The False God of Psychology:


 (Bond Robin Note:  I've written much about the evil uses of the mind sciences not limiting my investigation solely to "modern psychology" but the hypnotic, psychotropic, and psycho-tronic weapons, etc.  I find this article true.)
As Orthodox Christians we should wholly dismiss psychology as a proper means of understanding human behavior.
Here’s something I wrote a long while ago that should help you all understand precisely what psychology is historically, philosophically, socially, and spiritually:
The False God of Psychology:
The role of psychology in society is as uncontrolled as the role of technology. In that most who approach the subject do not worry or question how far it can go; that being unlimited is to its “advantage”, deeming it more necessary and even essential to society as a whole. Of course, anything industrial society creates is only essential to its own validation.
Indeed, psychology’s very existence is only justified by its own principles. At its earliest, a child of Cartesian dualism. This made way for psychology’s conveniently forgotten origins as an occult science. Its practitioners had studied the ancient Indian, Egyptian, and Chinese practices of healing mental ailments. This was the result of the rising interests by sociologists, linguists, and anthropologists who had romantically reinterpreted ancient languages, societies, cultures and religions—“religion” being redefined as merely the dispositional but later evolutionary/genetic consequence of cultures, laws, customs; lumped into the same academic interpretation as the historical existence of mythology—to “daringly” contrast their peculiar professions against modern academia and social professions. Since these were relatively new professions, they knew they wouldn’t be taken seriously unless they adopted these odd mixtures and interpretations; making them “authorities” on subjects they themselves virtually made up. Ironically, while these “mystics” attempted to return the practice of “healing” and “studying” the nature of the mind to its original understanding from the ancients, they understood that such psychology could not exist under industrial society unless it accepted a kind of Manichean approach to the world. It is evident that this new “spirituality” (predecessor to the New Age spiritualities of today) resulted from the mechanization of modern behavioral tendencies defined earlier by Descartes and the mathematism of his Renaissance predecessors. With the mathematism of the Renaissance, the scientism of the Enlightenment, and the Darwinism of industrial society: psychology had predominantly focused on Man’s relation to the world. His behavior and stability relied on and was determined by his “role” in the world; his capacity to understand and participate determined his mental health. In other words, psychology was the justification of meritocracy. A person’s failures were no longer “tragic”, his poverty no longer “unfortunate”. Now if he failed or became poor he was now stupid, crazy, or inferior. Psychology needed a new start and could no longer rely on its industrial gnosticism (perfected in the Protestant ethic).
Because of such outcomes, psychology in order to be considered “scientifically” legitimate needed to become shocking in its “discoveries”. So it resorted to focusing on sexuality and suicide. The psychologist had now abandoned focusing on Man’s relation to the world and his impact in it; focusing instead on Man’s relation with himself. It is at this point where psychology “officially” begins as a “serious” profession. This is a pattern one begins to notice in how everything regarded as modern science, modern technology, modern philosophy, modern education, modern political systems, modern culture, and modern medicine was first proposed historically by occultists, including atheists and sexual perverts (homosexuals, pedophiles, protestants, catholics, millionaires, etc.) It is absolutely no surprise that the decent human being within today’s society cannot tell the difference between insanity and everyday life.
The purpose of psychology had now aimed at “emotional fulfillment”. Claiming to be the key to happiness. The psychologist figured if he could convince the individual to be happy with himself, and seek out his own means to maintain that happiness, he would be content no matter how soul-sucking his occupation. Indeed, psychology is the very practice of destroying the soul of a human being. The psychologist encourages a man to seek “happiness” which became synonymous with pleasure, i.e. anything that simply felt good. Sex, food, work, and money became his new “key” to fulfillment. Man was finally no more than a workaholic sex mammal. The world became his oyster to produce as much as he should to consume as much as he could. Psychology finally became a tool in measuring the balance of a human’s production/consumption ratio and how much his personal behavior determined his capabilities and means to balance that ratio. But this was merely a symptomatic interpretation of life which can only be relevant under industrial society. As I said before, it only “works” under that which already demands its existence. Psychology had successfully become the mindset of the age of industry. 
Then came the post-“World Wars” West. Psychology was no different, but became more desperate, hence more extreme in its conclusions. This made way for its experimental phase. Because of the technological boom, space exploration, the psychologists understood that asserting Man as the source of his happiness meant that the only “problem” he had was lack of self-obsession, or in there terms: self-love. 
We have now reached Techno-gnosticism: now algorithmic tests define what we are as if without we are aimless. Behavioral euphemisms have become self-serving declarations of uniqueness when it is but pure rhetoric. Subjectivity as the only objectivity. The “self” has replaced the soul. Now we have the relativism of technological society as the ultimate culmination of anti-Christian society. The soul has been successfully mathematised; the world naturalised; social relations darwinised, and knowledge relativised.



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