The Apostasy Upon Us

Note: November 30th, 2023.

It is tough to know to what degree Elon Musk is committed to "goodness," as he claims, or if he has become the Zionist agent for the destruction of Twitter/X. In truth, no one can argue that Twitter/X has been a bastion of free speech, since many have been banned for speaking the truth. Many more have been banned for vicious behavior. It is a complicated situation. We will see. In the video he clearly states that he is willing to see his investment in Twitter/X collapse. Are there enough advertisers free of Zionist control to keep it afloat. I don't think so, but we will see.

Now to the subject at hand: The Apostasy that is upon us.

The Apostasy upon us is very real and has deadly consequences. It has produced Genocide in GAZA and deaths in Israel and the West Bank. Although there is a pretend cease-fire on this day, it will explode again unless God intervenes because the Western Powers bowed to their Zionist Masters have gone mad.

As I stated in several previous videos, the failure of Christian people to find the Church and the reality of the Gospel has allowed for multiple genocides. In contrast, the good people, interested in looking good, made the most insane excuses for the slaughter of massive numbers of innocents.

"Benjamin Netanyahu as a Holy Spirit Anointed SAINT" The diabolical reality of that belief is the very essence of the present Apostasy for the Christian Zionists. The nature of the present Apostasy for the Social Justice Warrior type of Christianity is just as evil and just as blinding. The Rapture Cultists who were born and grew up on that heresy, thinking it was Christian, are to be pitied, as are the sincere Christians caught in the powerless denominations and the humanist church revolution. And that is what it is for them, not a restoration, but a revolution.

We could easily see the revolution in the New Apostolic Restoration Movement as it spiraled into charismatic degradation and insanity. The Humanist revolution in the Anglican, Roman, and part of the Eastern Orthodox Church is not so clear to see. They keep saying, "We held a "synod," but nothing has changed. "There are no doctrinal changes. Everything is as before." This is the psychology operation at work in both the Roman Catholic Church and the Anglican Communion. Nothing has changed . . . they say, when in fact the train has been removed from the tracks, placed on a different track. You can keep your old track; that's okay. It will be kept as a "foundation," and you can pretend your Church is on that old track while we slowly but surely increase our speed traveling down the new track. But nothing has changed.

This meme maker is very creative: The World Needs a Stable Influence.

Protestantism/Evangelicalism is all about slogans. A Stable Influence cannot be accomplished in a vacuum or rebellion against the viable Normative Authority of Christ's Body, the Church. It is the Church that is the Pillar and Ground of Truth.

The Mystery of Godliness
1Ti 3:14ff These things write I unto thee, hoping to come unto thee shortly: But if I tarry long, that thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth. And without controversy, great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory.+++

The Church is Christ's Body, visible on Earth. Without the visible Church, there is no Normative Authority, and the Stable Influence is just a slogan. These Sola Scriptura debating Societies are not a Normative Authority. They all exist in varying levels of heresy, and some are demonic and apostate. These gentlemen below have been teaching scripture daily in their churches and podcasting and recently discovered that the Israel of the Bible is not the modern Pagan State of Israel. Their "Bible Alone" heresy, mixed with their warped traditions of men, blinded them in heresy for years.

Indeed, the Biblical Israel is not the Rothschild Israel. Now, if the young men above consulted these very famous Evangelical leaders below about the status of the Modern State of Israel vis a vis the Israel of the Bible, they would get four different but wrong answers.
The lack of a "Stable Influence" or better, THE unstable influence, has generational and serious consequences.


This information from Pew Research is just anecdotal evidence, but it is not meaningless. I will submit that the degree to which these groups hold the Tradition of Sound Doctrine, The Orthodoxy of Christianity, Orthodoxia, and Orthopraxis; correct belief and proper practice, which is the Pillar and Ground of Truth held by the Church in her Tradition; the degree to which they are conformed to that is reflected in the stability of their families.
Now, full disclosure so I don't appear the brazen hypocrite. There was NO stability in the man-made tradition in which I was raised, which is reflected in my siblings. Mom was Pentecostal; Dad was Holiness; we, as children, experienced a wild array of both sacred, worshipful, and circus-like church services. Out of eight children that survived to adulthood, six out of eight have been divorced at least once. My sister, who has been married for almost seventy years, saw three of her four children divorced at least once. They were raised in a MEGA Church, and the pastor's background was show business. We were hammered by the shifting sands of our broken "traditions," and yes, they were multiple competing man-made traditions. Not to take anything away from our own sinfulness and personal failings or to make the excuse, "the devil made me do it." Still, there is the fact that the cultural upheavals in our society, purposefully created by the Zionists using diabolical tools of influence, propaganda, and even mind control that assaulted norms of sexuality, marriage, and the family, harmed the Mainline Protestants the most, with half of the marriages failing. And with the Holy-roller and Baptist, Evangelical set, one out of three marriages failed. Yes, it is a big deal that only one out of ten Orthodox Christian marriages failed, as reported in 2016. This is significant and not just some statistical anomaly and fluke.
This assault is not fanciful. It is not conspiracy theory. It is a thoroughly documented history. Some called it a social experiment, some called it societal manipulation, but the only proper term is war; they WARRED against us, attacked our minds, attacked our families, and have caused untold heartache and suffering. What weapons did we have to resist? The Pew Study said, contrary to the religious pride of Mainline Protestants, Evangelicals, Baptists, and all the other Born Again Sects, The Roman Catholics were more prepared for the battle than you. The Orthodox were more prepared than the Catholics, twice as prepared, where only one in ten marriages failed, and for the Romans, one in five failed.

For years, I've had Evangelicals, Baptists, and other types of Bible-only people ask me about the crumbling of the culture and the increasing tyranny of the government when both the culture and the government were going insane; they ask: what can we do? I have often answered, "Not much; you are unarmed." "You enter the battlefield naked." "You have fake weapons, illusions of elections, political parties, freedom rallies, and the vote." "You vote in fake elections, in a republic that does not exist, totally brainwashed, blindly supporting all things Rothschild Israel, all the while grieving for the Holocaust." Throughout my life, I've watched naked warrior after naked warrior crash and burn, easily eliminated by Mossad and CIA hit teams, dead in plane crashes, car accidents, sudden heart attacks, unusual hiking accidents, farm accidents, and boating accidents. The powers that be can eliminate the naked warriors with ease because the naked warrior has absolutely no understanding of actual situational circumstances. The FIRST step in humility is the question, "Where am I?" "How did I get here?" "How can I prove it." You probably think I'm talking about just bodily security. You cannot bodily secure a fool; his arrogance will expose him. I could make a secondary list of people who made solid and bold moves, only to discover they were naked, having no idea "where they were" or "how they got there." - You end up like Elon Musk and Robert Kennedy, spouting Zionist lies and propaganda, or suicided, disappeared or imprisoned. If you are going to resist, you have to have the strength and foundation to do it.

I have a Rapture Cultist, Twin Covenant, Zionized/Judiazed, a heretic friend on Facebook who likes to write tomes about "sound doctrine," and sadly, his Liberty University Zionist Propaganda education does not allow for it. He holds a false definition for nearly every term he uses, making it almost impossible to communicate with him. Were he to enter the battle, and he can't because without realizing it he works for the Anglo-Judeo Luciferians, spreading their theology and empowering their political goals. Concerning him I wrote:

Now, I want to talk about the Revolution that was the Roman Catholic Synod on Synodality and a nearly identical exercise in what is left of the Church of England.
Insert Video:

The Secret Synod Part One
Now listen carefully to the scheme that has already produced Apostasy in the Church but now has replaced the Orthodox Tradition in the Roman Church completely. All of its future dogma and praxis will be based upon "Perspectives of the Culture and information from the Material and Social Sciences." This is a quote from the closing document. This is a new track, removed from all Orthodox Tradition. They have already announced baptizing and blessing transgenders and homosexuals. They are making a big fuss about the homosexual "unions" being blessed in Germany, but this is cover fire or tossing bones to the "traditional minded." You will see a barrage of Traditional talk, which will be nothing less than neutralizing, paralyzing, and rendering the opposition powerless as the train chugs down the track to the hedonistic wonderland. 

The Secret Synod Part Two
One has to ask, what part of this "Traditional Show" some few Bishops are mounting is genuine and what part is controlled hopenosis, luring the faithful quietly into the new Apostate Church while making them think brave souls will save the day.

In a video about eight months ago, I play an extended excerpt of a Roman Catholic Exorcist priest waxing poetic, assuring the faithful that all they had to do was wait because the young priests were not "caught in the 1960s" and cared nothing for the 60s radical agenda. The problem with that is that in twenty years, when some of them may be given some power, if they are not cancelled many times over by then, is that nothing Sacred and Holy will be left in the Apostate Church, the degradation so complete it cannot be reformed out of hell.

At the beginning of the Synod on Synodality, Bishop Strickland (in the meme below) seems to be an indefatigable bulwark guarding the switch, not allowing it to be thrown to the new LGBTQPXYZBS rail line. A week or so after the Synod, he was canceled, as so many traditionalist priests have been, removed from his pastorship of the diocese of Tyler, Texas.

Above, standing with Bishop Schneider, who just published a work that belongs on the New York Times best fiction list, called "CREDO," a statement of some brand of Roman Catholicism that, although it was not by any means Orthodox, showed some signs of holding a new form of sanity. It was a mirage on the date of publication since it bowed to the Papist Idol that, over the last two centuries, has destroyed the previous glimmers of Orthodoxy remaining in 21st Century Roman Catholicism. It has left the rails.
Now to the Anglican Train Wreck.

After reading about and conversing with George Conger, as he outlined the open apostasy of the Church of England, accomplished in a very similar "Marxist Control Group" conference, operated with multiple guided discussion groups, writing recommendations to the conference and votes taken, the last line orthodox resistance was crushed in England. They will do Gay weddings, and those priests who refuse will be removed. Kevin Kallsen asked, "How is this not demonic? How is this not apostasy?" And Congers, who seems to be a pacification agent for Anglican T.V., said in essence to relax, not to be reactive, that things were just beginning. Kallsen replied, "But this is not new; they have removed clergy who refused already." And that is the point. Unity at the price of apostasy is not unity but chaos and surrender to the dehumanizing agendas.

The Welcoming of Sinners:
As a former prison chaplain, I'm in a position to say that the Church is a hospital, and I never met a sinner. I would not welcome to Divine Liturgy as a catechumen, as a seeker, and even a convert. However, welcoming the murderer and blessing someone who is practicing murder are not the same thing. Accepting the adulterer and blessing someone practicing adultery is not the same thing. Welcoming the fornicator and blessing the practice of fornication are not the same thing. No real or fake science, no new information from material and social sciences can change the reality. Even the adulteress caught in the very act of adultery, forgiven by Jesus, was forgiven upon the promise to quit her adultery, "Go and sin no more." The point is that if I were an adulterer and claimed that I was born that way, and science said that the passion was so strong it has to be accepted, and I choose to push that agenda of Adulterosexuality, demanding that the Church accept my reality, I and my passions trump the wisdom of four thousand years of the Holy Spirit's guidance and the history of God's Chosen People, the people of the promise of the Old and New Testament. This tradition is a single track, a narrow way, with a four thousand-year history, the experience of the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit through the Old and New Testament Church's tradition, the Pillar and Ground of Truth. Some 21st-century psychobabble and a Zionist Marxist Agenda of the Anti-Christ cannot trump it.

The FAKE wisdom will come in the voices of teachers telling you that you must be still and accept the destruction. They will couch it in quote-mined sayings of the Holy Fathers. It is part of that false Christianity that is constructed with such diabolical wisdom and appears so real it will cause even the righteous to be timid to expose it. Here is an example:

Well, you see, I'm not so righteous because I have decided to speak to the lie and the liars with boldness. If I am wrong, I will be corrected with boldness, and no subtlety of deception will stand. What has the church taught about those walking the wrong way? It is our job to with love and counsel encourage those who walk a wrong way sharing with them the benefits of repentance and humility and if in time that counsel does not work we are to with love admonish the person. In some dire cases of public sin, we are to excommunicate, to remove those rebellious sinners from the congregation. Saint Paul, after scolding the Church of Corinth for allowing a young man to attend Divine Liturgy who was sleeping with his stepmother, obviously making a public display of the affair, said, "Turn such a one over to Satan for the destruction of the body, that his soul may be saved for eternity." There is a point when not confronting the sinful behavior is cruelty. When behavior has grown so debauched, that strong rebuke is kindness. And nowhere in Jesus' teaching or the teaching of the Apostles is there anything that supports that non-referenced quotation of Saint John Chrysostom. If he actually said it, he was speaking in error. Not every sentence uttered by a Saint is Gospel, and quote mining the saints, unless one is careful to quote in context, makes the Saint's words a lie, a spin, a deception, a misdirection.

How do we survive? And better, how do we overcome this crumbling, apostatizing, Church, and how do those who were raised in the Anti-Christ Zionism of Evangelicalism cope with discovering their trusted pastors, evangelists, and T.V. personalities are heretics, and that their heresy has help to perpetuate multiple Genocides?  The answer is simple. Seek the Orthodox Christian Faith, find it present in the world and join with others who are prayerfully facing and actively combating all the challenges we have outlined here. The single most important thing is communion in Christ, communal and individual prayer. The communal part is so very important, so that we can see that what we think is true, is confirmed in the teaching, that wisdom of the Holy Spirit of which we have at least a four thousand years record.

I was watching a statistician in New Zealand, who was tasked with setting up the system that paid the vendor when the Covid shots were administered. He was brokenhearted and could barely talk, explaining the massive increase in all cause deaths there in New Zealand, and how the number kept increasing over the last eighteen months.  I thought, "There is man who has not lost his humanity."  To wrench ourselves free of the constant Zionist murdering schemes, we have to reconnect to our humanity and not be the person Tolstoy describes: inhuman, unable to feel the pain of another person. I would submit as a lesson to become connect with humanity, a little article I wrote a decade ago.



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