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Forgotten Hero Dr. Tom Philpott


Former New Orleans Police Department detective Stanley Burkhardt — who led the NOPD’s pedophile investigations unit for years before he was unmasked as a child molester himself — admitted in federal court on Feb. 24, 2020, that he abused a boy who had turned to him for protection after the boy was preyed upon by his Boy Scout leader.

Former New Orleans Police Detective and convicted sex offender Stanley Burkhardt shown here in 1994

Burkhardt was with the NOPD building cases against pedophiles and pederasts in the 1970s and 1980s. But his police career ended in disgrace in 1987 when he was arrested for — and later convicted of — trafficking in child pornography. He also acknowledged sexually abusing an underage relative.

Burkhardt’s stunning admission came after years of denying the sex abuse claims leveled against him by former Boy Scout Richard Windmann. This lends even more evidence to our ongoing theory about bad cops running cover or being involved with Crime Syndicate activities.

Windmann’s 1977 testimony, at age 12, about being sexually assaulted by a Scout leader, helped prosecutors convict the leader on nearly 30 molestation charges and bust a pedophile ring within the organization.

But it wasn’t just the Boy Scouts and a NOPD detective involved in sexual abuse, according to Windmann. Remarkably, he claims he was a victim in three high-profile abuse scandals of the era.

The third involved a janitor and a priest at a Jesuit high school. The school bought Windmann’s silence for $450,000.

With Burkhardt’s confession to abuse, there’s strong evidence to back him up in each of the other cases.

While now acknowledging that he molested Windmann, Burkhardt vehemently disputed Windmann’s allegation that he once heard Burkhardt confess to killing a teenager named Edward Wells, whose body found in the Mississippi River in 1982.

The Philpott Investigations

The abuse of the young boys of New Orleans Boy Scout Troop 137 in the late ’70s ties directly into the investigation done by University of Texas- Austin history professor Dr, Tom Philpott at that same time in 1981 regarding pedophiles operating in the Austin, Houston, Dallas and New Orleans areas, and their connection to a nationwide pederast ring.

During his 20 years as a professor at the University of Texas in Austin, Dr. Philpott was often involved in controversies surrounding civil rights and anti-war protests. But his most censored work, was a documentary film about a child trafficking perpetrated by U.S. big shots titled “Boys for Sale.”

In 1981, Dr. Philpott would be interviewed for the documentary film in which he discusses the existence of an interstate child trafficking ring in the U.S. perpetrated by political elite. Philpott tells the story of child victims throughout the country.

Read: Ex-Wife of Highly Ranked Colonel Unveils the Deep State and Crime Syndicate: The Kay Griggs Interviews

Dr. Philpott’s reporting on the Boy Scouts case was incredibly ahead of its time. Documents to this case were kept secret by the Boy Scouts of Texas and weren’t released until 2012, The Times-Picayune reports.

Troop 137, authorities learned, “was the nucleus of a nationwide sex and pornography ring, with boys recruited into the troop sent to other states for the pleasure of the men there.”

Philpott describes Houston, Texas, as “possibly the worst city in the United States” for homeless boys.

At minute 00:08:40 in the “Boys for Sale” documentary below, Dr. Philpott states that around 350 boys were deliberately killed each year in the Houston region. At minute 00:09:15, he says in early 1981 alone, 31 boys died suspiciously in cases not deemed homicide.

“Candy Man” Dean Corll brutally murdered somewhere between 25 and 30 teenage boys in Houston, Texas, during the early 1970s, according to Corll’s accomplices and law enforcement.

Winter Watch reported on the nature of Corll’s pedophile-ring activities, as well as John Wayne Gacy in Chicago.

For further reading:

At minute 00:07:08, we hear a 15-year-old boy describe being drugged and tied up. This youth was later found ritualistically murdered.

At 00:12:30, the nature of this criminality is described, often involving “pillars of society.” Philpott calls it an adjunct of clean business and pointed out that the Boy Scout case involved a U.S. senator and congressmen, as well as the hierarchy of Louisiana. It’s now even more apparent that they put a flying monkey Burkhardt in charge of investigations to cover their tracks.

Starting at 00:15:00, Dr. Philpott gives the particulars of the Boy Scouts of America cases.

Next, he gives the media’s accounts of various politicians in these states engaged and caught in pederast activities.

At 00:31:00, he indicates that boys homes are optimal for procurement by pedophile rings.

At 00:57:00, Dr. Philpott notes that most victims are poor whites, as that is the preference of the clients. About half die before the age of 20.

An Austin-area newspaper that broke the story received negative pajama-person “see no evil” push back for its reporting.

Academia has also been oblivious to issue.

The second half of the documentary has interviews with street boys.

Boys For Sale (1981 Forgotten Documentary)

Murder of Tom Philpott

It’s almost certain that Dr. Philpott was targeted and given the Gary Webb treatment (suicided). After a number of threats, he survived the first attempt made on his life shortly after his involvement in the documentary. Two intruders broke into his Austin apartment on October 27, 1982, and shot him twice with Phillpot’s .38 caliber. He survived. The police and media smeared him as staging the event.

Afterward, Dr. Philpott stated that he had been expecting something of the sort for some time. He said he had made mortal enemies by investigating pederasty and organized child prostitution. He interpreted the attack as an attempt to discredit his work by creating the impression that he had committed suicide.

Ultimately, the suiciding of Dr. Philpott succeeded on Oct. 9, 1991. Almost no information exists as to the exact cause and circumstances of his death. Despite the suspicious connection between the circumstances of his death and the home invasion in which he was shot nearly 10 years earlier, at this time, and par for the course in such cases, it’s not part of Texas police practice to perform an autopsy when death is labeled as “suicide.”

For more Texas police skulduggery read: The False Confessions of Henry Lee Lucas, America’s Most Notorious Fake ‘Serial Killer’
America’s Greatest Child Sex Scandal: Boys Town in Lincoln, Nebraska

8-9 minutes

This is the story you may have heard of, here are the really disturbing details.

There is also a connection to Contra drug smuggling.

(SACRAMENTO, CA) – Those who deny the possibility of government deception on a large scale should examine the story of Boys Town and a Black Republican Politician named Lawrence ‘Larry’ King.

Carol Stitt – Director, Nebraska Foster
Care Review Board

For many, King and Boys Town are synonymous with the scandal involving child sex and drug abuse that officials in Lincoln, Nebraska were able to suppress and effectively cover up.

It is among the most blatant of all of the mostly ignored stories in this country that have been buried because they affected a large number of children; many under the age of 10, who were viciously raped by important men, so-called ‘pillars of their communities’.

The coverup appears to involve the police and courts in Nebraska and also the FBI.

A woman named Carol Stitt, Director of the Nebraska Foster Care Review Board, explains in the documentary below, Conspiracy Of Silence, that the allegations of children being taken to political parties where they would be abuse sexually, usually at ‘after hour’ parties, originated with her office.

The lives of Alisha Owen, Paul Bonacci, Troy Boner and the other victims of what appears to be a government orchestrated child rape syndicate, will never be what they could have due to this ridiculous miscarriage of justice. The fact that it happened in the nation’s Bible belt is a sad indicator of the massive hypocrisy that exists between religion and the actions of men.

Nebraska Republican Senator Loran Schmit

Nebraska Republican Senator Loran Schmit, worked with Stitt and investigators to build the case and soon they had five solid victims whose testimony would work in court to bring the various suspects to justice.

Little did he know, that powers to be in this seemingly corrupt Midwest state, would block every move to bring the case forward and that even the media would serve as a partner in the crime of coverup. As it turns out one of the suspects worked in the upper echelon of a daily newspaper that served as a tool for discrediting victim testimony.

Victims who came forward were persecuted; one key witness would testify in mid stride that he made up his allegations. A female victim who stuck to her story of years of rape and sex abuse at the hands of top officials in Lincoln, Nebraska, was convicted of perjury and sentenced to 15 years in prison.

Those close to the case say the perjury conviction was a clear message to all of the victims, that they too would pay dearly if they spoke of their past involvement with the Franklin child prostitution ring.

Larry King, who was a rising star in the GOP, was convicted of embezzling over $38 million from Franklin Community Federal Credit Union (FCFCU) in Omaha, and served 10 years of a 15-year prison sentence.

That’s right, the victim who spoke was sent to prison for 15 years for perjury, while King received 15 but did only 10 years for crimes involving $38 million and was never convicted in the child prostitution ring, nor were any other officials.

Nick Bryant, coauthor of Americas Children: Triumph of Tragedy and The Franklin Scandal: A Story of Powerbrokers, Child Abuse, and Betrayal, wrote of his attempt to publicize the case in a USA Today article:

Boystown, The White House & the Devil

These operations overseen by King would be conducted at Republican fund raising after-parties, in which young boys & girls were brokered to senators, congressmen & women & persons of influence.

So connected to the political world was King that upon his parole he was recruited into the National Republican Party. King’s strategy, like that of MK-Ultra was to target political figures to ensure anonymity & continued financial support from legislature, by using children from Boystown & others kidnapped to compromise influential men & women. These political figures would be photographed & video taped engaging in drug taking & various sexual activity with minors.

The sexual abuse of children as horrific and criminal as it is was only part of the story. It was the prominent figures in the U.S Government’s involvement in the drug trade that made this story so much more explosive. Johnny Gosch was a 12-year-old paperboy in Iowa when he disappeared on September 5, 1982. Paul Bonacci told attorney John Decamp that he was in a sex ringwith Gosch as a teenager and was forced into participating in Gosch’s abduction.

He also admitted along with Alisha Owen that they had been used as drug couriers to bring cocaine in from the West Coast for Alan Baer, Larry King and others during the 1980s. It was first reported by the World Herald Reporter James Flanery that King was “running guns and money into Nicaragua, and that the CIA was heavily involved.

The story told by Monarch victims – one of whom is Paul Bonacci – is that they were tortured for the purpose of creating “multiple personalities” within them. These multiple personalities could then be programmed as spies, drug mules, prostitutes, or assassins. With access to thousands of documents that were sealed by two grand juries, as well as the sealed testimony of one, I demonstrated that state and Federal grand jury processes in Nebraska played an integral role in the cover-up. Instead of indicting the alleged perpetrators, these grand juries indicted the victims who would not recant their accounts of abuse on charges of perjury. In one case, a 21-year-old who bad been abused since adolescence was indicted on eight counts of perjury by both state and Federal grand juries. Facing more than 300 years in prison, she still refused to recant. Her travesty of a trial resulted in a prison sentence of nine to 15 years. She spent nearly two years in solitary confinement. This individual was released from prison in 2000, and she has become a model citizen: she is happily married and gainfully employed. Conversely, one of the ring’s pedophilic pimps, who was not charged with a single count of child abuse, moved halfway across the country. By 2009, he had enmeshed himself among a new brood of economically disadvantaged children.

The fact that the girl was convicted and given an extremely long sentence makes little sense when compared to this paragraph from a NY Times article from 18 Dec. 1988: …the Omaha office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation acknowledged that it had independently received reports of sexual abuse and that they were a subject of its own criminal inquiry into the credit union affair. And the office of the Nebraska Attorney General said it had directed the state police also to investigate the reports.

Then The NY Times, still following the story, wrote on 25 Dec. 1988: A state file containing reports of physical and sexual abuse of foster children, based on interviews with some of the children and including one instance reminiscent of slave auctions, has been turned over to the Executive Board of the Nebraska Legislature. People familiar with the file’s contents describe it as a voluminous compilation of reports acquired over the last two years by the State Foster Care Review Board from a variety of child care professionals, including schoolteachers and social workers.

Much more here:

For an explanation of the political and social control uses of child trafficking and pedophilia, see:

Also see the links in the reference section starting at “conspiracy of silence”

Video: Why Johnny Can’t Come Home

Transparency in all things


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