Slow Motion Zionist Brainwashing
Owen Benjamin, pictured above, cost me almost $300.00 this week. He did a five minute video, a parody that had an amazing boulder of truth in it that sent me on an investigation that will probably last longer than I have on this earth. While raving, with all the savagery of Ben Shapiro, about Anti-Semites, Holocaust deniers, and those that claim there ever was a "Palestine," he said that he wanted to put an end to the HATE, once and for all. He said, "I decided to go back in time, closer to the events, so I pulled out my 1968 Encyclopedia Britannica, here's the volume, P." Then he plowed through the pages on camera and discovered the name "Palestine." He cursed, realizing that the Encyclopedia Britannica was filled with hate. He became more outraged as he flipped through the Palestine entry, realizing it was many pages long. Then he looked in the volume H, for the Holocaust, and it wasn't there.
I believed Owen Benjamin, but I could not be stuck with telling the story and, when challenged, saying, "Owen Benjamin said so." I immediately thought of the several moves my wife and I have made over the past twenty years: one farmhouse, one mountain house, three lake houses in Georgia, and two subdivision houses in different parts of Indiana. Upon the first move, I gave away two-thirds of my library, and books were culled in preparation for each subsequent move. I thought of my 1985 Encyclopedia Britannica set, which I let go; part of the first move's culling. My wife said, "What's the use of lugging all those books? After all, all that stuff is online now, and once it's on the web, it is there forever." That was the belief at the time. I couldn't understand it. I was only a decade from buying my first word processor and six years from my first desk top computer. She was the I.T. expert, and we had just finished months of updating hundreds of computers to fix the Y2K bug. That didn't give me confidence in the system. But still, it had been years since I actually looked up anything in the encyclopedia set. Then she went in for the kill. "And that old history book set, really, what good is it except to gather dust. Everything you read in there is obsolete; many countries don't even exist anymore." She was looking at my 54 volume world history set, Edited by Henry Cabot Lodge, Sr, who had been head of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. He had gathered the top historians of the late 19th century and produced what amounted to an encyclopedia of nations, all the way back to the earliest countries of history. The set was published by Harvard University Press in 1895. It was the official history used by the U.S. Foreign Service and many Universities during the volatile years of the Spanish-American War, World War I, the "annexation of the Philippines, the Treaty of Versailles, the founding of the League of Nations, and so on. It was a beautifully leather-bound set, but even at that, I could not justify keeping it. We were downsizing, and it cost a lot of extra money to move libraries, so my 7,000 volumes turned into roughly 3,000. The library was culled eight more times in the last seventeen years. Now, because of the blood of the children of Palestine/GAZA, the place that never existed, I'm grieving that I cannot open the pages of my 1985 Encyclopedia and compare it to Benjamin's 1968 version to see how information was being "shaped" over those years. But I'm chaffing that I cannot open that Harvard History set to the volume containing the history of Palestine.
I have been saying for decades if you can purchase hardcover books over paperback volumes. But no matter what, get hard copies of anything important. The internet versions cannot be fully trusted, and the internet itself will be very easy to weaponize. The propaganda in the late twentieth and early twentieth century was that that information on the internet was, if not eternal, at least semi-eternal. That psyop was just part of the dumbing down process, the impoverishment of the American's base of knowledge. The betrayal started in earnest about 15 years ago when they began to "sanitize" the internet. Many academic ventures are unexcessable now. A ton of information available in 2010 does not exist anymore for the average person. Oceana's Department of Truth has employed the equivalent of millions of Winston Smiths to bury every piece of history that does not fit the Zionists/Fascists' false history and any information that even hints at challenging their ideology. And with Artificial Intelligence, much of this Luciferian alignment of information is done in real time by A.I., Artificial Intelligence.
Let me show you an example. On my Butch Robinson FB Profile, I entered the following entry.
This is one more example of A.I. real-time control. I cannot turn off automatic translation on my Father Symeon profile. So, without the original text in the original language, I cannot double-check the honesty or slant of the translation, and the A.I. man in the middle has destroyed any trust I can have in foreign correspondence.
Now, how did Owen Benjamin cost me $300.00? I could not resist the urge to find a 1968 set of Encyclopedias to own the proof of what Owen was saying. I found a set advertised as 1968; when it arrived, it was actually 1965. Close enough. I looked up the country of Palestine. And notice I said country, not territory or nation. Indeed, Palestine has been a country, which is an unofficial geographic area with common traits, "This is wine country," a geographic location, a common characteristic. We know, for instance, that Key West holds more in common with the islands of the Caribbean than the state of North Dakota. One is a type, and the other is an artificially created "State." One has stratified governmental reality, the other an encapsulated form of sovereignty or semi-sovereignty. When I looked up Palestine, the Britannica article was 32 two-column pages long and four pages of photographs. I did as Benjamin did; I looked up the Holocaust, and there was no entry. I looked up Israel, and it had a tortured one-and-a-half-page article. One separate article was two columns inches long and consisted of several scripture chapters-and-verse notations. Modern Israel was not called "a nation" but a Mandated Territory that had claimed independence and stated that the sudden migration to Palestine by hundreds of thousands of "European Jews, mostly Central and Eastern European" was because of the "mass killing" of Jews, by the NAZIS mainly in Germany, Poland, and Ukraine. That immigration had created tension in the territory, and the immigrants were surviving primarily from private and public donations. It estimated the total number of people killed by the NAZIS in that "mass killing" was around 5,000,000, including Jehovah's Witnesses, Bolsheviks, suspected spies, mentally and physically handicapped, etc. It had two and a half pages on Jerusalem. It had a paragraph on something called the Jewish Welfare Board, which was an apparatus to support Jews in Palestine. It had an accurate history of the Jews under the following headings:
I Earliest Times to A.D. 125
A. Early History to the Exile
B Exile and Restoration
C. Greek and Roman Conquests
II A.D. 135 to 1791
A. Learning and Culture in the Diaspora
B. Middle Ages and Renaissance
III. Modern Period
A. The Age of Liberalism 1701-1919
B. The Age of Reaction, 1920=48
C. The Creation of the State of Israel
D. Jews in the United States.
The history was 21 pages long with no pictures, the most pages of history of any other tribe in the world. I haven't read it but will soon, Lord willing and the creek don't rise.
Fast forward to 58 years later to the era of the GAZA GENOCIDE (2023) carried out by the Jews of Israel upon the Palestinian people of GAZA, and the psychological operation to wipe out the memory of Palestine and the Palestinian people in the minds of the people in Europe and the West is almost complete. Idiots cover social media with memes claiming Palestine never existed and that for three thousand years, the territory that was never known as Palestine has been Israel all along. No legal mandate or morally honest history can claim that. Still, Evangelical Christians who have been brainwashed by the Rapture Cult/Zionism, Zionist Jews, primarily atheists, and Radical Leftist Trotskyites in unison make the claim.
Why? The creation of the Modern Pagan State of Israel in actuality has little to do with the Holocaust. The Holocaust tragedy gives the Zionist the cover to exercise greedy goals of Jewish domination, the power of a nuclear state, and to intimidate non-nuclear Arab states, and the Persian state of Iran. As I have proved in my video series on the subject of Zionism, beginning on October the 8th 2023 to today, is that Israel was conceived and birth beginning in the early 1800s to its birth in 1948 as a result of (1) Imperial ambitions of the British Empire for projection of power in the Middle East for the wealth of resources, (2) The British promised independence to both the Arabs of Palestine and the Jews who would arrive an take the territory, like the Europeans took the Indian lands in America. To do this they had to create lie that Palestine was sparsely populated by an inferior race and could be easily conquered. It is important to point out that these two promises were not the same. Palestine already had a governor, and upon the adoption of the Balfour agreement at Versailles the first meeting of the League of Nations, the Governor of Palestine issued a very friendly statement welcoming the Jews to Palestine. Had Palestine been granted independence it would not have become an Arab Only state, or a Muslim only state, since Arabs Muslims, Arab Christians and Semitic Jews had lived together in Palestine peacefully for centuries. Of course the British betrayed the Palestinians, and then Israel betrayed the British, and the Zionist psyop in the U.S., conquered the American Government through Trotskyite devotees on the left and the right, creating on the right the Christian Dominionist Movement, that literally moved into the White House for the last sixty years, Zionist Neo-Liberals and Zionist Neo-Conservatives who share one thing in common, Zionism, and the Anglo-Judeo-Luciferian plan for massive depopulation of non-Ashkenazi whites and all other races, including semite-Jews, and world domination. (3) the goal to build a canal bigger and better than the Suez Canal, from the Mediterranean Sea, across northern GAZA, to the Gulf of Aqaba, through the Straits of Tiran, to the Red Sea, to the shipping lanes to all of the Middle East, India, China etc.
The above plan that included this map was accomplished by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, in the 1950s, for Eisenhower. It was called the Ben-Gurion Canal Project. It was updated by a feasibility study, a proposal to reduce the cost of construction. It was produced by H.D. Maccabee of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, under contract to the U.S. Department of Energy. It planned using 520 buried nuclear explosions to help excavate a canal through the hills of the Negev Desert. The plan was declassified in 1993. I would note that the plan was rejected by President John F. Kennedy, four months before his assassination by a coordinated Mossad/CIA/Jewish Mafia operation. It is my belief this plan is the reason for the October 7th false flag attack, and why the emphasis has been the material clearing of Northern Gaza. What are a million Gazan Animals worth compared to a nice canal.
From the very beginning of the Zionist Movement, both the Christian and Jewish branches of that movement have actually functioned under the power and by the plans of ancient gods, Lucifer, Satan, Ba'al, Moloch, and Mammon. The intelligence of this movement starting in the early 1800s, gestating and birthing the false god named, Israel, reeks of Saint Paul's prophetic description when he said, (Second Thessalonians Chapter Two, Verse Seven) "For the mystery of lawlessness doth already work: only there is one that restraineth now, until he be taken out of the way." Every accomplishment of the Zionist Movement has been amoral and lawless. They have pursued their goals by deception, theft, and subversion, by blackmail and bribery, and assassination and mass murder. We all know the CIA/Mossad supported blackmail operations (Epstein/Maxwell being only one) and a laundry list of assassinations and acts of terrorism. For the past 200 years they have eliminated anyone, or anything that got in their way, and fostered their greedy goals by creating a cover of "victimhood" for the Jewish Zionists, and the false glory and insanity of false prophecy for Christian Zionists. Saint Paul opened that second chapter of the second letter to the Church at Thessaloniki with the words, "2Th 2:1 And we beseech you, brethren, concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and of our gathering together unto him:
2Th 2:2 That you be not easily moved from your senses nor be terrified, neither by spirit nor by word nor by epistle. as sent from us, as if the day of the Lord were at hand.
2Th 2:3 Let no man deceive you by any means:
Adam Clarke, who was a Wesleyan Methodist born in 1762 and was mentored by John Wesley, himself, died in 1832 just as the ugly head of Christian Zionism was about to rise. So his theology was Rapture Cult and Zionist free, and here is what he said about "the mystery of iniquity" which I thoroughly believe is the Judaizing of non-Orthodox Christianity by various means, (and part of Orthodoxy as well) in various denominations, the major tools being Prophetic Zionism and Leftist Theological Ecumenicism. This is evident in the fact that the vast majority of Evangelicals and Baptists and other so-called "Bible Believing Christians" plus all major Protestant denominations, the Pope of Rome and the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople were signatories to "Ecumenical Documents" proclaiming the worship of a common "Abrahamic" God. The abomination centers of the Wailing Wall at the ancient Roman Fortress, named Anatolia in Jerusalem where fundamentalist evangelicals, powerful political figures, rock stars and Satanists, give homage. Then there is the Abrahamic Family House, an "Ecumenical complex" on Saadiyat Island in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, which encloses a synagogue, a church, and a mosque in a single "house." It was dedicated with some really strange rituals on February 16th 2023. This is the mystery of iniquity that has been in the process of being revealed since the official story of 911 began to fall, and the debacle of Benghazi was exposed, and since then one exposure after another exposure, after another exposure, leading to heavy handed genocidal policies, fake pandemic, genocidal vaccines, with all cause deaths in the first six months of 2023 up 24 percent over expected numbers, and the people dying suddenly are by vast majority those vaxed and boosted. With the False flag of October 7th, even the core of Zionism is being exposed. Jesus talked about a delusion that would be so strong that all but the very elect would be fooled. We saw a trial run with the heresy of Arianism in the 3rd century, when powerful government officials and the majority of church leaders conspired together to destroy the healing reality of the Church, to turn it into yet another worldly institution of power and manipulation. The heroes, like Saint Nicholas and other bishops withstood not only the Arian heretics in the Church, but the last truly powerful Roman Emperor, Constantine. The Judaizing Zionist heresy of the last two centuries has again pitted many leaders in the Church, and powerful Governmental rulers against the truth, but this time it includes something that didn't exist then, a confused set of religious societies claiming to be "Church" and the powerful Jewish Banking interests that finance them. A council of the Church cannot block this, because the Anglo-Judeo-Luciferians were very cunning in creating a false Christianity and everyone involved in that fake Christianity believes it is real.
A famous Baptist Evangelist of the early to mid-twentieth century, thought he was being prophetic, thinking he was seeing something in the future, when in fact he was already part of the Fake Christianity he sought to expose. We see that he was a tool of the Zionist Dialectic, looking at the "liberals" as the fake church, totally unaware that he was lead to heresy by his very own Bible, and mythology of Despensationalism build upon his "Bible Alone" foundation. He said:
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Now back to the student of John Wesley, Adam Clarke, who taught prior to the Zionist/Rapture Cultist mystery of iniquity. He said:
"For the mystery of iniquity doth already work - There is a system of corrupt doctrine, which will lead to the general apostasy, already in existence, but it is a mystery; it is as yet hidden; it dare not show itself, because of that which hindereth or withholdeth. But when that which now restraineth shall be taken out of the way, then shall that wicked one be revealed-it will then be manifest who he is, and what he is.
If the twins heresies of Zionist Biblical Fundamentalism and Zionist Ecumenicism are not this mystery of iniquity what could be. They provide a dialectical delusion, supposedly at war with one another, yet they all pay homage to the Wailing Wall, and video it and brag about it. The twin heresies are one in Zionism, and neither are "in Christ" but instead bow to Lucifer, Satan, Ba'al, Moloch and Mammon, collectively suborning GAZA Genocide.
If you listened and absorbed the information in my last video
you would not be surprised at all that the plan to ethnically cleanse GAZA was the reason for the false flag. The first clear statement of the intentions of the Zionist to drive every non-Zionist off the land of Palestine was first offered by the Zionists in the early 1800s, just as John Nelson Darby, rapture cult heretic was devising his chiliastic dogmatism called (Millennialism from Latin millennium 'a thousand years', and -ism or chiliasm from the Greek equivalent) and creating something called "The Pre-Tribulation" rapture.
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Watching the Israeli Zionist propagandist scramble to try to justify their Genocide in Gaza has been amazing. It follows this common thread.
The above video, which I produced in mid-August 2023, was genuinely prophetic—following a segment where Robert Kennedy talks about the threats to his life, intruders in his home, being stalked by mentally ill people, having to pay for his own security because the government will not provide secret service protection. Some time back, he revealed that COVID-19 was racially targeted and that Ashkenazi Jews are immune. That is true and a bold thing to say. It marked him for intimidation, and if intimidation failed next comes assassination, something with which he is intimately familiar. I believe to save his life, following the story of him being intimidated, he launched into a soliloquy telling every Israeli/Zionist Ethnic Cleansing/Genocide, Israelis are Gods, Palestinians are Dogs lie in the propaganda book. In the last part of the video Max Blumenthal debunked every lie. For many, what Max had to say in August 2023 would have sounded "conspiratorial" and maybe even "irrational," so brainwashed and dumbed down the American audience had become. What he described as "Israeli policy" diabolical, inhumane, and amoral violations of fundamental human rights, millions have now seen played out in real-time. Can they unsee what they have seen? We can't let them.
The two videos above have a lot to do with the subject of this article/video; you see the practice of slow motion Zionist Brainwashing in practice. Who financed the New Atheist Movement? Who finances Jordan Peterson and is his philosophical position honest? Was Richard Dawkins a genius or a fool? The same can be asked about Sam Harris, Jordan Peterson, Steve Turley, and by implication many others of the same ilk. These two videos are very educational.

As Adam Clarke said early in the 1800s, "For the mystery of iniquity doth already work - There is a system of corrupt doctrine, which will lead to the general apostasy, already in existence, but it is a mystery; it is as yet hidden;" It is no longer hidden it is committing Genocide in Gaza.
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