
Showing posts from November, 2021

The Epstein Maxwell Case

  As you well know, since the Epstein operation, of which Ghislaine Maxwell was an integral part, was a joint CIA/Mossad Operation (just as Maxwell's father was a triple agent, (KGB, MI6, and Mossad), Ghislaine's Trial will not be atrocitized appropriately (and it deserves to be a spectacle). It will be kept very quiet, even secret, with CIA-approved sound bites from inside and outside the court. This is your Shadow Government in Action.  xxx In late 2020 during a bail hearing the Judge was intimidated by Maxwell's attorney, reminding the Judge of her son's murder who was summarily executed professional hit stile when he answered the front door. The Epstein CIA/Mossad operation is just one of the many blackmail honeypot operations run by money laundering for terrorists, drug and sex trafficking. He lived in the largest private dwelling in Manhattan, sold to him by a wealthy Zionist Jewish Billionaire for ONE DOLLAR and other valuable considerations. These are all people...

The New Demarcation Line, Life or Artificial Life and Death.

You picture the founding of America as some gathering of philosophers, all united in principles articulated by Thomas Payne and others. Nothing is further from the truth. Benjamin Franklin's own son was the British Loyalist Governor of New Jersey and fought against his father. Many families were divided like they are now.    H. Tristram Engelhardt, Jr, in his book "After God, describing the present divide between the American people and indeed all the people of all the West, New Zealand, and Australia as well, (former Christendom) said, "In our broken culture, persons are often married to moral strangers. They often have children who are moral strangers to them. Some are even moral strangers to themselves, holding deeply incompatible moral visions. (if you are Christian and got the Vaccine, he just described you) The gulf separating the parties cannot be set aside through an appeal to secular moral rationality, secular, rational game theory, . . . " The gulf has beco...

Nancy Hart Nancy Hart Edited by Debra Michals, PhD | 2015 3-4 minutes Georgia frontierswoman Nancy Morgan Hart was a legendary hero of the American Revolution who made it her mission to rid the Georgia territory of British Loyalists (Tories). According to various accounts, she captured six, killed one, and oversaw the hanging of five others. She also served as a spy . A good deal of folklore surrounds Hart’s story. Born Ann Morgan in either Pennsylvania or North Carolina around 1735 (little is known of her actual birth date); Hart was called “Nancy,” a nickname for Ann. She was said to be an imposing, red-headed woman who grew to be six feet tall and muscular. Hailed for her fearlessness, local Cherokees referred to her as “Wahatche” or “war woman.” Possibly a relative of frontiersman Daniel Boone, she was illiterate but knew much about frontier survival. She was a skill...

MolochRNA, Scientistic Idols, GET THE HENCE! Thus Saith the Holy Spirit of God!

Winston Smith ,  Blessed is our God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto the ages of ages, Amen.   We do not serve a nameless, faceless, prime mover of Thomas Aquinas and Aristotle, but the Person of the Father, and the Person of the Son, and the Person of the Holy Spirit, ONE GOD, in Trinity, forever, Amen.  And we are created in his image. Spoken into existence from NOTHING by his Eternal Word, enlivened by His Holy Spirit that brooded over this earth, like a hen over her nest, springing life into existence. still safe from dna altering nano rewire Still human Created in image of God free and autonomous, will not be bullied, controlled, manipulated or frightened How bout you, were you bullied, altered, injected; was it your choice or was it coerced pressured by manipulated fear Preach it, my Brother! Amen, and Glory Hallelujah! May the Eternal Word of God who spoke us into Being, allow us the strength to protect HIS image in us, and give us stren...

Inviting my Roman Catholic, Evangelical, Baptist and other Protestant Friends to Read this bit of history.

See if you can let this sink in. For my many Evangelical/Baptist and the like, friends, understand that every Bible you own, including the vaunted "Authorized" King James Version, contains as its Old Testament Text, a translation of the Jewish Bible, which extant artifact dates only to the 4th century A.D. having been culled and edited by anti-Christ Rabbis a contemporary version gifted to Saint Jerome for translation into Latin, which became the Roman Catholic, Vulgate Latin Bible, upon which the King James and all protestant bibles are based; even the ones claiming to be translated "directly from the ancient greek" do not follow the ancient Hebrew/Greek Text, which is the Septuagint Bible, which extant artifact is four to five centuries OLDER than the so-called "Hebrew text." Without the CHRISTIAN Orthodox Scriptures, the Modern Jews who invented THE Feast of HANUKKAH would not have any knowledge of the event they celebrate. The MACCABEE MARTYRS and HANU...

Andrew Torba on the Holodomor

Bond Robin Note: The estimate of the number of victims of the systematic starvation of Ukrainians known as the Holodomor ranges between 15 and 30 million, and this figure has been consistent for decades. My Bishop was president of the American/Ukrainian Society for years, and that society put together the estimate. He said to me, "it can't be less than 15 million and may be as high as 30 million. I don't know where Andrew Torba gets his 7 million estimate, but it did not come from the people that know. Maybe he wanted to be conservative when comparing to the Holocaust. Torba is absolutely right that it was a Jewish Genocide of Christian, just in objective reality; in the main, this is undeniable; that is something no Jew and indeed not the powerful Judeo-Luciferian establishment is willing to admit. Andrew Torba: In 1932 and 1933, 7 Million (estimated) Ukrainians were massacred by genocidal famine ordered by the Bolshevik government. Many were Christians. Students do not...

History Fantasy and Fact

Germinal, the thirteenth novel in Émile Zola's great Rougon-Macquart sequence, Germinal expresses outrage at the exploitation of the many by the few, but also shows humanity's capacity for compassion and hope. Etienne Lantier, an unemployed 19-year-old railway worker, who has been a child laborer on the railroad, is very intelligent but uneducated. He had exhausted his money before setting out to walk many miles in the hope of finding work.  He didn't know when he would eat. Hearing of work in the mines, walking in the dark, he sees the belching flames of a steam-driven mine shaft lift and asks for work to keep from starving.  A father with young sons and one daughter, working the mine, takes him in. The mine is operated 24 hours a day, two twelve-hour shifts. Lantier, quickly realized the privation of the miners, who live near destitute lives, just short of starvation, in company shacks next to the mine, where only the women and the very young are spared the descent into ...

The Natural Right of Self Defense

(A repost of an article I wrote in 2014.)  What meaning can gun rights have framed inside the "paper rights" of a voided Constitution?  Conservatives keep writing articles with the underlying premise that the Constitution is just fine, and the Republic REAL and is just fine. Still, at present, it is just not functioning because of corrupt men. That is the constant mantra of the Republicans when Democrats hold power and the Democrats when Republicans have power.  Is this true? Does the Republic still exist? Is it really just about corruption? FACT: The Constitution is not fine, it is LEGALLY VOIDED, and as Supreme Court Chief Justice Roberts wrote in his 2012 ObamaCare travesty - acknowledging the fact that he was ordered or coerced to rule Obamacare constitutional, he said: "it is not the Judiciary's responsibility to protect citizens from bad laws passed by the people they elected." Wait, that is precisely the responsibility of the Judiciary as framed by the Co...