Personal Grief and Demonic Deception

The anger builds as I watch people I love, whose consciousness is more secular fundamentalist than Christian, people who would confess the name of Jesus Christ as their savior, Baptist and Evangelical mostly, bowing to their true physician Ba'al, taking the jab, suffering dementia, strokes, myocarditis, and pericarditis, and other ailments, people generally healthy till the shot. Even some I personally cautioned against the nano-technology, dropping like flies. They request prayer, and I genuinely pray, being too polite to ask, "Did you take the M-RNA nanotechnology biologic?" Knowing in my heart they did. This is constant and growing anger and grief. Why? because the gulf between the truth and their consciousness is such an abyss they cannot process truth. No rather I'm some sort of fanatic, and they are willing to suffer and/or die to prove it.

A physician friend and patriot was present at a State Medical Board Meeting last week where the National Health Service was present. When asked what to expect next, the NIH representative said, "We plan to tie Medicare and Medicaid benefits to the vaccinated and deny service to the non-vaxed. If that doesn't work, we will require a vax certificate for social security benefits beginning in 2023."

I begged an octogenarian friend not to get the vaccine. He told me that the doctors had kept him healthy all his life, and if his doctor told him he needed it, he would get it.  My dear friend was a very articulate and intelligent man, someone I have admired for 60 plus years. He got the Vax in April and, for the last three months, has been an imbecile, pooping and peeing himself, being abusive to family and helpers, and posting porn on FB. Sudden onset dementia, and NOT a hint of it last winter. Natural Dementia does not happen suddenly; this is Vaccine caused, like all the sudden onset cancers we are witnessing.

The Vaccine IS a genocide.

Now, as my last video outlined:
Enter the Great War! Biden is about to declare war on Russia. It will happen in moments. They are hellbent on killing a few hundred million people. And it did happen. People don't realize that Sanctions are an act of War, and further as Putin stated in the last video, Russia has been named an enemy of the U.S. and NATO. That is an act of COLD WAR, but sanctions are not a cold war; the purpose of sanctions is to create privation and death. Remember the Iraq sanctions that cost the lives of half a million children in less than eight years.  That death toll is WAR.

6 Behold, thou desirest truth in the inward parts: and in the hidden part thou shalt make me to know wisdom.
7 Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean: wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.
8 Make me to hear joy and gladness; that the bones which thou hast broken may rejoice.
9 Hide thy face from my sins, and blot out all mine iniquities.
10 Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.
11 Cast me not away from thy presence; and take not thy holy spirit from me.
12 Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation; and uphold me with thy guiding spirit.
13 Then will I teach transgressors thy ways; and sinners shall return unto thee.

A digression, I ripped this quote from an online KJV bible website, and in just these few verses, had to correct it in two places that completely altered the meaning from the original. This shifting of text is happening; they are ever so slowly washing truth from the digital world. You better have some reliable ink on paper BOOKS because the digital world keeps shifting. Even the printed texts are shifting. Get an Orthodox Study Bible while you can. The Old Testament follows the OLDEST extant text, and the New Testament is the New King James version that follows the Textus Receptus Greek-Majority text - another name is the Byzantine Text - the New King James changes no meanings from the Old King James; it just eliminates awkward Elizabethan English. 
If you depend on a translation that is not what is called "formally equivalent," that is, it actually follows the Greek/Hebrew text, a heretical teacher is guiding you as you are reading the biblical passage in English. The other category is called "meaningfully equivalent" like (GW) God's Word Translation, (NIV) The New International Version, (NIRV) The New International Reader's Version, The Living Bible, the Amplified Bible etc. In these, some heretical theologian or committee of heretical theologians is twisting the text before you can read it. 
The New American Standard claims to be the most accurate English translation and claims to be "formally equivalent," but it is not, because it is translated from an ever-changing Greek Text that has been "revised" 29 times in the last 50 years, giving credence and weighting the value of outlying codices and fragments, NOT held in the 2000 year tradition of the Church. In other words, Secular Fundamentalist "scholars" are in charge and not the Church's Holy Fathers, who composed the canon and protected the texts.
King James, New King James, the accurate English translation of the Old Testament Septuagint Bible contained in the Orthodox Study Bible. The rest have problems.

The passage above in the Original King James Bible, more influenced by the Geneva Bible than the Bishop's Bible the two previous English translations; we see theology bending the text in these very first English translations.

Original 1611 King James says: Psa 51:12  Restore vnto me the ioy of thy saluation: and vphold mee with thy free Spirit.

Today's King James says: Psa 51:12  Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation; and uphold me with thy free spirit.

Following the third century A.D. Masoretic Text, the Hebrew Word is נְדִיבָה (ned-ee-baw' )which means "ennobling"; it has a royal slant, the root word being nobility, and not "free."  Uphold me with thy ennobling spirit.  So, the KJV missed the Hebrew meaning.

The Bishop's Bible says: Psa 51:12  Geue me agayne the comfort of thy saluation: and confirme me with a free wyllyng spirite. - which is closer to the meaning.

Following the Septuagint version of the Greek Old Testament, which is almost five centuries older than the Hebrew Masoretic Text, it is translated, "Psa 51:12 Restore to me the joy of thy salvation: establish me with thy directing Spirit." The Hebrew word "a spirit of nobility" means a governing spirit; the translators used "governing spirit." Asking for God's directing spirit is the meaning. That is why I say the Orthodox Study Bible, containing a faithful translation of the Septuagint Greek Old Testament Text and the Faithful New King James Version from the Textus Receptus Greek-Majority text - another name is the Byzantine Text, is the gold standard. It is superior indeed to the Protestant "King James Version," which is missing books and depends on a late Rabbinical version of Hebrew texts. The differences are substantive, as this passage demonstrates.

Another example is the watered-down prophecy in the late Hebrew text that a "maiden" shall conceive a child - something that happens a lot. The Septuagint retains the ancient Hebrew meaning saying, "a virgin" shall conceive a child. Two totally different things. There are hundreds of such examples. 

Speaking of Truncation of the Faith, that is the Secular Fundamentalism of the Baptist, Evangelical, and Protestant sects. It is always about minimizing, and they don't even realize it. As an example:

A dear evangelical friend posted, "Standing in a Church doesn't make you Christian, any more than standing in McDonald's makes you a hamburger."

It is a cute saying, but sometimes these little witty sophisms hold great heresy. The Church's analogy to McDonald's may not be so far off, since if properly understood, you get fed at both places. But more than that, it is suggesting defiance of elementary Apostolic Teaching. What do you think Saint Paul meant when he wrote: Rom 12:1 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.
Rom 12:2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

That is about standing in Church, presenting your body as a living sacrifice in worship. The Greek word translated "present" has the same meaning as the military command, standing at attention, "present arms."  It means standing with attention. And what was the worship? "Reasonable Service," which original Greek meaning is "Rational Liturgizing." And what is the purpose of this sacrifice of liturgical worship? It is for the transformation of the mind (the NOUS) that is the spiritual renewal of the person, the metamorphosing of the consciousness. Actually standing in Church is very important, and the reason that only the infirmed and aged sit, and all able-bodied people stand for worship, in Church, and it makes a difference. A huge difference.


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