CIA Controlled Genocide

In reaction to my video "Love Letter to Jay Dyer" where I included a short clip of Pentecostal/Charismatic false prophets, prophesying lies, all in lockstep predicting "victory after victory" and Trump's re-election, a person commented, "Well Trump did win the election."  It is just highlighted the well of blindness, the false consciousness in which even the supposed "prophets" operate.  I answered saying:
I knew the election would not be real. Why didn't they? Winning the vote is not winning the election in a controlled system. These great seers were so blind they were blind to the system making everything they said a lie. I stated many times from 2017 forward that the powers that be were not likely to allow Trump a second term. In fact, that it would be a miracle if he weren't taken out. He was taken out in March of 2020 when the "health mafia" took control and, for most of 2021, was sequestered and, upon occasion, trotted out for psychological control reasons. These so-called prophets prophesied inside a lie, inside a false consciousness, brainwashed by the media.

So let us take a look at the "Health Mafia" who they really are and what their goal is.  Spoiler alert! Their goal is cull the human population by ninety-nine point four percent. Leaving the earthly paradise to the six percent that are the ruling Oligarchs and their servants.  The one-tenth of one percent that now controls the Western Hemisphere and parts of the East, will need the remaining 5.9 percent for entertainment and harvesting. My question for the great Pentecostal/Charismatic prophet class, is:
Forget about predicting the future, why can't you see the reality of the present?

It is not a pretty or inspiring, or victorious, or glorious sight!

Documents obtained through the Freedom of Information Act and cross-referenced research published in leading medical journals expose the existence of mind-altering mind-control experiments on unwitting human subjects. By human subjects, we mean U.S. citizens, Canadian citizens, and other foreign nationals. This was all paid for by the U.S. government, through the U.S. Military and the C.I.A. These include L.S.D. experiments, sensory deprivation, electroconvulsive treatment, brain electrode implants, radiation experiments, and prostitution rings. If you have any discernment whatsoever, you would know that (1) the epidemic of missing children taken by Child Protective Services and other means of human trafficking, (2) The sex cult rings, like the Epstein/Maxwell C.I.A./Mi6/Mossad operation all play a huge part in this ongoing operation. This operation also includes the research of Raymond Kurzweil/Google, the Gates Foundation, and many other high-profile doctors and experts. It is not just
 a few renegade doctors but leading psychiatrists, psychologists, neurosurgeons, universities, medical schools, maximum security, and other prisons on American soil. You will remember we reported on the Angola inmates killed by weaponized cancer-causing monkey viruses in the 1960s as reported in "Mary's Monkey" and the very odd circumstance where Lee Harvey Oswald was part of the support staff for this operation. This explain his very strange one day trip from New Orleans to the Atomic Energy facility in Oak Ridge, Tennessee  This was in the C.I.A.'s effort to create a quick-acting "natural cause" for Castro's death.

These people are now in complete control of our medical system and the World Health establishment. We saw them plan for over a decade and then create and operate a worldwide (depopulation) genocide beginning in 2020, using psychological warfare methods of "Mass formation psychosis" to herd the mass population to submit to their nano-technology, their cyber-servo control mechanism, shortened lives, and death.


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