Apostolic vs Apeostolic

I have more faith in Global Realignment than I do in American Revivalism but make no mistake, the CIA-fueled American "Revival-Jesus Revolution" is a "countering tool." The Zionists need to suck-in a new generation of Rapture Cultists.

Bob Edwards, speaking poetically and sardonically at the same time, wrote: (Fr. Syneon edited and expanded rendition.)
Sadly, many Christians have been so conditioned and inculcated with The Enlightenment's secular empirical naturalism they diminish and even forfeit the faith. They agree with first-century power brokers of the Levant and the present occupiers of Palestine that the death of a small-town agitator was just a man and his death would benefit Social Harmony. After all, unity in diversity is the goal above all things, as the preachers at Asbury Revival insisted was true. In their Enlightened state, they can't comprehend the Lord of Glory present in that agitator, so they end up mocking and neglecting the Icon of the Living Word, breathed by the Holy Spirit upon the pages of first-century texts, seeing merely bronze age mythological immoral tales, nor can they perceive the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ, just natural bread and wine, not the food of immortality. There can be no Apostolically valid ordinations, nor priests, no guardians, and dispensers of the holy mysteries, just appointed leadership, with no authority really, just a sort of democratic agreement. The Body of Christ becomes a spiritual ideal, a mental image, in reality, just a hidden community in divergent societies, like Pentecostals, Charismatics, Baptists, Masons, and the PTA. So then, Holy Baptism is a symbolic bath, not the Holy Spirit-filled laver of regeneration into the Body of Christ, the pillar and foundation, nay, Truth Himself, who walked among us. The human unborn are just a species of evolution, biological question marks, instead of the potential saints who might join the divine council, the communion of saints, in the presence of the Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, by whom, in whom, for whom all things exist.
Lord, protect us from that false light of the Enlightenment, Illumine our minds with the Holy Spirit, and have mercy on us. Let us reject our ego-created approximations of God, "gods" who are decimated by the confine of our gross materialism and gnostic spiritual presumptions, guide us to repentance and the Truth of the Gospel, the Exact Exposition of the Orthodox Faith by Saint John of Damascus and the catechism of Saint Cyril of Jerusalem, so we can avoid turning confession into psychotherapy and Holy Matrimony into a malleable foundationless civil contract. Imbue our skills, whatever gifts you bestow upon us with the power of Hagai Sophia. (Holy Wisdom). In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Even atheists believe community, food, bathing, counseling, and leadership are good. And further, if we equate belief with faith, even the demons believe and tremble. Belief is not Faith, and mental assent is not works fit for righteousness. With Saint Paul, may we learn to work out our salvation with fear and trembling and never accept the death-imbued traditions of men, but hold fast to the Life imbued Traditions of the Holy Apostles and Fathers and stepping out of the quicksand stand upon the solid Rock. That Rock is Jesus. And in that Tradition, His Tradition, Christ Jesus' Tradition, Jesus, Himself, presents himself to us through the Sacraments of the Apostolic Church, by the hands of her ministering Priesthood, preachers, and teachers, empowered by the Holy Spirit, making even the material sacred, the mundane Holy, the Sacred and Holy available.
Forgive us:
The terrible sinners, Robert Edwards and Fr Symeon.



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