0024 How Blinding is Your Worldview Vol One thru Ten

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Bond Robin Video No 0024 Volume One on RUMBLE

Bond Robin Video No 0024 Volume One on YouTube

Bond Robin Video No 0024 Volume One on Bitchute

November 2020 - January 14th, 2020

I started this article in early November, planning to make it a series of Videos. I made the first video below; then, the election battle took the place of Volume Two. It is quite amazing the examples that have arrived showing the handicap of a faulty or narrow worldview. Ignorance of history, ignorance of the places in the world, the geographical barriers, the cultural barriers makes one a blank slate, for the "programmers," i.e., the Behaviorist Conditioners, to write any story they choose upon the very tables of your heart, make you love and hate at will and cause you to accept the most ridiculous but coordinated lies one would imagine. I recently quoted Saint John Chrysostom in one of my videos about people who don't have a clue of the nature of being, found in the reality of the Christian Worldview. Sadly, the majority of Americans fit his description perfectly. He said, "Poor human reason, when it trusts in itself, substitutes the strangest absurdities for the highest divine concepts." I would further suggest that ignorance will substitute whatever fits its prejudices without regard to objective reality. The Cultural Marxists know this full well, and so since the last time I looked, they actually changed the meaning of Ecumenical to Global. Now, admittedly Pope Francis' use of Ecumenicism, the foundations of Vatican II - a so-called Ecumenical Council was ultimately all about Globalism. That's the history of Vatican II played out in time, creating the lunacy, heresy and apostasy of the Vatican and this latest Clown Pope. So when you go to Wikipedia and it says:


  "Derived from Greek (Ancient Greek: οἰκουμένη, romanized: oikouménē, lit. 'the inhabited one'), "ecumenical" means "worldwide" but generally is assumed to be limited to the known inhabited Earth, and at this time in history is synonymous with the Roman Empire; the earliest extant uses of the term for a council are Eusebius' Life of Constantine around 338AD, which states "he convoked an ecumenical council" (Ancient Greek: σύνοδον οἰκουμενικὴν συνεκρότει, romanized: sýnodon oikoumenikḕn synekrótei) and the Letter in 382 to Pope Damasus I and the Latin bishops from the First Council of Constantinople.

It is little wonder that a Canadian, a nominal Christian like the famed Q-head Amazing Polly would conclude the following:

Outside her promotion of the NSA/CIA-LARP named Q, which is a herding and pacification mechanism for ignorant Conservatives (not calling conservatives ignorant, just the ones who accepted Q at face value and were led by the nose in lie after lie) . . . outside that I have seen her do some excellent research into the Deep State and the Ruling Oligarchs, some of it was purely fanciful but entertaining and some of it was real, making some connections that were amazing and some connections as I say, were dubious, but when doubtful she would say so. She was one of the few that when she was speculating would say, "This is speculation." So, her attack on the Christian Church, the undivided Orthodox & Roman Church of the First Nicene Council reducing it to "a man made tradition," which is one of the most ignorant lies of all told by Biblical Fundamentalists, it shocked me. I would have assumed her to have a broader and better worldview, a worldview where she would not be so easily mislead by the Cultural Marxists on the internet and a clever bit of linguistical confusion.  a

So far she has not responded and I doubt she will. She is too prideful and popular to be bothered with facts.

Now to give a demonstration of stupid conservatives being misled by the NSA-Q-LARP, here is an example.

You see how naive you have to be to follow and believe in the trusty-planny Q BS, so maybe I had a too high view of Polly's basic intelligence.  Like I say I was shocked by the ignorance of her worldview.

Now, I was a little harsh with Amazing Polly hoping to shock her enough that she take note. But putting her gaffe in context she comes by it honestly.  You may remember me telling the story a few months ago, having mentioned the core part of John Wesley's theology that was Orthodox, and bemoaning that I had let my volumes of his complete works go some years ago, and like clockwork an anonymous person sent me the 14 volume set, very nice quality used books.  I was enjoying the gift, and reading Wesley when I was struck by his very narrow worldview.  I wrote about it then, early November.

I said:  

I ran across something interesting when reading a sermon by John Wesley.  I was occasioned to read it by a famous and beloved Orthodox priest and monk when he made the statement that Wesley came to an "orthodox understanding of salvation" and I played the clip of the Priest explaining that on a Bond Robin Channel (YouTube Video) as I was examining the heresies created by "Reformed Theology"  and I expressed regret that I gave my "Works of Wesley" away, so some anonymous person sent me a used copy, a 14 Volume Set - "The Complete Works of John Wesley." What struck me about this particular passage is that without realizing it Wesley exposed a "Worldview" that was at once sad, partly true, grossly ignorant and more, in an offensive manner, he relegated "True Christianity" solely to his understanding of "Biblical Christianity" which he spent his life trying to define and few of the people who followed him ever understood or followed, as is reflected in the Apostate Methodist Movements of today.  Wesley's assessment of "The State of Christianity in the world" made me examine my own Worldview and try to view "The State of Christianity" in the world today and in my country, and in my Church.  

     What I discovered is that such a summation would be impossible for me; I do not believe in religious syncretism, (One God  - many paths - the heresy of Vatican II and the subsequent Popes)  however, I hold the humility to not judge the Holy Spirit's synergistic work in the world, or to limit it to the confines of Official Orthodoxy, (That is Orthodox Ecclesiology) as some Orthodox, quoting councils and saints out of context sorely do.  On the question of Christendom as a whole I did look at some demographic information. I will share it. 

     His sermon was entitled: Causes of the Inefficacy of Christianity. What caught my imagination is that I have used similar language, if not the word "inefficacy" but its meaning calling out what I call "American Christianism." You see, those self-identifying as "Christian" represented ninety-percent of the American population in 1980 and forty years later we see its effect upon the culture was to produced myriad brands of Fake Christianity, and some of these brands are so vacuous and clownish you can't speak of them charitably.  There is the Apostasy of the Roman Hierarchy and this very visible Pagan "Culture of Death" and now a country on the brink of a Globalist/Marxist abyss. If responsible Christians were not active producers of this Pagan Culture, (some were,) others were actively carried away in it, in the Cultural Marxist Luciferian Wave.  Post Vatican II, it was a purposeful assault on all things Christian and a marginalization of Christ to an area out of public view. The Town Square was pronounced STRICTLY Secular, (meaning Luciferian) a famous Evangelical Bible Scholar and Apostate openly attacked Christianity in the public Square, creating the "Freedom From Religion Foundation," education was pronounced Humanist, Creation and Science was pronounced Radical Materialist and all things were pronounced in a state of Advancing Evolution, including religion and morals.  Yet, some generic deity's name was on our paper and coin currency and every politician paid lip service to the Creator God, until they no longer did, ten years into the 21st century.  Now Trump did talk about God sometimes in a generic way, but he also purposefully talked about Jesus Christ in very explicit and powerful ways that must have made his Jewish son-in-law's skin crawl.

    Here is what Wesley said about his time and the state of Christianity in the World, be prepared it's rough; it is anything BUT politically correct language. 

    (3) What a mystery is this, that Christianity should have done so little good in the world!  Can any account of this be given? Can any reasons be assigned for it?  Does it not seem that one reason it has done so little good is this, - - because it is so little known?

Can we still make that claim today, when at the fall of the Soviet Union, the most powerful and singular super-power in the world had a population of Eighty Percent plus (1990) that self-identified as Christian. What people in the world were left with no inkling of THAT Christianity?  If today Christianity is seen to be
in-efficacious we cannot claim the reason for it is its obscurity. Add to that the satellite Christian Stations broadcasting Pat Roberts and Jim and Tammy Fay Bakker all around the world, even today that technological foot-print is huge. It was till the 1990s we began to realize that most of it was supported by the Mossad and the CIA. 

Wesley Continues:

 Certainly it can do no good where it is not known.  But it is not known at this day to the far greater part of the inhabitants of the earth.  In the last century (1600s) our ingenious and laborious countryman, Mr. (Edward) Brerewood, travelled over a great part of the known world on purpose to inquire, so far as was possible, what proportion of Christians bear to the Heathens and Mahometans.  And, according to his computation (probably the most accurate which has yet been made,) I suppose mankind to be divided into thirty parts, nineteen parts of theses are still open Heathens, having no more knowledge of Christianity than the beasts that perish.  And we may add to these the numerous nations which have been discovered in the present century.  Add to these such as profess the Mohametan religion, and utterly scorn Christianity; and twenty-five parts out of thirty of mankind are not so much as nominally Christian.  So then five parts of mankind out of six (*84 percent) are totally ignorant of Christianity.  It is, therefore, no wonder that five in six of mankind, perhaps nine in ten, have no advantage from it.
    (4) But why is it that so little advantage is derived from it to the Christian world?  Are Christians any better than other men? Are they better than Mahometans or Heathens? In many respects they are abundantly worse; but then they are not properly Christians. 

I cannot help but wonder what Christian England and Europe looked like to him that he would judge it so harshly. The Christianity that came down to me from my father was forged in Scotland, was hidden in Ireland and came to America, and it was an understanding of Holiness, similar to Wesley, tempered by Celtic Orthodoxy and a great love of Saint Patrick and the Alexandrian and Early Celtic Saints. My father's name was William Joseph Leonades Robinson, named after the Saint and Christian Martyr Leonades of Alexandria, the father of the Early Church Scholar Origen.   The Christianity that came down to me through my mother was rebellious french spiritualism fitting her maiden name Hughie, derived from the French Huguenots, the Huguenot settlement in Alabama, today called Hueytown. Her Grand-mother's father was a plantation owner, owned slaves and founded over fifty churches in middle-West Georgia and Eastern Alabama. He trained black lay-preachers for the slaves in each community where he founded a church. All but one of his many sons became ministers of the Gospel.  That man who founded all those churches, was a contemporary of John Wesley. I can't help wondering what his "worldview was." 

Wesley Continues:

The generality of these, though they bear the Christian name, do not know what Christianity is.  They no more understand it than they do Greek or Hebrew; therefore they can be no better for it.  

Then Wesley started to get specific and anatomize the Christians around the world he knew or at least as he heard rumored. 

What do the Christians, so called, of the Eastern Church dispersed throughout the Turkish dominions, (*the Ottoman Empire) know of genuine Christianity? those of the Morea, (Part of present day Greece) of Circassia, Mongrelia, Georgia?  Are they not the very dregs of mankind? 

Now in my seventh decade, I was rocked by this xenophobic and grossly ignorant language from my beloved John Wesley, but found them not so shocking when I read them the first time fifty years ago; then there was nothing shocking about it and his words seem quite reasonable to me. I had had an experience with Syrian Orthodoxy that left me believing they were ignorant and primitive.  My Christian consciousness was as ignorant of Christianity in the world as an English clergyman preaching in the Summer of 1789, to whom geography and demography were barely known, dependent upon the observation of a single traveler!  When he was preaching the ink was barely dry on the new American Constitution, and those founders had no better grasp of the world than did Wesley; they were totally ignorant of the world and religion of the Mohametans, (spelled with a T as Wesley did) and how could that be, considering they came from Europe and Europe barely survived the Muslim Hordes?
(To understand the reason for the founder's ignorance of Islam, I suggest watch "Why are we Afraid: 1400 years of fear"
This is 45 minutes long.


The Video Below is a shot recap of the Islamic Jihad in Europe compared to the horrible Crusades.


Wesley was speaking just three years before the bloody French Revolution when madness followed grievance and executions became entertainment in "Christian" France. The French were as barbarous as Muslims and for a period as blood soaked as the Islamic Jihad.   Yet, there I was, nearly fifty years ago, nearly two centuries later than when Wesley was preaching and despite the so-called evolution of knowledge the Enlightenment Claimed, the state of Christian consciousness had little changed and in my culture I saw America as the Great Christian Bulwark standing against the Roman and Orthodox Countries that had move from
"Mahometan domination" to the "Marxist Domination" of the Cold War, while in reality, at that time, in context, we were all being placed under Luciferian/Globalist Domination and WE AMERICAN CHRISTIANS because of our ignorant Worldview, didn't have a clue.

0024 How Blinding is Your Worldview Volume TWO on RUMBLE

0024 How Blinding is Your Worldview Volume TWO on YouTube

Wesley continues:
    And have we reason to think that those of the Southern Church, those inhabiting Abyssinia, have any more conception than they of "worshiping God in spirit and in truth?"

Do you even now as an American Christian have a clue the ignorance that Wesley was speaking? What was he dismissing with the title Abyssinia?
Well, the Ethiopian Orthodox, Alexandrian Orthodox, and the Great Coptic Church and the Christian African Nations on the Southern West Coast Africa.
He could dismiss them as Abyssinia, never having worshiped "in spirit and truth" when for two thousand years the monks and nuns still prayed in the deserts, and the Ethiopian monks still guarded the Ark of the Covenant. Do you even now understand that the sound of the Hours Prayers, like Jesus and the Apostles prayed continued and echoed all over the region of Northern and Central Africa, and also, all over the region of the Ottoman Empire, in the Churches and monasteries and by the Icon Corners in the homes of the faithful.  Most of you even now have no clue.

Wesley Continued:
Look we near home.  See the Northern Churches; those that are under the Patriarch of Moscow.  How exceedingly little do they know either of outward or inward Christianity! (When Appophatic and Kataphatic worship and theology is a central understanding of Orthodoxy)  How many thousands, yea, myriads, of those poor savages know nothing of Christianity but the name!  How little more do they know than the heathen Tartars on the one hand, or the heathen Chinese on the other!

Again these words are shocking to me, now in my 7th decade, but were not the least fifty years ago, when the Divine Liturgies of the East were akin to pagan ritual to me, before I read the Way of the Pilgrim, before I understood the writing of the great monastics and the simple faith of the "peasants."  I lived then (fifty years ago) just a few years after the great Stalinist purging and only a few years past the Khrushchev persecutions that together created many tens of millions of martyrs, and story after story of Christian wonder in the face of Luciferian Tyranny. I had not sung the words of a blessed Russian Orthodox priest, locked away in a Gulag, given the task of burying the dead, composing the most beautiful poetry to the Holy Trinity I have ever heard, including all of the Psalms and Song of the Church, "Glory to God from age to age."  "I was born a weak defenseless child, but thine angel spread his wings over my cradle to defend me."  No, my understanding of the Russians and Russian Orthodox came from the lying histories of Harvard and Yale Universities and the abyss of Great Protestant Ignorance now turned Luciferian/Marxist and the University of Chicago, the Great Center of Jesuit Influence, now turned Luciferian/Marxist and the brainwashing children's stories that villainized the Czar published by a shell corporation adjunct to the University of Chicago.  "My Book House." There was no "evolving" in this knowledge as they claimed, only brainwashing.

Wesley Continues:

    (5) But is not Christianity well known, at least, to all the inhabitants of the western world? a great part of which is eminently termed Christendom, or the land of Christians.  Part of these are still members of the Church of Rome; part are termed Protestants.  As to the former, Portuguese, Spaniards, Italians, French, Germans, what do the bulk of them know of scriptural Christianity?  Having had frequent opportunity of conversing with many of these, both at home and abroad, I am bold to affirm, that they are in general totally ignorant, both as to the theory and practice of Christianity; so that they are "perishing" by the thousands "for lack of knowledge,"  -- for want of knowing the very first principles of Christianity.
    (6) "But surely this cannot be the case of the Protestants in France, Switzerland, Germany, and Holland; much less in Denmark and Sweden."  Indeed I hope it is not altogether. I am persuaded, there are among them many knowing Christians; but I fear we must not think that one in ten, if one in fifty, is of this number; certainly not, if we may form a judgment of them by those we find in Great Britain and Ireland. Let us see how matters stand at our own door.  Do the people of England, in general, (not the highest or the lowest; for these usually know nothing of the matter; but people of the middle rank,) understand Christianity?  Do they conceive what it is?  Can they give an intelligible account, either of the speculative or practical part of it?  What know they of the very first principles of it? - - of the natural and moral attributes of God;
(I would love to know what he means by the natural and moral aspects of God) of his particular providence; of the redemption of man;  of the offices of Christ; of the operations of the Holy Ghost; of justification; of the new birth; of inward and outward sanctification?  Speak of any of these things to the first ten person you are in company with; and will you not find nine out of the ten ignorant of the whole affair?

Do you know how it is that Christians in America stood by in the last Twenty-Five years as the CIA/Mossad/ and the Luciferians of Nato were slaughtering Christians first fighting with Al Qaeda Kosovo, ethnically cleansing Kosovo of all but it last Christians, then in Iraq, still fighting with Al Qaeda then in Syria fighting with ISIS, in fact creating Al Qaeda and ISIS. All the while the lion's share of so-called Christians, people with the worldview of the Amazing Polly, were more likely to support the Jews in Israel than the Christians in Lebanon, or Jordan, or Syria, or Iraq, or the Sudan, or East Temor, Nigeria, now the carnage has spread to Ethiopia.

How many of you know that the Philippines is vast majority a Christian Nation?  How about the newest Nation, East Timor, have you heard of it.  Did you know that in the 1970s the U.S. backed a Muslim Invasion of East Timor and that led to a Christian Genocide of nearly a quarter of a million Christians there. YOUR TAX DOLLARS, and your MASSIVE NATIONAL debt paid for it.  This genocide was widely reported around the world, but not here, some articles in Christianity Today and the like but the Central Intelligence Agency and the United State Department that created the Genocide, made sure that the American so-called free press never published a word about it, or if they did they used obscure tribal or ethnic names to hide the fact we were financing Jihadis to kill Christians. 

What do you think your guilt should be, when you have been praying for pagan Israel, the LGBTXYZ center of the Middle East, while financing and supporting the slaughter of Christians in multiple countries.  How could it happen? How could it be?  Because the Luciferians created in us, the Worldview that Amazing Polly expressed, that she as some sort of Evangelical or whatever Protestant Christian is a REAL Christian conversant and compliant with "God's Law", I'm quoting her, and those "other" Christians are just created by ill intended men, by the "laws of men" to quote her.  Since Canada has been in lockstep with every genocide created by the U.S. as has been Great Britain, it is seen that SHE is the dupe, duped by the Globalist, supporting Genocide and in her ignorant worldview being oblivious to it.

How Blinding is Your Worldview, and why does it matter?  It matters not just because it has victimized Christian Nations abroad, but because it has created a culture of death, here and now, and unless we witness a miracle of mercy, a full Marxist revolution here is America, that sad to say, for Polly is COMPLETE in her great Maple Leaf fantasy.

In my last video I featured a truly beautiful Icon of the Blessed Theotokos (which means the God Bearer) an Icon showing her as the God Bearer, and said, "Hail Mary, Full of Grace the Lord is With Thee, Blessed art thou among women and Blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus." I literally had a stupid Bible fundamentalist comment while cursing Mary as nothing, telling me that any old gunny sack would have sufficed for his abode, like Christ gestating in the womb of a whore would have been just fine, cause after all, the manner of Jesus birth and indeed his teaching mean little, only the fact that he was "the lamb of God" who came to shed his magic blood which that stupid fundamentalist antinomian thinks protects him from his blasphemy and ignorant Worldview.  What Christians in the world could expect such ignorance to STAND IN SOLIDARITY with them against Lucifer, when in FACT their worldview IS LUCIFERIAN, totally compromised and created by the Enlightenment Movement and the Truncation of Christianity by countless lying Protestant teachers.

Yes, Rome has apostatized, and YES, The Greek Orthodox Patriarchate has apostatized, but ninety-nine percent of Protestantism beat them to it,  and fat and happy they played their secular-luciferian-enlighten-radical-materialist game believing more in Darwin than Genesis, more in Gnosticism or Neo-Arianism than in Jesus the Christ of History, the head of his suffering Body the Church, to which they had for centuries turned a blind eye and dismissed as Wesley did as some inferiority, what was it he said?
"those poor savages (who) know nothing of Christianity but the name!  Who know little more  . . .  than the heathen Tartars on the one hand, or the heathen Chinese on the other!" and "Who are the dregs of the earth."

Some of these ignorant people claim to have read Solzhenitsyn, because for a long time, in our anti-communist conditioning of the Cold War, reading the Volumes of the Gulag Archipelago was the COOL, Intellectual thing to do, and if you hadn't done it, just claim to have done it, while dismissing Solzhenitsyn's Christianity, his Russian Orthodoxy, as strange and foreign.  And for the one who did read him they could accept his portrayal of the cruelty and inhuman reality of the Soviet era, but when it came to Solzhenitsyn's assessment of the West after living here and being shocked by the Culture of Death they never bothered to read those words.  I'm going to read an extended portion of what he had to say in Volume Three, but not print it here.  I'm also going to open up one single Russian Orthodox Heart to you and see if you cannot feel God's presence in his words of praise as he languished in a Soviet Prison Camp, locked away for being a priest.  (Go to the Videos below to hear the rest of the presentation.)

0024 Bond Video on Rumble Volume Three

0024 Bond Video on Youtube Volume Three






0024 Bond Video on RUMBLE Volume Four

0024 Bond Video on YouTube Volume Four
NOTE: YouTube took this video down and slandered me calling the video "hate speech" and it is NOT.  What is exposes is a foundational ways that the CIA uses to Brainwash you.  Too much TRUTH for YouTube.

0024 Bond Video on Bitchute Volume Four.

0024 Bond Video on Bitchute

It is quite amazing that in the video above where I compare the "atrocitization" of the Holocaust with the "non-atrocitization" of the Holodomor, in this YouTube video produced by the London School of Economics, the Head of the School introducing, Anne Applebaum, who won the Pulitzer Prize in April 2004 for "Gulag: A History" asked the exact same question in introducing her, the only difference is he used the confusing word, "Memorization" he said, "the Holocaust is memorized  and the Holodomor is not memorized."   I would use the word memorialized but in Ms Applebaum's lecture she explained the same lesson I did, that it all has to do with "Western Politics." Why are he and she allowed to say on YouTube what I am not allowed to say?  The answer is interesting and has all to do with Western Politics.  You see, firstly I exposed the CIA/Mossad reasons for the suppression of Gulag "atrocitization" and Ms Applebaum is well connected to the New World Order Cabal, her husband has held high positions in the European Union, she has spent time on the Washington Post Editorial board, which means she is CIA "adjunct" and is helping to create the demonization of Putin, and the de-legitimizing the present Russian Government and Society, and the lack of present day Russian "memorializing" of the Gulag System and the "atrocity" it was, shows that Putin and the present Russian Government is evil, etc.  She did make a point of mitigation when speaking about the Russian's reticence to focus on the Gulag system, saying that those who suffered all kinds of humiliation, literally working in forced labor situations to try to keep family together, working under the abusive demands of the local Commissars, "they say, why should the prisoners be singled out?"  And it is a good point since in the Soviet System the entire nation was enslaved to the demands of the Supreme Soviet, their lives regimented for them, their education extended or cut short, their housing assigned their work location and tasks assigned and failure to "be a good citizen" a good comrade meant exile to harsher places the Gulags being only one of those places.
Here is Ms Applebaum's Lecture, this is embeded from Youtube, I have downloaded it so if Google or Youtube ever break the link, I will publish it by some other means.  BTW, there was something very major that was omitted in Ms. Applebaum's presentation, and that was the massive revival of Christianity in Russia, it is that more than anything else that has created a better society in Russia.



The truth is, I should have made my last video (below) Volume Four of this "Worldview" Series.

0032 What Does the Biden Regime Hold in Store for Us -  although it was a little dry and pedantic, it is a VIEW you need to learn or a great deal of Luciferian Foreign Policy of the New Regime will be without context.

Your Worldview has been formed, not by Christianity as some of you believe, but by the Luciferian Press, the Luciferian History Book printers, Marxist Academia etc., etc. that have one thing in common. They hate Christ.

Haven't you ever wondered why the slaughter of 60 million mostly Christians in Russia is ignored in the American Media, the Holodomor, the purposeful starvation of 15-30 million people in Ukraine is ignored, the 1.5 Million plus Slaughtered in the Armenian Genocide (again in both cases, mostly Christians) and never is mentioned the Genocide of Greek Christians in the many millions, that accompanied the Armenian Genocide? (The Ethnic Cleansing of Anatolia)  Yet, the Holocaust, the extermination of six million people by the NAZIS, mostly Jews but also in that number were many homosexuals, gypsies, mentally defectives, Christians, and others. (Now every pro-Jewish entity in the U.S. would call me a "Holocaust Denier" but that is the number the CIA/Luciferian Media used for most of my life. Now they are saying it was Six Million Jews alone and five million "others."

Deboroah Lipstadt, PhD Dorot Professor of Modern Jewish and Holocaust Studies at Emory (Tam Institute) One of the nation's foremost experts on Holocaust denial and modern anti-Semitism, said in an article yesterday on Holocaust Remembrance day that the Holocaust was a "watershed moment" in history.  This is driven into our consciousness from an early age. Is it because America is filled with Jews?  Well no, there are roughly seven million Jews in America, the Jewish population in America represents less that 1.5 percent of our overall population, a tiny minority. The American Indians are nearly 10 million in population and we rarely hear anything about them, nor their sad history. Why? Why the media focus on Jews and the Holocaust over the slaughter and purposeful starvation of many times the number of Christians in the same time period?

Some of the people who hate Christ have gone to great lengths to cover up the slaughter of Christians in the world, especially in the CIA/Luciferian Psyops Publication Complex.
Some of the people cooperating with the Whitewash of Christian suffering in the latter 19th century, the terrible 20th century and the suffering continues into the 21st century . . some of those people cooperating in the coverup were on the surface nominal Christians, some are WASPS, (White Anglo-Saxon Protestants), some are Globalist Catholics, mostly Jesuits, some are Jews, the majority are Jews, when we are talking about the Publication/Media/Entertainment and News Complex. But all these groups have been involved in BLINDING YOU.

Consider for one moment how lame your reasoning is when you say to yourself that the vicious hatred of Donald Trump was all about him exposing corruption, or taking away the cash-flow of the Oligarchs.  Were that the case, they would have merely "played the game" but instead they went INSANE and nuclear, and so filled with hate that after driving him from office cannot stop their curses, their blood hot for revenge.

Why?  Because he represented something they HATE, decency, and in the American Model, most of you till recently thought was real, fairness for ALL; he wished EVERYONE well, wanted to see ALL succeed and prosper, but the fatal flaw is not that he gave God credit, after all in her demonic cynicism Nancy Pelosi does that, no he publicly mentioned Jesus Christ, he put Christ back in Christmas, and whether or not you noticed, he on more than one occasion confessed faith in Jesus Christ in public, again, not just a generic God, but specifically Jesus Christ and the demons howled and screamed because they were sure that they had previously watered down Christianity, rigged the system, raised up their Luciferian Puppets, spent hundreds of millions of dollars degrading Jesus on the History Channel, and National Geographic, and the Discovery Channel, feeding you FAKE history and FAKE archeology and FAKE science.  Yet, there he was filling the House Chambers with LOVE and celebrating the Prosperity with which God in Christ had blessed us, comforting wounded people and honoring REAL heroes, and the demon that possessed the dirty-harlot-white-dress crowd and their Luciferian Leader, Nancy Pelosi, demonically demonstrated throughout the entire event; she was literally in torment, ripping up his speech at the end.  They hated Trump not because of his policies that created mass-prosperity, but because he honored Jesus Christ in public, and did more for the individual Christian in this country than all the American clergy combined.  He was empowering Christians, while the American Clergy were taking their Homeland Security "Crisis Management Classes" so they could herd you for the MARXISTS Luciferians -and we have seen a parade of it these last three months. 

The famous Roman Catholic, and sincere man, sadly a misguided Papist, last evening in a live-stream suggested that it was time that we recognized our enemies as our enemies and to stop praying for their salvation but to instead pray for God's mercy to defeat them, to use the method I and some friends have been using since January of 2012, 9 months before Benghazi and all history broke loose before us and the extent of the Lying Luciferian mechanism has unfolded event after event forcing these criminals into the open. My Papist friend, the great writer and producer of the movie "The Principle" of course referenced the prayers in the Psalms, which is the Orthodox Church's hymn book and what the Latins call "imprecatory prayer."  And NO, King David praying down God's wrath upon God's enemies, and the enemies of God's people was NOT as some hesycasts claim, removed from the arena of spiritual and earthly battle, and place solely inside the spiritual struggling Christians with their own demons, so that the enemy is our bad thoughts, and our own passions, and actual demonic tempters, etc., etc.  Surely it is true that we pray for deliverance and to make conquest of every artifact of the enemy that has possessed us, wounded us, warped us, weakened us; not just to free ourselves from the oppression of the demonic world but to be healed of the damage they have done and to somehow in the synergistic work of the Holy Spirit, see those wounds, that damage turned to healing in others; that healing is first as King David said. Read Psalms 51, that is where you start, but that is not where you end, because the mandates of Pure and True Religion includes protection of the innocent as Jesus' Brother, Saint James said so clearly, "Jas_1:27  Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world." And nowhere in the teachings and ministry of Jesus Christ were we relieved of the religious duty of Isaiah Chapter 58, "Isa 58:6  Is not this the fast that I have chosen? to loose the bands of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens, and to let the oppressed go free, and that ye break every yoke?
Isa 58:7  Is it not to deal thy bread to the hungry, and that thou bring the poor that are cast out to thy house? when thou seest the naked, that thou cover him; and that thou hide not thyself from thine own flesh?"  The spiritualizing of this mandate, to make it the internal and zen-like work of the monk alone, and not the goal and motive of the actions of EVERY Christian in the world, is a false teaching. We have work IN the world to do, and we cannot do it if our worldview is warped, distorted, confused, ignorant and turned into a danger to the Truth, a danger to the Good and a danger to the Beautiful and a danger to other Christians in the world!

Now, I'm going to teach you one of the most important lessons you have ever experienced, if you will listen to me closely, (go read the transcript - follow along - Bond Robin Channel Blog - link in the program notes).

This is the lesson of Death, even Deaths, even Tragic Deaths vs Atrocities.

Do you understand the difference between mere death or deaths vs atrocities as defined by the Luciferian/Secularists? 

For the Luciferian/Secularists most deaths suit their purpose, since they are in league with Satan and Satan's Peleo-Hebrew name is "He who chews up mankind".  But the Luciferian/Secularists will turn any death that they deem helpful to their cause into an Atrocity.  Now I'm going to make up a word, and I hope you never forget it, the word is "atrocitize"  to atrocitize a death or event. The process of turning a death or deaths into Atrocity.

For the Christian every death is twofold: Natural or unnatural, hopeful or tragic, peaceful or violent. The slaughter of the innocent is always an atrocity for the Christian, in the natural non-weaponized use of the word. The nearly two billion abortions in the world since 1990 - thirty-years of an abortion holocaust and is indeed an atrocity. But this is "natural think." For true Christians this holocaust of the unborn of humanity is indeed an atrocity, BUT, for the secularist, who is the dupe of the Luciferians, and the Luciferians themselves those two billion deaths are a moral good and should not be "atrocitized." 

Over and against those two billion victims of abortion we see interposed the atrocitization of the deaths of six million people in the Jewish Holocaust. For the person of good will to admit that the Jewish Holocaust was an Atrocity WRIT LARGE is no feat of reasoning or leap of emotion, it rather seems obvious. And since the death of six million Jews fits the agenda of the luciferians and their dupes the Secularists, they have participated in a generational psychological operation to eternally "atrocitize" those deaths. They gave it a name, put tens of thousands of stories and faces to it. 

A death is a death is a death but it becomes an atrocity ONLY if that death can be used for political purposes, (by political I mean psycho-manipulative purposes) to benefit a cause, to drive an agenda. 

For the Luciferian/Secularist the justice or injustice, banality or tragedy of a death has nothing to do with whether or not the death or deaths become an atrocity.  The atrocitization of a death for them is political, psychological and a currency to be used for control.

Again, if you cannot grasp the concept that for the Luciferian/Secularists no death or deaths is an atrocity unless it furthers their goals. If you can't grasp that concept it will always remain a mystery, will not even stick in your memory why people yawn, and possibly you yawn and even if you acknowledge the incongruity of the atrocitization of 6 million victims of the Jewish Holocaust, but not really the Christian victims of the Holodomor (which is 15 to 30 million mostly Christians killed by Stalin via forced starvation, or some call it artificial famine).  One hits you in the gut, the other not so much.

Really, is it any wonder that we feel removed from those deaths? It is part of the Western Mindset, a worldview with centuries of creation.
John Wesley called the Orthodox Christians of the World, in the East, in the Middle East, in Asia Minor, in the Balkins, in Russia, "the dregs of humanity" and "savages." A lot has happened in the intervening 2.4 centuries since he made that sermon. Christians are all over the world now, and through faithfulness under the Islamic States, and under the Soviet Communist boot-heel have proven who they are; and they are suffering, and we Americans live in a country that has turned Luciferian, has been Luciferian as we have extolled the wonders of Uncle Sam, Mom, Apple Pie, USA! USA! USA! And grieved the Holocaust.  In fact, the MAGA movement was their last best hope of turning the tide and removing the Luciferians from power, and as I said in a previous video, the MAGA Movement choked.  WHY?

And here is how brainwashed you are: even though you can mentally assent to the idea that Stalin intentionally exterminated 15 to 30 million Ukrainian Christians, for you it is tragic but it stirs little if any sympathy in you. Those are those OTHER people as John Wesley called them, "the dregs of Humanity and savages." It is a mindset and mindsets create worldviews.

Another measure of your brainwashing, your gut wrenching conditioning, I bet at this moment, if you have not already turned off and/or stopped reading, in your gut you feel like I am trampling upon something sacred, doing something unseemly by daring to compare and contrast the two: The Holocaust vs the Holodomor.  Why is this? Are not human beings, human beings?  That unease you feel is because in your soul, in your gut, in your psyche the Holocaust has been thoroughly ATROCITIZED and the Holodomor has not.  The Holocaust has been weaponized as a psychological/political weapon and the Holodomor has not.

Becuse of the massive media atrocitization of the Holocaust you feel it, it is a gut memory and you are regularly given emotional booster shots, a continual atrocitizing of the Holocaust. 

Yet the Holodomor, with three to six times the victims, you are likely not even to remember the name.
Isn't that strange, just on the face of it? Can you grasp how out of proportion that is? Six million Jews exterminated and American Christians get teary-eyed. Yet, in the same era, in the same time frame thirty million Christians exterminated and NOTHING!, You feel nothing. Did you know the name Holodomor? Will you remember it? Can you spell it? Did you ever hear the name before now?

For the Pagans and Christian Secularist in this society, they can be exempted, but for people claiming a genuine relationship with Jesus Christ such a state is a real deformation of that professed Christianity.  Really?
Can you grasp how crooked that is?
how askew
how awry
how warped
how twisted that is? 

Now it would take extreme humility to admit but that crookedness, warpness, twistedness IS IN YOUR OWN SOUL.   It is ingrained in your psyche because the massive power of the CIA/Luciferian Publication-Propaganda Complex where daily you have flipped on the T.V. for TRUTH or clicked on the Web, the Internet for TRUTH, those sources have Atrocitized the one and hidden the other.  I don't mean hidden it, like NEVER-EVER mentioning it, but when it is mentioned, it is mentioned in a sterile fact-of-history way. They make sure not to evoke emotions in you, not to create sympathy for the actual victims, not to memorialize the pain, pathos, and personal tragedies, not to parade an image, a suffering face a wounded survivor. For the 30 million Holodomor's Christian victims they are nameless, faceless, story-less. 

Now reverse the meaning of that last paragraph and you will witness the Atrocitization of the Holocaust victims; they are anything but faceless, nameless, story-less and we have been treated to seventy years of their atrocitization.

Now try to paint what I am saying as anti-sematic, when I fully accept the story of the Holocaust and the story of its victims. When the TAM Institute started on the Emory University Campus it was part of the "Holocaust Remembrance Project."  I was friends with one of the people collecting the stories and met many Holocaust survivors. They appreciated my stories of Corrie Ten Boom and my understanding of the shock and trauma they lived through, and nothing I'm saying is intended to remove or minimize that reality. 

For the Armenian Genocide - silence.
For the Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing of Eastern Roman Orthodox Christians from Anatolia (modern day Turkey) - silence.
The now 60 million victims of Soviet Communism - mostly Christians they are rarely mentioned except when a conservative makes a point in an anti-socialist argument.
How about the seventy to one hundred-twenty million victims of the three Holocausts in China?   BUT WAIT, those mass murders are not called "Holocausts" but mere "purgings."  Have you thought about that and what it means?  What is it that is purged? Infections, poisons, toxins, and WHY? For the overall health of the body. 

Non-anticeptic, i.e., diseased people who are purged are never Atrocitized.  Why? Remember deaths that are beneficial to the goals of the Luciferian/Secularist are NEVER Atrocitized. The concept of Atrocity is used ONLY to further their purpose. 

Go back a few hundred years when the anti-cathohlic northern European press managed to atrocitize something call the Dreaded Spanish Inquisition, which has been forensically disproved. In Spain there was no Spanish Inquisition, as it had been Atrocitized by the Northern European lying Protestant press. Think about it, there wasn't even a tragedy and the lying early press managed to make an atrocity.

Ruby Ridge was a tragedy, but was not allowed to be viewed as an atrocity.
Waco was a tragedy, but was not allowed to be viewed as an atrocity. Both were sanitized because their victims were Christian. Pearl Harbor and 911, are purposely Atrocitized for political purposes for brainwashing purposes, look at the 19 years of ridiculous ceremonies and incessant bell ringing.

I just ran a torrent of challenging ideas by you. If you can get over your emotions back the video up and listen again and see if it is possible that your world view has been created for you, warped and skewed to fit someone else's purpose.
Warped and skewed as compared to simple truth.
Warped and skewed as compared to simple fairness and equity.
Warped and skewed as compared to justice.

The level of Brainwashing is so complete that the CIA/Information/Complex was able to Atrocitize the Patriots Gathered merely asking for the restoration of our Republic on January 6th, 2020.

 What we discovered is that many of the populations around the world have a stronger self-respect than do Americans, with their belief that somehow some secret plan is going to save them from the Marxist onslaught that is HERE.

They have allowed the Luciferians to take complete control under the name secular, and have stood on the left side of Christ as GOATS as the power of their nation, the ingenuity of their ancestors, the yankey-knowhow of their grand-parents, the amazing inventiveness of their parents, was subverted by Satan and used to slaughter Christians in the world.  If you claim to be a Christian and you don't hold more in common with the Christians of  say, Comoros, a country most have never heard of

 . . . if you don't share more in common with the Suffering Christians of Comoros than you do with our new, but insane Assistant Secretary of Health,

. . . then you share his insanity and are sadly deluded, and part of the Luciferian Marxist Culture.

If you don't share more in common with the Christians of Kenya

than you do with the Marxists of Black Lives Matter, then you have been Marxized, and hold more in common with Marx than Christ.

The head of the Greek Orthodox Church in America, Archbishop Elpidophoros, marching with the Marxists of Black-Lives Matter

If you don't hold more in common with the Christians of Kuwait

. . . than you do with the Marxist of ANTIFA  . . . well you see where I'm going.  You can't claim to have a Christian Worldview and participate in the national sins of the insanity class, who working for their Luciferian Masters, knowingly or as mere dupes, gaslight your families, destroy education, threaten your employment with every preposterous circumstances and propositions.  Do you remember Saint John Chrysostom's words previously quoted in this article (in a previous video)?

"Poor human reason, when it trusts in itself, substitutes the strangest absurdities for the highest divine concepts."

The entire American Academic System has been removed from the highest divine concepts, and year after year it teaches greater levels of strange absurdities.  They have brainwashed you to believe many so-called facts, that are in fact Political Scientism, NOT Science, and those strange absurdities go unquestioned by 99.99% of Academia, furthered by the Luciferian Psychological professions, accepted by Courts, legislated upon in our FAKE Congress, and at every twist, sanity is assaulted, our people are weakened, our economy is destroyed, our enterprise stymied, rights destroyed, and INSTEAD of being a SANE member of the Body of Christ, we are scattered across a national sickness, that yawns at the persecution and slaughter of Christians across the globe, celebrates Apostate Marxist, and weeps over the Holocaust, but not the Holodomor or any of the other Christian ATROCITIES.

0024 Volume Five  How Blinding is Your Worldview.

VBond Robin Video 0024 Volume FIVE - How Blinding is Your Worldview on RUMBLE.

The CIA psyops herders in their constant cowing U.S. Citizens in fear, they have oft pressed the meme of FEMA camps.  Why does the CIA know that the image of "concentration camps" is a very effective weapon to cow Americans and especially American patriots?  They know because when even now I write "Concentration Camps" images of the Holocaust arrive in your mind. I Googled "First Concentration Camp" and this is the image that was served up.

Few of you know the history of other concentration camps even in the U.S.  Usually when you think of "prisoner of war" camps you think of enemy soldiers being captured and housed in "camps" with some type of dorm structures, bunk-beds, maybe a camp dinning hall, fences, bobbed-wire, bright lights, guard towers, no go land barriers outside the camps so people cannot come up to the fences from outside and so on. During World War One and World War Two, the majority of people kept in American Concentration Camps were not enemy soldiers, but mostly civilian foreign nationals and many American citizens.  People are usually very surprised when they learn that the prisoners were segregated by class, wealthy German and Italian Civilians and officers not required to work, but all others put to hard labor, a great many sent to satellite camps to work. 
Camp Gordon (Today Fort Gordon) just south of Interstate 20, near Augusta, Georgia, had satellite camps as far away as North Carolina and Florida. Workers harvested cotton, tomato, and peanut crops, and they worked in numerous industries, including pulpwood and lumber. It was a common scene to see the PW emblazoned on the close of workers, from Labor Camps in the state of Georgia.  During WWI at the Concentration Camp called Fort Oglethorpe, south of Chattanooga, (a mile square of what is today and was previously the Civil War Battle Grounds), that camp housed Count Albrecht von Montgelas, whose crime was being a journalist suspected but not proved to be a spy, Dr. Karl Muck, a Swiss Citizen, and conductor of the Boston Symphony Orchestra, his crime? He chose not to play the Star Spangled Banner, but when there arose an uproar created by the American Media and Teddy Roosevelt, he ended every subsequent concert with the National Anthem, he was still arrested without charges and place in Fort Oglethorpe for three years.   Dr. Ernst Kunwald, conductor of the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra, here he is being escorted into custody at the Federal Court House in Cincinnati, on his way to the Concentration Camp.


Dr. Kunwald was arrested as being an "enemy alien" citizen of Austria. He was held at Fort Oglethorpe for a year before being deported to his home country. Another Oglethorpe Concentration Camp alumni was Professor Goldschmidt who was arrested merely for being a German citizen; he was not released until after the war. He was a geneticist before they called them geneticist and as a Zoologist did pioneering in "chromosome research" spoke seven different languages and ended up in America at the wrong time. His family was allowed to join him, and after the war he never left, but did research and taught in California.

Now some of these people were dangerous,
Dr. Isaac Strauss was a German spy who was arrested at the beginning of the war. He was part of a German Jewish spy organization. History has proved the Jewish spy organizations have been a problem for America, long before the State of Israel was formed, and doubly so since, need I mention the Rosenbergs.
Bendersky, Joseph W. (January 7, 2008). The Jewish Threat. Basic Books. p. 56.)

And Jason Pollard

In both cases the information pilfered from American Top Secret Science had devastating effects in the world.

Now I want to digress from the ideal of the deep fear caused by the CIA wagging "FEMA CAMPS" in our faces, and talk about "the control of the flow of information."  The most frighten paragraph in the CIA/Time Magazine Propaganda piece about the Luciferian Cabal banishing US and our President Donald Trump from political power reads like this:

That’s why the participants want the secret history of the 2020 election told, even though it sounds like a paranoid fever dream–a well-funded cabal of powerful people, ranging across industries and ideologies, working together behind the scenes to influence perceptions, change rules and laws, steer media coverage and control the flow of information. They were not rigging the election; they were fortifying it. And they believe the public needs to understand the system’s fragility in order to ensure that democracy in America endures.

"Steer Media Coverage and CONTROL the flow of information"!  
Even though we knew this was a fact and have been saying it for decades, reading it in cold black and white letters from Time Magazine, them speaking it allowed, surrendering any hint of the "fair and balanced" lie, or any semblance of journalistic honesty - which have always been false faces of the various "information control mechanisms" they are at a point that they believe people to be so dumbed-down that they would read that chilling statement of the destruction of Free Speech, destruction of the rough and tumble competition of ideas in the public square, which is the purpose of Free Speech, and people would see that as a good thing.  The powerful Jewish Organizations in the U.S. and Britain, together with their Marxist and Globalist allies, have sought through political pressure groups to destroy anyone who dare to even suggest a narrative outside of the prescribed and acceptable version of reality they have chosen for you, and have carefully formed in you, you own worldview, you believe to be your own thoughts and concerns. Those people who can believe for instance that this Fascist Cabal of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the marxist/mafia of the AFL-CIO, and all the other NeoCon (traitor Globalist Republicans) and Leftist Organizations that joined together to subvert the 2020 election for the purpose of robbing the MAJORITY of American Voters their voice and the expression of their will, to reelect the most popular President in MY many decades, those people who can believe that this is a good thing, are robbed of the own power of survival, and have instilled in them a "spirit" (and yes it is a spirit) of their own destruction; it is death in their members; it is darkness in their souls, it is blindness in their eyes, it is lie and anti-TRUTH, and anti-Truth and anti-Christ was absolutely synonymous.  So the "control of the flow of information" is beyond evil, it is the operation of evil itself.

So to repeat,  "The powerful Jewish Organizations in the U.S. and Britain, together with their Marxist and Globalist allies, have sought through political pressure groups to destroy anyone who dare to even suggest a narrative outside of the prescribed and acceptable version of reality they have chosen for you"  Most of you know nothing of the history of Concentration Camps, except the story of the Holocaust camps. When you Google it you will find articles that say "The First Concentration Camp was Dachau.

This is very similar to Google and Wikipedia saying (as we covered in a previous video) that Ecumenical means "Global."
There were Concentration Camps in Cuba, in the late 1800s where the Spanish held upwards of 200,000 women, children and old men, mostly farmers and people from small villages, tens of thousands died there. The Turks of the Ottoman Empire held 200,000 Armenians a concentration camp in the Syrian desert where most died, in the same time period. There were Concentration camps run by the British during the Boer War, late 1800s early 1900s, where more died in the camps than in the War Proper, there was an extermination camp in Namibia run by the Germans where they exterminated 170,000 people. In the next 50 Consentration camps appeared all across the globe, in France, Russia, Turkey, Austro-Hungary, Brazil, Japan, China, India, Haiti, Singapore, Siam, New Zealand . . . and this is no where an exhaustive list.  Yet, in you controlled flow of information, when you think of Concentration Camps, you think of the Holocust.  Maybe if you are a little more aware you think of Stalin's camps, the average American knows nothing of this weapon of population and idea suppression.  But they are right to bristle with cold anger at the thought of FEMA Camps, they are wrong to fear them.

Again let us examine the "controlled flow of information" that has created a truncated worldview in so many, making the easily lead by lies.  This video is in a mechanical voice, I did it mostly to make it available to the sight impaired, but the construction of that Luciferian Information Control Apparatus has a history and you need to know it, so you can stop thinking childish thoughts about the "naughty American Media" and recognize it for the BEAST of Darkness it is.

As a native of Atlanta, Georgia (I left there more than 50 years ago) I am acutely aware of the slander of Georgia, her society and people at the hands of the Jewish Propagandists, like the Anti-Defamation Society, of late the Cultural Marxist Southern Poverty Law Center, and other solely and primarily Jewish institutions.  I watched them for all the decades of my life, try to exonerate a Jewish Sexual pervert, rapist and murderer, called Leo Frank. 

He managed a Jewish owned pencil factory in Atlanta, he was convicted, and sentenced to life in prison for his crime.  The 13 year old girl he killed was friends with my aunt (same age and worked together.) In fact they favored in appearance and when they found the victim, Mary Phagan's body in the Basement of the Pencil Factory on Confederate Memorial Day (the fourth Monday in April) some of the young witnesses thought it was my aunt, and ran to my Grand Mother's house telling her that her daughter Pearl had been murdered. The Jews in that era along with others capitalized on child labor.  Few of you can grasp that world, you are ignorant of it, you idealize the period or maybe don't think about it at all. My father, when he was laid off the Georgia Railroad in his late twenties, had almost twenty years of service first as an apprentice Pipe Fitter then Pipe Fitter working on Steam Locomotives 12 hour days all those years.  The abuse of the young workers was not something that was by any means exclusively Jewish, certainly not, but they have tried to wipe it from their history and to mention it is an evil thing, inside the paradigm of their control over the flow of information.  So we saw the same things happen with Leo Frank the rapist and murder of the 13 year old Mary Phagan that we have seen with the attempted exoneration of the Julius and Ethel Rosenberg.  Not so much Pollard for some reason. But prior to the fall of the Soviet Union the Jewish whitewash lobby in the U.S. has pretty much succeeded in creating the narrative that the Rosenbergs were really not spies, that they held some Marxist ideology but so did a lot of other people. But upon the opening of the KGB files, they were found to indeed be spies for Stalin and indeed they had turned over nuclear missile secrets that allowed the Soviets to create a Nuclear Weapon possibly decades before they would have otherwise.   My point is not to grind my heels into the fact that Leo Frank was a sick child rapist and murderer and deserved the execution he got, even though it was messy, or to grind my heels into the fact that the Rosenbergs were indeed Communist Spies who did our country great damage and deserved their fate.  My point is that the "controllers of information" who created false narratives in each case, and in many more cases, including this last atrositization of the 1.5 million patriots that gathered in D.C. on January the 6th . . . these "controllers of information" are far more evil and dangerous than Franks or the Rosenbergs. The Cabal that is described by Molly Ball in the Times article, is an enemy of every person of good will in America. They have proved themselves our enemy. 

0024 Volume SIX - How Blinding is Your Worldview

I pulled out my first edition of Solzhenitsyn's "Gulag Archipelago" because of this series an my friend Dean Arnold serendipitously invited a group to meet together in a sort of book club, in person, and examine the volumes, chapter by chapter.  If he keeps doing these updates he has made my life a lot easier. I'm going to follow Dean's work and supplement it with information from the second most important book on the subject "Gulag: A History" by the Historian Anne Applebaum, just to see what the "History makers" say about it.  (and I will start as soon as I find my copy, if memory serves I read it around 2005, and I know I did not let it go.)

 Why is this exercise so important? So that the actual information can become part of your worldview and you  will have a historic example of Marxist Experimentation in Russia and the other nations of the Soviet Union and not have any doubts about the violence of the evil there, the carnage, the lives ruined and the dumb and stupid but evil people who were able to persecute people of good will and slaughter millions of them.  The Jewish/Luciferian/Marxist media has so conditioned you via the "atrocitization" of the Holocaust, they have emotionalized it for you, but you really don't have an emotional tie to the much greater atrocities. At the same time the same Luciferian Media has romanticized Marxism, and in many cases, in most cases, instituted Marxist policies under other names.  Finally,  we are so very close to history repeating here in America that we have to be ARMED in more ways than firearms, that sadly, many will stand in line to surrender, in an effort to show the powers that be that they are good people and that the power structure has nothing to fear from them. They will be the first to go.

Can this fate be avoided?  Yes it can, but it is going to take serious people who cannot be fooled by friendly sounding rhetoric, people who flood their local political parties and literally take them over. Rex and Trog did and excellent tutorial as to how to learn to do this.  (insert edited version of their instructions)

With Solzhenitsyn in mind I made this humorous meme to place on Parler and on Gab to test the limits of "Free Speech" they are touting.  (There will be more "experiments" to come).  It may be humorous but it is very real and so true that people have stopped complaining about it and hundreds of thousands, probably millions of public employees and corporate employees have bowed to the "re-educators" and taken the variety of "sensitivity" classes and weekends offered by the Marxists calling themselves, "Human Resources Specialists."  Christians have gone quitely into this darkness and they should have been screaming loudly at the obvious insanity of it all.

Solzhenitsyn talked about how easy it was to make excuses for any arrest, any incarceration, any torture, any execution under the heading of "Social Prophylaxis", meaning that the people eliminated by whatever measure had to be removed to save SOCIETY from the damage their ideas would surely cause. We just saw a like power structure save us from our non-antiseptic votes, and the same power structure telling us that by destroying our votes, they saved the nation and are guiding it back to civility and morality.  It is the exact same lying spirit at work.

Of course at present the level of brutality is very different but the philosophical principles are exactly the same.  If you doubt the level of insanity here is both a beautiful and an ugly graphic to disabuse you of your ignorance.

Dean W. Arnold

Notes from week one of our book study for Alexander Solzhenitsyn's “Gulag Archipelago": 

- His recounting of millions sent to concentration camps in the Boshevik/Soviet era is sourced from the documents of 227 eyewitnesses, along with "books long since removed from libraries and destroyed." Sounds similar to our times.

- Prisoners are referred to as “insects” and “rabbits,” making it easier to dehumanize them, and ultimately execute most of them.

Bond Note: Relate the bureaucrats in D.C., thinking they had lured good people into a trap, moms, dads, grand parents and so on, innocent people who just wanted to restore the Republic, they had set a very violent terroristic plot in place to kill many.  I'm speaking about the January 6th Bogus Banner, and all the pipe bombs strategically placed to do maximum damage, as related by several eye witnesses. As Rex Christi has observed, "This was the reason that cell phone signals were totally jammed around the capitol for hours." Obviously the pipe bombs were rigged to detonate via cell phone. The report I got from several patriots who were there, was that the federal bureaucrats were looking out their windows at the "insects" who were about to be terrorized with multiple bomb blasts, and were laughing and mocking them. One person said, "It was bone chilling to watch them mock patriots, and that was without knowing anything about the bomb plot."  You see that is the exact same spirit.  Insects and rodents are non-antiseptic and of little worth. Bombing them is no big deal.)

- Chapter 3 begins with the following description of certain practices. (Torture was very common in the Gulag.) Prisoners had “their skulls squeezed within iron rings.” They were “lowered into an acid bath” “trussed up naked to be eaten by ants and bedbugs” “a ramrod heated over [a] stove would be thrust up their anal canal” “a man’s genitals would be slowly crushed beneath the toe of a jackboot . . .”

- That’s all I will provide of the many, many pages of detailed descriptions of torture (52 methods, he said). S. seems to provide way more detail than necessary to make his point, but we may fail to appreciate that in his day (book printed in 1973) there was not much awareness of Communist/Soviet cruelty, and he needed to provide documentation upon documentation to be taken seriously.
- While waiting to be interrogated (tortured), prisoners might find themselves packed 15 tight into a solitary confinement cell meant for one prisoner. They might be swarming with lice. They may be told their cell is also their latrine, and, if allowed to go outside, guards might force them on their knees and urinate on their face.

- The interrogations were mad efforts to get the prisoners to confess (to things they did not do) and to rat out others. As S. details abundantly, it became more and more clear that the authorities and the interrogators cared not at all for the truth. They were simply filling quotas: the leader (Stalin) and his brass wanted so many thousand people arrested and killed every month in order to show the rest of the populace the need to obey.

- As the number tortured and killed is in the millions, one must wonder: how could so many sadists be found and employed for such cruelty? Perhaps one person in 500 could have such evil predilections, but that doesn’t seem like enough! Our conclusion: like sexual debauchery, violence has its own progression from shock to the need for a greater stimulus, to acquiring a taste for the next level and then actually enjoying and craving it. The presence of demons empowering the process helps a good bit.

- In hindsight, it became obvious that resistance should have taken place at the very beginning. “Maybe it will all blow over” he thought. However, “A submissive sheep is a find for a wolf.” This is a famous quote from the book:
“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: ‘What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family?” What if we understood that we “had nothing to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand? . . . If … if … We didn’t love freedom enough . . . we HURRIED to submit. We submitted with PLEASURE! . . . We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”

“Others, like Andrew Parvel, who found themselves in a trap or an ambushed apartment by accident, and who were bold enough to escape immediately, before they could be questioned, were never caught and never charged; while those who stayed behind to await justice got a term in prison. And the overwhelming majority—almost all—behaved just like that: without any spirit, helplessly, with a sense of doom.”

- These stories make a Christian man think very seriously and soberly regarding his duty to protect but also his duty to follow Christ. How does it work? When do we fight like David and Constantine, or do we escape the city in a basket like the Apostle Paul, or demand our rights as a Roman citizen like Paul, or rejoice in being tortured like Paul?

- There were a number of places in the first three chapters where I wrote the note: “It is better to die early.” For instance, when the communists “began to ransack the churches and throw out the relics of the saints . . . true Orthodox believers rushed forth, some of them with clubs, Naturally, some had to be ‘expended’ right on the spot and others arrested.” I would have preferred to be expended rather than arrested. And for a good cause.

- Some were killed and arrested for refusing to work on Sunday. Priests were killed for refusing to share what they forgave in the confessional. Engineers who refused to acknowledge the “new math” that sped up construction (that would not work for bridges and other structures lacking proper supplies)—they were executed for being “limiters.”

- Many were arrested for the following:
VAT: Praise of American Technology
VAD: Praise of American Democracy
PZ: Lauding the West
Are these not things we may be arrested for in the future (but replace America with “Russia”)?

- There were a few wonderful and positive stories laced in with the horror: One grandmother had allowed the head of her Church (the Metropolitan) to stay at her house on his way to escaping to Finland. “They kept on interrogating her every night:
‘To whom did he go when he left Moscow?’
‘I know but I won’t tell you!’
"At first the interrogators took turns, and then they went after her in groups. They shook their fists in the little old woman’s face, and she replied: ‘There is nothing you can do with me, even if you cut me into pieces. After all, you are afraid of your bosses, and you are afraid of each other, and you are even afraid of killing me [they would lose their ability to catch the Metropolitan]. But I am not afraid of anything. I would gladly be judged by God right this minute.’”
S. does not disclose her fate.

- Compared to the gulag, prisoners who remembered the Tsar’s jails called them “a prison of blessed memory” which we “recall with a feeling almost of gladness.” When the Bolsheviks put the Tsar’s jailer on trial in 1918 “the MOST EXTREME measure of his cruelty that was cited . . . in one case he had struck a political prisoner with such force that his eardrum had burst.”

- Even more irony from S.: “It is hard to see why we are so down on serfdom. After all, no one forbade the peasants to work every day [it was common to prohibit Soviet farmers from working]. And they could sing carols at Christmas too. And for Trinity Day the girls wove wreaths . . . "

0024 Volume Seven How Blinding is Your Worldview.

Video 0024 Vol VII On RUMBLE

Did you know that Two Hundred and Fifty Million Farmers and  workers are today on Strike in India? I was impressed, I mean really, really impressed when in Egypt 33 Million people stood in the streets for weeks to throw off the Muslim Brotherhood masters that Barrack Obama had foisted upon them. It was glorious!  But that pales in comparison to a quarter of a Billion People acting in lockstep, the largest action by humans ever on the face of the earth and because of the CIA/Luciferian Psyops Press in America, you know nothing about it. Now I hedged the truth a little saying it is happening now, it actually happened two months ago and you heard NOTHING about it.

There it is, all those networks and platforms, all owned by six corporations that partner with the Luciferian Globalist of the Anglo-American Axis and controlled by the CIA and the Five-Eye "Intelligence Community" (read control structure).

I bet all those same ignorant Americans know that Rush Limbaugh died. Right? And I bet you have an opinion on it.  I even bet that many of you are emotionally involved in his passing.

 I want to challenge people to see what is real instead of being carried along by the culture to merely "be nice" and get along. That inability to find the hard edge to turn back the sweet and comfortable lies is the greatest weakness of the American Character, it destroys the possibility of having a meaningful much less accurate Worldview.  So in this video I want to discuss on a deeper level where we presently are, so that my next video about the "multiple perceptions" of Alexsandr Solzhenitsyn and his message, and how important it is to get him right, may have a little more weight in your mind.

This is the weirdness we are presented as the state of our present governance.  Something is very wrong with it. 

Now there is this incessant theme that Biden is not really president and indeed there is something unreal about what is presented to us.  But let us not be foolish, we are ALL in the Dark.  Is it the Marxist Takeover it appears to me to be? For that part it will take months to fully grasp the reality, as impositions are imposed upon us.

Rex Christi in his hopefulness posted the following memory on Facebook:

A quarter of a Billion people were in the streets in India protesting, to what end?  Are they for or against a socialist takeover. What have the Corporate Gangsters done to them to enrage a quarter of a Billion people into action? Does it have anything to do with what is happening here?  We don't know.

This theme that Rex shared perfectly fits this lesson.  Understand please that I am not criticizing Rex or even saying he is wrong, there is a very good chance that both of us are right, and my goal here, with these series of Videos on the "Blindness of Your Worldview" is to increase Rex's chances of being right. There is no denying the fact that more people know more of the reality of the challenge of Marxism today in America than they did even a few years ago.  For me, I will take no prisoners in my pressing of what is REAL and WHAT is TRUE.  No sugarcoating or niceness to be found here, only the cold reality of the choice before us.

It is absolutely true that Candidate and then President Donald Trump represented and still represents the greatest challenge to the New World Order which is a combination of "Stake Holder Capitalism for the MEGA WEALTHY Elites and their elite thought manufactures, herders and the like and slavery in some form of pernitious Marxism for the rest of us.  I've just described the reality of the Great Reset, that Rex labelled "Hell on Earth."  Speaking of elite herders, Rush Limbaugh who in the early eighties was bankrupt, reposed this week with a net worth of over Six-Hundred Million Dollars.  What does that mean?  We are going to look at what Rush paid for that wealth.  So back to Rex's statement I say:

So what is Octagon, Freejack, Zodiac & Granite Shadow? Few Americans of narrow worldview have an inkling of how far the Republic in it quaint forms, "to quote Aldous Huxley" has fallen. PEAD is: Presidential Emergency Action Documents.

If I had a nickel for every time that Rush Limbaugh uttered the word "Constitution" in all its forms, "Constitutionally" "UN-Constitutional" etc, just that single word, while he KNEW that the Constitution had been abrogated by bodies of National Emergency law, acts, codes, schemes, I would be a very rich man.

Patrice de Bergeracpas, (a well known anti-government -anti-corporate - small government Libertarian) writing about the China Virus reaction not being "health driven" but rather an active coup d'etat, via  continuity of Government, emergency action, defines
Octagon, Freejack, Zodiac & Granite Shadow as follows:

It should be remembered that the principle of "continuity of government" (I will add, which abrogated the U.S. Constitution and literally replaced it) was forged at the beginning of the Cold War. It was designed to protect the United States in the event of a nuclear war against the Soviet Union and the death or incapacity of the President, Vice President, and Speaker of the House of Representatives. According to a written directive from President Dwight Eisenhower, a replacement military government was to provide immediate continuity of command during the war until democratic procedures were restored [2].

This replacement government was never requested, except on September 11, 2001, by the National Counter-Terrorism Coordinator, Richard Clarke [3] However, if the country was undergoing a terrible attack, neither the President, the Vice-President nor the Speaker of the House of Representatives had died or been prevented from doing so, which led me to conclude that it was a coup d’état. In any case, President George Bush Jr. regained his prerogatives the same day in the evening and no explanation was ever given of what happened during the ten hours of suspension of his authority [4].

According to the best Pentagon expert, William Arkin, in Newsweek [5], there are now seven separate plans:
- Rescue & Evacuation of the Occupants of the Executive Mansion (RESEM) to protect the President, the Vice President and their families.
- Joint Emergency Evacuation Plan (JEEP) to protect the Secretary of Defense and key military leaders.
- Atlas Plan to protect members of Congress and the Supreme Court.
- Octagon, about which nothing is known.
- Freejack, also unknown.
- Zodiac, still unknown.
- Granite Shadow, which provides for the deployment of special units in Washington and stipulates the conditions for the use of force and the passage of places under military authority [6].

Note that RESEM is intended to protect the president and vice-president, but can only be applied once they are dead or incapacitated.

In any event, the implementation of these seven plans would be the responsibility of the United States Military Command for North America (NorthCom) under the responsibility of an illustrious unknown, General Terrence J. O’Shaughnessy.

It should be remembered that under US law, this man is required to become the dictator of the United States only in the event of the death or incapacity of the three principal elected officials of the federal state, but in practice, his predecessor, General Ralph Eberhart, has sometimes exercised this power without this condition being met. Eberhart, now 73 years old, is the head of the major US military avionics companies.

Now to update what Patrice de Bergeracpas has written.  Last August 20th, 2020. A new commander of NorthCom was installed by President Trump and Secretary Esper.  And this may be very significant, because I can't find a hint of Elitism in this man's story. And at present as you will see it is entirely possible that he is the single dictator of the United States under Continuation of Government (National Security) laws.

General O’Shaughnessy told the Senate Armed Services Committee on February 13 (2020) that NorthCom was preparing for the worst. To this end, it liaises on a daily basis with the ten other US Central Commands for the World [7].

NorthCom has authority not only over the United States, but also over Canada, Mexico and the Bahamas. Under international agreements, it can, on its own initiative, deploy US troops to these three countries.

In 2016, President Barack Obama signed the top-secret Presidential Policy Directive 40 on "National Continuity Policy". FEMA Administrator Craig Fugate signed Federal Continuity Directive 1 two days before President Donald Trump took office, specifying some of the details at lower levels.

They’ve thought of everything, and are prepared for the worst. The outbreak provides them with the motive to act. So the questions asked by Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian about a possible deliberate release of the virus by the US military make sense.

It makes sense to Patrice de Bergeracpas and since we are in the dark, we have to admit that we do not know.  It could be that the benevolent God is shining blessing upon us, and the motivation of the military to take control, to present Trump's banishment and China Joe's comical and sad rise to power and the massive LARPING we have seen at work, has very good reason and is the most peaceful solution at present, and it also may be the biggest and most massive false flag operation in the history of man.  Where does all this leave The Chinese Communist Party?  Answers:
(1) Pissing in their pants unable to put a handle on what is coming next.
(2) Talking with Kamala on the phone and not believing a word.
(3) Fearing that Trump is somehow without anyway of discovering hidden but yet still in control

(4) or That the military has decided not to let America become either the victim of Chinese economic and social aggression.

(5) or that the military understands that the only way to battle a fifty-two thousand strong Chinese Communist Army of Chinese Party members that reside in the U.S., is via confusing the hell out of everyone, making them have no idea who to attack and where.

(6) Or the American Government has made pact with the ChiComs and this is the confusion of their Marxist Partnership.

While a Quarter of a Billion People protest in India, and our President and government seem to be Computer Generated Magic, and we rest in the Dark not even knowing the sort of Government that is governing us.  You are all grieved about Rush Limbaugh.  If you don't find that more than odd and the result of your own hypnosis, you are still asleep.

You see one person believes that Rush Limbaugh woke him up, when the only thing Rush Limbaugh ever did, as I say, until his reluctant and late support of Trump was to provide a FAKE Opposition Alternative. He paraded before you every LARP, every purposeful Marxist Outrage.  He provided the "antithesis" to the "thesis" is a masterful Hegelian Dialectic Control mechanism that lasted nearly 40 years. That is who and what Rush Limbaugh was, and in the process, because the Elite Thought Manufacturers and Mind Manipulators are so valuable, he amassed a fortune that upon his death was a net worth of more than HALF A BILLION DOLLARS.  That is an amazing level of patriotism and self-sacrifice.  I speak and people simply do not understand what I am saying.  ALL of the PSYOPS MEDIA, all of it, is CIA Controlled, CIA Compliant, CIA Sanctioned, and as a result Americans are some of the Dumbest People on Earth.  It is forty years of Deliberate Dumbing Down of the American People, just ask Charlotte Iserbyt who exposed it and explained it in a well documented book and followed up with decades of confirming work, but her voice and the voice of other ACTUAL truth tellers was drowned out by the GRAND HEGELIAN GAME and the blowhard FAKE opposition from people like Mann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly and on and on across the CIA/Salem network.

0024 Volume Eight How Blinding is your Worldview

0024 Volume EIGHT: How Blinding is Your Worldview on Gab T.V.

0024 Volume EIGHT: How Blinding is Your Worldview on RUMBLE

I ended the last video wondering why I had never heard of the book, Solzhenitsyn's last book, and speculated correctly that I believed that Solzhenitsyn would be faithful to the truth to the end and that the only reason only few have heard of his last works is because it was something the CIA and Zionist did not want told.  I could not have been more right.  The book is so suppressed that Guardian Newspaper reviewed it and never names the book.  Have you ever heard of a book review that didn't name the book it was reviewing?  My God, they still do reviews of Hitler's tome and worldview, Mein Kampf, and never fail to name the book.  Think about the level of suppression, the level of control over the flow of information that they would criticize a book by an author and never name the book.  Why? They know that they have you so hypnotized that your memory is the lenght of that of a gnat, or at last only as long as today's FAKE NEWS cycle and they don't want you looking up the title.  Now in all fairness, the book his son was talking about in the little lecture I related was not Solzhenitsyn's last work; his son was talking about "The Red Wheel", I am speaking of "200 Years Together" which I have discovered is the most banned book in its English addition.  When you look it up on Amazon what you find are reviews but no books.  It has been reviewed thousands of times, and the reviews run from honest and scholarly to rants that people interested are all anti-semites.  It is quite amazing how suppressed this book is.

Here is the first paragraph of a review by a fellow named Patton:

I have finally read Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s remarkable two volume historical essay Two Hundred Years Together after buying the Russian, French, and German editions from amazon. What an adventure it has been. Research and writing the two volumes occupied the last decade of his life; the books were published in 2001 and 2003, but are still not available in English translation. They were apparently translated by Columbus Falco and appeared listed along with a color picture of the book by several booksellers, but suddenly disappeared without explanation. It is simply “no longer available.” A few chapters have been translated and now appear in various scholarly blogs on the Internet, and two foreign language translations are available from amazon. Also, on the Internet one can find two partial English translations which are helpful but not authoritative . . .

Here is the review from "The Guardian" that never names the book:

Solzhenitsyn breaks last taboo of the revolution

Nick Paton Walsh

Alexander Solzhenitsyn, who first exposed the horrors of the Stalinist gulag, is now attempting to tackle one of the most sensitive topics of his writing career - the role of the Jews in the Bolshevik revolution and Soviet purges.

In his latest book Solzhenitsyn, 84, deals with one of the last taboos of the communist revolution: that Jews were as much perpetrators of the repression as its victims. Two Hundred Years Together - a reference to the 1772 partial annexation of Poland and Russia which greatly increased the Russian Jewish population - contains three chapters discussing the Jewish role in the revolutionary genocide and secret police purges of Soviet Russia.

But Jewish leaders and some historians have reacted furiously to the book, and questioned Solzhenitsyn's motives in writing it, accusing him of factual inaccuracies and of fanning the flames of anti-semitism in Russia.

Solzhenitsyn argues that some Jewish satire of the revolutionary period "consciously or unconsciously descends on the Russians" as being behind the genocide. But he states that all the nation's ethnic groups must share the blame, and that people shy away from speaking the truth about the Jewish experience.

In one remark which infuriated Russian Jews, he wrote: "If I would care to generalise, and to say that the life of the Jews in the camps was especially hard, I could, and would not face reproach for an unjust national generalisation. But in the camps where I was kept, it was different. The Jews whose experience I saw - their life was softer than that of others."

Yet he added: "But it is impossible to find the answer to the eternal question: who is to be blamed, who led us to our death? To explain the actions of the Kiev cheka [secret police] only by the fact that two thirds were Jews, is certainly incorrect."

Solzhenitsyn, awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1970, spent much of his life in Soviet prison camps, enduring persecution when he wrote about his experiences. He is currently in frail health, but in an interview given last month he said that Russia must come to terms with the Stalinist and revolutionary genocides - and that its Jewish population should be as offended at their own role in the purges as they are at the Soviet power that also persecuted them.

"My book was directed to empathise with the thoughts, feelings and the psychology of the Jews - their spiritual component," he said. "I have never made general conclusions about a people. I will always differentiate between layers of Jews. One layer rushed headfirst to the revolution. Another, to the contrary, was trying to stand back. The Jewish subject for a long time was considered prohibited. Zhabotinsky [a Jewish writer] once said that the best service our Russian friends give to us is never to speak aloud about us."

But Solzhenitsyn's book has caused controversy in Russia, where one Jewish leader said it was "not of any merit".

"This is a mistake, but even geniuses make mistakes," said Yevgeny Satanovsky, president of the Russian Jewish Congress. "Richard Wagner did not like the Jews, but was a great composer. Dostoyevsky was a great Russian writer, but had a very sceptical attitude towards the Jews.

"This is not a book about how the Jews and Russians lived together for 200 years, but one about how they lived apart after finding themselves on the same territory. This book is a weak one professionally. Factually, it is so bad as to be beyond criticism. As literature, it is not of any merit."

But DM Thomas, one of Solzhenitsyn's biographers, said that he did not think the book was fuelled by anti-semitism. "I would not doubt his sincerity. He says that he firmly supports the state of Israel. In his fiction and factual writing there are Jewish characters that he writes about who are bright, decent, anti-Stalinist people."

Professor Robert Service of Oxford University, an expert on 20th century Russian history, said that from what he had read about the book, Solzhenitsyn was "absolutely right".

Researching a book on Lenin, Prof Service came across details of how Trotsky, who was of Jewish origin, asked the politburo in 1919 to ensure that Jews were enrolled in the Red army. Trotsky said that Jews were disproportionately represented in the Soviet civil bureaucracy, including the cheka.

"Trotsky's idea was that the spread of anti-semitism was [partly down to] objections about their entrance into the civil service. There is something in this; that they were not just passive spectators of the revolution. They were part-victims and part-perpetrators.

"It is not a question that anyone can write about without a huge amount of bravery, and [it] needs doing in Russia because the Jews are quite often written about by fanatics. Mr Solzhenitsyn's book seems much more measured than that."

Yet others failed to see the need for Solzhenitsyn's pursuit of this particular subject at present. Vassili Berezhkov, a retired KGB colonel and historian of the secret services and the NKVD (the precursor of the KGB), said: "The question of ethnicity did not have any importance either in the revolution or the story of the NKVD. This was a social revolution and those who served in the NKVD and cheka were serving ideas of social change.

"If Solzhenitsyn writes that there were many Jews in the NKVD, it will increase the passions of anti-semitism, which has deep roots in Russian history. I think it is better not to discuss such a question now."


200 Years Together - Wikispooks

Publication.png 200 Years Together Rdf-entity.pngRdf-icon.png
Author(s)Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
SubjectsHistory of the Jews in the Soviet Union
Original languageRussian
Local copyBroken Link: [[{{{local}}}]]
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn's work on the relationship between Russians and Jews inside the Russian and Soviet Empires.

Two Hundred Years Together is a monumental work of historical scholarship by Soviet dissident and 1970 Nobel literature laureate, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn dealing with the relationship between Russians and Jews inside the Russian and Soviet Empires. Solzhenitsyn authored it in Russian and the original work was published in Russian in 2001/2, with published translations in German and French following soon after. However, for reasons that will be obvious to those who have read it, it has never found an English language publisher.

Historical revision

It is a work of quintessential historical revisionism by an author of towering reputation and authority on Russia and the Soviet Union. The carefully nurtured global Jewish self-image as history's eternal victim is seriously dented by revelations of extensive high-level Jewish complicity in - not-to-say responsibility for - vast Soviet atrocities against its own populations; complicity which remains well hidden and largely unknown in the West. The book is thus anathema to orthodox Jewish and Zionist Establishments and this is amply reflected in its extended wikipedia article which categorises it as "Antisemitism" and is replete with obfuscation of the major issues involved. In classic Wikipedia style on sensitive/taboo issues, the article is dominated by multiple hostile critical reviews - in this case from largely Jewish sources with the first from arch-Zionist Daniel Pipes - and excludes ANY references to major dissenting authorities - most notably to extensive reviews by Professor Kevin MacDonald.

The work is in two volumes; the first sub-titled "Russian-Jewish History 1795 to 1916" (512 pages), the second sub-titled "The Jews in the Soviet Union" (600 pages), which deals with the period from the Bolshevik revolution to the demise of the Soviet Union in the late 1990's.

Samizdat English translations 

(Samizdat means, underground or clandestine publications)

From 2008 through to September 2010 a project to translate the book into English published various chapters as they became available. They have since been referenced and reviewed on various websites, notably in The Barnes Review and The Oxidental Review

In October 2016 David and Davina Davison began translating chapters missing from the 'Ethnopoliticsonline' project. These translations are from the published French editions of the book.

The massive suppression and the atrositization of this last book by Alexsandr Solzhenitsyn is real time actual proof of everything I have said about the Jewish domination of the "Flow of Information", as they go to Herculean efforts to control and mold OUR worldview according to their dictates. They are suppressing the book in other languages as well, but it is non-existent in English except in Digital copies, that frankly I don't trust.  There is an English Abridged addition, and you can bet who abridged it.

The importance of Alexsandr Solzhenitsyn just rose monumentally in my book.
0024 Volume NINE How Blinding is your World View
On Gab TV

0024 Volume NINE How Blinding is your World View

In this video I want to share with you how narrow worldviews constrict one from sometimes understanding what one has read. I'm going to use a very sincere book reviewer, who reviews Solzhenitsyn's Gulag Archipelago from what is an obviously secular understanding, from a base of humanism, refusing to recognize God in any way. Such people are more mesmerized by Solzhenitsyn's work than enlightened by it. If they actually examine the carnage of the Gulag system and the insanity of the Communist Society they are at a lost to explain it in any cohesive or convincing way. They also ignore Solzhenitsyn's own explications for it, for the insanity. When Solzhenitsyn uses the word evil, these humanist read "bad," not the real spiritual entity Lucifer, Satan and all the other fallen diabolical creatures that are in rebellion to God and hate human beings.  In fact that pantheon of "gods" Lucifer and his hordes seek to destroy the human race, or debauch it out of recognition of God's image, or transmute it into a techno-diabolical monstrosity. After we let this young man demonstrate what I am telling you, and understand I like him, I am please that he is taking the effort and doing the research, but after he speaks, we are going to examine what Solzhenitsyn, himself, said about his own work and the period of time he analyzed in his work.

How very different Solzhenitsyn's understanding of his own work was, compared to what this young man gained from it. He hasn't dropped the subject and is examining more and more of Solzhenitsyn's thoughts, and if he keeps it up he will gain more than his understanding of "goodness in the higher self" he will discover not a God of his own making, but the God of True Christianity, the God of Eternity, the Creator of all things Visible and Invisible and it will shatter everything he previously thought.

0024 Volume TEN How Blinding is Your Worldview

‘Men Have Forgotten God’: Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s 1983 Templeton Address 

0024 Vol X On RUMBLE

0024 Vol X On Gab T.V.

1975 Library of Congress Photo

Editor’s Note: This article, which originally ran in the July 22, 1983, issue of National Review, is adapted from the address Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn gave on the occasion of his acceptance, in London on May 10, 1983, of the Templeton Prize for Progress in Religion. 

Solzhenitsyn's words will be signified by beginning and ending with this sign
Your Royal Highness: Permit me to express my appreciation to you for taking part in this ceremony. Your participation lends special dignity to these proceedings.

This is the first time that the Templeton Prize has been awarded to an Orthodox Christian. With gratitude that our share in the religious life of the world has now been accorded notice, I remain acutely conscious of my personal unworthiness to receive this award as I look back upon the venerable line of outstanding Orthodox churchmen and of Orthodox thinkers from Aleksey Khomyakov to Sergei Bulgakov. And I am very much aware that Eastern Slavic Orthodoxy, which, during the 65 years of Communist rule, has been subjected to persecution even fiercer and more extensive than that of early Christian times, has had—and still has today—many hands worthier than mine to accept it. Beginning with Vladimir Bogoyavlensky, metropolitan of Kiev, shot by the Communists before the walls of the Kievo-Pechersky Monastery at the dawn of the Lenin era, the list would extend to the intrepid priest Gleb Yakunin, who is enduring torments today, under Andropov: Forcibly deprived of all outward symbols of his priesthood, and even of the right to have the Gospels, Father Yakunin+++

(We will do a video about Father Yakunin and the Marxist reality of the World Council of Churches)
+++ Yakunin has many times for months at a time been held in a freezing stone cubicle, without bed, clothes, or food.+++
(I met a Russian citizen who was a prison official that found Christ. He testified that they would leave Fr Yakunin naked in the concrete like bunker in sub-zero temperatures (I don't know if he meant below freezing as in Celsius measure where Freezing is Zero, or our understanding of below Zero) and when they would open the doors he would be praying or singing psalms and the tomb would be warm and he would be glowing.)

+++ In this persecution-filled age, it is appropriate that my own very first memory should be of Chekists (The Chekists became the GPU/KGB) in pointed caps entering St. Panteleimon’s Church in Kislovodsk, interrupting the service, and crashing their way into the sanctuary in order to loot. And later, when I started going to school in Rostov-on-Don — passing on my way a kilometer-long compound of the Cheka-GPU and a glittering sign of the League of Militant Atheists — schoolchildren egged on by Komsomol members taunted me for accompanying my mother to the last remaining church in town and tore the cross from around my neck.

Orthodox churches were stripped of their valuables in 1922 at the instigation of Lenin and Trotsky. In subsequent years, including both the Stalin and the Khrushchev periods, tens of thousands of churches were torn down or desecrated, leaving behind a disfigured wasteland that bore no resemblance to Russia such as it had stood for centuries. Entire districts and cities of half a million inhabitants were left without a single church. Our people were condemned to live in this dark and mute wilderness for decades, groping their way to God and keeping to this course by trial and error. The grip of oppression that we have lived under, and continue to live under, has been so great that religion, instead of leading to a free blossoming of the spirit, has been manifested in asserting the faith on the brink of destruction, or else on the seductive frontiers of Marxist rhetoric, where so many souls have come to grief.

The statement of the Templeton Foundation shows an understanding of how the Orthodox spiritual tradition has maintained its vitality in our land despite the forcible promotion of atheism. If even a fraction of those words should find their way to my motherland past the jamming devices, this will bolster the spirits of our believers, assuring them that they have not been forgotten, and that their steadfastness inspires courage even here.

The centralized atheism before whose armed might the whole world trembles still hates and fears this unarmed faith as much today as it did 60 years ago. Yes! All the savage persecutions loosed upon our people by a murderous state atheism, coupled with the corroding effect of its lies, and an avalanche of stultifying propaganda — all of these together have proven weaker than the thousand-year-old faith of our nation. This faith has not been destroyed; it remains the most sublime, the most cherished gift to which our lives and consciousness can attain.

More than half a century ago, while I was still a child, I recall hearing a number of older people offer the following explanation for the great disasters that had befallen Russia: “Men have forgotten God; that’s why all this has happened.”

Since then I have spent well-nigh 50 years working on the history of our Revolution; in the process I have read hundreds of books, collected hundreds of personal testimonies, and have already contributed eight volumes of my own toward the effort of clearing away the rubble left by that upheaval. But if I were asked today to formulate as concisely as possible the main cause of the ruinous Revolution that swallowed up some 60 million of our people, I could not put it more accurately than to repeat: “Men have forgotten God; that’s why all this has happened.”

What is more, the events of the Russian Revolution can only be understood now, at the end of the century, against the background of what has since occurred in the rest of the world. What emerges here is a process of universal significance. And if I were called upon to identify briefly the principal trait of the entire 20th century, here too, I would be unable to find anything more precise and pithy than to repeat once again: “Men have forgotten God.” The failings of human consciousness, deprived of its divine dimension, have been a determining factor in all the major crimes of this century. The first of these was World War I, and much of our present predicament can be traced back to it. It was a war (the memory of which seems to be fading) when Europe, bursting with health and abundance, fell into a rage of self-mutilation which could not but sap its strength for a century or more, and perhaps forever. The only possible explanation for this war is a mental eclipse among the leaders of Europe due to their lost awareness of a Supreme Power above them. Only a godless embitterment could have moved ostensibly Christian states to employ poison gas, a weapon so obviously beyond the limits of humanity.

The same kind of defect, the flaw of a consciousness lacking all divine dimension, was manifested after World War II when the West yielded to the satanic temptation of the “nuclear umbrella.” It was equivalent to saying: Let’s cast off worries, let’s free the younger generation from their duties and obligations, let’s make no effort to defend ourselves, to say nothing of defending others — let’s stop our ears to the groans emanating from the East, and let us live instead in the pursuit of happiness. If danger should threaten us, we shall be protected by the nuclear bomb; if not, then let the world burn in Hell for all we care. The pitifully helpless state to which the contemporary West has sunk is in large measure due to this fatal error: the belief that the defense of peace depends not on stout hearts and steadfast men, but solely on the nuclear bomb.

Only the loss of that higher intuition that comes from God could have allowed the West to accept calmly, after World War I, the protracted agony of Russia as she was being torn apart by a band of cannibals, or to accept, after World War II, the similar dismemberment of Eastern Europe. The West did not perceive that this was in fact the beginning of a lengthy process that spells disaster for the whole world; indeed, the West has done a good deal to help the process along. Only once in this century did the West gather strength — for the battle against Hitler. But the fruits of that victory have long since been lost. Faced with cannibalism, our godless age has discovered the perfect anesthetic — trade! Such is the pathetic pinnacle of contemporary wisdom.

Today’ s world has reached a stage which, if it had been described to preceding centuries, would have called forth the cry: “This is the Apocalypse!”

Yet we have grown used to this kind of world; we even feel at home in it.

Dostoevsky warned that “great events could come upon us and catch us intellectually unprepared.” This is precisely what has happened. And he predicted that “the world will be saved only after it has been possessed by the demon of evil.” Whether it really will be saved we shall have to wait and see: this will depend on our conscience, on our spiritual lucidity, on our individual and combined efforts in the face of catastrophic circumstances. But it has already come to pass that the demon of evil, like a whirlwind, triumphantly circles all five continents of the earth.

We are witnesses to the devastation of the world, be it imposed or voluntarily undergone. The entire 20th century is being sucked into the vortex of atheism and self-destruction. This plunge into the abyss has aspects that are unquestionably global, dependent neither on political systems, nor on levels of economic and cultural development, nor yet on national peculiarities. And present-day Europe, seemingly so unlike the Russia of 1913, is today on the verge of the same collapse, for all that it has been reached by a different route. Different parts of the world have followed different paths, but today they are all approaching the threshold of a common ruin.

In its past, Russia did know a time when the social ideal was not fame, or riches, or material success, but a pious way of life. Russia was then steeped in an Orthodox Christianity which remained true to the Church of the first centuries. The Orthodoxy of that time knew how to safeguard its people under the yoke of a foreign occupation that lasted more than two centuries, while at the same time fending off iniquitous blows from the swords of Western crusaders. During those centuries the Orthodox faith in our country became part of the very pattern of thought and the personality of our people, the forms of daily life, the work calendar, the priorities in every undertaking, the organization of the week and of the year. Faith was the shaping and unifying force of the nation.

But in the 17th century Russian Orthodoxy was gravely weakened by an internal schism. In the 18th, the country was shaken by Peter’s forcibly imposed transformations, which favored the economy, the state, and the military at the expense of the religious spirit and national life. And along with this lopsided Petrine enlightenment, Russia felt the first whiff of secularism; its subtle poisons permeated the educated classes in the course of the 19th century and opened the path to Marxism. By the time of the Revolution, faith had virtually disappeared in Russian educated circles; and amongst the uneducated, its health was threatened.

It was Dostoevsky, once again, who drew from the French Revolution and its seeming hatred of the Church the lesson that “revolution must necessarily begin with atheism.” That is absolutely true. But the world had never before known a godlessness as organized, militarized, and tenaciously malevolent as that practiced by Marxism. Within the philosophical system of Marx and Lenin, and at the heart of their psychology, hatred of God is the principal driving force, more fundamental than all their political and economic pretensions. Militant atheism is not merely incidental or marginal to Communist policy; it is not a side effect, but the central pivot. To achieve its diabolical ends. Communism needs to control a population devoid of religious and national feeling, and this entails the destruction of faith and nationhood. Communists proclaim both of these objectives openly, and just as openly go about carrying them out. The degree to which the atheistic world longs to annihilate religion, the extent to which religion sticks in its throat, was demonstrated by the web of intrigue surrounding the recent attempts on the life of the Pope.

The 1920’s in the USSR witnessed an uninterrupted procession of victims and martyrs amongst the Orthodox clergy. Two metropolitans were shot, one of whom, Veniamin of Petrograd, had been elected by the popular vote of his diocese. Patriarch Tikhon himself passed through the hands of the Cheka-GPU and then died under suspicious circumstances. Scores of archbishops and bishops perished. Tens of thousands of priests, monks, and nuns, pressured by the Chekists to renounce the Word of God, were tortured, shot in cellars, sent to camps, exiled to the desolate tundra of the far North, or turned out into the streets in their old age without food or shelter. All these Christian martyrs went unswervingly to their deaths for the faith; instances of apostasy were few and far between.

For tens of millions of laymen access to the Church was blocked, and they were forbidden to bring up their children in the Faith: religious parents were wrenched from their children and thrown into prison, while the children were turned from the faith by threats and lies. One could argue that the pointless destruction of Russia’s rural economy in the 1930s — the so-called de-kulakization and collectivization, which brought death to 15 million peasants while making no economic sense at all — was enforced with such cruelty, first and foremost, for the purpose of destroying our national way of life and of extirpating religion from the countryside. The same policy of spiritual perversion operated throughout the brutal world of the Gulag Archipelago, where men were encouraged to survive at the cost of the lives of others. And only atheists bereft of reason could have decided upon the ultimate brutality — against the Russian land itself — that is being planned in the USSR today: The Russian north is to be flooded, the flow of the northern rivers reversed, the life of the Arctic Ocean disrupted, and the water channeled southward, toward lands already devastated by earlier, equally foolhardy “feats of Communist construction.”

For a short period of time, when he needed to gather strength for the struggle against Hitler, Stalin cynically adopted a friendly posture toward the Church. This deceptive game, continued in later years by Brezhnev with the help of showcase publications and other window dressing, has unfortunately tended to be taken at its face value in the West. Yet the tenacity with which hatred of religion is rooted in Communism may be judged by the example of their most liberal leader, Khrushchev: for though he undertook a number of significant steps to extend freedom, Khrushchev simultaneously rekindled the frenzied Leninist obsession with destroying religion.

But there is something they did not expect: that in a land where churches have been leveled, where a triumphant atheism has rampaged uncontrolled for two-thirds of a century, where the clergy is utterly humiliated and deprived of all independence, where what remains of the Church as an institution is tolerated only for the sake of propaganda directed at the West, where even today people are sent to the labor camps for their faith, and where, within the camps themselves, those who gather to pray at Easter are clapped in punishment cells–they could not suppose that beneath this Communist steamroller the Christian tradition would survive in Russia. It is true that millions of our countrymen have been corrupted and spiritually devastated by an officially imposed atheism, yet there remain many millions of believers: it is only external pressures that keep them from speaking out, but, as is always the case in times of persecution and suffering, the awareness of God in my country has attained great acuteness and profundity.

It is here that we see the dawn of hope: for no matter how formidably Communism bristles with tanks and rockets, no matter what successes it attains in seizing the planet, it is doomed never to vanquish Christianity.

The West has yet to experience a Communist invasion; religion here remains free. But the West’s own historical evolution has been such that today it too is experiencing a drying up of religious consciousness. It too has witnessed racking schisms, bloody religious wars, and rancor, to say nothing of the tide of secularism that, from the late Middle Ages onward, has progressively inundated the West. This gradual sapping of strength from within is a threat to faith that is perhaps even more dangerous than any attempt to assault religion violently from without.

Imperceptibly, through decades of gradual erosion, the meaning of life in the West has ceased to be seen as anything more lofty than the “pursuit of happiness, “a goal that has even been solemnly guaranteed by constitutions. The concepts of good and evil have been ridiculed for several centuries; banished from common use, they have been replaced by political or class considerations of short-lived value. It has become embarrassing to state that evil makes its home in the individual human heart before it enters a political system. Yet it is not considered shameful to make daily concessions to an integral evil. Judging by the continuing landslide of concessions made before the eyes of our very own generation, the West is ineluctably slipping toward the abyss. Western societies are losing more and more of their religious essence as they thoughtlessly yield up their younger generation to atheism. If a blasphemous film about Jesus is shown throughout the United States, reputedly one of the most religious countries in the world, or a major newspaper publishes a shameless caricature of the Virgin Mary, what further evidence of godlessness does one need? When external rights are completely unrestricted, why should one make an inner effort to restrain oneself from ignoble acts?

Or why should one refrain from burning hatred, whatever its basis ― race, class, or ideology? Such hatred is in fact corroding many hearts today. Atheist teachers in the West are bringing up a younger generation in a spirit of hatred of their own society. Amid all the vituperation we forget that the defects of capitalism represent the basic flaws of human nature, allowed unlimited freedom together with the various human rights; we forget that under Communism (and Communism is breathing down the neck of all moderate forms of socialism, which are unstable) the identical flaws run riot in any person with the least degree of authority; while everyone else under that system does indeed attain “equality”― the equality of destitute slaves.

This eager fanning of the flames of hatred is becoming the mark of today’s free world. Indeed, the broader the personal freedoms are, the higher the level of prosperity or even of abundance – the more vehement, paradoxically, does this blind hatred become. The contemporary developed West thus demonstrates by its own example that human salvation can be found neither in the profusion of material goods nor in merely making money.

This deliberately nurtured hatred then spreads to all that is alive, to life itself, to the world with its colors, sounds, and shapes, to the human body. The embittered art of the 20th century is perishing as a result of this ugly hate, for art is fruitless without love. In the East art has collapsed because it has been knocked down and trampled upon, but in the West the fall has been voluntary, a decline into a contrived and pretentious quest where the artist, instead of attempting to reveal the divine plan, tries to put himself in the place of God.

Here again we witness the single outcome of a worldwide process, with East and West yielding the same results, and once again for the same reason: Men have forgotten God.

Confronted by the onslaught of worldwide atheism, believers are disunited and frequently bewildered. And yet the Christian (or post-Christian) world would do well to note the example of the Far East. I have recently had an opportunity to observe in Free China and in Japan how, despite their apparently less clearly defined religious concepts, and despite the same unassailable “freedom of choice” that exists in the West, both the younger generation and society as a whole have preserved their moral sensibility to a greater degree than the West has, and have been less affected by the destructive spirit of secularism.


  1. You are priceless, Mr. Robinson. What an opportunity it has been to have listened to you. Conformity is doing what everyone else is doing, regardless of what is right and just. This has been throughout history, all you have to do is read the accurate account of lives. Morality is doing what is right regardless of what everyone else is doing. God has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ. These blessings include being chosen by the Father. We must desire these blessings and seek God for them, both for ourselves and for all of God’s saints. I hope my children have been able to connect with you.


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