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June 26, 2016

Jesus Christ has set us at liberty to do what love demands. There is no other liberty. That is the sole purview of liberty, that is, doing what love demands. 
I had a conversation with a bitter Libertarian today. A rabid Trump hater. The Libertarians in America have constructed a mythology of the Golden Age of American Liberty, the age of the founders, and they trumpet the broken and flawed document of the American Constitution, a document that said some men were only 3/5th human as if God inspired that document. Some conservatives deluded by the Christian Dominionist Movement actually make the claim that the U.S. Constitution was inspired by God. But let us be clear, If it was, that god was Moloch because 80 years later, it took the sacrifice of more than Seven Hundred Thousand men to redact the document and change that 3/5th of a man to a whole human being. 
Before you curse me for the sake of your own mythology, let me share with you that Christianity is the cure of superstitions and false mythologies. In the glaring light of history, the U.S. Constitution was a gravely flawed document. 
A simple question, what did it take to set it right? The simple answer is Seven Hundred Thousand Men WILLING TO DIE.
We sit on our comfortable couches tweeting and facebooking about Liberty. Hundreds of thousands of people have braved many hours in extreme and fair weather, waiting to attend political rallies, standing and cheering for renewed Liberty. (And I am referencing both Trump and Sanders crowds.) they want to restore our Republic and its rule of moral law. They may have different views of what is moral, and chances are neither group has a clue. And, yes, make a new commitment to do what love demands, which is the hard work of Liberty. Considering the many years of collective apathy, THIS IS REALLY SOMETHING. 
But please understand something. There is no Golden Age to which we may return; when you seek the good, you don't take hold of the plow and look backward. (Jesus said that himself - "He who puts his hand to the plow and looks backward is unfit for the Kingdom of God." WE have to take the realities of this harsh world into account and, in love, do the things that are life engendering even if we have to die to do it. 
Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a Christian Martyr of WWII, first rebuked the NAZIS to their faces in a large meeting of the German Clergy, where ALL except a few accepted the antichrist and turned their Churches into NAZI propaganda organs. They removed the symbols of Christ and substituted the symbols of National Socialism and Luciferian Mythology. One German friend told me of the experience in Germany, where things were normal one Sunday, and the following week they arrived to find a Swastika having replaced the Cross of Christ on CHRIST's Altar! "I left the week before a Christian and returned the next week to discover we were all NAZIS now." Rev Bonhoeffer rebuked them to their faces. He then went underground to survive, to reemerge with a false identity, and almost succeeded in killing Hitler. Arrested and placed in a concentration camp, he said, "When Christ calls a man, he bids him, come and die." I submit to you that Bonhoeffer's rebuke of the NAZIS was an act of love. I submit to you that Bonhoeffer's attempted assassination of Hitler was an act of love. I submit to you that his ministry inside the Concentration Camp, to both the guards and the prisoners, was an act of love. I submit his walk to his execution was an act of love. When we do what LOVE demands, it can take many appearances. 
Someone sent me an article today telling about the national meeting of the Presbyterian Church U.S.A, bowing to the antichrist and engaging the Ecumenical Religion of the Antichrist. They open their national conference with an Iman offering prayer to Allah. There was no Dietrich Bonhoeffer there at that meeting, NONE to stand and rebuke them and proclaim the truth of Jesus Christ, and Jesus Christ alone. None willing to say, "Come let us worship Christ HIMSELF, our King and our God. None willing to stand and say, "the overarching heresy of this age is Ecumenism because if it is right, then Jesus Christ was wrong, and more a liar, and a false teacher. The over-arching TRUTH is then greater than Mohammad, Buddha, Lao Tsu, and Jesus. But this is not Christianity. Jesus Christ did not say, "I have found the truth; let me tell you about it." As Mohammad, Buddha, Joseph Smith, and others have claimed. NO, Jesus Christ said, "I AM the Way, the Truth, and the Life" (the only life). 
What was it that Saint Paul said about the Judaizers? Oh yes, I remember, "I wish they would mutilate themselves." -Galatians 5:12  And that was an expression of love.
The Genteel Translation:
Gal 5:12  I would that they that unsettle you would even go beyond circumcision.
The Clinical Translation:
Gal 5:12  Oh that those who disturb you would even castrate themselves!
The Literal Translation:
Gal 5:12  I wish they would mutilate themselves.

WOW, Fr S., what are you saying? I am saying that I hope these antichrist Presbyterians, willing to MOCK Jesus Christ and bow to Mohammad . . . will soon experience the absolute reality of Islam. And that is a statement of Love, also. Saint Paul was saying, in other words, "Better for them to harm themselves than continue to spread their poison." 
"Turn such a one over to Satan for the destruction of the body, that his soul may be saved for eternity."

Bond Note, June 26, 2022:
Little did we know that the Clergy of America would capitulate to world genocide and bow to the propaganda of a fake pandemic, taking money to preach lockdowns and mask slavery, then work with the Judeo-Luciferian psyops masters to prepare their congregations for an election steal and an open coup against the last legitimately elected American President, and then that they would take money to herd people to take nano-technology injections that are clearly a tool of genocide. These are not the benign sins of the German Clergy bowing to National Socialism; these are accomplices to murder, much sickness, and death. Any clergy who cooperated with this anti-Christ program should be defrocked immediately unless he openly admits his error and begs the forgiveness of the sheep he has RUINED. This is what LOVE demands.


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