Rod Dreher, the Raw Romans' Lightning Rod

The insanity continues with the Raw Roman Catholics, whose church has apostatized and whose Pope has worshiped multiple idols. On the one hand, we have the Traditionalists, who suffer massive cognitive dissonance, thinking that restoration of centuries of error may be accomplished with a Latin Mass. And on the other hand, we have the Liberals who embrace the LGBTQNAZI movement. Both are actively supporting the Soros/Mossad's NAZIS in Ukraine. From this backdrop, these Raw Romans are all aflutter concerned about the mortal soul of Conservative writer and commentator Rod Dreher and his wife because, after nearly a decade of trying to heal their marriage, his wife gave up and filed for divorce during Pascha week. 
Why the kerfuffle about Dreher? He is an ex-roman catholic. He is also a political conservative (of sorts).  Last year he was converted and was baptized Orthodox. THAT's the sin these apostates hate; he "left the apostate church" because it has apostatized. 
So despite the public sodomites parading as Bishops and Priests, despite the worship of Pachamama, despite the creation of the Chrislam Center by their Pope, and despite the fact that a reprobate Jew, George Soros, controls the Pope and the Pope's foreign policy, which is public record, a kill shot scandal that burst into the public in 2017. These Raw Catholics are more concerned for Rod Dreher than their own apostasy.
The Judeo-Luciferian stamp is so solidly upon every action of the Vatican it takes blind people not to see it. Mired in this Cultural Marxism and the fanciful orthodoxy of the TRAD movement, all the little Roman popes want to pontificate about Dreher, "That's what happens when you leave the Church," they say. For them, he is the "one sheep who went astray." The level of this ignorance, spiritual blindness, and hypocrisy is staggering.



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