A thoughtful and interesting essay by Malan Hudson - God Bless the Little River Valley.

“Culture is the Arts elevated to a set of beliefs" 
Had some downtime lately and just haven't felt like my usual leisure activities like listening to lectures or reading. I discovered this new thing where YouTube sends you these short little videos.
Thousands and thousands of people make little short statements about these little videos. Sometimes they're funny, sometimes they're really funny and snot blasts from my nose but most of the time I don't know what they're saying. I learned to use the Urban Dictionary
Also a few weeks ago I searched for and listened to Sitting on the Dock of the Bay and Stand by me one time each and now every time I pick up my phone, I have something about those songs on it. I have this strange feeling that the YouTube bot who follows me is a simp trying to rizz. That's so cringe!! 
No joke!! Years from now, "watches tik tok" will be the definition of something in the DSM...lol. instantly deleted. For real it was on my phone for 3 minutes. 
I can handle neural implants, Quantum Biology, bird brains and Nanobots. NextGen AI, reading thoughts, mind control algorithms and transferring human consciousness to machines and texting with a mere thought but social media blows my mind. 
A fun game: every once in a while, delete your casch, browser history, search history, key word history and click on stuff you wouldn't normally click on. Personalized advertising and catered content for your feed or ADS (algorithmic decision making) is the "15-minute city" of the www. (not the World Wide Web but your teeny tiny personal web separated and biased reinforcing. Easy to control and manipulate with the illusion of genuine diverse exposure) 
Last year I spent some time with the latest research on this. The inculcation of the mind and your beliefs is very real. The McDonald's frivolous lawsuit style of mind control tactics are a thing of the past and light years in the dust of the new method. 
Everyone who has learned how to think has learned this already but speaking epistemologically, Platonically and in the Socratic sense,
-Never trust your own thoughts.... they might not be yours. -
There are better ways to learn, to form beliefs/opinion(doxa) and to think about things than to rely on what you THINK, FEEL, READ, or been TOLD. 
Those are the four most common ways people form their beliefs and all four of them are fallacious.
1. Inoculation theory in psychology.
2. Memory implantation
3. Coercive persuasion ( I have a lot on my wall about brainwashing-"isolation, monopolization, debilitation and exhaustion, drugs, torture, enforcement of routine, and hypnosis."- see also theta waves and cell phones- Gates and Jobs both restrict screen time for their kids but sell as many hours as they can to yours. Why?
4. All types of bias but particularly on this topic Consensus Bias
5. There is on my wall somewhere an awesome must-read publication from the journal of experimental psychology called...
" Knowledge does not protect against illusory truth". 
Basically, I can tell you that the sky is green and the grass is blue and you'll believe it. I know you don't accept that; nobody does but I assure you it's empirically tested, duplicated repeated and applied. The principles associated are practiced every day in your life. These tactics bypass the conscious mind and are immune to logic and reason because they infiltrate the actual subconscious mechanisms that create belief. The PhDs that invent these tactics can themselves be deceived by them despite knowing how they work and that they are deceptions. Think about that.... one more time... they bypass the conscious mind. They are immune to logic and reason so it doesn't matter how smart you think you are; they're tampering with the machinery that creates belief. 
If your orthodox there's no greater defense than the liturgical life and for good reason. If you're Protestant God bless you brother you got a hard fight, just take Galatians to Heart, pray without ceasing and don't make justifications. 
Just a few things to think about:
Before the Nazi's were shooting pregnant women in their front yards for fun they were bus drivers, School teachers and police officers. Just regular people like you and me, what happened? Do we know more about behavioral psychology then or now? 
Pavlov, the father of marketing psychology didn't have to follow the rules and could do pretty much whatever he wanted to. He was more like a god than a pet to his communist overlords and treated with exception. why? There is an article on jstor journal called Pavlov and the Bolsheviks. He publicly dissented and criticized the party and instead of being killed he was promoted. think about that. There's a link somewhere on my wall that refers to the history of mass brainwashing. 
In Theosophy the doctrine of inevitable consequence and karmic retribution could make it look like the luciferians in the UN, WEF and White House are good guys. In fact, they do think they're the good guys. They also think that Lucifer and the serpent in the garden were the heroes of the Bible. Lucifer is the Logos not Jesus or in some teachings Jesus is Lucifer but they always call him "The Christ" not Jesus Christ. 
They're teachings aren't necessarily new. They can be associated with Gnosticism, secret wisdom teachings, Freemasonry and other private hidden knowledge clubs and claim authenticity in every religion throughout time. For example, the Oracle of Delphi and the teaching "know thyself and you will know me" is a promise from Lucifer himself. I call it the spirit of the ages for example transhumanism, the garden story, and the Tower of Babel are all the same thing and one of the Pinnacle tenants of luciferianism. Man is God and not subject to his tyrannical law. Man=6 god=3, 666. The Hindu Rishi and Indra, the Fallen Angels, The Serpent, Prometheus, the Norse Kvsir and Mimir etc. are all of the same spirit. 
But consider that they also tend to think that the means are justified by the end or even just intentions. So, for example killing a few thousand to save a few hundred could be Justified. To avoid spiritual consequence, they just have to do it humanely and tell people what they're doing then just let Evolution take place. Yes, Theosophic luciferianism and eugenics are perfectly married together. People get what they deserve and if they don't care enough to save their own lives then they deserve to die and Mankind is better off without them in the gene pool. They think they know better than us and can do a better job of running things than the church or the people
Last thing to consider for the day. 
What throws so many people off about these things is that for one it's just easier to call it all a conspiracy theory and put your head in the sand despite them vocalizing their intentions (it's not a conspiracy theory if they are telling you what they're doing) but mainly ----
The near incomprehensible notion of tens of thousands of people being involved in every nation around the world for decades and incalculable monetary and resource costs. The planning and execution of such a secret plan over the course of a century is just not possible and completely unreasonable. 
I have to admit that when I first learned about these things in the 90s from a highly and classically educated man with numerous decorations and awards that had personal dealings with the trilateralists and US gov, I thought the guy was bat crap crazy.
Somewhere on my wall I have literature from the Lucifer Trust. In it is their explanation of how they've been able to accomplish these things.
First, remember that it's not all about money, power and control it's actually a belief system, a religion if you will. People are willing to die for their beliefs and spend their lives and resources pursuing their spiritual and religious goals. And just like with any other religion you have those that use religion to their advantage and you have the true believers, the idealists. 
Second, my favorite definition of History is "ideas in motion". My second favorite is "knowledge through investigation" but that's a different story. 
According to the Lucifer Trust the reason they've been so successful despite the obvious challenges is that we critics have made a false assumption. The Assumption being that they are an organization. In their own words they are not an organization with the top to bottom hierarchy and dissemination of orders and tasks. They are a "living organism". A set of beliefs where people can contribute to the main goal in their own time, in their own way and for their own reasons as they are able without anyone telling them what to do. 
They admit that only a relatively few number of them know that they are actually working for Satan. The vast majority of people who are working towards their goals don't know who their boss is. That's because people have latched onto ideas, principles and beliefs. This is really ingenious if you understand what I'm saying. "Those who tell the stories rule the world" 
They don't have tens of thousands of people working for their goal across the world they have the propagation of ideas and millions if not billions of people helping to work toward their goal. For example, I doubt that Leonardo DiCaprio or Angelina Jolie are luciferians yet the Lucifer Trust calls them "Minor Light Bearers" (or minor Lucifer bearers) on the other hand people like Oprah may very well know. She has pushed the esoteric like Eckhart Tolle her whole career and has close connections with some of the hierarchy. 
The Lucifer Trust and Friends funded and established some of the new Evangelical and Pentecostal churches over the last hundred years. So, there are some people who attend a church thinking it's a Christian Church but are actually propagating luciferian doctrines under the guise of biblical Christianity. If your church is promoted by the Beacon magazine you might want to look into that, -hint: Foster Bailey. Really, it's a good idea to know the origin of your church anyway. For example, I was raised primarily Baptist so I know about John Smythe and his arguments in 1609 and why those new arguments existed in the first place. (I've warned about secular and humanist Christians since I got on Facebook) Things like "Coexist" "Love Is Love", "what's right for me might not be what's right for you", "follow your heart" and "do what you feel" all have origins. Do you know from whose bibles they originate from? 
Alice Bailey wrote a very detailed and elaborate plan for the UN to follow on how to accomplish their goal. Coincidentally the Communists of the same time had a very similar plan in their literature concerning the "Long March through the institutions." Luciferianism and communism are compatible. I have a link somewhere on my wall to some of her books. 
Some of the key points of her plan are to change or destroy Christianity and organized religion. And other things like infiltrate the education system, the Arts, and Science. Promote the study of comparative religions, Darwinism and evolution. Make divorce and free sex easy. Promote abortion and birth control. Emancipate children from their parents. Destroy the traditional family unit, Promote relative morality, feminism and liberal humanism. Make "educated intellectuals" think they're Elite and give them the good jobs, Infiltrate the church and change its doctrines. Use the fundamental errors of the five Solas like Sola scriptorium with logic, reason and biblical inconsistencies (easy to do: doctrines of the five Solas play into their hands on multiple levels). Spread yoga, meditation and Buddhism. Propagate Ecumenism/ universalism. Just to name a few. 
They're goal by the way is to Enlighten Mankind and make the world spiritually ready for the coming of The Great Avatar, The Christ or The Great Light Bearer. Aka in Christian jargon, The Anti-Christ. 
“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”



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