The Tools of the Luciferian American Revolution - Video Notes

 Joe Biden is a worn-out tool of the Anglo-Judeo-Luciferian Covin, a tool of the one percent of the one percent. Ditto for the Clintons, the Bushes, and a Who's Who list of Western Politicians. They all make their trek to the Wailing Wall and bow to the Prenniel Pagan God, Ramphan. The proto-martyr, that is, the very first Christan Martyr, the Deacon Stephan, stated clearly as he was being killed: "Yea, ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch, and the star of your god Remphan, figures which ye made to worship them: and It will carry you away beyond Babylon." (Acts 7:43) When people say, "This is a spiritual battle" they speak the truth, but the Luciferian spirit of Anti-Christ has some very fleshly reality.

Over the past century, the Anglo-Judeo Luciferians have tried to consolidate control over the entire world. They have taken literal possession of Western Europe, North America, and most of the Middle East and worked their bloody magic to "contain" any country not directly under their control. Many thriving countries have been bombed back to the Stone Age for daring to question the Authority of the "Society of Civilized Nations." Any country that dares to question the Luciferian Rule is a danger to world peace. The American Republic Failed, and you need to understand this because they are enslaving you, causing you to chase fantasies and waste your life's energy battling in fake contests.

I contend that Zionist Brainwashing has caused more damage to the United States than Marxism. Indeed, we have collectively suffered from the Antonio Gramsci-style Cultural Marxism that has destroyed moral standards and created deconstruction and insanity, But that could not have happened without the collective guilt psyop operated by the Anglo-Judeo-Luciferians via Zionist Brainwashing. Zionism and Marxism arrived upon the world scene roughly at the same time. And it wasn't until the writings of Alexandr Solzhenitzn that we realized that Bolshyvekism was primarily a Jewish Revolutionary Operation. The more I study the history, the more convinced I am that the primary goal of the Jewish Revolutionaries of the 19th, 20th, and 21st centuries has been Genocide: to create wars where Christians kill Christians, Muslims kill Muslims, and Nations used soft and hard Genocide on their own populations. None Dare Call it a Conspiracy, yet it would be foolish indeed to believe the mass killings of Christians in the 20th century, the bloodiest century in Christian history, producing more martyrs than all the other centuries combined, happened by happenstance. And since World War Two, the Jewish Defamation Scheme has silenced any discussion of the real enemy, who I have named, Anglo-Judeo-Luciferian. The blood of almost twenty thousand innocent women and children in GAZA has given us, at least, the moral authority to speak clearly on this issue. I don't mean the moral "courage" to speak, but the moral response on the listener's part to suspend disbelief long enough to, at least, examine the data.

Max wrote:
Excellent series Bond.
Always thought that sign above the door to Auschwitz was curious for a death camp..."Work Makes One Free"?
Sounds more like a terse "welcome to our labor camp" addressed to people not accustomed...or believed to be not manual labor.

    The sad part of all this to me is that the true story would have been powerful enough because slave labor camps are places of hell. In one slave labor camp that was a mining operation in Rhodesia, Cecil Rhodes killed over twenty-five thousand slaves by abuse and privation.  The short time of Auschwitz, a death toll of one hundred thousand, is horrible. It is not just the deaths but the suffering, anguish, indignity, and shortening of the lifespan of the survivors.   This would have been enough, and adding it to the other camps and the summary executions by regional commanders, all of that, as Irving said, was horrible. Put the pride of the liar could not let the true story be sold; it was an opportunity, a tool of control, truth be damned.  Corey Ten Boom discovered that my sister worked at Siemens headquarters; she bristled and said, "These are the slavers; these are the people that ran Ravensbruck;  Siemens & Halske, it is the same."  She said that about 20 percent of the population worked on local farms, and at the camp, but that 80 percent worked in the Siemens & Halske factory.  Corey worked in the infirmary, and it was always a race to try to restore strength in the sick because the ones who could not work after a time, would be executed.  - these facts are horrible enough.

    The liar's need to embellish and be exposed in their embellishments reminds me of all the different stories told by the same people who pretended to kill Osama Bin Laden. Each liar has to embellish to make themselves look important, to the point that the contradictory stories cannot be believed. The Holocaust industry has committed the same mistake. And what did it take for some to listen without cursing? So far, upwards of twenty-thousand dead women and children in Gaza, and maybe that number maimed and disabled and the sanguine nature of Jewish Supremacy exposed. All those blood-soaked Israelis dancing, singing, and mocking the suffering of the carnage.


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