

I just found the most interesting definition of the goals of the American/NWO Mind Wars, a fantasy of Carl Marx, but quickly becoming a reality in the West as Obama's former hypnotic influence on the U.S. and Europe displayed. Speaking of Carl Marx's fantasy, W. Cleon Skousen wrote in "The Naked Communist," "He (Marx) visualized a regimented breed of Pavlovian men whose minds could be triggered into immediate action by signals from their masters. He wanted a race of men who would no longer depend upon free will, ethics, morals or conscience for guidance."
Free will, without ethics, morals or a conscience for guidance, can only enslave the person who exercises it. 
I've been in conversation with a supposed "Conservative" whose definition of liberty has more in common with Marx than it does with Liberty as envisioned by our Founders or the Classical View of Liberty all the way back to Aristotle. His definition of Liberty is this, "Liberty as I (and others) have defined it is the freedom to do what you want as long as you don’t violate the liberty of others." This is Hobbesian Utilitarianism, one of the foundations of Marx, and has NOTHING to do with true and REAL Liberty. True and real liberty is not relative, and is not dependent upon "opinion" "circumstances" or imagination i.e. "what one personally envisions will not harm another's liberty" but upon Natural Law, where the definition of Human Being is understood to be in the image of God with UNalienable rights, based upon the historic, tried and carefully developed principles of Morals, ethics, and LAW. By the Hobbesian definition of Liberty, one would be free to engage in cannibalism as long as ones dinner were agreeable to it. And under this fellow's definition of Liberty the dinner would have the perfect right to choose to be dinner, after all he is not "harming anyone else's liberty." 
People who think this way are victims of the Mind War, even when they believe themselves "conservative" and concerned with Liberty. They are answering some Pavlovian inducement deep in their psyche for radical freedom without consequences or duty, a lawless morality and licence, holding no kinship to Liberty.


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