Truth Telling vs TRUTH Telling

I've been describing some of the levels and paradigms of the so-called Truth-Telling content producers in the media and alt media. We know that the mainstream media has become and probably always was a propaganda arm of the Ruling Elite, the so-called Oligarchs, manipulating or even creating so-called facts based upon the underlying and prevailing BIG LIE, no different than Pravda under Stalin in the Old Soviet Communist Dictatorship. Truthfully, a record can be made of this history all the way back to the invention of the printing press and the lying leaflets and pamphlets of the lying Northern European Protestant (Judeo-Luciferian owned) Press.

Many people are beginning to understand the lying level, the propaganda reality of the Corporate Media. Scott Adams of Dilbert Cartoon fame ran a poll on his Twitter profile asking if the American Government was purposely trying to poison its citizens. He got hundreds of thousands of votes, and around thirty-three percent said Yes, the American Government was trying to poison its citizens – that was huge, but not nearly as big as the next category; forty-eight percent said they were not sure. That means that Eighty One percent of his mostly secular-liberal audience either believes or is suspicious that the U.S. Government is operating a Genocide on us. That means that less than one in five is still wholly asleep, trusting the Government and mainstream media. The struggle for truth remains, but that is a paradigm shift, where thirty-three percent proudly wear the tinfoil hat, and another forty-eight percent contemplate dawning one. Breaking down the degree of suspicion held by the forty-eight percent would be interesting were it possible. It is not possible, but it would be interesting.

Now, the lesson I'm trying to teach or the message I'm trying to convey isn't merely a matter of shared facts, and I mean real facts, actual facts, not just propaganda-invented facts, but truthful facts and the spin put upon them.

Before Donald Trump's candidacy, I had arrived at the point where I understood that the entire American Government had become the whore of the Oligarchs; I heard and understood when former President Jimmy Carter said that the supreme court decision "Citizens United vs. the U.S. Election Commission" officially changed the America form of Government from a Citizens' Republic to the Corporate Oligarchy, giving the Oligarchs unlimited power of bribery and as we have seen in operation, much more power than mere bribery. We discovered that bribery was just one of the tools of Oligarchical manipulation; we learned of the 1983 Federal Consent decree, signed under the equal rights Supreme Court precedents, actually in practice destroying equal rights and giving to one party the right to control the polling places and count the vote. From 1983 until 2018, for thirty-five years, the Democrat Party had the sole right to run the polling places, organize the poll watchers, run "get out the vote" projects, like buses of old people, and the like to polling places on voting day. Any other party would risk heavy fines and/or prison time had they attempted to interfere with the Democrat Party's complete control.

Now, the Consent Decree is removed after the Oligarchs were given complete control and unlimited ability to form the election mechanism wringing from it any process of democracy, making the process a theatrical exercise where the vote holds no more power than an opinion poll with an unlimited Oligarchical ability to manipulate the outcome. Now, with all that explanation about the fake election process, that is not my subject. It is just background so you can understand my issue. Inside this new Totalitarianism, voices speak; there is the official Congressional/Societal Hegelian Dialectic Right/Left media, which is ultimately the banker's media, then the lobby media, which is mainstream associated with the Think Tanks and NGOs and bleeds into the fake alternative media. An example of this is Fox News and Tucker Carlson and the line of his predecessors, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, and Bill O'Reilly. On the left, there is another list, the fake alternative, and lobby media; the NGO-controlled alternatives. Outside of this are the so-called independent Truth-Tellers who claim independence but are operations and operatives of the various intelligence psyops powers, providing what can only be described at this point as a vibrant and powerful false opposition smokescreen, running deeply sophisticated psychological operations aimed at your emotions and not your intellect, not to reason and rational thought. In fact, they promote something that is inhuman; we will describe this later. A vast portion of what calls itself independent truth-tellers have been running a constant shock-trauma and fear conspiracy operation on us, painting the Oligarchs and their ruling Cabal as all-powerful and impossible to resist. They are indeed very powerful, and in their war against us, they have slaughtered many people while offering us means of fake resistance and alternative pictures of their power structure.

The New Age Movement, that is, the Luciferians themselves, have been the most potent alternative smokescreen, creating every kind of creepy horror tale, always just off the mark, always so sensational that people presenting the narrative articulately create a Coudray of inarticulate sensationalist who the Cabal uses to invalidate most any story they choose. We saw this with Comic-Ping-Pong Pizza, where the grungy facts were turned into fantastical portrayals that were easy to mock and seemingly invalidate when the story's core was horrible and true.
In concert with this in the alternative media are those well-meaning people who repeat the sensationalism based on spun and exaggerated facts leaving the casual listener to become emotionally triggered or concluded there is no there, there. This is a massive enterprise of entertainment. I remember one of the Q-head psyops influencers who opened every video on YouTube supposedly reminding YouTube that her channel was for entertainment purposes only when in reality she knew her content was Q-fakery and that the "white hats and black hats" were psychology aimed at those suffering arrested emotional development, who viewed the world locked in adolescence unable to see the world in anything but simplistic black and white terms, unable to process the possibility of real fake opposition that appears real or layers of deep psychological convolutions creating cognitive dissonance and mental and emotional paralysis.

What if there were a power of good in the world, able to push back the darkness, able to confuse the evil enemies of the good, directly interfere in their plans and plots, in their actions and schemes? What if there was an intelligence capable of thwarting their efforts, able to nullify their most hateful and diabolical acts, able to make their plots blow back on them? Wouldn't you want to know what this power is? Wouldn't you want to become imbued with this quality of power, to intelligently, rationally, emotionally, and spiritually cooperate with this power? You can't find this power in T.V. Evangelism or in another program about the apostasy and compromise of the Roman Catholic Church. No Joel Osteen power of positive feel-good-ism can hold it or teach it. No charismatic Luciferian Rock Show can portray, convey, and operate it. That power to confuse and confound Lucifer and his hoards, to turn the power of Ba'al, Moloch, and Mammon to dust, comes only from a heart truly humble before God, submitted, not to sanctimonious religion-ism, but a heart bowed before the Almighty, capable of saying from its depths, "Lord, Jesus Christ, Son of God, Have Mercy on me, a sinner." It is a heart that substitutes and replaces the urgency that knot in your stomach represents, with the simple term, "Your time, O Lord, Your will be done." The spirit remains open to the moment when standing is a once-in-a-lifetime choice where failure is not an option, and it says, "Not my ways, but Thy Ways, O Lord." It is the power that creates the prayer, "Here I am, send thou me." And we are not talking about great travels and worldwide missionary work, but Christ into the work place, Christ into the Grocery store, Walmart, Cosco, the City/county school board meeting, standing in POWER, ready to expose the evil, ready to mock the demons, ready to create new life and new thoughts Lucifer though he had long ago destroyed in us. A line in a prayer and a hymn of Orthodox Christianity says, "Only You, Lord, can restore a conscience that has turned to dust." And without the restoration of that conscience, and I'm not talking about some guilt mechanism, but the flow of intelligence that comes from God, through what the Church has learned is the Noetic Faculty, the open heart/mind, (in the Greek, the NOUS - which is restored to the Christian - for the restoring of your mind) where there is no separation between our heart and mind and God's will. Only then can you say, "I curse you, you prideful evil, in the Name of the Father and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit," and those words have eternal power. And that power is used first against the malevolent spirits, the dark angels and demons that misguide, mislead, and propagandize you. Did you hear what I just said? The primary battle, and the only battle that matters, because without this training, this discipline, we are dust in the wind.

The Luciferians have been on a five-hundred-year campaign to convince you that all you are is dust in the wind. Your most outstanding so-called "scientists," who are rather Luciferian propagandists, have told you, you are nothing but stardust, and they state that fable with such awe you believe it is true. They have openly sung the great Luciferian Anthem, "Imagine," over and over to you while you say, "Isn't that so very beautiful

and true." "Imagine there's no heaven It's easy if you try No hell below us Above us only sky Imagine all the people Living for today, Imagine there's no countries It isn't hard to do Nothing to kill or die for And no religion too Imagine all the people Living life in peace You may say I'm a dreamer" No I say you were a Luciferian propagandist, and a really good one, hypnotizing generations into Luciferian anti-christ materialism.

Every ploy to invalidate the reality of God's presence with us, in us, for us, has been used, from the Fanatical Materalist Model, 'you are just a clump of atoms' to "it is not God, it is you, yourself, your own powerful ego that is really God." As the heresy on the Gabriel's website says, "Our spirits come" - and that Luciferian prayer continues, though they dare not clearly state it, "Our will be done In the world as in US, what we choose, what we want, how we choose to do as we will." That is the Luciferian manifesto, the license for chaos, the reality of the evil we face, and it is the hook the Luciferians have in us to reel us to delusion where we cannot act but to our destruction, where we are willing to accept the maxim of ninety percent of the alternative co-called Truth-Tellers out there, that the evil is too powerful, too coordinated to resist.

How the 14th Amendment Made Corporations Into 'People'

Sarah Pruitt

7–9 minutes

Originally adopted after the Civil War to protect the rights of formerly enslaved people, the 14th Amendment has exponentially expanded the protection of civil rights for all Americans over the past 150 years. It’s been cited in more litigation than any other amendment to the U.S. Constitution, and has been at the center of many of the most famous Supreme Court decisions, including school desegregation (Brown v. Board of Education), abortion (Roe v. Wade) and same-sex marriage (Obergefell v. Hodges).

Under U.S. law, these essential rights belong not only to American citizens, but also corporations—thanks to a few key Supreme Court cases and a controversial legal concept known as corporate personhood.

What Is the 14th Amendment?

Ratified in 1868, it was one of three amendments to the U.S. Constitution designed to grant full citizenship rights to formerly enslaved people. While the 13th and 15th Amendments were relatively limited in scope—the first abolished slavery and the second granted voting rights to black men—the 14th Amendment exponentially expanded the protection of civil rights for all Americans.

The two most important provisions of the 14th Amendment guarantee that states, like the federal government, cannot “deprive any person of life, liberty or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”

What is Due Process?

The fundamental principle of due process goes back to the Magna Carta, the 13th century English charter that inspired the framers of the U.S. Constitution. Due process ensures that all levels of government operate within the law and provide fair procedures for everyone. In practice, the Supreme Court has used the Due Process Clause of the 14th Amendment to guarantee some of the most fundamental rights and liberties we enjoy today. It protects individuals (or corporations) from infringement by the states as well as the federal government.

In Griswold v. Connecticut (1965), the Supreme Court ruled that a state ban on the use of contraceptives violated a couple’s right to marital privacy, which according to the Court was an essential liberty protected under the 14th Amendment’s Due Process Clause. The ruling famously drew that right to privacy from the “penumbras” (or shadowy zones) cast by other specific guarantees in the Bill of Rights, including free speech (First Amendment), freedom from forced quartering of troops (Third Amendment), unreasonable searches and seizures (Fourth Amendment), forced self-incrimination (Fifth Amendment) and other unenumerated rights (Ninth Amendment).

Later verdicts would expand this right to privacy, including Roe v. Wade (1973), when the Court found that a woman’s right to an abortion fell within the zone of privacy protected under the 14th Amendment.

View of the Fourteenth Amendment as posted on the wall of Little Rock Central High School National Historic Site in Little Rock, Arkansas. (Credit: Paul Natkin/Getty Images)

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How 'Equal Protection' Plays a Key Role in Supreme Court Decisions

Originally aimed at guaranteeing all the rights of citizenship to formerly enslaved people, the Equal Protection Clause has played a leading role in many landmark civil rights cases. In perhaps the most famous, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled unanimously in the 1954 case Brown v. Board of Education that segregated school facilities were unconstitutional, as they failed to protect black and white students equally under the law.

The Equal Protection Clause would also play a crucial role in major Supreme Court rulings involving interracial marriage (1967’s Loving v. Virginia), affirmative action (1978’s Regents of the University of California v. Bakke) and same-sex marriage (2015’s Obergefell v. Hodges).

1886 Headnote Shifts the Meaning of the 14th Amendment

Corporations aren’t specifically mentioned in the 14th Amendment, or anywhere else in the Constitution. But going back to the earliest years of the republic, when the Bank of the United States brought the first corporate rights case before the Supreme Court, U.S. corporations have sought many of the same rights guaranteed to individuals, including the rights to own property, enter into contracts, and to sue and be sued just like individuals.

But it wasn’t until the 1886 case Santa Clara County v. Southern Pacific Rail Road that the Court appeared to grant a corporation the same rights as an individual under the 14th Amendment. The case is remembered less for the decision itself—the state had improperly assessed taxes to the railroad company—than for a headnote added to it by the court reporter at the time, which quoted Chief Justice Morrison Waite as saying: “The Court does not wish to hear argument on the question whether the provision in the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution which forbids a state to deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws applies to these corporations. We are all of opinion that it does.”

In later cases, this headnote would be treated as an official part of the verdict, and Waite’s conclusion reaffirmed in subsequent decisions by the Court, from an 1888 case involving a steel-mining company to the 1978 Bellotti decision, which granted corporations the right to spend unlimited funds on ballot initiatives as part of their First Amendment right to freedom of speech.

In the 2010 case Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission (FEC), the most sweeping expansion of corporate rights yet, the Supreme Court cited Bellotti in its highly controversial 5-4 ruling that political speech by corporations is a form of free speech that is also covered under the First Amendment. In 2014’s Burwell v. Hobby Lobby Stores, another 5-4 ruling by the Court granted the right of closely-held companies, which aren’t traded on the stock market, to file for exemptions to federal laws on religious grounds.

Legacy of the 14th Amendment

Not everyone agrees with this expanding interpretation of corporate personhood. In his dissent in Bellotti, Justice William H. Rehnquist wrote that corporations were “artificial” persons rather than “natural” persons, and that granting them the right to political expression could “pose special dangers in the political sphere.” Along similar lines, Justice John Paul Stevens argued in his dissent to Citizens United that “Corporations…are not themselves members of ‘We the People’ by whom and for whom our Constitution was established.” And soon after the ruling, then-President Barack Obama said in his State of the Union address that the decision would “open the floodgates for special interests—including foreign corporations—to spend without limit in our elections.”

While cases like Citizens United and Hobby Lobby have brought the debate over corporate personhood squarely to the forefront of American political life, they’re really just the most recent chapters in a long story. Corporations have been pushing for more and more constitutional rights since the first years of our nation’s government, and so far there’s no indication they’ll be stopping anytime soon.



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