0024 How Blinding is Your Worldview Volume Eleven thru Twenty

0024 Video Vol XI How Blinding is Your World View - Solzhenitsyn's Templeton Prize Speech continued.
(Place Video Here)
Volume XI on RUMBLE

We ended Video X with an observation Solzhenitsyn made about the "better morals" of the Asian youths, which in the intervening 37 years, with the power of internet, the invention of robotics, and the associated brainwashing of pornography, video games and auto erotic machines, is provably no longer the case.  In the next paragraph Solzhenitsyn again speaks of a subject of which he could have had no idea how quickly things would turn.  Remember as we have stated before in this series, in 1980, just three years before this speech, almost 90 percent of the American People self-identified as Christian.  He could have had little idea of the speed of the Great Apostasy and so he actually speaks with a little naïveté about the idea of Christian Churches uniting. Yet he speaks about the "uniting of religions" which shows he was an excellent writer, a true Christian, but was not a theologian.  I'll explain and give examples.

+++What can one say about the lack of unity among the various religions, if Christianity has itself become so fragmented? In recent years the major Christian churches have taken steps toward reconciliation. But these measures are far too slow; the world is perishing a hundred times more quickly. No one expects the churches to merge or to revise all their doctrines, but only to present a common front against atheism. Yet even for such a purpose the steps taken are much too slow. +++

There is no unity between Christ and the fake-Christianity, none whatsoever. When he was earlier explaining the drive of secularism that started in the West in the 1600s he could not fully see how secularized even segments of Orthodoxy had already become, in the early 1980s. He could not speak as he did and really have a clue about the pure apostasy that would arise in the Roman Catholic Church under the banner of the very thing he is suggesting, trying to create "unity among the religions."  What it has created is a Luciferian Religion, and over arching idol above Christ, literally above God.

+++There does exist an organized movement for the unification of the churches, but it presents an odd picture. The World Council of Churches seems to care more for the success of revolutionary movements in the Third World, all the while remaining blind and deaf to the persecution of religion where this is carried through most consistently — in the USSR. No one can fail to see the facts; must one conclude, then, that it is deemed expedient not to see, not to get involved? But if that is the case, what remains of Christianity?+++

Indeed, my spiritual mentor and confessor wrote:

“The great heresy of our age seems clearly to be Ecumenism. It would no doubt be nice and convenient if Ecumenism were only true, just that thing that Pope and Patriarch and prudent statesmen of every sort have been looking for these many years, and many now think they have found. But how could that be true and Christianity not be wrong? If Ecumenism is right, then it alone is the one great overarching Truth that stands above everything, not Buddha, not Muhammad, not Jesus, but something higher than any of these individual teachers. Such is not the doctrine of Jesus Christ, Who taught that He Himself is Truth, that He is the Way. He never said that He had found the Truth; he said that He is Truth and that He and the Father are One. Ecumenism is necessarily a Unitarian religion THIS is true, even when Ecumenism begins as ostensibly Christian. If a Christian cannot be Ecumenical, what then can a person do? Obviously, we must follow Christ."

I would suggest that a very great portion of what was formerly Christian has stopped following Christ.  How many Orthodox Patriarchs of Constantinople in the last 100 years were closet Free Masons, and had long ago bowed to the Idol of "Universalism." That is the core dogma of the modern Roman Catholic Church, it has turned not only "Ecumenical" but Unitarian and Universalist and Globalist and Marxist. The present pope sees himself as some sort of Universalist Christ - yes an anti-Christ.

There are some in the Archeology world who believe this Ziggurat of Ur, is actually the base of the Tower of Babel, which represents the rebellious spirit, the pride of man, and action that quickly brought the wrath of God, and laid the heavy burden of multiple languages upon the human race.  Why do I say this man is acting now like an Anti-Christ? He has organized a "prayer meeting" with the worshippers of the Moon Goddess, Al-Alah, whose moon rock inhabits the Kabbah in Mecca. That's bad right? But Roman Catholic Popes have been kissing Korans and praying in Mosque for decades now. The second one is more than scandalous, who is the god of the Yazidis?  None other than Moloch. What does scripture say about their god? The Mandaen-Sabean Religion is an ancient Gnostic Religion, and other Luciferian and Pagan groups will be with him as they "join in prayer."  To whom? For what?

This act on the part of the Pope of Rome is not the first time such "prayer meetings" have been called. The Ecumenical meetings of all religions hosted by past popes at Assisi, and other locations were always attended by "Bart" the Patriarch of the Greek Orthodox, and these meetings proved Abbot Damian's words, "If Ecumenism is right, then it alone is the one great overarching Truth that stands above everything, not Buddha, not Muhammad, not Jesus, but something higher than any of these individual teachers."

This is simply a demonstration of the New World Order Religion and the fact that what ever unity is expressed in such events, it is not God in any sense that is being honored but the "lord of this world" Lucifer himself, and how poetic that it will happen this time at Babel, that is really just beyond poetic.

One observer
noting that the interfaith prayer is "to be held on the site of the ancient Babylonian temple dedicated to the moon god Nanna," Abbott excoriates: "I look forward to Francis doing an 'ancient gods' tour where he offers alms and prayers at the temples of Baal, Asherah, Dagon, and Molech!"

Now before you non-Roman Catholic and non-Orthodox get the big head and think your "denominations" and your "great men" have faired any better, listen to what Solzhenitsyn exposes next.

It is with profound regret that I must note here something which I cannot pass over in silence. My predecessor in the receipt of this prize last year — in the very month that the award was made — lent public support to Communist lies by his deplorable statement that he had not noticed the persecution of religion in the USSR. Before the multitude of those who have perished and who are oppressed today, may God be his judge.+++

(Do you know who that Templeton Prize winner was who went to the Soviet Union where Christians were being persecuted and imprisoned for their faith, who not only ignored the stories of persecution, but denied they were real.  The KGB gave him the opportunity to "preach his brand of the Gospel" in a couple of large arenas, then he came home to America spouting communist/KGB propaganda and refused to witness the reality of the persecution of Christians in the old Soviet Union, which was VERY REAL. All Solzhenitsyn's volumes are a testimony against him, as is the work of Anne Applebaum, a secular Jew whose grasp of the reality was better.  Do you know who that was?  Before I share who this dunderhead was who claimed there was no persecutions of Christians in the Soviet Union while at that very moment Fr Yukinun was being tortured, I want to explain a mindset, and of course that is the capitulation to the liar, to accept the big lie.  Just like now they are using the Big Lie to tell us that we didn't elect Donald Trump by a huge majority in the millions.  The Soviet leaders were consistently telling the West that there was no religious persecution in the Soviet Union. The Soviet leaders were stating that they were not dominating Eastern Europe.  We know they were people of the BIG LIE, but who else was telling these lies, none other than Pope John Paul II, a great Ecumenist Heretic and LIAR, and also the President of the United States.

Pope John Paul II spent four years kissing Jimmy Carter's privates, then made pact with Reagan to take down the Soviet Union.

Here he is with Bubba Clinton as Clinton's "coalition of the willing" were slaughtering Christians in Kosovo and the Jesuits were fighting right along with the Mossad and the Muslim Terrorists, the KLA.
Soaking up the good vibes.

Who was our mystery man, that Solzhenitsyn rebuked?
It was none other than this guy:)

Library of Congress Print of Evangelist Billy Graham )

+++ It seems more and more apparent that even with the most sophisticated of political maneuvers, the noose around the neck of mankind draws tighter and more hopeless with every passing decade, and there seems to be no way out for anyone — neither nuclear, nor political, nor economic, nor ecological. That is indeed the way things appear to be.

With such global events looming over us like mountains, nay, like entire mountain ranges, it may seem incongruous and inappropriate to recall that the primary key to our being or non-being resides in each individual human heart, in the heart’s preference for specific good or evil. Yet this remains true even today, and it is, in fact, the most reliable key we have. The social theories that promised so much have demonstrated their bankruptcy, leaving us at a dead end. The free people of the West could reasonably have been expected to realize that they are beset by numerous freely nurtured falsehoods, and not to allow lies to be foisted upon them so easily. All attempts to find a way out of the plight of today’s world are fruitless unless we redirect our consciousness, in repentance, to the Creator of all: without this, no exit will be illumined, and we shall seek it in vain. The resources we have set aside for ourselves are too impoverished for the task. We must first recognize the horror perpetrated not by some outside force, not by class or national enemies, but within each of us individually, and within every society. This is especially true of a free and highly developed society, for here in particular we have surely brought everything upon ourselves, of our own free will. We ourselves, in our daily unthinking selfishness, are pulling tight that noose.

Let us ask ourselves: Are not the ideals of our century false? And is not our glib and fashionable terminology just as unsound, a terminology that offers superficial remedies for every difficulty? Each of them, in whatever sphere, must be subjected to a clear-eyed scrutiny while there is still time. The solution to the crisis will not be found along the well-trodden paths of conventional thinking.

Our life consists not in the pursuit of material success but in the quest for worthy spiritual growth. Our entire earthly existence is but a transitional stage in the movement toward something higher, and we must not stumble and fall, nor must we linger fruitlessly on one rung of the ladder. Material laws alone do not explain our life or give it direction. The laws of physics and physiology will never reveal the indisputable manner in which the Creator constantly, day in and day out, participates in the life of each of us, unfailingly granting us the energy of existence; when this assistance leaves us, we die. And in the life of our entire planet, the Divine Spirit surely moves with no less force: this we must grasp in our dark and terrible hour.

To the ill-considered hopes of the last two centuries, which have reduced us to insignificance and brought us to the brink of nuclear and non-nuclear death, we can propose only a determined quest for the warm hand of God, which we have so rashly and self-confidently spurned. Only in this way can our eyes be opened to the errors of this unfortunate 20th century and our bands be directed to setting them right. There is nothing else to cling to in the landslide: the combined vision of all the thinkers of the Enlightenment amounts to nothing.

Our five continents are caught in a whirlwind. But it is during trials such as these that the highest gifts of the human spirit are manifested. If we perish and lose this world, the fault will be ours alone. +++

0024 Vol XII How Blinding is Your Worldview.
On Rumble

0024 Vol XII How Blinding is Your Worldview.
On GabTV

I took more than a little flak from some offended that I dare explain Rush Limbaugh's status and purpose in the so-called "Culture War" and even more
were incensed that I dare expose Billy Graham spouting the big lie for the KGB.  Some have openly suggested that Graham was blackmailed, I don't want to go there, but he did what he did and he helped create KGB cover for the torture and persecution of many Christians, including Father Gleb Yakunin. So for my critics I'm going to explain Billy Graham's cheap grace, in the words of Dietrich Bonhoeffer.  My sister who is an Evangelical/Pentecostal just wrote something true about the cheap grace offered by the churches she had attended and the T.V. ministries she had watch.  I enjoyed the truth in the little article.

Cheap Grace - by Dietrich Bonhoeffer (In case you live in a cave and don't know, Dietrich Bonhoeffer was a protestant minister who at first openly opposed Hitler in Germany, and was persecuted, forbidden to preach or teach. He continued to covertly preach and teach, and just when he thought he was going to be arrested and escorted to the NAZI prison camp, he was recruited into the resistance movement inside Germany, actually inside the SS.  He he campaigned to get assisstance from the Americans for their resistance but Allen Dullas who was camped out in Northern Europe blocked his actions.  Rev. Bonhoeffer was later executed for his part in a failed assassination of Hitler.  We are not talking about a lightweight here.) He said:

Cheap grace is the deadly enemy of our Church. We are fighting today for costly grace.

Cheap grace means grace sold on the market like cheapjack’s wares. The sacraments, the forgiveness of sin, and the consolations of religion are thrown away at cut prices. Grace is represented as the Church’s inexhaustible treasury, from which she showers blessings with generous hands, without asking questions or fixing limits. Grace without price; grace without cost! …

Cheap grace is the preaching of forgiveness without requiring repentance, baptism without church discipline, Communion without confession, absolution without personal confession. Cheap grace is grace without discipleship, grace without the Cross, grace without Jesus Christ, living and incarnate.

Costly grace is the treasure hidden in the field; for the sake of it a man will gladly go and sell all that he has. It is the pearl of great price to buy which the merchant will sell all his goods…

Costly grace is the Gospel which must be sought again and again, the gift which must be asked for, the door at which a man must knock.

Such grace is costly because it calls us to follow, and it is grace because it calls us to follow Jesus Christ. It is costly because it costs a man his life, and it is grace because it gives a man the only true life. It is costly because it condemns sin, and grace because it justifies the sinner.

Above all, it is costly because it costs God the life of His Son: “ye were bought at a price,” and what has cost God much cannot be cheap for us. Above all, it is grace because God did not reckon His Son too dear a price to pay for our life, but delivered Him up for us. Costly grace is the Incarnation of God.

Costly grace is the sanctuary of God; it has to be protected from the world, and not thrown to the dogs…

–Dietrich Bonhoeffer (February 4, 1906-April 9, 1945)

Bonhoeffer participated in a plot to blow up Hitler, the leader of his country.  Was he rebellious? Did he suffer oppositional defiance disorder?

What is the difference between resistance and rebellion? Resistance, resists against abusive and evil authority. Rebellion cannot distinguish between good and bad authority.  Resistance seeks mental, emotional, physical and spiritual health.  Rebellion seeks chaos and insanity, in fact Rebellion seeks absolute freedom, which is the domain of Lucifer. One sees this dynamic played-out in the common actions of true conservatives and libertarians who resist the overreach of totalitarianism. The resistance may appear identical but the goal is very different.  When authority is evil the resisters and the rebellious seem locked in league, but they are not, they are controlled by two diametrically opposed spirits.  Alexsandr Solzhenitsyn was a Resistor, Father Yakunin was a Rebel.  Do you understand that God uses both Resisters and Rebels?

And for the record, those who suck up to evil authority for their own benefit are called quislings. Here is a picture of a quisling.

The life of Father Gleb Yakunin

09 January 2015
Canon Michael Bordeaux founder of the
Keston Institute writes:

FR GLEB YAKUNIN, who died on 25 December, aged 80, was an inspiring figure for thousands in the West for a quarter of a century. From him they learned of the relentless persecution of the Church and his ceaseless bravery in opposing it.

In 1976, he instigated one of the most scandalous episodes in the history of the World Council of Churches. In the early 1970s, the Soviet authorities were systematically imprisoning dissidents, including religious leaders. The previous year, the Soviet government had co-signed the Helsinki Accords, which gave the countries of Europe and North America the right to monitor each other's human-rights performance. Yakunin, a veteran campaigner then in his forties, responded by establishing a Christian Committee for the Defence of Believers' Rights. Many Christians and the Jewish community collaborated with him, sending information, which he systematically collected.

He sent an appeal to the Fifth General Assembly of the World Council of Churches in Nairobi, begging the worldwide ecumenical fellowship to act on behalf of the persecuted Church. The African editors of the assembly's daily newspaper, perhaps unaware of the censorship that the Russian delegates exercised over the assembly's agenda, caused a furor by printing the text of Yakunin's appeal. A rushed resolution expressed solidarity with the persecuted, but, reacting in horror, the organisers forced the assembly to rescind it, promising to instigate a full inquiry into the facts that Yakunin had presented; but, of course, later communist pressure prevented this from happening.

Wrongly believing that he now had world Christian opinion behind him, Yakunin increased his efforts. His energy was prodigious. He collected more than 400 samizdat appeals, totalling some 3000 pages, from the whole religious spectrum, most of which he sent abroad, to be systematically collected and many published by Keston College, the organisation in Kent that was informing the world about Soviet anti-religious policies.

The KGB arrested Yakunin on 1 November 1979. At his trial, the sentence was ten years, five to be served in a camp, the rest in exile. Eight years into this, when Mikhail Gorbachev was at the height of his perestroika policy, he was released.

Gleb Yakunin was initially disadvantaged, since his father came from an aristocratic background and died of starvation during the Second World War, when the boy was ten. Gleb inherited something of his father's musical talent, and learned the clarinet and the saxophone. His mother inculcated the Christian faith in him, but he abandoned it when he was 15, only to rediscover it while a biology student in Irkutsk, Siberia, under the influence of Alexander Men, who was to become the leading theologian of the Russian Orthodox Church until his murder in 1990.

Fr Yakunin's life followed a different course. Whereas Fr Men graduated from the Leningrad Theological Seminary, and developed a low-profile teaching ministry, concentrating on a small inner circle of disciples (until becoming a national figure during the Gorbachev reforms), Yakunin was always more confrontational.

He attended the Moscow Theological Seminary, but did not stay the course. He had borrowed a book by the philosopher Berdyaev from the library when the KGB came to extirpate such works from the shelves; Yakunin refused to give it up, saying that he had lost it, after which he was expelled. He went on to study privately, secured his ordination, and served in a church near Moscow.

Here, at the height of Nikita Khrushchev's new anti-religious campaign, he began to collect information from around the regions, documents handed to him by visitors who came to Moscow, often seeking defence against the local officials who were closing down their churches.

In 1965, with a colleague, Fr Nikolai Eshliman, Yakunin weaved this information systematically into two lengthy and detailed open letters, one to the Soviet government, the other calling on Patriarch Alexi I, the leader of the Russian Orthodox Church, to be more active in protecting it. They furnished hundreds of examples, and wrote: "The mass closure of churches, a campaign instigated from above, has created an atmosphere of anti-religious fanaticism which has led to the barbaric destruction of a large number of superb and unique works of art." To this day, these documents remain an unsurpassed record of a shameful period in Russian history, not least because senior clerics sought to conceal the persecution.

Smuggled out, this information resounded around the world, and undoubtedly persuaded Khrushchev's successors to discontinue the church closures. Yakunin, however, became an isolated figure. The punishment meted out to him came not from the KGB, but from Patriarch Alexi (doubtless at the state's instigation), who barred him from exercising his priesthood.

This gave Yakunin all the more time to develop his human-rights work; so the punishment aided and abetted the "crime". He remained free, however, until his arrest in 1979. From prison, he smuggled out letters, particularly asserting his legal right to keep his Bible, which had been confiscated. Ultimately Gorbachev sought to correct the mistakes of the past by releasing imprisoned dissidents, including Yakunin, in 1987.

The year 1988 was remarkable, with the nationwide celebrations marking the millennium of the conversion of ancient Rus' in 988. During these June weeks, Yakunin and his wife, Iraida, whom he had married in 1961, held open house for religious dissidents, inviting foreign Christian leaders in Moscow for the events to visit his flat and learn the real truth about the persecution of the past 60 years, not the sanitised version as presented by the Moscow Patriarchate. Meeting him face to face for the first time, after having written about him for more than 20 years, was a humbling experience for me.

Yakunin at this point might have expected a triumphal reinstatement into the ranks of the Russian Church, or an award of the Nobel Peace Prize, but neither was forthcoming. Ill-advisedly, the Church failed to find a ministry for him. Had it done so, this would have absorbed some of his considerable energies. By contrast, he began to follow a more overtly political line, and was elected to the Duma, the parliament, representing the Democratic Russia party.

Yakunin headed a short-lived commission investigating KGB infiltration into the life of the Church. This gave him a brief, restricted access to the state archives. Here, he found in the records of the Council for Religious Affairs, the body that controlled the life of the Church, incontrovertible evidence that exposed the collaboration of church leaders with the KGB, including that of the new Patriarch, Alexi II. He was not permitted to take photocopies, but made handwritten notes, which he subsequently copied and passed to Jane Ellis, a researcher at Keston College, who published them in its journal, Religion in Communist Lands.

This was a bridge too far for the Moscow Patriarchate, which wrought vengeance on Yakunin by un-frocking him, on the grounds that clergy were not permitted to stand for election to political office. There was supreme hypocrisy in this, as the previous Patriarch, Pimen, had been a member of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, and his successor would be a deputy also.

As the Moscow Patriarchate regained its leading position in Russian society, Yakunin's influence declined, but he continued to subject the leading hierarchs of the Russian Orthodox Church to his scrutiny. Late in life, he became the severest critic of the new "symphony" of Church and State as established between President Putin and the current Patriarch, Kirill. He supported the feminist group Pussy Riot, when they demonstrated against this symbiosis and received a prison sentence. He became a priest in the independent Ukrainian Orthodox Church, later transferring to the uncanonical Apostolic Orthodox Church.

Mental toughness predominated in his personal relationships, but he relaxed with friends and, when able to travel in 1989, enjoyed playing truant from a conference in Manila to go white-water rafting. Here was a man freed from constraint, who was excellent company, and revelling in his freedom.

He is survived by Iraida and their three children, Maria, Alexander, and Anna. He died on (Gregorian) Christmas Day and was buried two days later.

Canon Michael Bourdeaux is the President of Keston Institute, Oxford.

Now this is how Father Yakunin is remembered by the "Liberal Establishment" in the West.  He was praised by the Daily Beast and the only possible reason for that was Yakunin's grave mistake in backing the George Soros financed attack on Russian Orthodoxy via the "Pussy Riot" movement.  We here in America at the exact same time experienced a very public attack on both Orthodoxy and Roman Catholicism by the LGBT movement, costumed Trans-clowns, and women mocking and desecrating the Divine Liturgy and Mass, and accosting priests dressed as nuns with barebreasts and other vulgarities. What appeared at the altars of Churches in Russia appeared far more heterosexual, but equally as barebreasted and brutish.

Remembering the Russian Priest Who Fought the Orthodox Church: Father Gleb Yakunin


Fr Gleb Yakunin Janek Skarzynski/AFP/Getty

Fr Gleb Yakunin
Janek Skarzynski/AFP/Getty

Source: The Daily Beast

He defied the atheism of communism and the empty religious practices of Putinism. (Notice the pretended spiritual judgment of this writer) With Father Gleb Yakunin’s death on Christmas, Russia has lost a liberal voice of conscience. On Christmas Day, the world lost an extraordinary man of faith who once went to prison for his Christian beliefs under an atheist state and later challenged both his church and the repressive entanglement of church and state under a regime that claims to celebrate religious values. When the Russian dissident and priest Father Gleb Yakunin died, outside the small circle of the liberal opposition and its sympathizers, he was almost as unknown in his homeland as in the West. His journey, which ended at the age of 80 after a long illness, is not only the story of one man’s lifelong battle; it is also the story of the complicated relationship between religion and power in 20th and 21st-century Russia, with all its ironic twists.

Raised in the Soviet Union, where atheism was a part of the communist civil religion, Yakunin converted to Christianity in college under the influence of the charismatic pastor and theologian Alexander Men and entered a Russian Orthodox seminary in 1958; only a year later, however, he was expelled, apparently having run afoul of the KGB. It was not a good time for the Russian church, restored from the brink of extinction in 1941 when Josef Stalin decided he needed God (or at least the faithful) on his side to rally the populace against the German invasion. While Nikita Khrushchev’s turn against Stalinism in the mid-1950s was the start of the Soviet “thaw,” Khrushchev’s quest for the restoration of “true Leninism” also meant a big chill for religion. There were mass closures of churches, mosques, and monasteries, and new taxes on religious facilities. A ban on the ringing of church bells, lifted in 1941, was reimposed. In 1961, Khrushchev publicly declared that soon the Soviet Union’s last priest would be shown on television. Yakunin was ordained the following year.

The anti-religion campaign slackened after Khrushchev’s removal from office in 1964, but Soviet citizens who were practicing Orthodox Christians still faced pervasive discrimination and harassment, and members of most other faiths fared even worse. People who baptized their children, got married in church, or attended religious celebrations were routinely singled out for retaliation in the workplace and in school, as well as public shaming and ridicule in “educational” meetings and in local newspapers.

In 1965, Yakunin and fellow priest Nikolai Eshliman sent an open letter to the head of the Russian Orthodox Church, Patriarch Alexei, decrying not only the persecution of believers but de facto church collusion in this persecution. Among other things, churches routinely complied with a requirement that all baptisms, church weddings, communions, and religious funerals be reported to the communist authorities—often with dire consequences for the participants. The letter, drafted by several lay writers, was originally meant to be a collective statement by as many as two dozen clergymen, including an archbishop. But everyone except Yakunin and Eshliman backed out. Copies of the letter were sent to senior members of the church hierarchy and to the Soviet government.

The reaction was predictable. In May 1966, Yakunin and Eshliman were defrocked by the Moscow patriarchate until they repented their criticism of church leadership; their appeal to the Synod was rejected.

Married like other Orthodox priests and a father of three, Yakunin found himself unemployable and forced to live on donations from sympathetic (and brave) believers. Undeterred, he threw himself into the Soviet Union’s then-burgeoning human rights movement, with a particular focus on the suppression of religious freedom—championing not only his fellow Orthodox, but also other faiths and sects. In 1979, he was convicted of “anti-Soviet agitation and propaganda” and spent five years in prison and Siberian labor camps—followed by two years in internal exile in the Far Eastern region of Yakutia.

All that changed with Mikhail Gorbachev’s reforms. In 1987, Yakunin was amnestied (his conviction was officially vacated four years later), allowed to return to Moscow, and restored to the priesthood in a newly unshackled church. Yet his passion for political change remained undiminished. A founding father of the Russian pro-democracy movement, he became a member of the first genuinely elected Soviet Council of People’s Deputies in 1990—where he helped draft landmark legislation protecting religious freedom—and then of the first parliament of the new independent Russia. In 1992, while serving as head of a parliamentary commission investigating the short-lived 1991 coup by Soviet hardliners, Yakunin undertook the dramatic step of making public KGB files that exposed extensive collaboration between the church and the KGB in the Soviet era. The reality turned out to be worse than even the most cynical of dissidents had suspected: In the upper echelons of the church, nine out of 10 clerics worked for the KGB. While the identities of these clerics were obscured by code names, it is virtually certain that the current church leader, Patriarch Kirill, was one of them.

The church was not pleased. In 1993, Yakunin was defrocked yet again—this time for defying a newly imposed church ban on members of the clergy holding political office—and then, in 1997, excommunicated and anathematized for the continued defiance of wearing priestly vestments despite being defrocked. He joined a schismatic “movement for the revival of Russian Orthodoxy,” which later took the name of the Apostolic Orthodox Church. In failing health, he continued both to attend opposition rallies and, until just six weeks before his death, to serve the liturgy. “He literally went underground to hold services,” Moscow-based dissident and journalist Victor Davidoff said in an email. “The only space he could get was in the basement of the office of For Human Rights,” a Moscow group that has faced its own share of harassment.

The Russia in which Yakunin died was one of the church triumphant. A 1997 law, while ostensibly protecting religious freedom, recognized the “special role of Orthodoxy” in its preamble (while also extending official recognition to Judaism, Islam, and Buddhism) and imposed multiple restrictions on more marginal religious groups. Under Vladimir Putin’s authoritarian regime, Orthodox Christianity has become, as Kommersant newspaper columnist Konstantin Eggertwrote a few years ago, “a new ideology to replace ‘the moral code of the builder of communism.’” Putin and other top Kremlin officials engage in ostentatious displays of public worship; Patriarch Kirill publicly calls Putin’s rule “a miracle of God.” Works of art deemed “sacrilegious” are vandalized and the exhibitorsprosecuted for offending religious sensibilities. In this new Russia where belonging to the church has become a badge of loyalty to the state, Yakunin remained as much of a rebel as he had been under the Soviet regime in which loyal citizenship required militant atheism. In a country with little history of religious liberalism, he called for a Christian democratic movement founded on the principles of freedom and tolerance.

This rebellion also led Yakunin not only to defend the women of Pussy Riot, the trio imprisoned in 2012 for a widely publicized anti-Putin song-and-dance protest in Moscow’s main cathedral, but also to embrace them as heroines for a new Christian age. Yakunin wrote a poem hailing the women as “guerrillas in a spiritual war,” as “punk-rock prophets” who spoke the truth at the altar—not only about Putin, but about churchmen who had chosen to serve Putin instead of God. In a long interview last January, Yakunin told the independent newspaperNovaya Gazeta that “Pussy Riot has a great, truly extraordinary mission”—spearheading a pro-freedom Christian reform movement—and went so far as to say, “As a priest, I can see that they have been given the gift of grace, special divine help.”

During the Pussy Riot controversy, some Western conservatives such as Baylor University historian Philip Jenkins criticized international support for the women as tone-deaf to the history of religious persecution in Russia: Russian Christians who had endured decades of militant atheism, Jenkins wrote, were understandably sensitive to sacrilege. Yet by and large, Christians like Yakunin, who had challenged and defied such persecution under Soviet rule, were the ones most sympathetic to Pussy Riot’s cause. Lined up on the other side were church hierarchs like Patriarch Kirill, who had enjoyed privileged status in Soviet times—and helped the Kremlin maintain the window-dressing of religious freedom for the benefit of the world. (Kirill represented the Moscow Patriarchate at the World Council of Churches in the early 1970s.)

“Father Gleb’s death, in addition to being a personal tragedy for us, marks the end of a beautiful era when there were still former prisoners in the church,” another dissident priest, Yakov Krotov, noted in a discussion of Yakunin’s life and death on Radio Liberty’s Russian service. “Now the church consists of people who only talk about how ‘we were persecuted’—even though they never were.”

As Yakunin’s admirers in Russia say their farewells, his dream of a Christian democratic movement in Russia seems more distant than ever. Twenty-five years ago, the world lost the great dissident Andrei Sakharov, one of the pillars of Russian secular liberalism; there is, perhaps, a bitter symbolism that almost exactly a quarter-century later, one of its leading voices of religious liberalism has been extinguished as well.


What is the lesson I draw from the life and work of Fr. Yakunin? Politics and Religion are inexorably bound together.  Just as Religion and Sociology are inexorably bound together. The idea of the so-called separation of Church and State in the U.S. has led to nothing but the Ascendancy of  Scientistic Totalitarianism, in the control of Luciferians. I've already quoted Saint John Chrysostom a few times in this series where he said, "

"Poor human reason, when it trusts in itself, substitutes the strangest absurdities for the highest divine concepts." That so-called separation of Church and state in the U.S. has merely led to the paralyzing and conquest of the various Churches for use by the Deep State Intelligence establishment.  Some bodies are more conquered than others, but they are all conquered by the Deep State, or if not conquered then monitored and subtly suppressed.  The recruiting of almost all of American Clergy as Crisis Managers in the Department of Homeland Security has accomplished nothing whatsoever for the safety and freedom of Americans. Rather it has created an army of influencers for the homosexual agenda and the Cultural Marxist takeover of our society and the recent very visible Coup d'etat, which was accomplished by the Deep State in cooperation with NorthCom and the instillation of a "theatrical" government in D.C., where all functions of opposition are mere theatre and nothing but the wishes of the Dark State Generals are pressed into law.  On top of that there is a level of gaslighting insanity that is completely over the top as they rub our servitude and powerlessness in our faces.

I don't think that Father Yakunin had a clue about the evil of the CIA that supported him in his opposition to the Russian Church and Putin in modern Russia.  I shared very much his opinion of Patriarch Alexii I and Patriarch Alexii II, both these men were communist party quislings.  But Patriarch Kirill has publicly denounced the Sodomite culture of America, and the CIA/Globalist takeover of the Greek Patriarchate. He and the Russian Synod of Bishops stood together to denounce the Cultural Marxist agenda of the so-called Great and Holy Council of the Orthodox Church, which was a Cultural Marxist exercise to flood Orthodoxy with all the Heresies of Vatican II.  Yakunin's support of the George Soros "Pussy Riot" movement was more than a mistake, it was a grave sin and blasphemy not just against the Orthodox Church but against decency everywhere.

This quote ascribed to Solzhenitsyn is Chilling because we are here, this perfectly defines the truth about the election steal, the FAKE winner, the pretense of "democratic processes" happening in the FAKE congress, and "UN-constitutional" blind eye of the Supreme court to it all, the constant drone of the Pravda-esk Media, even TIME Magazine's Molly Ball crowing about the illegal and immoral acts of the lawless Cabal, praising it as "saving the election" and now the only truth available is coming from people like me, who are reduced to Samizdat media.

The person who created the meme added this footnote so I'm going to honor him and re-produce it, typo and all.

With that quote above not actually by Solzhenitsyn but something very similar by another Russian writer, who quoted it as an old Russian saying.  It reminded me of a saying shared by a Soviet Era Concert Pianist whose recordings were on fire in the West, and the State Cultural Committee took all the royalties, he didn't make a penny from all his work.  He said, "They pretend to pay me, I pretend to cash the imaginary checks, the Rubles are rubble, I smile and keep pretending that I work for them." He added, "Could I afford it, I would pay them to travel and concertize. And they think I work for them."
The quote is actually by Elena Gorokhova in her book "A Mountain of Crumbs" and goes:
"They lie to us, we know they're lying, they know we know they're lying, but the keep lying to us, and we keep pretending to believe them."
It absolutely demands the question why? As for our situation the words of Rick Higgins who was for a short time a member of the National Security Council, but he was fired for a seven page memo he wrote that totally exposed the nature of the psychological war that was being waged against Trump. He said that the aim wasn't just to get Trump:

End State.
Attacks on President Trump are not just about destroying him, but also about
destroying the vision of America that lead to his election. Those individuals and groups seeking the destruction of President Trump actually seek to suffocate the vision of America that made him president. Hence, the end state is not just a delegitimized, destabilized, immobilized and possibly destroyed presidency; but also a demoralized movement composed of a large enough bloc to elect a president that subsequently become self-aware of its own disenfranchisement. 

The recent turn of events give rise to the observation that the defense of President Trump is the defense of America. In the same way President Lincoln was surrounded by political opposition both inside and outside of his wire, in both overt and covert forms, so too is President Trump. Had Lincoln failed, so too would have the Republic. The administration has been maneuvered into a constant back-pedal by relentless political warfare attacks structured to force him to assume a reactive posture that assures inadequate responses. The president can either drive or be driven by events; it's time for him to drive them.

What can we say except the Republic has fallen, but it fell long ago.

0024 Vol XIII How Blinding is Your World View

I ended the last video rather abruptly after exposing the fact that the psyops operators are doing all in their power to dispirit us.  It is very important to them to try to make us feel helpless.  For some of us of faith, that goal of theirs, is impossible. Let's start with the program notes that accompanied the last video, Volume XII and a lucid dream I had last evening, some might call a vision. What does it mean? It means that Lucifer is not celebrating.

The chances of actual and real comprehensive election reform are as possible as me giving birth. A corrupt system cannot poop a diamond, bad tree, bad fruit. I refuse to participate in the illusion that Jesus' words are relative.
Mat_7:17ff "Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire."

This concept was viewed as so important to the apostle that Jesus is recorded saying this three different places in Mathew's Gospel.
The restoration of the diseased system is possible, but it requires death and resurrection through much pain and sacrifice. The old corpse is deadly now, murderous in its death throes. Any so-called election reform inside the next few years will be illusion that will fool many.

I'm doing the series on Solzhenitsyn to remind myself and others of the illusion of invincible power and control that was the Soviet system, that came crashing down in an instant. Others predicted it, I could not believe it, yet it came crashing down, and it took a decade of plunder and looting before it began to pick itself up from the ashes. What we are seeing here looks much weaker, and we are armed."

"Hewn down and cast into the fire"  Most people really don't have a reference to understand the suffering of the Russian people following the fall of the Soviet Union. The system blew apart, it just blew apart, it was hewn down and cast into the fire. The first decade of "freedom" was a trial that made a huge percentage of the population long for the communist days, Gulags and all. Friends have described it like living in purgatory every institution was a shell, retirees paid in Rubles that were worthless, like having a trunk full of Confederate Bills in 1866, worthless. Nothing functioned, everything was crumbling, breaking down, their entire navy rusted to nothing, and only ruthless criminals could do business, because the only real law was the code of the jungle.  So they think they will demoralize, discourage, dishearten, dismay, frustrate, unnerve and unman us? Thank God Almighty, literally, thank the power of God's Holy Spirit given us in humility to Christ, we will not be defeated.  No rather, they are so very deluded in their arrogance.

Take it for what it is worth, the ole man had a lucid dream last night, some might call it a vision, there are very wounded and disappointed demons screaming "Perfidious Albion" on March 4th, 2021, they have been double-crossed. Perfidious Albion is a pejorative phrase used within the context of diplomacy to refer to acts of diplomatic sleights, duplicity, treachery and infidelity with respect to perceived promises made to or alliances formed with other "authorities". They have been betrayed, they though they had a deal.

I'll be interested to see if this actually has some meaning or as Scrooge said, “You may be an undigested bit of beef, a blot of mustard, a crumb of cheese, a fragment of underdone potato. There's more of gravy than of grave about you, whatever you are!”

We have strength and power these Luciferians can't imagine, we have to learn how to access it.

Here is the paragraph from Rich Higgins:
End State.
Attacks on President Trump are not just about destroying him, but also about
destroying the vision of America that lead to his election. Those individuals and groups seeking the destruction of President Trump actually seek to suffocate the vision of America that made him president. Hence, the end state is not just a delegitimized, destabilized, immobilized and possibly destroyed presidency; but also a demoralized movement composed of a large enough bloc to elect a president that subsequently become self-aware of its own disenfranchisement.

Now I know it will be frustrating to hear, but even that bit of insight is CIA slanted, so much so that it qualifies as a limited hangout.  So let us examine the whole article and expose the part that is carefully left out, so that then we have a complete picture.

(I recommend Rich Higgins book by the same name "THE MEMO".  I just finished reading it. Quote taken from the Appendix of that book)

I want to make note that Mr Higgins book closely parallels the book "American Betrayal" by Diana West, when she gets to the post 911 period. Her recap of the infiltration of communists/Marxist in Government going back to the 1930s is a must read.  Here is a little bit of the introduction.

This seven page memo was written by Rich Higgins, who was at the time Director of strategic planning at the NSC.  It sound like it was written by Bond Robin. Rich Higgins was fired for making sure Trump saw it, by making it public since General McMasters already had Trump sequestered and Higgins could not get the information to him through normal channels. This MEMO was given to Trump the week that Trump fired James Comey, the second week of May, 2017. Did Trump heed this warning?  By everything apparent, he did not.  Reading the last two paragraphs we see that the writer was literally prophetic in explaining the events as they unfolded. This was a remarkable piece of insight.  The question is for me, at any time in Trump's presidency did he have the actual power to act to destroy what seems by the wisdom of this article an inextricable Deep State and "extra-governmental" Oligarchical  power structure and inevitable outcome.

The Trump administration is suffering under withering information campaigns designed to first undermine, then de legitimize and ultimately remove the President. Possibly confusing these attacks with an elevated interplay of otherwise normal D.C. partisan infighting and adversarial media relations, the White House response to these campaigns reflects a political advocacy mindset that it is intensely reactive, severely under-inclusive and dangerously inadequate to the threat. If action is not taken to re-scope and respond to these hostile campaigns very soon, the administration risks implosion and subsequent early departure from the White House. This is not politics as usual but rather political warfare at an unprecedented level that is openly engaged in the direct targeting of a seated president through manipulation of the news cycle. It must be recognized on its own terms so that immediate action can be taken. At its core, these campaigns run on multiple lines of effort, serve as the non-violent line of effort of a wider movement, and execute political warfare agendas that reflect cultural Marxist outcomes. The campaigns operate through narratives. Because the hard left is aligned with lslamist organizations at local (ANTI FA working with Muslim Brotherhood doing business as MSA and CAIR), national (ACLU and BLM working with CAIR and MPAC) and international levels (OIC working with OSCE and the UN), recognition must given to the fact that they seamlessly interoperate at the narrative level as well. In candidate Trump, the opposition saw a threat to the "politically correct" enforcement narratives they've meticulously laid in over the past few decades. In President Trump, they see a latent threat to continue that effort to ruinous effect and their retaliatory response reflects this fear.  


Responding to relentless personal assaults on his character, candidate Trump
identified the players and the strategy:

"The establishment and their media enablers will control over this nation through means that are very well known. Anyone who challenges their control is deemed a sexist, a racist, a xenophobe, and morally deformed." - President Trump, Oct 2016
Culturally conditioned to limit responses to such attacks as yet another round in the on-going drone
from diversity and multicultural malcontents, these broadsides are discounted as political correctness run amuck. However, political correctness is a weapon against reason and critical thinking. This weapon functions as the enforcement mechanism of diversity narratives that seek to implement cultural Marxism. Candidate Trump's rhetoric in the campaign not only cut through the Marxist narrative, he did so in ways that were viscerally comprehensible to a voting bloc that then made candidate Trump the president; making that bloc self-aware in the process. President Trump is either the candidate he ran as, or he is nothing. Recognizing in candidate Trump an existential threat to cultural Marxist memes that dominate the prevailing cultural narrative, those that benefit recognize the threat he poses and seek his destruction. For this cabal, Trump must be destroyed. Far from politics as usual, this is a political warfare effort that seeks the destruction of a sitting president. Since Trump took office, the situation has intensified to crisis level proportions. For those engaged in the effort, especially those from within the "deep state" or permanent government apparatus, this raises clear Title 18 (legal) concerns



The Opposition. 

 While opposition to President Trump manifests itself through political warfare memes centered on cultural Marxist narratives, this hardly means that opposition is limited to Marxists as conventionally understood. Having become the dominant cultural meme, some benefit from it while others are captured by it; including "deep state" actors, globalists, bankers, lslamists, and establishment Republicans. Through the campaign, candidate Trump tapped into a deep vein of concern among many citizens that America is at risk and is slipping away. Globalists and lslamists recognize that for their visions to succeed, America, both as an ideal and as a national and political identity, must be destroyed. Atomization of society must also occur at the individual level; with attacks directed against all levels of group and personal identity. Hence the sexism, racism and xenophobia memes. As a Judea-Christian culture, forced inclusion of post-modern notions of tolerance is designed to induce nihilistic contradictions that reduce all thought, all faith, all loyalties to meaninglessness. Group rights based on sex or ethnicity are a direct assault on the very idea of individual human rights and natural law around which the Constitution was framed. "Transgender acceptance" memes attack at the most basic level by denying a person the right to declare the biological fact of one's sex. When a population has 2 + 2 = 5 imposed on it, there are many that benefit: 

 Mainstream Media -The principle mechanism for implementing narratives.

The Academy-Academia has served as a principle counter-state node for some time and remains a key conduit for creating future adherents to cultural Marxist narratives and their derivative worldview.

The Deep State -The successful outcome of cultural Marxism is a bureaucratic state beholden to no one, certainly not the American people. With no rule of law considerations outside those that further deep state power, the deep state truly becomes, as Hegel advocated, god bestriding the earth.

Global Corporatists & Bankers -Exploitation of populations, unfettered by national protections and notions of personal morality and piety.

Democratic Leadership -The democratic leadership has been a counter-state enabler that executes, sustains, and protects cultural Marxist programs of action and facilitates the relentless expansion of the deep state.

Republican Leadership -More afraid of being accused of being called a racist, sexist, homophobe or lslamophobe than of failing to enforce their oaths to "support and defend the Constitution," the Republican Establishment accepts and enforces cultural Marxist memes within its own sphere of operations. In doing so, knowingly or not, it becomes an agent of that. These "conservatives" become increasingly indistinguishable from their democratic counter-parts save that they misrepresent themselves to their constituents. Lacking the discernment to recognize their situation, they will work with globalists, corporatists, and the international financial interests and will likewise service the deep state. These establishment Republicans are the hard left's designated defeat mechanism in the destruction of the old regime as well as the American ideal.1 Because candidate Trump publicly exposed them for their duplicitous activities, they are at risk as long as Trump can turn on them and are, therefore, bitter foes. Candidate Trump's success remains an ongoing existential threat to establishment Republicans. 1 For more information on how influence operations of the former Soviet Union targeted leading conservative groups and individuals in order to bring them into line with cultural Marxist narratives. See Link here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YzZhqeLRIMo

lslamists -Islamists ally with cultural Marxist because, as far back as the 1980s, they properly assessed that the hard left has a strong chance of reducing Western civilization to its benefit. Having co-opted post-modern narratives as critical points, Islamists deploy these narrative to strategically blind and then control US decision makers. This is by design and purposeful. "By their own hands!" has been the declared strategy of the Muslim Brotherhood since 1991. This strategy seeks to divide American society against itself with the forced imposition of Isla mist objectives on one half of American society by the other half. Once a society has been effectively atomized, the population will have lost its faith in the old order, detest those who reduced it, and divide along the lines of narrative adherence. This is the intended outcome of hostile information cum political warfare campaigns and today we see their effects on American society. Complicating the current situation, many close to the president have pushed him off his message when he was candidate Trump thus alienating him from his base thereby isolating him in the process. When President Trump is not candidate Trump, he becomes dangerously exposed. While the base that elected candidate Trump identified with his vision, they are only Trump's insofar as he holds to the vision that made him president.  

Political Warfare Attacks -A Primer. As used here, "political warfare" does not concern activities associated with the American political process but rather exclusively refers to political warfare as understood by the Maoist Insurgency model.2 Political warfare is one of the five components of a Maoist insurgency. Maoist methodologies employ synchronized violent and non-violent actions that focus on mobilization of individuals and groups to action. This approach envisions the direct use of non-violent operational arts and tactics as elements of combat power. In Maoist insurgencies, the formation of a counter-state is essential to seizing state power. Functioning as a hostile competing state acting within an existing state, it has an alternate infrastructure. Political warfare operates as one of the activities of the "counter-state" and is primarily focused on the resourcing and mobilization of the counter state or the exhaustion and demobilization of the targeted political movement. Political warfare methods can be implemented at strategic, operational, or tactical levels of operation. Political warfare is warfare. Strategic information campaigns designed to delegitimize through disinformation arise out of non-violent lines of effort in political warfare regimes. They principally operate through narratives. Because the left is aligned with lslamist organizations at local, national and international levels, recognition should be given to the fact that they seamlessly interoperate through coordinated synchronized interactive narratives.

Cultural Marxism -A Primer. While the attacks on President Trump arise out of political warfare considerations based on non-kinetic lines of effort (as discussed below), they operate in a battle-space prepared, informed and conditioned by cultural Marxist drivers. In practical terms, the political warfare assault on President Trump cannot be separated from the cultural Marxist narratives that drive them. From an operational preparation of the environment perspective, President Trump is operating in a battle-space that reflects the left's vision.  

2 This discussion relies on Thomas A. Marks' treatment of the Maoist model as discussed in Maoist People's War in Post-Vietnam Asia (Bangkok, Thailand: White Lotus Press, 2007), 1-14. Hereafter "Thomas A. Marks, Maoist People's War."


 As used in this discussion, cultural Marxism relates to programs and activities that arise out of Gramsci Marxism, Fabian Socialism and most directly from the Frankfurt School. The Frankfurt strategy deconstructs societies through attacks on culture by imposing a dialectic that forces unresolvable contradictions under the rubric of critical theory. The result is induced nihilism, a belief in everything that is actually the belief in nothing. That post-modern (diversity/multiculturalism) narratives seeks to implement cultural Marxist objectives can be demonstrated by reference to founding Frankfurt School theorist Herbert Marcuse's repurposing of the term tolerance. In a 1965 ~ Marcuse defined tolerance as intolerance; said it can be implemented through undemocratic means to stop chauvinism (xenophobia), racism, discrimination; and should be extended to the left while denied to the right:

"The realization of the objective of tolerance would call for intolerance toward prevailing policies, attitudes, opinions, and the extension of tolerance to policies, attitudes, and opinions which are outlawed or suppressed."
-Thomas A. Marks, Maoist People's War.

0024 Vol XIV How Blinding is Your Worldview
(Place Video Here)

(Remember we are talking about the method of taking down a traditional society, creating revolution as described by
Thomas A. Marks, Maoist People's War. Let us restate where we left off in the last video, using tolerance as a weapon of destruction  - we saw the weapon employed in the clown show created by the appointment of the Trans Clown Dr Levine as the under-secretary of Health - Observe how Rand Paul's very sane remarks about the abuse of children through hormone blocking chemicals and the administering of opposite sex hormones to prepubescent children is dangerous and condemned by every major health organization.  You saw if you watch the video his concern was "the abuse of children" now see how the Cultural Marxist use his words just as the Maoist playbook demands.

Of course Rand Paul is attacked for his defense of children, painted a "phobic" the usual word they employ against people who are not in favor of promoting sexual debauchery and sexual confusion. Those who are DESTRUCTIVE, as Dr Bill Warner pointed out in the last video, as labeled "tolerant" when they are causing much suffering, and those who seek to reduce suffering are labeled "intolerant." This is a perfect example of that weapon in use.)

"The realization of the objective of tolerance would call for intolerance toward prevailing policies, attitudes, opinions, and the extension of tolerance to policies, attitudes, and opinions which are outlawed or suppressed." -Thomas A. Marks, Maoist People's War.

(The Alabama State Legislature will be called primitive, backward neanderthal, trans-phobic, cruel, unmerciful and on an on for the following action)

(Their action is sane, kind, a protection of the children of the state from what is certainly medical malpractice by all those organisations Senator Paul mention in his questioning of Dr Levine, but all that makes little difference when the abuse of these children is merely a cynical Maoist tool in the take down of our nation.

If you hold common sense you would say, "
God's Blessings upon all but four state senators in Alabama, those four must be demoniacs since it takes demon possession to abuse children and rob them of their true life as created by God. However we must remember that this act is just the beginning of a battle to be won or lost in the luciferian courts that have come completely unstuck from humanity and have been making inhuman decisions for a long time, as clearly the last election cycle proved once again. Were it up to the people of the states, there would have been no gay marriage, no abortion at birth and no cancel culture eating holes in the foundations of our society and culture. Let me say it clearly, anyone who exposed a child to even the question of "gender identity" past the basic and obvious knowledge that "boys have penises and girls have vaginas" is a monster and child abuser.)

"Surely, no government can be expected to foster its own subversion, but in a democracy such a right is vested in the people (i.e. in the majority of the people). This means that the ways should not be blocked on which a subversive majority could develop, and if they are blocked by organized repression and indoctrination, their reopening may require apparently undemocratic means. They would include the withdrawal of toleration of speech and assembly from groups and movements which promote aggressive policies, armament, chauvinism, discrimination on the grounds of race and religion, or which oppose the extension of public services, social security, medical care, etc." (8-9)
-Thomas A. Marks, Maoist People's War.
"Liberating tolerance, then, would mean intolerance against movements from the Right and toleration of movements from the Left. As to the scope of this tolerance and intolerance: ... it would extend to the stage of action as well as of discussion and propaganda, of deed as well as of word." (12) It is through such post-modern constructs that interoperable narratives are established among various left-wing groups as well as between them and Isla mist groups at all levels. For example, from the 2001 Conference of Foreign Ministers at Bamako, Mali, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) declared its commitment to fight racism and xenophobia and then declared lslamophobia a "contemporary form of racism":
In this context, the World Conference urges all states ... take all necessary measures to combat hatred, discrimination, intolerance and acts of violence, intimidation and coercion motivated by racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance particularly against Islam.
-Thomas A. Marks, Maoist People's War.

Racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance which display an increasing trend, in their most subtle and contemporary forms, constitute a violation of human rights.
3. Contemporary forms of racism are based on discrimination and
disparagement on a cultural, rather than biological basis. In this content, the increasing trend of lslamophobia, as a distinct form of xenophobia in non-Muslim societies is very alarming. That the OIC made these claims as part of its planned inputs to the United Nation's "Third World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance" further demonstrates the coordinated and interoperable nature of these narratives at international levels in international forums.
As cultural Marxist narratives intensify, they are to be further operationalized in the form of hate speech narratives. Hate speech narratives are non-random, coordinated, and fully interoperable escalations of cultural Marxist memes. Key international players include the European Union, the UN, and the OSCE, (
The OSCE stands for the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe. With 57 States from Europe, Central Asia and North America, the OSCE is the world's largest regional security organization.)  the OIC and the International Muslim Brotherhood. Hate speech memes are structured, coordinated, and implemented through these same international forums. They involve close coordination with media and social media and include the Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) narratives. David Shipler's book Freedom of Speech provides a road map for how hate speech narratives are to be structured, deployed and enforced.

(Now let me give you an example of the deployment and enforcement of "hate speech" narratives.  Video number four in this series was removed from YouTube and I was given a "violating community standards, strike" for exposing the very powerful weapon of "atrocitization" use by Israel and the Jews in the Diaspora. Explaining why Americans have such an emotional tie to the Holocaust, treating it like some "sacred event of history" and no emotional tie to the Holodomor events that happened a mere decade apart. I dared to point out that the Holodomor had at least three times the victims and asked the question, "isn't a death, a death?"  No, some deaths and acts of violence, or even pretended acts of violence are "atrocitized" and others are ignored. And this happens all according to political agenda.  That use of the accusation of hate speech against me had nothing to do with the disparagement of Jews, or denying the Holocaust, which I most certainly did not do, it was used against me because I exposed a powerful tool of brainwashing, one that the ruling cabal cannot afford to lose. And they lose it, its power is removed when it is "spoken", when it is exposed. Thus the "atrocitizing of my words," why? what for?- to silence me.)

These attack narratives are pervasive, full spectrum and institutionalized at all levels. They
operate in social media, television, the 24-hour news cycle in all media, and are entrenched at the upper levels of the bureaucracies and within the foreign policy establishment. (That is the National Security Council, the CIA, the NSA, and the US State Department, together with like organizations in the five-eye nations, controlled by the wealthy elite of the Oligarchy, City of London, Wall Street and Banking).  They inform the entertainment industry from late night monologues, to situation comedies, to television series memes, to movie themes. The effort required to direct this capacity at President Trump is little more than a programming decision to do so. The cultural Marxist narrative is fully deployed, pervasive, full spectrum and ongoing. Regarding the president, attacks have become a relentless 24/7 effort. While there is certainly a Marxist agenda and even lslamist motivations that must be seriously addressed in their own right, these motivations alone seem inadequate to explain the scope and magnitude of the effort directed against the president. The economic drivers behind the Marxist and Islamist ideologues are enormously influential and seek to leverage these ideological movements for their own self interests. While beyond the actual scope of this document, the benefactors of these political movements include; Urban Real Estate who depend greatly on immigrant tenants, International Banking who seeks to maintain US debtor status so as to control the application of American power, and elements of the business sector that depend upon immigrant labor or government infrastructure. The overall objective of these economic forces is the forced urbanization of the populace, thereby necessitating a larger, more powerful government. In summary, this is a form of population control by certain business cartels in league with cultural Marxists/corporatists/lslamists who will leverage Islamic terrorism threats to justify the creation of a police state.

Adversary Campaign Plan.
Political Warfare has been described as "propaganda in battledress."3 The effort directed at President Trump is executed along one overt, as well as two covert, lines of effort:

The overt line of effort is PUBLICITY. Publicity is the straightforward projection of a case that builds a picture in the audience's mind designed to garner support. It is facts without context and information the adversary wants the audience to possess that creates an impression and sets conditions. It seeks to establish good will and receptiveness to additional inputs.

There are two covert lines of effort: PROPOGANDA and INFILTRATION/SUBVERSION.
Propaganda is the deliberate direction, even manipulation, of information to secure a definite outcome. It is an attempt to direct the thinking of the recipient, without his conscious collaboration, into predetermined channels that are established in the Publicity line of effort. It is the unwitting conditioning of the recipient by devious methods with an ulterior motive that seeks to move them incrementally over time into greater belief and acceptance of message transmitted in the Publicity line of effort.

o Infiltration and subversion operate internal to the targeted organization in order to inform, target, coordinate, and amplify the effects of the publicity and propaganda. Both operate to gather intelligence, obstruct legitimate courses of action, provide inside information, and leak sensitive information that undermines the leadership and suppresses the morale of friendly elements.
"Political Warfare Executive -The Meaning, Techniques and Methods of Political Warfare," His Britannic Majesty's Government, London, 1942, 5. 


o Infiltration of political and social groups within a target state is done for the purpose of extending counter-state influence and control. The endgame is concealed and may involve illicit activities. 

o Subversion undermines or detaches the loyalties of significant political and social groups within the target state and transfers political and/or ideological loyalties to the counter-state. As the counter-state forms, a counter-elite of influential individual and key leaders within the target state will later facilitate the legitimacy and permanency of the new regime. Political warfare employs both publicity and propaganda. It recognizes no intrinsic virtue in the news but rather envisions it as a mechanism to exploit and build up support. From a political warfare perspective, control of the news cycle is the most potent means of attracting and building up a favorable audience. As it relates to the news cycle, publicity and propaganda can be merged to form a "pseudo-publicity" that is presented as news in furtherance of sustaining pseudo-realities maintained by cultural Marxist memes. Pseudo-publicity treatment of President Trump dominates the news cycle. The current campaign against President Trump operates in the following manner: The Meta Narrative. Meta narratives seeks to delegitimize President Trump, his administration, and the vision of America he projected as a candidate. With cultural Marxist memes serving as the backdrop, President Trump is to be relentlessly characterized as unfit through the use of supporting narratives acting to move unwitting populations to belief in the meta narrative. Hence:
"President Trump is illegitimate"
"President Trump is corrupt"
"President Trump is dishonest"
(He left out two of the most powerful, 1. Trump is a bigot and 2. Trump is mentally unstable - and in particular the narrative was pushed that his mental illness resided in his dangerous worldview. - you see how forming our own TRUE worldview is so important. For most of you, something else, something foreign to you has created your worldview. That is control, Trump was/is dangerous because he does not share the Cabal's worldview. He hasn't been through the initiation rites, he isn't a member of the secret societies.)

Note that the twitter accounts and mainstream media personalities pushing this narrative have seen
their audience numbers rise greatly in the past 6 months. This is a direct result of the supporting and backdrop narratives channeling individuals to this meta-narrative.

(I think our friend Mr. Higgins was naive here. Because of the power of "digital analytics" the numbers of followers, number of viewers, is as reliable as political-opinion-herding-polling. It is easily distorted to present a message, millions of accounts are fake.)

Supporting Narratives. Meta-narratives are supported by an ongoing series supporting-narratives that can be swapped out as circumstances warrant. It is important to recognize that these stories do not have to be true, valid or accurate to serve their purpose. Over time, deserved or not, the cumulative effect of these supporting narratives will result in a Trump fatigue. From a political warfare perspective, President Trump's inability to meet this challenge will cast him as a weak failed leader. The current list of supporting narratives include:
"Russia hacked the election" -illegitimate
"Obstruction of Justice" -corrupt
"Hiding Collusion" -dishonest
"Putin Puppet" -treasonous

Backdrop Narratives.
The backdrop to the meta and supporting narratives are cultural Marxist memes designed to sustain a general sense of loathing of President Trump and the America that elected him. Hence:
"[meta] President Trump is illegitimate, [supporting] he was elected because of Russian hacking, [backdrop] and besides, he a racist, sexist xenophobe."


 Adversaries utilize these interlocking narratives as a defensive political and information warfare screen that silences critics and smears supporters of President Trump. When people in the media question the behavior, actions and decisions of the Trump Administration's opponents, they are immediately said to be "working for the Russians" or "supporting Russian propaganda." Individual Americans who support the President are deemed "deplorable" and "racist."

End State.
Attacks on President Trump are not just about destroying him, but also about
destroying the vision of America that lead to his election. Those individuals and groups seeking the destruction of President Trump actually seek to suffocate the vision of America that made him president. Hence, the end state is not just a delegitimized, destabilized, immobilized and possibly destroyed presidency; but also a demoralized movement composed of a large enough bloc to elect a president that subsequently become self-aware of its own disenfranchisement.

The recent turn of events give rise to the observation that the defense of President Trump is the defense of America. In the same way President Lincoln was surrounded by political opposition both inside and outside of his wire, in both overt and covert forms, so too is President Trump. Had Lincoln failed, so too would have the Republic. The administration has been maneuvered into a constant back-pedal by relentless political warfare attacks structured to force him to assume a reactive posture that assures inadequate responses. The president can either drive or be driven by events; it's time for him to drive them."

I created this meme on 2/28/2017 posted it on Facebook, and included it in videos, two months later Rich Higgins published The Memo that General McMaster, then Trump's Chief of Staff, would not let Trump see.
My meme and many like words and Higgins memo were prophetic. I have a different take than Higgins who has been part of the Luciferian Deep State system most of his adult life. You see, we have been disenfranchised for the better part of the last 70 years, and most people were blind to it. Now 80 or 90 million Americans understand it. That is going to create hell to pay.

Here is a joyful note and powerful:  With all that massive power of propaganda and coordinated control, that entire mechanism FAILED.  One would naturally ask, "how can you say that it failed, when Trump was driven from office?"   True, he was driven from office, removed from office as shurely has if a military junta marched into the White House and ejected him. But it wasn't this SECRET power of mind manipulation that removed him. That weapon they have employed with such force that it can have people walking around in the out-of-doors, in the sunshine wearing masks, and even that fear psyop has partially failed.  How do I know it failed?  Because they had to go public with their subversion, they could not hide it and remove Trump. It stopped being just subversion and became open warfare. Seventy-five million people voting exposed them, and long before the vote was taken they had to agree to be willing to expose themselves, like the Marxist Governor of Georgia and the Marxist Secretary of State of Georgia, and thousands of others, brought to the surface having to operate in plain sight. There psyop failed, and they had to go public, and the psyop to coverup having to go public, as is exampled by that comical article by Molly Ball, about the Cabal That Saved America, published in the CIA's TIME Magazine, again more signs of FAILURE.  And the reason for the failure is the growing grasp of Truth by tens of millions Americans and that is the reason I'm doing this series.  This information is POWER if you can grasp it.

Trump did gain an amazing control of the Shallow State though it cooperated with the Deep State Propagandists to try and destroy him, every moment of every day. But the Deep State exposed itself as an enemy of the American People to the point of exposing the Cabal that subverted the election and count in 2020. There is now no place for them to hide.

One man took on a Totalitarian System, hoping that he would create enough raw political power in a "cult of personality" to rob the Deep State of the power it had stolen and return that power to the people.  The question is, who is now actually in control? As we asked in Video VII in this series.  We don't know.

Now don't take the above statement to Maria Bartoromo as in any way, defeatism.  Saying the Republic has fallen and that voting is exposed as purely sham and a con process, a lying LARP, only frees us to look at the reality and the power that Trump and others may have or come to have, in this new reality.  One man, Fr. Gleb Yakunin destroyed the image of the World Council of Churches as a Christian body, as we showed in a previous video, exposing its Marxist roots and agenda. Some say, that Alexsandr Solzhenitsyn one man ripping the scab of the cesspool of the Soviet's massive persecution of Christians and the Soviet prison system exposed them as a failed system and sealed their fate.  I believe that, or something like that because individuals have been used in remarkable ways. And this system has now been exposed as the anti-American reality it is and an enemy of the American People, and at present is under military conservatorship and the wings are shaking just like a plane just before stalling.

"Please tell me in history when a totalitarian government surrendered power because peaceful people voted for it." The first time I wrote that sentence was upon the election of Ronald Reagan, my brothers were elated that Carter was out, I was too. Carter was too wrapped up in some sick psychology that caused him to micromanage and over think everything to the point that he could not make a decision. He took indecisive to a whole new understanding.  I think he was an accidental president, the Cabal never intended, the result of the blowback from the atrositization of Joseph McCarthy,  Nixon's rebellion against his CIA handlers and resultant atrositization of Richard Nixon, the idiocy of having a member of the Warren Commission appointed president after Agnew and Nixon Resigned, the exposure of MKUltra, the CIA LSD experiments on innocent American Citizens, the Vietnam vets returning talking about the CIA's terror campaign on innocent Vietnam Villagers, the resultant "Church Committee" investigation of the CIA in the Senate and the "Pike Committee" in the House, the exposure of Operation CHAOS and Operation COINTELPRO, public calls from prominent and popular senators calling for the CIA to be abolished, the naive American public awakened a little bit from the Nuclear Shield nirvana, stared just a little bit in the evil abyss that had become their government (the Deep State) and were so relieved when Jimmy Carter said with his permanent smile and twinkling eye, "I will never lie to you."  Well, like I say, I was glad he was gone but I knew where my brothers didn't that Reagan was a member of the Club, that is the Cabal and that government and evil would have a free reign while he shucked and jived and regurgitated his Uncle Sam, Mom and Apple Pie sham, as the CIA recouped and determined not to be challenged again.

0024 Vol XV How Blinding is Your Worldview
Operation Phoenix and the people who hated it.

Uncle Sam, Mom, Apple Pie, Ole Glory, Genocide and Terror.

You will see in this video that when I use the term Luciferian for the actions of the Deep State and their mind-war upon the American People, I am not in the least exaggerating.

Everyone with any sense of right and wrong in America is familiar with Paul Harvey's little speech, "If I were the Devil" from 1965. 

If I were the devil … If I were the Prince of Darkness, I’d want to engulf the whole world in darkness. And I’d have a third of its real estate, and four-fifths of its population, but I wouldn’t be happy until I had seized the ripest apple on the tree — Thee.  So I’d set about however necessary to take over the United States. I’d subvert the churches first — I’d begin with a campaign of whispers. With the wisdom of a serpent, I would whisper to you as I whispered to Eve: ‘Do as you please.’

“To the young, I would whisper that ‘The Bible is a myth.’ I would convince them that man created God instead of the other way around. I would confide that what’s bad is good, and what’s good is ‘square.’ And the old, I would teach to pray, after me, ‘Our Father, which art in Washington…’

“And then I’d get organized. I’d educate authors in how to make lurid literature exciting, so that anything else would appear dull and uninteresting. I’d threaten TV with dirtier movies and vice versa. I’d pedal narcotics to whom I could. I’d sell alcohol to ladies and gentlemen of distinction. I’d tranquilize the rest with pills.

“If I were the devil I’d soon have families that war with themselves, churches at war with themselves, and nations at war with themselves; until each in its turn was consumed. And with promises of higher ratings I’d have mesmerizing media fanning the flames. If I were the devil I would encourage schools to refine young intellects, but neglect to discipline emotions — just let those run wild, until before you knew it, you’d have to have drug sniffing dogs and metal detectors at every schoolhouse door.

“Within a decade I’d have prisons overflowing, I’d have judges promoting pornography — soon I could evict God from the courthouse, then from the schoolhouse, and then from the houses of Congress. And in His own churches I would substitute psychology for religion, and deify science. I would lure priests and pastors into misusing boys and girls, and church money. If I were the devil I’d make the symbols of Easter an egg and the symbol of Christmas a bottle.

“If I were the devil I’d take from those who have, and give to those who want until I had killed the incentive of the ambitious.

And what do you bet I could get whole states to promote gambling as the way to get rich? I would caution against extremes and hard work in Patriotism, in moral conduct. I would convince the young that marriage is old-fashioned, that swinging is more fun, that what you see on the TV is the way to be. And thus, I could undress you in public, and I could lure you into bed with diseases for which there is no cure. In other words, if I were the devil I’d just keep right on doing what he’s doing.

Paul Harvey, good day.”

Operation Phoenix
John Stockwell, CIA Officer
The Phoenix Program (Vietnamese: Chiến dịch Phụng Hoàng, a word related to fenghuang, the Chinese phoenix) was a counterinsurgency program designed, coordinated, and executed by the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), United States special operations forces, and the Republic of Vietnam's (South Vietnam) security apparatus during the Vietnam War. The Program was designed to identify and "neutralize" (via infiltration, capture, terrorism, torture, and assassination) the civilian infrastructure supporting the National Liberation Front of South Vietnam (NLF or Viet Cong) insurgency. The major two components of the program were Provincial Reconnaissance Units (PRUs) and regional interrogation centers. PRUs would kill suspected VC, and terrorize and capture civilians who were thought to have information on VC activities. These civilians were then taken to the interrogation centers where they were tortured in an attempt to gain intelligence on VC activities in the area. Few of the prisoners survived -- most of them were tortured to death, and those that survived the torture sessions were generally killed afterwards. The information extracted at the torture centers was then given to military commanders, who would use it to task the PRU with further capture and assassination missions.  The official story is that the program was in operation between 1965 and 1972, and similar efforts existed both before and after that period. By 1972, Phoenix operatives had "neutralized" 81,740 suspected NLF supporters, of whom 26,369 were killed.
(neutralized meant maimed and left to suffer) Common methods of torture used at the interrogation centers included: "Rape, gang rape, rape using eels, snakes, or hard objects, and rape followed by murder; electric shock ('the Bell Telephone Hour') rendered by attaching wires to the genitals or other sensitive parts of the body, like the tongue; the 'water treatment'; the 'airplane' in which the prisoner's arms were tied behind the back, and the rope looped over a hook on the ceiling, suspending the prisoner in midair, after which he or she was beaten; beatings with rubber hoses and whips; the use of police dogs to maul prisoners."

Military intelligence officer K. Milton Osborne witnessed the following use of torture: "The use of the insertion of the 6-inch dowel into the canal of one of my detainee's ears, and the tapping through the brain until dead. The starvation to death (in a cage), of a Vietnamese woman who was suspected of being part of the local political education cadre in one of the local villages ... The use of electronic gear such as sealed telephones attached to ... both both the women's vaginas and men's testicles [to] shock them into submission."

Lieutenant Vincent Okamoto, an intelligence-liaison officer for the Phoenix Program for two months in 1968 and a recipient of the Distinguished Service Cross said the following: "The problem was, how do you find the people on the blacklist? It's not like you had their address and telephone number. The normal procedure would be to go into a village and just grab someone and say, 'Where's Nguyen so-and-so?' Half the time the people were so afraid they would not say anything. Then a Phoenix team would take the informant, put a sandbag over his head, poke out two holes so he could see, put commo wire around his neck like a long leash, and walk him through the village and say, 'When we go by Nguyen's house scratch your head.' Then that night Phoenix would come back, knock on the door, and say, 'April Fool, motherfucker.' Whoever answered the door would get wasted. As far as they were concerned whoever answered was a Communist, including family members. Sometimes they'd come back to camp with ears to prove that they killed people."

Who ran Operation Phoenix?

The China WWII Connection -Jack Anderson served alongside Capt. John Birch, Capt. Mitchell L. WerBell III, S/Sgt. Robert Emmett Johnson, USMC, Major John Singlaub, Lt. Roger Hillsman, et al.

They were old OSS fighters in China.

In 1966 Ted Shackley was placed in charge of CIA secret war in Laos. He appointed Thomas G. Clines as his deputy. He also took Carl E. Jenkins, David Morales, Rafael Quintero, Felix Rodriguez and Edwin Wilson with him to Laos. According to Joel Bainerman it was at this point that Shackley and his "Secret Team" became involved in the drug trade. They did this via General Vang Pao, the leader of the anti-communist forces in Laos. Vang Pao was a major figure in the opium trade in Laos. To help him Shackley used his CIA officials and assets to sabotage the competitors. Eventually Vang Pao had a monopoly over the heroin trade in Laos. In 1967 Shackley and Clines helped Vang Pao to obtain financial backing to form his own airline, Zieng Khouang Air Transport Company, to transport opium and heroin between Long Tieng and Vientiane. In 1968 Shackley and Clines arranged a meeting in Saigon between Santo Trafficante and Vang Pao to establish a heroin-smuggling operation from Southeast Asia to the United States.

In 1969 Ted Shackley became Chief of Station in Vietnam and headed the Phoenix Program. This involved the killing of non-combatant Vietnamese civilians suspected of collaborating with the National Liberation Front. In a two year period, Operation Phoenix murdered 28,978 civilians.


I knew a man that was special forces and assigned to the Phoenix program who to survive got hooked on drugs in country. When he returned home he ended up marrying and trying to return to some normal life.  He had three children but as the years went by he could not take the pain of looking at them. He could never shake the feeling that he didn't deserve happiness, and a family because he had killed so many children in Vietnam.  The torment did not stop until he died.

All the atrocities carried out by the  "Judeo-Christian" government of America are consciously hidden and soma-ised by the American Deep State.  Why do I use the term "Judeo-Christian" in this instance, because Israel, the Jewish State and the Jewish Oligarchy in the diaspora, the huge banking interests, together with many religious institutions, like the Christian Zionist Movement of Evangelicals, together with the CIA's conquest of the Roman Catholic Church and the Greek Ecumenical Patriarchate around the world, including the Greek Hierarchs of the Orthodox Church have "weaponized" these religious institutions for the purpose of "conquest."   The psyop masters in all of these institution have cooperated NOT to atrocitize the tragedies and even genocides created by the spread of "Americanism" an ideology that is Judeo-Christian (and in fact Luciferian.) When knowledge of these events escape the containment mechanism they are very quick to get past it.  Failure to face the nature of these "aberrations" of civilized behavior has freed the sadists on a state level to continue with their full range of terror tools.  This evil is tolerated by a nation of Christians who mistake their pacifism and apathy for Christianity and turn their heads thinking that if their government did it, or does it, it must have been necessary.

Do you know who will never be banned from YouTube? who will never be accused of hate speech?  Those that talk about and even show very violent scenes of American atrocities and excuse it saying, "That's just war. That's what war is."  To wit.


Look what the CIA and FBI did to people who wanted the terror in Vietnam to stop.  The reach of this subversive terrorism has never been just about those overseas.

Operation CHAOS or Operation MHCHAOS was a Central Intelligence Agency domestic espionage project targeting the American people from 1967 to 1974, established by President Lyndon B. Johnson and expanded under President Richard Nixon, whose mission was to uncover possible foreign influence on domestic race, anti-war and other protest movements. The operation was launched under Director of Central Intelligence (DCI) Richard Helms by chief of counter-intelligence James Jesus Angleton, and headed by Richard Ober.[1][2] The "MH" designation is to signify the program had a worldwide area of operations.[3])

What the nice little sanitized Wikipedia article leaves out is that these programs included purposely hooking hundreds of thousands, maybe even millions of young people on drugs. The inner-cities were devastated, the black family destroyed, and white young people turned hippies then drugged-out-zombies by the age of 30.  The CIA created the "dropout counter-culture" sex, drugs and rock'n'roll. Too many of big names and big groups had CIA, Military Intelligence and/or FBI connections.  What was the reason for this purposeful devastation of a generation?  To stop the sincere people who had sincere concerns for the missteps of the Cold War, and the needless foreign interventions, war for political and not defense purposes. The CIA literally took control over the American Media, Corporate Advertising and pumped out only psychological programing. Let's restate Rich Higgins description of the mind manipulation mechanism:

(That is the National Security Council, the CIA, the NSA, and the US State Department, together with like organizations in the five-eye nations, controlled by the wealthy elite of the Oligarchy, City of London, Wall Street and Banking).  "They inform the entertainment industry from late night monologues, to situation comedies, to television series memes, to movie themes. The effort required to direct this capacity at (its target) is little more than a programming decision to do so. The cultural Marxist narrative is fully deployed, pervasive, full spectrum and ongoing. . .  attacks have become a relentless 24/7 effort."

I've always thought that the glorifying/horrifying of the murder of the Clutter family in Truman Capote's Book and later Movie "In Cold Blood" and maybe even the actual murders were part of operation Chaos. The murders were not just reported, Capote used a strange new form of literature, the non-fiction "novel" removing the event from history and making it entertainment, this ultimately created the documentary and docudrama and the movie form of "In Cold Blood" may have been the first docudrama, at least commercial variety. The Office of Strategic Services (OSS) the precursor of the CIA created the docudrama genra as a propaganda form prior to World War II. I watched for research just this morning a docudrama created by the OSS in the first year of WWII that purported to be an instruction film designed to teach the proper interrogation of prisoners of war.  It was more like an episode of Ozzie and Harriet than real.  Its purpose was to reduce the fear of enemy troops making it easier for them to surrender, not fearing capture etc.  But we digress.

I've always believed that the murder of the McDonald family and the persecution of Dr Jeffery MacDonald was part of Operation Chaos:

Jeffrey Robert MacDonald (born October 12, 1943) is a former American physician and United States Army officer who was convicted in August 1979 of murdering his pregnant wife and two daughters in February 1970.
MacDonald has always proclaimed his innocence of the murders, which he claims were committed by four intruders—three male, one female—who had broken into his home and attacked him, his wife, and his children with instruments such as knives, clubs and ice picks.

I think the Murder of Sam Sheppard's wife and his persecution on virtually no evidence was a precursor to Operation Chaos.  If you put a gun to my head and my life depended on the right answer, I would say that Charles Manson, the Manson "family" and the Tate and LaBianca slaughters, Hugh Hefner, Dr Kinsey and the Kinsey Institute, the attack on Judicial Sanity on the part of the Psychiatric and Psychological industry, the Door's lead singer, 1960 Hippie Movement, Woodstock, and much more, including the Zebra Murders and the Black Power movement; the FBI took out an entire block in the city of Philadelphia, killed the Zebra soldiers with their wives and children.  I also believe the "Missing and Murdered Children" in Atlanta were all part of Operation Chaos, and some such similar operation by the FBI/CIA in the U.S, like the McMartin case and the Franklin Coverup.  They needed an atmosphere of fear and suicidal abandon and they created it.  Until the late 1950s and operation Chaos, a great many people slept with their windows open and doors unlocked. But the images of the late night intruder was hammered into the heads of most people, it was the thing of nightmares.  I know it is hard to believe, but it is true.  The difference between 1950 and 1960 in America was the difference between the Main Street of a Rockwell Painting and Purgatory, between unbridled confidence in America's future and goodness and a dark time of fear and foreboding.  Add to the amplification of crimes to the point of Gaslighting, there were the Civil Defense Drills.

I had a parishioner, a woman in her late sixties whose husband had recently died and although she lived on a farm surrounded by friends and kin people in rural Georgia she could not sleep because of fear.  I was traveling the streets of Atlanta and suburbs a lot in my business, had been in an armed robbery in 1971, had witnessed the police camped out near the bridges on the Chattahooche River to catch the Atlanta Child Murderer Serial Killer, had met the "homo-slasher" a Methodist Minister who killed at least 21 homosexuals (didn't know he was a serial killer then) witnessed the hit men (three of them) arrive and one step to the door at Lita Sullivan's house with a flower arrangement.  He looked up and saw me in the bay window and I let him know I was armed, just because of an instinct that he was dangerous. He choked and got back in the pickup truck with the other two. A week or so later they returned and killed her. This is an abbreviated list of the crime and violence I have witness.  But here was this widow, surrounded by family on adjacent property in an idealic countryside where there had been only one serious crime within 20 miles for decades, and she was frightened to be alone. I ask her, "When is the last time you witnessed a serious crime."  
Answer "Never."  
"When is the last time you witnessed an auto accident.
"There was one at the crossroads a few years ago and a fellow killed, but I didn't witness it."
"So it can't be from real life that is the reason for all this fear."
She literally mocked me and said, "Well, I watch and see all the robberys, rapes and murders on the news and that's real life." I said, "Yes, someone else's life, someone else's location." She stopped watching the 11 o'clock Atlanta news and trying to go to sleep afterwards. That half-hour news program was a terror tool, importing the crimes of intercity Atlanta into her bedroom.   She stopped watching the news altogether and limited her exposure to the local paper and a local Christian radio station for their noon news. She started sleeping very well. There's a lesson here if you can take it.  It is one thing to be concerned for the devolution of our society and culture and be aware of the crimes of all kinds, it is wrong to live in fear.

And let us not forget the UFO scares. It was 1947 when they began the advanced technology psyop on the American people with the Nazi technology crash at Roswell, and hundreds of other UFO sightings all over the country over the decade of the 1950s.  They have been gaslighting us for a long time. We are going to go rather deeply into this psyop later on.

It is more than interesting to note that recent FBI de-classifications have confirmed that much of what I thought was government caused, through MKUltra (mind control) and Operation Chaos is confirmed in fact.  As I was working on this Jay Dyer published a video (live stream) going over the tie of famous serial killers to government Mind Control programs.

Serial Killers, The Occult & Mind Control - Henry Lee Lucas, Berkowitz - Pt. 1 Jay Dyer (Half)

One cannot help but ask, why? Why would the government purposely terrorize its own people? The answer is simple in one sense, simply for control. One has to ask, control! For whom? For What?

  Zbigniew Kazimierz Brzezinski was a Polish-American diplomat and political scientist. He served as a counselor to President Lyndon B. Johnson from 1966 to 1968 and was President Jimmy Carter's National Security Advisor from 1977 to 1981. Do you think that Zbigniew was speaking hypothetically when he said:  (click video)

What methods have been used to "control" a million people?  I think we just recited a few of them.

The soldiers came home from World War Two proud of what they had accomplished and started families and created the "boomer" generation, and the CIA/FBI met the boomers with sex, drugs and rock-n-roll. Do you think the explosion of mass murder, the Marxist riots, the black power movement, the hippy movement and all the rest, including the devolution of ART, that it just happened on its own?

The boomers raised a generation that was able to do this. They were just following orders.

Abu Ghraib torture and prisoner abuse.

During the Iraq War, United States Army and Central Intelligence Agency personnel committed a series of human rights violations against detainees in the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq,[1] including physical and sexual abuse, torture, rape, sodomy, and murder.[2][3][4][5] The abuses came to public attention with the publication of photographs of the abuse by CBS News in April 2004. The incidents received widespread condemnation both within the United States and abroad.[6]

The administration of George W. Bush claimed that the abuses at Abu Ghraib were isolated incidents and were not indicative of U.S. policy.[7][8] This claim was disputed by humanitarian organizations such as the Red Cross, Amnesty International, and Human Rights Watch; these organizations stated that the abuses at Abu Ghraib were part of a wider pattern of torture and brutal treatment at American overseas detention centers, including those in Iraq, in Afghanistan, and at Guantanamo Bay.[8]

Documents popularly known as the Torture Memos came to light a few years later. These documents, prepared shortly before the 2003 invasion of Iraq by the United States Department of Justice, authorized certain enhanced interrogation techniques (generally held to involve torture) of foreign detainees. The memoranda also argued that international humanitarian laws, such as the Geneva Conventions, did not apply to American interrogators overseas. Several subsequent U.S. Supreme Court decisions, including Hamdan v. Rumsfeld (2006), have overturned Bush administration policy, and ruled that the Geneva Conventions apply.

What is the nature of the Cabal that has been gaslighting us for seventy years?  When God was abandoned, Science was adopted and science includes the disciplines of Behaviorist Conditioning, that is modification and control of humans population without their knowledge.

0024 Volume XVI How Blinding is Your Worldview

YouTube removed one of my videos this morning that was three years old. When I viewed the content I discovered that it perfect fit as the next video in this series because it showed how my Worldview in March of 2018 accurately predicted the events of the last three years and how people with other worldviews were fooled into "magic beliefs" and could not see clearly. I paused for a few comments but play the entire video, and everything I said looks prophetic. The exercise is not to crow and say, "see I was right." Rather it is to show how we can no longer make excuses for our naivety, all those who were partially awaken in 2012, or 2016, having witnessed the events of 2018, 2019, 2020, & 2021 are without excuse now, it is knowing self-deception if now they engage in magic thinking.

April 3rd 2018 Program Notes

Qanon and the Widow in the Black Dress

Wow, after I posted this video Q went wild and posted some of the nuttiest shite I have ever seen. It appears the ramblings of an insane man, complete with militant military video like something from Doctor Strangelove. Qanon tried to absolve himself of all responsibility for the insane level of hysteria and false expectations he spent 60 days building up prior to March 2018 and even into the middle of March, with two letters, "NK" and for good measure he offered up a black shrouded 9/11 Widow, everything else in his drops of just before and after midnight 4/2 & 4/3/2018 was public record hyped to appear as "intel."

0024 Volume XVII How Blinding is Your Worldview
The efforts of the Cabal to create a united narrative are comical. The comedy work of Molly Ball, selling us on "heroic work of the ruling Cabal,"  is eclipsed by Anne Applebaum, cautioning against the evils of the Soviet Takeover of Eastern Europe, accidentally but perfectly describing what is happening here. She literally laments that so few in the Eastern Bloc "resisted."  Then follows her very violent rhetoric when describing ordinary Americans who object to and resist the Globalist/Fascist/Marxist takeover that indeed has happened, calling us equal to South American Rebels who ran DEATH SQUADS.  

Is my take fiction?  Did you know that this week the G7 agreed to the first non-hidden Globalist Tax? One good thing is that they will no longer need the smokescreens and cons of Global Warming and Climate Change to create a hidden tax if they can impose taxes in the open.

My words are not hyperbolic or conspiracy theory; I am just describing events as they have unfolded at this point in time.

0024 Volume XVII on Gab T.V.

As you see, if you have been following, as I have been creating videos, I have been constructing these pages to give an outline of the video content and to share added material.  It isn't a literary exercise, it is a liberty exercise as I hope that some will come across the knowledge shared here and that it will spark renewed curiosity, the emotion that is absolutely necessary to learn anything. It is an emotion that except for its prurient and purulent varieties has been stamped out in Americans by the Systematic Dumbing-Down of the Cultural Marxist Education system.   I've been accused of being pretentious in sharing my Worldview, and my perspective and experience of it. Of course the import of that is the suggestion that I should just remain silent and stop wasting my time, that I should move on to more appropriate endeavors.  In the face of that accusation, I engaged in a long conversation recently with a 40ish year old high school biology teacher, very pretty and articulate.  We had a hard hitting discussion because I really wanted to shake her out of her comfort zone and past the dynamic of our usual sentimental or religious discourse.  What I discovered shocked me. When I pressed about how she reconciled teaching Darwinism when it had been refuted, her only reference was religious. She was shocked that she didn't have to fall back on her religious aphorisms to try to open the student's minds past the extreme materialism she taught. In fact she was not familiar with any research whatsoever that has literally destroyed Evolution as a viable rational scientific model.  She had never heard of the Holodomor.  She did not recognize the name Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. Then as follows she had never heard of the Gulag Archipelago.  She was absolutely clueless about these things.  I wasn't really shocked. This person was struggling with my definition of "Marxized Education," she had never heard of Charlotte Iserbyt and "The Deliberate Dumbing-Down" of education in America.  Now, understand this person has a masters degree, has taught school for quite some time and perfectly demonstrates the reason for me doing this series.  She could have no concept that part of Marxist education and the Judeo-Media control information means that there are many vital, life survival things that were purposely left out of her education, held from being a part of her Worldview, her personal encyclopedia of information, and how could she be faulted for not knowing that to which she had not been exposed. The withholding of information is a huge part of the dumbing down, a major part of the Marxised reality.  This teacher and mother, upstanding, responsible American citizen, with children in military school, a orthodox convert of several years and altogether fine, in fact, precious person whom I love, is not character flawed for such a narrow understanding of the world, but a victim of a system of which she was most nascent. My encounter at this moment was most fortunate, because it removed from me any doubt that I was wasting my time with this exercise.

The lengths that the Cabal is using to control information is amazing.  Take note of this example.

(regress to story of Anne applebaum's speech about and the fellow introducing her saying the same things youtube gave me a strike for saying. )

If you watch this video of Anne Applebaum the Pulitzer Prize winning historian describing from the public record how the Soviets post WWII were able to imprint their communist system, their particular band of totalitarianism all across Eastern Europe, from East Germany, Poland and the Balkans, through a mostly non-violent, non-military process of legal and social control that made it abundantly convenient to capitulate and almost impossible to find a "cause" to rationally resist, you will surely realize the imprint of what has happened and is happening in 2020 and 2021 America and other places. The parallel in the soft coercion of the Covid Lock-downs, removing Trump from power through the big lie, openly enacted against us, conditioning so many to wear a useless mask. The parallels are there easy to see, where anyone who tried to combat the lies is seen as dangerous. 

The present persecution of the owners of GAB, where financial institutions are refusing to process their transactions; The owner of Gab disclosing this week that they are unable to find a bank that will allow them to have a business account.  And the Texas governor, with the Israeli flag behind him making statements against Gab calling it "anti-semetic."

Laura Loomer, herself a Jew, who has been crucified by the Cabal spoke out against the attack on Gab.  Now in all honesty let us admit that Laura Loomer, in positioning herself as the "Republican AOC (Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez) or as I dub her Alex-houndria-occasional-cortex she seems to me a "player" in the Hegelian Dialectic Control structure, so, although she is quite well known, saying a lot of the right things, I have never mentioned her till now.  But still this is a striking picture of mindcontrol.

Laura Loomer is an award-winning conservative investigative journalist, free-speech activist, and former Republican US congressional nominee in Florida’s 21st District. She is the author of “LOOMERED: How I Became the Most Banned Woman in the World.” Follow her on Gab and Parler @LauraLoomer, and on Telegram @loomeredofficial

"After being banned by Big Tech in 2018, I, as a Jewish journalist, was warmly welcomed into the Gab community, where free speech is welcomed, unlike on Twitter and Facebook. Can someone explain how that makes it anti-Semitic?

"You know what they say? Everything is bigger in Texas, and that seems to also apply to the free speech hypocrisy that was just displayed by Texas Governor Greg Abbott, who has spent the last few weeks touting himself and his state as a place where free speech would be protected and Big Tech censorship wouldn’t be tolerated. 

"Now, Governor Abbott has done a complete 180 and has publicly attacked the free speech site Gab, accusing it of being “anti-Semitic.” During a recorded statement, which he posted on anti-free speech site Twitter, Governor Abbott said, “Anti-Semitic platforms like Gab have no place in Texas, and certainly do not represent Texas values.”

"As he made the statement, he was sitting next to state representatives Phil King and Craig Goldman in front of an Israeli flag, despite the fact that Governor Abbott is an American lawmaker who is beholden to the values within the United States Constitution, including the First Amendment which is not conditional on our US relations with Israel.

“Texas values” and Texas free speech laws are supposed to be in alliance with the United States Constitution, and while anti-Semitism is offensive speech, offensive speech is still constitutionally protected speech.

"As a Jewish woman who also happens to be the most banned woman in the world, and the first deplatformed federal candidate in US history, I do not find Gab to be anti-Semitic as a platform. While Gab certainly has some anti-Semitic users, that doesn’t make Gab itself an anti-Semitic platform.

"As a free speech platform, the fact that Gab allows for even the most offensive speech to exist on its platform is a testament to its commitment to being a true free speech platform. However, violent speech is where Gab draws the line, as it should, because incitement of violence is not constitutionally protected speech.

"If Governor Abbott is going to claim that Gab is anti-Semitic and that it shouldn’t be allowed in Texas, then he should also say the same for Twitter and Facebook.

"I was permanently banned from Twitter on November 21, 2018 for a tweet in which I called Congresswoman Ilhan Omar “anti-Jewish.” Ilhan Omar is such an anti-Semite that House Democrats were forced to pass a resolution on anti-Semitism. It was later revealed by the Wall Street Journal that I was banned from Twitter after the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) lobbied Twitter executives to ban me.  In 2014, CAIR was classified as a terrorist organization in the United Arab Emirates and labeled as a Muslim Brotherhood entity by the United States. Hamas is the Palestinian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood.

As I have reported on extensively, CAIR still has a Twitter account and various branches in Texas. In 2008, CAIR was named an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation terrorism trial, the largest terrorism financing case in US history, which took place in Texas.

During the trial, CAIR was labeled as a Muslim Brotherhood entity by the United States Justice Department and was found by a federal judge, the US attorney general’s office, and the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals as having direct ties to Hamas. On July 1, 2009, Chief US District Court Judge Jorge Solis out of Northern Texas upheld CAIR’s designation as a co-conspirator in the terrorism financing trial, declaring that there was “ample evidence” that linked CAIR to Hamas.

As a result of this trial out of Texas, the FBI discontinued its work with CAIR. Meanwhile, the US State Department classified Hamas as a designated terrorist organization in 2008. Hamas’ stated goals are the destruction of Israel and the killing of Jews. 

Despite these facts, CAIR is still allowed to operate on Twitter and Facebook, as well as in the state of Texas, while I as a Jewish journalist and congressional candidate remain banned. CAIR, despite its blatant hatred of Jews and terrorist ties, still enjoys access to Big Tech executives and Texas officials, who have never once attempted to call out its anti-Semitism.

While conservatives are being purged from the internet, silenced and deplatformed for simply supporting President Donald Trump, Texas officials like Houston’s Mayor Sylvester Turner have been busy dedicating a citywide holiday to CAIR.

(Edited - unrelated paragraph)

When Big Tech silenced me as a Jewish journalist for exposing Ilhan Omar’s anti-Semitism and ties to CAIR, it was Gab that came to the rescue and offered me a platform. I have been using Gab since 2016, and Andrew Torba, the CEO of Gab, has only treated me with respect and kindness. 

Gab is a true free speech platform. CAIR has been designated as a terrorist organization overseas and has documented ties to radical Islamic groups that kill Jews. Yet CAIR and its executives still enjoy more internet and platform access and free speech rights in America than I do, and they have more platform access and less scrutiny from Governor Abbott than Gab has.

If Governor Abbott is so concerned about keeping Jew hatred out of Texas, how come he has never once said CAIR has no place in Texas and that CAIR’s values aren’t Texas values?

Governor Abbott is wrong and extremely misguided to say Gab has no place in Texas. As Gab tweeted in November 2018, just five days after I was permanently banned by Twitter for exposing anti-Semitism, “Just spoke with Laura Loomer… Gab, which the media has falsely smeared as a “Nazi platform” is the only platform on the internet to give this Jewish journalist a voice.”

When I ran for Congress in Florida’s 21st District as the first deplatformed candidate in US history, and made history by winning my primary and securing the endorsement and vote of President Donald Trump, who lives in FL-21, it was Gab that gave my campaign a platform while Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and PayPal refused to let my campaign have accounts or run ads. It is worth noting that as a Jewish woman, Florida 21, the district where I ran for Congress in 2020 and am now running again in 2022, is the most Jewish District in America.


Anne Applebaum, wittingly or unwittingly paints an unmistakable parallel of the Marxist Control mechanism over Soviet Eastern Europe, the so called Soviet Block countries and our present experience proves that this isn't a matter of anti-semetism (Jew hate) but an attack on basic liberties.

What Anne Applebaum discloses in the quiet mostly non-violent suppression of totalitarianism, (using the parallel) no financial institution is willing to stand up for Gab against the Cabal, because to stand with the Cabal is infanitely more convenient, profitable and creates good relations.  It is an exact parallel.

If we add to the massive control structure the Soviets were able to exercise over the peoples of Eastern Europe, through their de-normalizing everything, as I have stated in previous videos about our time, creating a lie list one must parrot back when expected, a lie list that voids our humanity and common sense; they were using by comparison really primitive technology that was paper record books and files, and five year plans, and index reference cards; with today's power of AI and the digital world, the suppression we face is exceedingly more powerful.  We have to understand that power, to have the knowledge to combat it.

0024 Vol XVIII  How Blinding is Your Worldview.

The Scientific Dictatorship and the Future of Humanity |
This is a short history of the "control Technology."

Written by Bond Robin, in August of 2020
De-Marxification is a word you need to learn because if we are lucky . . . no . . . if God has mercy on us and answers the prayers of tens of millions of Americans this process of De-Marxification JUST NOW BEGUN, (I reference the years 2015 to 2020) will last for years, decades really, that is IF we are faithful to wrest our consciousness from the Luciferian Media, and demand that the attacks on everything that is True, Good and Beautiful be halted, that every mechanism of Marxism be extracted from our institutions. You see, Trump JUST NOW, was placed in the position where it was possible to move frontally against Marxist in Government, NAMING them Marxists; he fired and remove from the Federal Government a group of Luciferian Marxist, FOR SPREADING their Marxism. The particular type he attacked was Critical Race Theory, but there is more to come."

You may say, but look at what they did to Trump! What they did to Trump only accelerated the process of de-Marxification.  How?  Because many tens of millions watched the Marxist Cabal at work in the open, in front of them to destroy democratic processes. The more people that see the Marxists at work, the more tools that are exposed to us, the easier it will be to defeat them. Andrew Torba who was slandered by the Governor of Texas, sent out this letter, and he is absolutely right.

Andrew Torba's letter about being attacked by the Governor of Texas. "Don't Mess with Gab."

What follows is from the Christian Observer
with additions and commentary by Bond Robin.

Aldous Huxley:

“The older dictators fell because they could never supply their subjects with enough bread, enough circuses, enough  miracles, and mysteries.

Under a scientific dictatorship, education will really work…with the result that most men and women will grow up to love their servitude and will never dream of revolution.

There seems to be no good reason why a thoroughly scientific dictatorship should ever be overthrown (Huxley, Brave New WORLD Revisited, p. 116, 1958).”

Enough "Miracles and Mysteries" is a very important concept to grasp.  We are going to go into depth about the UFO Gaslighting, now eighty-three years of it.  But to understand it, we have to know this history of mind control and the rapid advances in technology.

President Dwight D. Eisenhower’s legendary farewell speech is often cited in condemnation of the Military Industrial Complex, which is intimately connected to the subject at hand. However, there is another little discussed yet vital topic in the latter half of his speech. “The prospect of domination of the nation’s scholars by Federal employment, project allocations, and the power of money is ever present and is gravely to be regarded,” warned Eisenhower. “Yet, in holding scientific research and discovery in respect, as we should, we must also be alert to the equal and opposite danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific technological elite.”

(When Rod Rosenstein's sister

Dr Redfield - director of the CDC

CDC’s Dr. Anne Schuchat

Dr Fauci head of infectious diseases at the National Institute of Health

stepped into the Oval Office and demanded that President Trump immediately shut down the country we saw the true power of the Scientistic {not Scientific} Dictatorship Elite at work.  At that point, Trump worked at their pleasure and could have been removed via the 25th amendment for failing to "believe the science" which is considered by the Scientistic Dictatorship Elite a mental disorder and is recognized as such by the Government in submission to them. Had he not danced to there tune it would have been a boot up his arse as they kicked him out the door. At that point his presidency was over.

How did these people come to have such power? 

To fully understand the "Scientistic and Scientific Dictatorship Elite, and the philosophy  behind it, the two best books on the subject are written by the Collins brothers Paul and Phillip.  The first book pictured below is almost five hundred pages, like a stream of consciousness without paragraphs.

The second book I picture later the title is: "INVOKING the BEYOND: The Kantian Rift, Mythologized Menaces, and the Quest for the New Man"  it is eleven-hundred and seventy pages in nine or ten pica lettering, also without any breaks except chapter heading and no paragraphs. It's not literature it is as the first book a conscious stream of FACTS with thoroughly documented ascriptions. So what the Collins brothers have detailed we are going to dance over not even by outline of their monumental work, just the merest introduction with the help of Daniel Taylor. And Doctor Wolfgang Smith

To understand the difference between Science and Scientism no better introduction can be given that by Dr Woldgang Smith. He recently wrote a letter to every priest he could find in the world and I was so humbled that the added a little hand written note to me, reminding me of a conversation many years ago. 

Who is Dr. Wolfgang Smith?

(I am not reproducing Dr Smith's letter here, since it was written for a selective audience.  I am going to read the introduction he included to the letter. )

0024 Vol IX How Blinding is Your Worldview
A short survey of The Scientistic/Scientific Dictatorship's History.

I was really having some doubts about rehearsing the history of Scientism, its Mind Control aspects and how it has come to be the way it is, that everything we are seeing in the media is a lie.  I ran across two videos that reminded me of the importance of all our history telling, that is each of us relating what he knows, what he has researched, what we have learned.  Firstly to understand where we are we have to know how we got here, and as I have said many times, if we do not know how we got here, we cannot know where "here" is, and are left to battle false battles, and false enemies, and even Phantoms as the Collins brothers have so thoroughly documented.

Here is a video of a movie produced for the King of England showing the King just how huge and powerful the British Empire was at the turn of the 20th Century; for two hundred years it had literally controlled the world having one third of the world's population directly under its authority and a great portion of the others in its control and sphere of influence.

Michael McKibben on a video produced by Tyla and Douglas Gabriel (aim4Truth) reminded me why learning this foundation is so very important.

Through much suffering, the people of Russia, the people of Soviet Central Asia, and finally following WWII the people of Eastern Europe experienced not merely the terrors of Communism and State Terror, but the consequences of the British plan. Their plan was not perfect and their requirement of State Atheism ruined their control and they had to go back to the blackboard and create new, "ever-evolving plans" and that is an important concept to grasp, "ever-evolving plans of control," as Michael and Gabriel just outlined, willing to use any "ism" as a tool of control.  If you have been following this series, "How Blinding is Your Worldview" you have seen me outline the Cabal's use of American Christianism for its Luciferian purposes and the use of Judaism for its Luciferian purposes and the use of Vaticanism for its Luciferian purposes and the use of Pharnarism for its Luciferian purposes, the use of the Senior Executive Services, the secret core government of the United States, the use of the Media and how that was organized decades before the CIA existed. (I reference Michael McKibben's excellent research I reproduced in a video on the Pilgrim's Society taking control of all English Speaking Media in 1905.)  If we simply battle Progressivism, or Communism, or Socialism, or Marxism, or Genderism, or any of the other "isms" we cannot win, we cannot restore SANITY.  In fact by entering their paradigm they have created with whatever particular "ism" we become their tool in a massive Hagelian Dialectic Control LARP. (Live Action Roll Play)  It is with bitterness that I held hope that the million plus people who gathered in D.C. on January the 6th, were gather by a President that was a prisoner, and the Cabal that was steps ahead of us, ready to use those people as extras in a false flag, no different than the phantom of "Bloody Sunday."  By that time 10 months in to the FAKE-Pandemic and the operation of what is called, "Fear Appeal Theory", in this case an in your face operation of fear mongering unlike anything ever before in history . . . by that time we were locked into a lose-lose scenerio because we had to show raw political strength and that can only be done in numbers, and we knew that it would be used against us by the psyop-media, we were not aware that the Shadow Government would use it as an excuse to go public and publicly take control.

Who Are “They”?

Daniel Taylor writing in the Christian Observer continues:

I firmly believe that in the absence of historical background and full spectrum context, present day and future issues cannot be fully understood. This report will attempt to clarify the essence of the term “Scientific Dictatorship” by providing historical context and stories of the individuals involved in its modern manifestation.

The ideological roots of the Scientific Dictatorship can be traced to the works of Plato some 2,000 years ago. In truth, humanity has been battling the formation of this tyranny for much of known history.

Apocatastasis (/ æpoʊkəˈtæstəsɪs /, from Greek: ἀποκατάστασις, apokatástasis) is reconstitution, restitution, or restoration to the original or primordial condition.  If Platonic/Origen Apocatastasis were true, it would be the only thing, the over-arching escatological goal, and all paths to God, any path, no path, total rebellion against God, human sacrificing cults, etc. -  would result in the exact same "salvation."  How this ties in, is that man could create his own path, bastardize and morph the image of God into the Borg, or any other transhuman monstrosity and ultimately all would be well.  In this context it is interesting to note that the humans who were destroyed in the flood, were not destroyed because of their great sinfulness. Many societies and cultures have been deeply sinful, almost all of them resorting to human sacrifice, they were destroyed because human flesh had become corrupt, it was more than sub-human, demonic and no longer holding the image of God. With today's power of DNA manipulation accomplished so cheaply via the CRISPR technology hastening the corruption of all flesh, lends new meaning to the term, "as in the days of Noah."

The formation of the United States Constitution created a barrier that H. G. Wells wrote in 1901, had “…to be modified or shelved at some stage…”

The focus here is on the modern forms of scientific power that began in the 20th Century and are blossoming in the 21st Century. The Scientific Dictatorship is composed of unelected individuals that have access to the reigns of power. These individuals have access to undisclosed future technology, classified intelligence, and the ability to steer scientific research that impacts our entire society.

A Rogues Gallery of Scientistic "Action Intellectuals" who created the mechanisms of Control.


Next we have, Julian Huxley, Aldous Huxley.  Aldous Huxley was a propaganda master and Julian Huxley, a tool of Allen Dullas, the first head of the CIA, and tool of British power in the U.S. (few know that MI6 created the CIA and has managed it as a step-child ever since) . . . Julian Huxley was elevated to become the first head of UNESCO, The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization whose first paper was on "population control" euphemism for Eugenics and Genocide.

Charles Galton Darwin: 

H.G. Wells: Master propagandist.

These and many others provide the mental framework from which this modern tyranny is based upon. The following are several examples of men who helped form the Scientific Dictatorship of the 21st Century. For readers who are new to this information, what you see here is a small portion of the full kaleidoscope of information available. This will give you a start for any in-depth research that you should decide to do.

Vannevar Bush: First Science Advisor, Founder of Raytheon


Born in 1890, Vannevar Bush would become the first Science Advisor to the United States government during World War II under President Franklin Roosevelt. Bush played a vital role in the creation of what we know today as the Military Industrial Complex. Specifically, the method of scientific research of this gargantuan organization – beginning with the Office of Scientific Research and Development – was devised by Vannevar.

The roots of the internet can be traced to Bush’s ideas in 1945. The forerunner to the computer itself can also be attributed to his early designs. With the help of the large foundations, Vennevar Bush pioneered many of the modern instruments of the Scientific Dictatorship. Bush’s most notable accomplishment was serving as the organizer of the Manhattan Project which produced the Atomic bomb.

Bush’s work with the Manhattan Project helped to cement the centralization of scientific research under the U.S. Military. This combine of research and development has since then developed into a network of contractors and various agencies. (and huge corporations like Google that is fiscally larger than most countries in the world, and also has non-law-hampered research).  One of the world’s largest defense contractors of today is the Raytheon Company, founded by Vannevar in 1922. 

Much of the technology that is initially developed by the military is inevitably released into society. 

(I Bond Robin do not believe this to be true. I think there is light years of technological advances held from us.)

One such example is the internet. Vannevar Bush’s initial ideas are considered to be the ideological roots of the internet. In a 1945 paper titled “As We May Think” Bush writes on his “memex” concept, (and by the way, this blog is the result of his memex concept and functions exactly as he said it would. If you could see me researching, reading, vetting sources, composing, quoting etc, it function exactly as he said it would.)

“The owner of the memex, let us say, is interested in the origin and properties of the bow and arrow. He has dozens of possibly pertinent books and articles in his memex. First he runs through an encyclopedia, finds an interesting but sketchy article, leaves it projected on his screen… Occasionally he inserts a comment of his own, either linking it into the main trail or joining it by a side trail to a particular item… Thus he builds a trail of his interest through the maze of materials available to him.”

DARPA would eventually develop the internet and bring it to reality. While the internet is being used today as an unprecedented tool for surveillance, it is at the same time serving as an unmatched medium for activism.

From 1935 to 1946 the Rockefeller Foundation(broken link) funded Vannevar Bush’s development of the mechanical differential analyzer at MIT for a total of $230,500.  

This device, along with the Hollerith machine, is considered to be one of the forerunners of the desktop computer that we all know and use today.

The Hollerith Electric Tabulating System, specializing in punched card data processing equipment.
A key idea was that a datum could be recorded by the presence or absence of a hole at a specific location on a card. For example, if a specific hole location indicates marital status, then a hole there can indicate married while not having a hole indicates single. Hollerith determined that data in specified locations on a card, arranged in rows and columns, could be counted or sorted electromechanically. A description of this system, An Electric Tabulating System (1889), was submitted by Hollerith to Columbia University as his doctoral thesis,[8] and is reprinted in Randell's book.[9] On January 8, 1889, Hollerith was issued U.S. Patent 395,782,[10] claim 2 of which reads:
The herein-described method of compiling statistics, which consists in recording separate statistical items pertaining to the individual by holes or combinations of holes punched in sheets of electrically non-conducting material, and bearing a specific relation to each other and to a standard, and then counting or tallying such statistical items separately or in combination by means of mechanical counters operated by electro-magnets the circuits through which are controlled by the perforated sheets, substantially as and for the purpose set forth. +++

Bush also served as president of the Carnegie Institution from 1939 to 1955, where he helped shift the organization’s focus away from old-style eugenics to population control. In A social history of anthropology in the United StatesThomas Carl Patterson writes that as President, “…Vannevar… ended its support for Davenport’s projects [The Eugenics Records Office]. The eugenics movement was transformed with Rockefeller support as its focus shifted from heredity to population control and to birth-control experiments on an international scale.”

As G. Pascal Zachary documents in his book Endless Frontier, Bush gave lip service to the importance of the individual, but he was an advocate of a type of technocracy in which society is ruled “…by the well-to-do and highly educated.” He also saw “…populism and the widening participation of citizens in the machinery of government as a recipe for decline.” Zachary comments that “Bush’s fear of the ‘blind mass’ was widely shared in his circle of senior scientists and engineers.” Also documented in Endless Frontier,

“As the years went on, the prevailing respect for experts emboldened Bush to advocate technocracy even more unabashedly. In the mid 1950s, he made headlines by calling for a “natural aristocracy” that would govern “the climate of opinion” in the country out of which politics and values arise.”

“As the years went on, the prevailing respect for experts emboldened Bush  . . ." People don't realize that there was a massive propaganda operation in the 20th century that actually began in the late 19th century with the donning of "White."  You saw the democrat skanks in Congress use this "psyop" at Trump's State of the Union Speaches.  Traditionally scientist and doctors wore black. They began to transitioin to white as these historic painting by Thomas Eakins portray:

The appearance of Doctors and Scientist in White "Lab Coats" was a propaganda tool used in the 1950s to herd the public to Polio Vaccines. Today the white lab coat is part of the "Expert's Culture."  Here is a class of medical students going through the "white coat initiation" before they are allowed to see patience.

So when Alex Jones says concerning the Globalist Oligarchs, that the top level is literally populated by evil Doctors and Scientists, it really isn't conspiracy theory but a record of how the alternative government was formed inside our present government made up of Military Power and Scientific and Scientistic Control.

Much of what Vannevar Bush set in motion led directly to the explosion of technological advancement that we are witnessing today. While technology itself is neutral, the elites that are directing its development are doing so with specific agendas in mind, and we are not being asked to debate it.

0024 Vol XX  How Blinding is Your Worldview

What is the power of the Scientistic Dictatorship? At this point in time March of 2020, it appears complete.

I've discovered a video of the Eugenics Doctor and monster Dr. Joseph Mengele's son relating how he was invited to visit his father, not long before Mengele's accidental drowning, or heart attack (mixed stories) on or off a beach in Brazil.  I looked at the little house where the Malthusian monster, Mengele, peacefully lived for thirty-five years following his crimes against humanity and it hit me, how the Scientistic Dictatorship Masters are protected.

Doctor Mengela's Peaceful Cottage in Brazil.

Their use of murderous technologies covered over and ignored and even when not, monsters like Mengela were protected are protected. Look at the health officials in New York and the Malthusian Governor.   I guarantee you that sparing Mengela to his peaceful little cottage was justified as being "for the greater good" and I would bet important body parts that as the record of his monstrous experiments were studied, that he was consulted.  The greater good is a huge temptation to excuse all kinds of human scientific cruelty.  Having recently gone through laser surgery to restore the sight in my left eye, would no doubt be this day blind in that eye if it were not for the pioneering of laser eye surgery experiments by some monsters in the Soviet union that blinded many hundreds of people, who were then executed to cover the crimes. The truth of these experiments use to be publicly available, now it has all be whitewashed and the monster celebrated.
To Wit:

You see, first there is technology and then there is the use of technology and how it will be received and how it will control. Then comes Scenario Planning.

Herman Kahn: Father of Scenario Planning

You cannot draw a line where the RAND Corporation ends and the Hudson Institution begins, nor between the RAND Corporation, Hudson Institution and the CIA/Department of Defense/Department of State.  These are literally incestuous.  If you wondered about Mike Pompeo's victory laps as Trump was being illegally driven from office, Mike is a member of the Club, his future is never in doubt. Scientistic authority extends to the Masters of Political Science.  They are the first tear of authority, all are CIA agents, (if not outright officers) or agents of MI6 and the rest, floating from Government to adjunct Institutions ever protected, ever supported, ever safe, ever non-touchable. 

All the Hudson Institute does is Scenario Planning. But when the Scenario is too risky then they (The Scientistic Establishment) pop up a temporary Think-Tank.

What was "The Project for the New American Century"?  It was a temporary "think tank" that engaged in Scenario Planning that locked the United States into the last 20 years of constant and multiple wars. They also gave us 911; we cannot restate it too often the simple facts of history, that their paper first published as the culmination of their three years of study and Futuristic Scenario Planning, suggested that they needed "a new Pearl Harbor type event, to galvanize public support" for their planned wars of conquest, and 18 months later we all lived through 911, and NOTHING the CIA Media has told you about it is true. It is also simple fact, and NOT hate speech to note that every member of the executive board of that group were Jews, and eighty percent of the next layer of PNAC  experts were also Jews, and most of these Jews were dual American/Israeli citizens.   You see, Futuristic Scenario planning can have a very dark side. This is not Alvin Toffler ruminating about societal shifts and challenges, these are greedy conquerors planning to own the world.

If you doubt me, let us take a little journey back to some CIA Propaganda published in 1968. I remember reading this and knowing that we were in real trouble. At the time I was participating in regular "brainstorming sessions" with some people, one became a U.S. Congressman and was the first person to use the term "New World Order" on national T.V., he was shortly assassinated for his efforts.  I remember vividly confronting this idea of a "power shift" away from elected officials to non-elected experts. The thought was chilling then and a thousand times more chilling today, in that we have seen it played out before our eyes and so many people are hypnotized and can't understand what they have seen vis a vis the 2020 Election.

“Herman Kahn has been a major figure in one of the most fascinating shifts of power in U.S. History: from identifiable public leaders to the ‘action intellectuals.’” – Life Magazine, December 6, 1968 (Life Magazine which was then controlled by the CIA)

If you read Molly Ball's Article in Time Magazine (a CIA Publication) you were introduced to a Cabal of "Action Intellectuals" that stole the 2020 election.

Herman Kahn is known as one of the founding fathers of future studies. After working for the RAND Corporation, Kahn founded the Hudson Institute in 1961. The satirical film Dr. Strangelove is largely based on real documents and ideas that came from RAND.  Here is Doctor Strangelove explaining the practicality of the "Doomsday Machine."

The December 6, 1968 edition of Life Magazine details Kahn’s career, and the larger implications of an unprecedented shift of power to unelected “action intellectuals.” As Life Magainze reports,

“…Herman Kahn has been a major figure in one of the most fascinating shifts of power in U.S. History: from identifiable public leaders to the ‘action intellectuals.’ As counselors to the decision-makers, men such as Kahn often have access to future technology (what is known, but not yet disclosed) and official intelligence (what is known, but not yet revealed, about the capacities and plans of other nations).

Thus, decisions – based on private knowledge, analyzed by private consultants and debated in private – can become public policy. This is a process of invisible power.

    “The power of Scientism that has made it unassailable is its claim to be ‘Science’”
    - Dr Wolfgang Smith.


    Fake Science and Their Scientistic Elite.
    At the moment we see a group of Oligarchs (Scientistic Masters) having taken control of the reigns of power are using powerful propaganda and dangerous RNA altering so-called "vaccines" to both control and I think most likely to cull a large portion of the world's population. The goal may not be extermination, but rather sterilization, which is a long stated goal, and there is a record of these "masters" conducting like sterilization "vaccine programs" in both Africa and India that sterilized hundreds of thousands.
    Bill Gates
    Ted Turner
    Al Gore
    What was that weird little witch from Scandinavia, that pitiful little mildly Autistic witch? Oh yeah, Greta Thunberg.
    These and hundreds more .. .
    The most obscene are the actual scientists who have bastardized themselves and their professions for the BIG LIE.
    Some entire disciplines are fake science, for instance:
    Gender Studies
    Most of Anthropology
    A great portion of biology.
    All post Christian Philosophy
    90 percent of environmental science
    Eugenics and their modern iteration “Evolutionary Demographers”

Covid-19 was planned in advance.
Did you know that in the late 1920s and 1930s forty percent of Germany's Psychiatrists volunteered to join the S.S. The SS, or the Schutzstaffel, was created in 1925 originally to serve as Hitler’s personal bodyguards. Meaning Protective Echelon, the Gestapo was a division of the S.S.  Why would "mental health professionals" rush to join Hitler's inner circle of authority?  Do you think it is different here today?  Aren't they talking about Covid Passports, meaning a document of Vaccine compliance required to travel even from state to state, to attend concerts, maybe even to grocery shop.  This push for "Papers Please" is not new. But now the Scientistic Dictatorship believes that it has the power through "Fear Appeal Theory" to control travel in this way.  Like I say, the goal is not new, the push for a national I.D. Card is at least 50 years old and following 9/11 they added the goal of "checkpoints." For 15 years the Federal Government pressed local police to operate "random check points" they called "safety checks." This is an assault on Liberty and it must not stand.

American's have willingly fought three major and many minor wars to avoid this very thing, the destruction of free movement around the country, they are trying to install under the heading of "keeping us safe."  Their interest has never been our safety, but their control by whatever means necessary.

Remember, it is always loss of liberty for our safety and security.  So what are the very first words in the psyop to push Covid-19 restrictions and Vaccine compliance?  "The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in Partnership with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the World Health Organization - presents Event 201."  I can only guess that Event 101 was the FEAR APPEAL of 9/11/2001, and we are going to get to that "event" and prove that none of the theories as to how it could physically happen are true, that it was the use of multiple means of advanced technology and was not an attack by ragheads from the Middle Eastern Desert.

"The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation hosted Event 201, a high-level pandemic exercise on October 18, 2019, in New York, NY. The exercise illustrated areas where public/private partnerships will be necessary during the response to a severe pandemic in order to diminish large-scale economic and societal consequences.

"In recent years, the world has seen a growing number of epidemic events, amounting to approximately 200 events annually. These events are increasing, and they are disruptive to health, economies, and society. Managing these events already strains global capacity, even absent a pandemic threat. Experts agree that it is only a matter of time before one of these epidemics becomes global—a pandemic with potentially catastrophic consequences. A severe pandemic, which becomes “Event 201,” would require reliable cooperation among several industries, national governments, and key international institutions.

Speaking of Event 201 - what was it that Bond Robin published March 2nd 2018.  I knew in my gut that event 201 was coming that it was going to make 9/11 look like playtime.

At that moment they were already "setting it up."

Event 201 discussions

The Scientistic Cabal:

    At its extreme this influence can commit a nation to social programs and military actions which have neither been fully explained nor publicly debated. One day, as that power pervades and grows more sophisticated, it may so affect the course of government that any nation’s policies may be locked in, as if by automatic pilot, years before the men who are elected to govern ever take office.”

(We have just seen the reality of this happen in real time. First the pandemic, all the chaos and gaslighting, the Cabal as Molly Ball expressed it of Business Leaders, Think Tank Masters, Clergy, National and Local Officials, even Corporation P.R. groups, etc., coordinating together to subvert the election process, fake the count and now a power that we cannot see is actually governing, and Washington has become window dressing an operation to make dullards believe "the gubmutt is functioning." )

Bond Robin writing from the woods, on March 21st 2021.

It is really bad for the Cabal for me to be in the woods with Wifi that will support only txt. Firstly prayer is easier and thoughts jell without interruption and distraction. 

To wit:
The Cabal’s use of the Mask-Hysteria, we all said it is not for health but for control. There is a direct parallel in the term “Heil Hitler.” Children were forced to say it probably a hundred times in a day, standard protocol for all greetings. Adults enthusiastically or reluctantly bowed to the protocol. Failure to honor the protocol came with serious social consequences. At a distance people saw others extending their arms in the greeting even from hundreds of yards away. Whether you can grasp it or not, this is the exact psychological conditioning at work with the Mask-Hysteria. It is not just compliance to 2+2=5, but the witness that it is the “acceptable state.”

Speaking of the acceptable state, it was with grief that I heard Bill Still relate that out of fear of losing his YouTube Channel he had voluntarily removed over 3000 videos from his channels. That is warped thinking. At the same time in the same paragraph he related that he wife had just returned from the grocery store and reported that she and one other person were the only non-masked people in the store.  This is that WALL of Publicity creating FEAR, and the fear of death, and the fear of the death of a YouTube Channel are really not different, both are capitulations to fear, proving that for even some of the Truth tellers the fear mongering "Fear Appeal Theory" is working and we have to break its back.  We cannot do so by withdrawing voluntarily.

If you doubt me how many masks do you see a day while knowing they are useless maybe even harmful? People putting them on, taking them off, adjusting them, wearing them with begrudging resistance or enthusiastically complying. If I know the mask is useless vis a vis ANY VIRUS the experts know as well, therefore the mandated and social protocol is not about healthcare; it IS the Scientistic Dictatorship’s “HEIL HITLER.”

Just as the ubiquitous Heil Hitler in Nazi Germany was impossible to avoid so is the Mask-Hysteria. The cunning of these psycho-political manipulators is amazing. It is a dark deep evil intelligence at work while they keep you entertained with Clowns and trying to make you think the Clowns are the real enemy.

Now, understand what they have run on us is an operation of TERROR.  It is an operation they have run on people of various countries around the world for the purpose of conquest, but this time they engaged the entire world.  When those "actional intellectual" on that CoVID planning pannel were outlining how to "impress the danger" of a non-dangerous thing, they were planning a campaign of TERROR.  It is sad to note, but President Trump was so weakened by the threat of removal from office via the Scientistic Dictatorship through the 25th amendment, that he actually cooperated with the Terrorist, and constantly sent out BAT SIGNALS that we were being played.  Sadly this was no so, there seemed to be no resistance in him to the Vaccine Fiasco.

Volume One through Ten

Volume Twenty One through Thirty


  1. Thank you for all the recommended reading material.


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