President Vladimir Putin just announced Russia's First Stike Policy

For a great portion of the Cold War, nuclear conflagration was held at bay, because America refused to surrender its "First Strike" policy. The Soviets were "tempered" in their conventional aggression and proxy wars, always wondering where the line was that would cause the Americans to "strike first." Putin just announced Russia's first strike policy and if there is any sanity left in the West, they will take his warning seriously. I may be wrong, but seems I remember Bob Lawton being a rapture-cult zionist, where his religion has been all about Israel. The present times must be especially challenging for such people to realize their role in protecting the Judeo-Luciferians by bashing anyone as a hater who dare talk about. Bob Lawton, said: There is no sanity left in the west and history will probably record that for at least the last generation it has been the west staging proxy wars and regime change. If the US is to survive we need to stop A...