Apostolic Vs. Apeostolic: The Definitions.

Apostolic = Biblical Creation and Anthropology, man created in God's image; Man can regain God's likeness through Jesus Christ, which the God/Man created by his great sacrifice.

Apeotolic = Secularism
Secularism = Nascent Luciferianism. Why? 

Because Secularism was created as a false front by the Luciferian Mystics, Cabalists, Alchemists, Magicians, Roman Catholic Rationalists and Protestant Reformers, which they mutually agreed to call "The Enlightenment." 


The purpose of the category "Secular" was to disguise the anti-human, anti-Christ agenda of the Luciferians as something sane, rational, and reasonable, representing the highest qualities of humanity. They even named it "Humanism," implying a very benevolent attitude and motivation towards the "progress" of the human species. 


That kindly stream of power was called Progressivism and Educated Liberalism and the Hegelian Dialectic category was employed to appear as a governing guide, called "Conservatism."  Conservatism was a ploy to make the Traditionalists believe they had a voice where their issues could be addressed.  Secular Conservatism has always been a phantom, an illusion, and misdirection. 

Hegelian Dialect firmly in place the march to deconstructionism, dehumanization, transsexualism, non-sexual-transhumanism, genocide, and the extermination of humans retaining the Image of God began and continues with devastating results.

Who would create the Tribulation?

Reasonable men of the Enlightenment would.

Who would destroy the meaning of womanhood?

Reasonable men of the Enlightenment would.
Who would wipe the word woman from the dictionary? 

Reasonable men of the Enlightenment would. 


Who would create the deadly weapons capable of destroying the human race?

Reasonable men of the Enlightenment would. 

Who would actively trigger genocide and the conflagration of the final battle of Armageddon?

Reasonable men of the Enlightenment would. 


Blinding common man with their mythology of secular benevolence and convincing them of their common Darwinian Ape-anthropology, (ape/man history) they have left them defenseless in the face of Alien Invasion, who are not space aliens at all, but rather the fallen angels, and their Luciferian demonic hoards, whose propaganda controls twenty-first-century human consciousness.  = Archpriest Symeon Elias.


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