Bible Shocker


“Behold, I set before you this day a blessing and a curse... thou shalt set the blessing upon Mount Gerizim, and the curse upon Mount Ebal.” (Deuteronomy 11:26, 29)
Amazing, old testament "written" history pushed back another two centuries, confirming the presence of Joshua on Mount Ebal, a text written in his presence, in a script that was not only pre-hebrew, but pre-paleo Hebrew!
The official curse has been found, engraved on a lead tablet dates to the biblical age, the Associates for Biblical Research of Houston, Texas announced on Thursday.
The Tablet dates to the 13th or 14th century B.C, it is the earliest such tablet by two centuries. Inscribed in proto-alphabetic writing also known as Sinaitic script or proto-Canaanite script, which dates to the Late Bronze Age, the text is early Israelite. The lead tabled was folded over like a book, the title on the outside and the text on the inside. They used the same technology the government uses to record our snail-mail without opening it. They were able to image the inner text and read it, without opening and possibly destroying the tablet. This is an amazing bit of Biblical History confirmed.
This inscription of the name Yahweh at a "Covenant Site" inscribed with Joshua present, pre-date the next extand example of the Name by six or seven centuries.

What is so remarkable about this find is not just the inscription of the name Yahweh, pushing that written history back to the middle of the late bronze age. It refutes nearly all Bible scholars, who use hermeneutical higher criticism secularist methods, including the so-called "conservative" scholars. In lockstep, they declared the Torah/Pentateuch to be an oral history written and greatly embellished much, much later. They mocked the idea that Moses actually wrote it and dated it to the 5th or 6th century B.C. Here is their common wording:
"Tradition claims the Pentateuch, which includes Genesis, was written by Moses ca. 1446 BCE (cf. 1 Kings 6:1 for the date of the Exodus, favored by some Conservative Scholars). The archaeological evidence suggests otherwise; the text appears to be no earlier than the 6th-5th centuries BCE, as the rest of this article will attempt to demonstrate." Some of them were generous enough to press the date back to the 7th century. This find pushes the witness of the written record back seven hundred to eight hundred years. 
Sure it was written in a primitive language, more like Egyptian hieroglyphs, non-alphabetic pictograms (definition not for you but for others). No one calls into question the Egyptian record, so this single find rivals that of the Dead Sea Scrolls. 
Here we have the telling of retelling of the prophecies, the Lord's instructions to Joshua, and historic confirmation in written form nearly a millennium earlier than common scholarship allowed. The pictograms would have to be verbalized, later rendered into evolving languages, first paleo Hebrew, then Hebrew, Chaldean, Aramaic, Greek, etc.

Now, you are correct if you say, but we are talking about a single written curse, not the text of the Torah. I suggest that it would be illogical to assume a written curse in this context without the written record of the entire Pentateuch. After all, here we find a written witness of the Blessing and Cursing as recorded in Deuteronomy, a writing written in his presence, and who was Joshua's mentor, who did he succeed as the leader of the ancient Israelite tribes, but Moses, who it is recorded penned the ten commandments with his own hand. It would now be foolish indeed, to assume that this record of Moses' written record was "Oral Tradition" without a written witness. 


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