The Great Apostasy/The Great Culling/Unavoidable Human Slavery

The CIA and all the major Tech Companies are working very hard on creating unavoidable human slavery.  It has been their goal for decades. This is what they have planned for those who survive the Genocide. 

"For the psychocivilized society, the complete joining of Man-and-Machine will be calculated according to a strict system, the so-called "biocracy." It will be impossible to escape this system of adaption because it will be articulated with so much scientific understanding of the human being. The individual will have no more need of conscience and virtues. His moral and mental furnishing will be a matter of biocrats' decisions." - Jacques Ellul, The Technological Society (French 1954; Vintage Books, 1964).
Jacques Ellul is the pioneer of the Transhumanist movement, which has gone on steroids with the advent of the CIA publication WIRED and the CIA investment money funneled through In-Q-Tel. It has financed Jacques Ellul's vision through Microsoft, Facebook, Tesla's Elon Musk, Google's Engineering Director Raymond Kurzweil, PayPal founder Peter Thiel, satellite and biotechnology titan Martine Rothblatt, and Bill Gates. Transhumanism is In-Q-Tel's constant theme and long-term investment strategy. - Paraphrase of Fred Hapgood's article, "Transhumanism: Securing the Post-Human Future." And in case you cannot make the leap from Transsexualism to Post-Humanism, Martine Rothblatt used to be a guy. 

This is the pinnacle of Secularism and its science, Proving it was anti-christ from the beginning and clearly Luciferian.

How successful are the "Post-Humanists" measured in 2023 realities.  Here is a signpost. I was looking at a statistical page I posted a few years ago, exposing the fact that nearly one-quarter of all children in America lived in a single-parent home.  It is not even the destruction of the family, but the destruction of the definition of family: it is so complete that it makes it impossible to gain this same measure of account in 2023. It would not work even if you tried it by "household." If one cannot see this as a deconstruction of what it means to be human, one is already a victim, to a great extent, of the dehumanizing the post-humans have planned.

The rest of the world is laughing at us. This LGBTQXYZBS agenda with it psycho-pharma answers, and chimeric hormone destructing and Frankinstonian genitile mutilation has not only destroyed America's moral standing in the world; it has brought pure mockery, and the mockery is based on common sense and natural law.

"Saint Michael and the Celestial Choir of Dominations, may it please God, to grant us the Grace, to have dominion over our senses and to correct our depraved passions."

How many of you know that this prayer of the Roman Catholic Church is for the purpose of the following statement of Jesus Christ, "Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth." What earth did you expect to inherit but the earth that is YOU? Instead of accepting your inheritance, and having dominion over the "earth you possess" you have rented it and leased it to a thousand passions, and have lost control of it.

The above paragraphs describe the slavery of the Gay Agenda, and the slavery of a thousand other depraved passions. The fact is, IF you are making your arguments from the basis of enslaved passions, you are INSANE and do not control even the 100 plus pounds of earth that is YOU

ary 29th 2023
The Judeo-Luciferians in Ukraine have actually held Satanic celebrations in the buildings that used to house Russian Orthodox Congregations. At one such former Orthodox building, they held a Pagan Winter Solstice celebration - all approved by the new CIA Orthodox Church of Ukraine. Gay marriage and Clown Masses are next.   What I wrote two years ago was correct, and now to the Great Apostasy, we can add the Great Culling.

January 29th 2021
I got a lengthy note on one of my YouTube videos where the person was filled with grief and fear, talking about abortion up to the moment of birth, weeping at the thought, then talking about the collapse of the Vatican, which will not survive self-financed, past the financial scandals and the bankrupt diocese all over the globe created by the sexual scandals.  She was trying to fit it all and more into the allegorical pictures of the Book of Revelations. Her final conclusion was that "the NWO is coming faster and with more power than I expected."
On the same day I received writing from a friend, very knowledgeable of  scripture, who had woven his own apocalyptic scenario as to where we stood "vis a vis the end times as mapped by Revelations."  Although his poetic foray held no more authority than the rambling of the previously named fearful woman, it was stated with the air of knowledge and authority.  What follows is my response to my YouTube correspondent, but it applies to the more sophisticated Bible expert's assessment as well.  I would suggest you read it and take its instructions to heart.
Bond Robin writing:
As far as I'm concerned the whole apparatus of the CIA/Orthodox Fake Church in Ukraine is a subversive CIA operation. I first exposed this in 2009, and was persecuted for my exposing it. It is ALL a CIA operation.  As to the trying to fit the events of the present into the language of the Apocalypse of John, it is an activity I don't engage, and think for the most part it functions for a sort of false security blanket for moderns trying to make sense of the Rise of the Luciferians. A couple things cannot be denied, this is A and maybe THE Great Apostasy with the great portions of the visible Church falling away from the Faith, Once and for all delivered unto the Saints. At the same time, numerically there are more faithful Christians alive today, than at any time in the last two millennia.  The real test will be not in the "worldly forms" but the faithfulness of 'the saints."  
(She was trying to fit Biden and the Ecumenical Patriarch into some particular interpretation of Revelations - two particular Apocalyptic characters.)

Biden and the Greek Orthodox Ecumenical Patriarch (EP) NO they are bit players, not the first apostate to occupy the EP's position.  For me the exercise of trying to fit current events into the poetic language of John is a silly exercise and I have yet to see one single scenario offered by so-called biblical scholars, and/or charismatic prophets that did not fall on its face in time and proved to be confused fantasy.  Better to take a more concrete approach.  Christians have been living in the End Time since the resurrection/ascension of Jesus the Christ.  All this period has been the Great Tribulation, and yet it is headed to a culmination, and many previous generations were certain they were in the last generation.  Better to be faithful, prayerful, active, militant for Truth, Goodness and Beauty, so that we can be found faithful warriors and not cowering beasts.


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