Russia Collusion is still the official CIA Story.

Archpriest Symeon Elias shared a memory.

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Three years ago Donald Trump was exonerated of any wrongdoing; the Russia HOAX was legally exposed as a HOAX, the fact that the FBI/CIA/NSA/Democrats colluded and spied on the Trump Campaign and President IN the Whitehouse was admitted by the sitting Attorney General and at that moment many Traitors should have been indicted. Here three years later you are salivating awaiting the next "DurhamQ Drop" - you are BRAINWASHED!
3 Years Ago

Archpriest Symeon Elias is with Butch Robinson and
3 others
April 18th 2019 

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I slept through AG Barr's Press Conference, what does that tell you? For all of us who have known the truth for a long time, only the lies perpetuated by this press conference have any interest to us, like the idea there was significant Russian interference in our election, as if D.C. Leaks was anything - that is not just a lie but a joke because the FACT is that most of what D.C. Leaks published was TRUE. 
Mueller also perpetuated the myth that it was Russians that Hacked the DNC computer and we KNOW it was Seth Rich who downloaded the files; he didn't hack the server because he had the password and it was Seth Rich who provided the files either directly or indirectly to Wikileaks. 
What the actual text of the report will prove is Meuller's BIAS and creative interpretations of "obstruction" and still no ability to legally charge ANYONE with obstruction since the Trump people provided unprecedented cooperation through documents and testimony etc. 
I said 9 months or more ago that the Mueller Report would be the convoluted utterance of a snake, filled with venom, innuendo, hints of wrongdoing, petulance, and aggrieved feelings, and no matter how those Marxist Democrats rubbed their asses together they would create only a shite storm of offended smoke, NO fire and NO charges, and NO REAL accusations of guilt. 
The fact is the Mueller gang conspired to create process crimes and had to destroy the statute of limitations in some instances and even use "GANGLAND" statics, pre-dawn SWAT raids and the rest, to prosecute people around Trump; all this is going to come back and bite them on the ass.

As you see, I was wrong. One year later, there were no indictments. Trump was taken out of office, not by a rigged election but by the Emergency Powers of the National Emergency Act, when the Director of Health and Human Services Alex Azar declared a state of a national health emergency. At that point, Trump was powerless, and the Senior Executive Services were in one-hundred-percent control.



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