Embracing Absolute Truth - Abbot Tryphon

Embracing Absolute Truth
In an age when many people think truth is relative, the knowledge that there is such a thing as absolute truth, is comforting. The freedom that comes with the knowledge that we are able to embrace teachings that are a continuation of an unbroken line dating back to Apostolic times, is liberating. As Orthodox Christians, we are not faced with the troubling task of interpreting the scriptures anew, or deciding moral and dogmatic teachings for ourselves, or trying to make our faith relevant for this age. Rather, we can immerse ourselves in the knowledge that we have embraced the Mind of the Ancient Universal Church.
We haven't had to reinvent the Faith, because we have aligned ourselves with the Church that is both ancient, and relevant for the modern seeker. We know the Church's teachings are not based on the finite mind, or the imagination of our own fallen nature, but the eternal truths that have endured from ancient times.
It is comforting to know the Church has remained true to her inheritance for some two thousand years. It is liberating to know ancient Christian dogmas, ways of worship, and moral teachings, are guiding our lives, just as they have for two thousand years.
Truth is not relative, but is absolute. There is no greater freedom than to be able to receive, as our own, the transcending truth that has made saints, from ancient times. There is no greater freedom than being able to embrace the absolute truth that has transcended time, space, culture, and race. No greater joy than to be counted as belonging to Christ, and having joined ourselves to the very Church He founded.
Love in Christ,
Abbot Tryphon 

Alive in Christ
Dead to the World, but Alive in Christ
We cannot give Christ to others unless we have welcomed Him into the central place in our own heart. We must know and love Christ, personally, before others can see Him in us. When we are willing to sacrifice self for the sake of Christ, and live according to the Gospels, we will become living temples of the Most High, and the whole world will be changed.
The Gospel of Christ is imparted by word and example, and the love of Christ shines forth by our witness. We love and please God by following the commandments, and proclaiming the Good News, is our vocation.
We are not called to minimal holiness, but to a full expression of holiness, and are empowered for this transformed life by the action of the Holy Spirit. God's sanctifying Grace is not merely the absence of evil or sin, but the presence of Divine Love in the soul.
We are called to holiness, for the Scriptures say, “Be ye perfect as your Heavenly Father is perfect (Matthew 5:48).” We were created by God to share in His Divinity, and we will never be completely happy until we have died to self, and been made alive in Christ.
With love in Christ,
Abbot Tryphon

Prayer Is Born Of Love
Love And Prayer Are Interconnected
If we find fault in others, our judgmental attitude prevents us from having a successful communion with God. Prayer is born of love, while fault-finding, idle talk, and self-indulgence are the death of prayer. Love and prayer are interconnected because both involve God, and if we love God we are given the power to keep our mind on Him both day and night. 
Nothing keeps us from Him, and nothing hinders our communion with him. Even the distractions and temptations of the world fade away as nothing, for as God's love grows in us, so does love of our neighbor grow.
With love in Christ,
Abbot Tryphon


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