Heiser and the Council of Fallen Angels.
Special Thanks to Gwen Frangs to use a portion of her work. Michael Heiser's low-key speaking style is deceptive for the "evangelist" of the Divine Council of Gods. The softness of his persona and apparent non-confrontational manner cannot be taken as mildness or shyness in pushing a Church denying heresy. He clearly sees himself as smarter and more informed than the centuries of Church fathers and more inspired than the Holy Spirit guiding the Church. He is recycling what we Orthodox call "theologoumenon," which is individual opinion and speculation on matters that are not doctrinal, and making it dogma. Now he might object and say, "I'm offering no dogma; that is not my job or intent," and such protestation would be in vain. Here is why. A solascriptura heretic has no choice but to suggest and teach dogma when he teaches aspects of scripture because his individual interpretation of scripture is the only dogma he can hold. This always sets the So...