President Vladimir Putin just announced Russia's First Stike Policy

For a great portion of the Cold War, nuclear conflagration was held at bay, because America refused to surrender its "First Strike" policy. The Soviets were "tempered" in their conventional aggression and proxy wars, always wondering where the line was that would cause the Americans to "strike first." Putin just announced Russia's first strike policy and if there is any sanity left in the West, they will take his warning seriously.

I may be wrong, but seems I remember Bob Lawton being a rapture-cult zionist, where his religion has been all about Israel. The present times must be especially challenging for such people to realize their role in protecting the Judeo-Luciferians by bashing anyone as a hater who dare talk about.

Bob Lawton, said:

There is no sanity left in the west and history will probably record that for at least the last generation it has been the west staging proxy wars and regime change. If the US is to survive we need to stop American hegemony and get off the world stage and mind our own business. I doubt that will happen.

I reminded him of the reason that is not possible, saying:

This isn't America, this is the Judeo-Luciferian Cabal that captured America and use it as a dumb and stupid thug. And I have said for two decades that the purpose of the Judeo-Luciferian Cabal was to get as many Christians to kill as many Christian as possible. I was called, "anti-semitic" yet we see the psyops witness, the mind control in the kerfuffle created by Musk's purchase of Twitter.

I didn't but I could have mention the horrendous attack on the Christian Andrew Torba who created a non-Judeo-Luciferian controlled social media platform.  He has been smeared as anti-semitic by even the governor of Texas, as I stated in my last video with Governor Abbot's Mossad handler on one side and his CIA minder on the other.

Russia's new long-range hypersonic missile has a range of 18 thousand miles. They can now attack the U.S. from the SOUTH. At this point in time, we are defenseless against such an attack. This is precisely what the Judeo-Luciferians have been hoping to see for many decades.
Look at the key players. Zelensky, a drug-addled degenerate Jew, publicly stated that he wants to make Ukraine "Greater Israel." That's really nothing new because many deluded Rapture Cultist Zionists have had the same wish for the U.S. for a century.

Who financed the revolution in Ukraine that created this "crisis"? Another degenerate Jew, Soros.

We, and by that, I mean the Christians of America, are being played by the Judeo-Luciferians as they use their degenerate puppets in D.C. and the E.U. to create the genocide.

Rex Christi observed:

Once the idea of uniting Germany to Russia was abandoned for the East v West Cold War dialectic, the die was cast for a Russo-American conflagration with Europe caught in the middle; but then there's China and Israel/Saudi. A One World Order without Christians...somebody's dream is a nightmare that won't succeed.

Archpriest Symeon:
As to the idea of the establishment of A One World Order without Christians; it would be more articulate to say, without Christ, since in reality, Rome has been busy for some time trying to create that One World Order, without Christ, as Fr Seraphim Rose observed inarticulately more than 40 years ago.

“If mankind is indeed, as Rome claims, to attain a visible religious harmony on this earth, there will doubtless be involved, not one common Christian Faith, but some such agreement based on tolerance and esteem...Humanitarian idealism, is what is left of Christianity when specifically Christian truth has evaporated from it. It is the one ground on which Christians and non-Christians can unite; for, having sprung from Christianity and derived its specific coloration from Christian doctrine, it yet appeals to everyone who believes first in man and in earthly happiness. Everyone, receiving this doctrine, can read his own meaning into it. Christians may find in it the earthly side of a doctrine which in its fullness speaks also of Heaven; non-Christians can find in it a doctrine of man and a ‘higher reality’ that does no violence to their own specific ideas of what lies above man and outside this world; and anti-Christians may find in it an expression of universal wisdom that itself exhausts the religious needs of man. Rome thus can become the teacher of mankind, the fount of universalistic humanitarianism which ‘every man of good will’ can accept without accepting the specific Christian Faith from which it sprang.”
- Fr. Seraphim Rose
One can forgive Fr Seraphim for his non-prophetic Pollyanna speak here, and I will forgo the Rose-colored glasses illusion. He had no idea how quickly, dark and deadly, and exposed the Judeo-Luciferianism driving the movement would turn. This wasn't about creating some "earthly Christianity" but destroying actual Christianity and every hint of Christian Culture, ushering in the age of the Judeo-Luciferian Rule and Mass Dark Insanity.
If that passage stood alone as a signal of Fr Rose's beliefs, I would say his assessment was foolishness to the point of spiritual blindness since, in reality, he describes in fancier terms but no less identically the belief of "Pax Deorum," which in real-time slaughtered Christians as heretics while declaring universal peace.

I believe Rose's inarticulation hinges on his use of "humanitarianism" instead of "humanism." Maybe he thought there could be some lasting humanitarianism outside innate Goodness outside of what is True, Good, and Beautiful, in other words, what is God With Us, the Eternal Logos. He was dead wrong. Roman has become the center of Humanism, which is a philosophy that always ends in mass suffering and death, just another name for "Enlightenment," yet another name for the Luciferian Doctrine, making it easy to understand the Vatican/Judeo-Luciferian Alliance that has become too public and obvious.

We are at a point in the Apostasy of the Roman Church where laymen can brag about this apostasy and adherence to the Luciferian Doctrine in Public and know that nothing will happen because their apostasy matches the Church's.

“The Roman Church fell away from the truth only because it wished to introduce into the Faith new dogmas unknown to Church tradition and begotten by the accidental conclusions of Western logic. From this there developed scholastic philosophy within the framework of the Faith, then a reformation of the Faith, and finally philosophy outside the Faith. The first rationalists were the scholastics; one might say that nineteenth-century Europe finished the cycle of its development which had begun in the ninth.”
- Ivan Kireyevsky

Since we are on this subject, how the Apostasy of Roman Church has destroyed Western Nations.  First lets look at the decline of the Roman Church in Latin America and see how that destruction is quickly followed by the implementation of the World Bank Agenda, that is the Genocide Agenda of the Judeo-Luciferians and CIA financed Evangelicals are leading the way.

The decline of Catholicism in Latin America

Marina E. Franco (Noticias Telemundo for Axios)

Data: Latinobarómetro; Chart: Thomas Oide/Axios

Catholicism is losing its grip in Latin America as the percentage of people who say they identify as evangelical has grown, data shows.

(Bond Note - Some would instantly react saying this is a good thing, and that would be naive, not understanding the CIA's conquest and use of the Evangelical Movement in South and Central America to destroy Christian Culture and introduce the Humanist Culture - the Judeo-Luciferian Secular Fundamentalist Culture - that is deadly.)

Why it matters: The Catholic Church has historically influenced Latin American laws and politics. Its decline is starting to impact some countries' policies, even as other faiths grow.

  • For example, several countries have recently decriminalized abortion, recognized gay marriage and pushed for transgender rights.

By the numbers: Overall, the number of Latin Americans who said they don’t have a religion jumped by six percentage points from 2010 to 2020, according to the most recent Latinobarómetro, the premier regional annual survey.

  • The percentage of people who identify as Catholic dropped from 70% in 2010 to 57% in 2020, Latinobarómetro found.

Zoom in:  Evangelical faiths have grown. In Brazil, the number of survey respondents who identified as evangelical went from 3% in 2000 to 18% in 2010 and 22% in 2020, the study shows. In Guatemala, those figures went from 19% to 34% to 41%.

  • A growing Evangelical caucus recently tried to pass measures fully banning same sex marriage and making abortion carry up to 10 years jail time. The law was scrapped after the president said he wouldn't sign.

Between the lines: The shift in religious beliefs is partly because young people have more faiths to choose from, religious studies professor Andrew Chesnut of Virginia Commonwealth University said yesterday at a conference in Mexico City.

  • He added that Protestant and other Christian faiths have strengthened outreach, as have alternate forms of spiritualism, such as New Age movements that incorporate Mesoamerican traditions.
  • The Latinobarómetro study shows trust in the Catholic Church is also at an historic low, most notably in Argentina and Uruguay, where the church has been accused of turning a blind eye to past dictatorships’ human rights abuses, and in Chile, where clergy sex abuse scandals blew up in recent years.
  • Pope Francis, the first Latin American to lead the Catholic church, even apologized over the “irreparable damage” from the latter cases after a visit to Chile in 2018.

Yes, but: Catholicism remains socially ingrained in Latin American culture.

  • Many still celebrate Catholic traditions like Día de los Reyes Magos (Three Kings Day).

Zoom out: Latinos in the U.S. have also been moving away from Catholicism in recent years, Pew Research Center data shows, as secularism grows worldwide.

Methodology: Latinobarómetro conducted 20,204 interviews in 18 countries between Oct. 26, 2020 and Apr. 26, 2021. The margin of error is 3% for country-specific data and 1% for the region-wide data.

What was the result of the Evangelical takeover of Guatemala?

The State of Israel is active in the Genocide of Christian. It is now impossible to deny that fact when you see the Mossad/Israeli/Anti-Defamation League support of the NAZIS in Ukraine.  They are financing the war and sacrificing Ukrainian young and middle aged men and women not just needlessly, as many have observed but purposely.

What is it that the Russians are resisting?  They are resisting all of this.


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