soft genocide into hard genocide:
"How War Games Became Instruments of Imposing Obedience:
Dark Winter, Atlantic Storm, and Global Mercury were only three of the, over a dozen Germ Games, staged by military, medical, and intelligence planners leading up to COVID-19. Each of the Kafkaesque exercises became uncanny predictions of a dystopian age that pandemic planners dubbed the “New Normal.” The consistent feature is an affinity among their simulation designers for militarizing medicine and introducing centralized autocratic governance.
"Each rehearsal ends with the same grim punchline: the global pandemic is an excuse to justify the imposition of tyranny and coerced vaccination. The repetition of these exercises suggests that they serve as a kind of rehearsal or training drill for an underlying agenda to coordinate the global dismantlement of democratic governance. - Robert Kennedy.
BTW this process of “war game simulation” was invented by Dr. Herman Kahn, America's original Doctor Strangelove.
“After 9/11, the rising biosecurity cartel adopted simulations as signaling mechanisms for choreographing lockstep response among corporate, political, and military technocrats charged with managing global exigencies. Scenario planning became an indispensable device for multiple power centers to coordinate complex strategies for simultaneously imposing coercive controls upon democratic societies across the globe.
Virtually all of the scenario planning for pandemics employ technical assumptions and strategies familiar to anyone who has read the CIA's notorious psychological warfare manuals for shattering indigenous societies, obliterating traditional economics and social bonds, for using imposed isolation and the demolition of traditional economies to crush resistance, to foster chaos, demoralization, dependence, and fear, for imposing centralized and autocratic governance.”
And then of course he references the infamous Milgram Obedience Experiments of the 1960s, that conditioned ordinary citizens “for the good of all” to engage in torture of others. Howard Stern has been offering the Milgram Model, without naming it of course, in his daily rants about how “non-vaccinated people” need to be locked up and/or endure forced vaccination, “for the good of all.” There wasn't a single person in the Old Soviet Union that was imprisoned and/or executed (upwards of 70 million of them) that it was not for the “good of society.”
The Department of Defense had strict systems in place to ensure compliance with the Biological Weapons Convention. Those restrictions limited the Pentagon's freedom to undertake new research programs, particularly those referred to as "the leading edge of biodefense." Cheney's response, recalls Professor Richard Ebright, "Was to transfer the research from the Department of Defense to the National Institutes of Health, specifically to the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID - Fauci). By about 2004, this transfer was complete, and NIAID had been transformed into an arm of the defense sector" This was under the Patriot Act and the Department of Homeland Security. " Dr. Fauci sharpened his elbows and began maneuvering for a leading role for NIAID in milking the BARDA/Homeland Security's cash cows. (BARDA = Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority) NIAID's biosecurity budget went from zero dollars in 2000 to 1.7 Billion after the 2001 anthrax letters, much of that for bioweapons vaccines." "Within five months following the anthrax postal incidents, Dr. Fauci had created two new sub-agencies to capture his share of the cheese: The NIAID Strategic Plan for Biodefense Research and the NIAID Biodefense Research Agenda for the CDC Category A agents, which were those microorganisms designated by the CDC to be potential pandemic pathogens." He populated the agencies with cronies owned by Gate and Big Pharma and immediately started crowing about the coming Pandemics. - Excerpt from The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health, by Robert Kennedy.
I wonder if people understand the sacrifice truckers are making to travel in the convoy to Ottawa? A modern diesel truck gets about 7.5 miles per gallon with a load, depending on terrain. According to the make and model, running Bobtail, you can only add 2 to 4 miles per gallon. So 2 bucks for every eleven miles. 2727 Miles.
500 dollars in fuel, meals, and their loss of income three to five thousand a week, plus their very expensive maintenance and road insurance, collision and liability remain. Plus their Truck payments. When you see those trucks, think of this sacrifice.
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